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Everything posted by DeeplyShallow

  1. Well, well, well… adding another (alleged) fraudster to the BH family https://apple.news/ArIuROrXySG2VF-QAeyvruw
  2. Just caught her WWHL episode where she was asked to weigh in on RHONJ’s Jen new nose ”It looks like a big swoop” ”A chin can be a game changer”- in answer to Andy’s comment that Jen got a new chin too Wow, how groundbreaking DOCTOR Jen 🙄. Way to show that knowledge.
  3. I hate Meredith. These women all suck but Meredith is a snake & I do think that she’s a liar. All of a sudden she’s light and has clarity and no problem clarifying the date after that shit show at Zion. She certainly sounded like she wasn’t alone and she was talking low when Lisa called her. I don’t doubt the memorial but I don’t think that Meredith is as innocent as she claims. She’s full of shit, for sure.
  4. But, of course, don’t all non-famous, stay at home moms/former owners of local Utah med spas that no one heard about have social media teams? i’m glad that she was able to bring a Black man on with her; very convincing, such an unracist ally, this one.
  5. There’s a Jersey husband that doesn’t like the spotlight?
  6. Tamra tried that one season and caved very quickly. She basically groveled for Heather’s forgiveness and switched focus to Shannon (think it was Shannon’s first season).
  7. Noella’s Instagram… she has a daughter?! Did I read that right? Also, this is all so crazy
  8. I think she has, indirectly. She mentions her son and his therapy in a play for sympathy. She’s not posting pictures but everything she says - wanting her son to have a good relationship with his dad, therapy, wanting James to be in his son’s life, etc- it’s all calculated to tug at hearts and paint her as the poor suffering single mom of an autistic toddler.
  9. Agreed. Here’s the statement from his legal rep (got this from twojudgygirls IG):
  10. I’m finding the roasting of Heather for her overconsumption and pretentiousness and the “poor suffering Terry who will be doing boob jobs into his 80s to support his wife’s lifestyle” comments to be incredibly misogynistic and sexist. Lest we forget that it was Terry who pushed Heather to be on this show in the first place and supposedly didn’t speak to her for 2 weeks until she agreed. The same Terry who was on that Swan show, Dr. 90210, and now has Botched. Why are we assuming that Heather has his balls in a vice?
  11. No, Vicki kissed Heather’s ass, she never disliked her. Shannon and Kelly were the ones who had a problem with Heather. Noella and Nicole are new money cringey. “We bonded because we wear the same pave diamond LOVE bracelets and spotted them in the Airport bathroom because we’re vapid twats! Teehee!” Noella also reminds me of Brawnwyn (I know they’re friends), so double no thanks. I think my biggest issue right now is this current cast is making people want Vicki back. *Shudder*
  12. It’s not even that exciting or interesting to make yogurt. It’s literally a big waiting game- getting the milk to temperature, then cooling down to certain temperature (which can take a while), then stirring in a starter, then put it in the yogurt maker for around 8, 9 hours. Or, throw it all an instant pot without all those steps and hit the “yogurt” button. Still have to wait 8, 9 hours 🙄 Such a stupid scene. Make dinner together or something. I know this is going to sound terrible and I do apologize if I offend anyone, but here goes- After Brandi’s (RHOD) racist video against Asian people and after getting called out for their lack of diversity in general, Bravo all of a sudden hired 3 Asian women to three of their shows. Granted, SLC already had some diversity, but…Bravo is stupid and tone deaf. Really wonder if that was a factor in Jennie’s hiring over Angie (who actually had drama to bring from the start)
  13. They do! It’s definitely not enticing enough for me to subscribe to another streaming service.
  14. No, the show with current HWs is All Stars (Theresa, Kenya, Kyle, Ramona, LuAnn, Cynthia, Melissa & will air on Peacock. There is a different loser version (don’t remember the name) that will have Dorinda, Jill, Vicki, Tamra, Brandi, someone else).
  15. Yes, they should. But, don’t you know it’s usually the girl’s fault for dressing a certain way or getting herself in precarious situations? Fits with their/his line of thinking
  16. I agree, Brandi did not show remorse at all. If she truly did and truly learned, she wouldn’t have been triggered by Tiffany’s Asian face and essentially putting it on Tiffany for making Brandi feel uncomfortable. Bye, girl. You should’ve been shown the door a while ago.
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