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Everything posted by DeeplyShallow

  1. Wasn’t she also from Dallas? Definitely TX but I think Dallas...
  2. I don’t know, Chicago sounds similar to a lot of CA school districts. The teachers union and CA Teachers Association seem to be calling the shots. OC is a different story tho. Anyway, Briana is a nurse, in the ER. Surely she’s experienced firsthand the devastation that COVID brings. Kids in masks are part of the reason why they’re moving? Yeah, doesn’t sound right. Something’s up. They might as well go back to OC then. Of course, that means that Ryan would need to get a job bc a one income family on a nurse’s salary in SoCal with 3 kids isn’t going to cut it (at least, to live the kind of life they’d like to live).
  3. I hate Kary. I hated Kary last year too and I believe that the only reason she still has a place on this show is because LeeAnn was so atrocious to her last year. They fired LeeAnn & they kept Kary bc of optics. No way did Bravo want to look bad by firing the victim of LeeAnn’s racist attacks. Kary has always been awful & she has definitely been trying to use the show to market her ugly jewelry so she could leave Eduardo (or, have something to fall back on when he leaves her). The youngest kids are getting older, so there won’t be child support. I predict that she’ll be gone next season. She’s not even fun to hate, she’s just not entertaining. Re: Tiffany- I am not surprised to see her going through this. A lot of my female friends who are physicians and mothers express the same regrets. Dr hours, especially when there are hospital shifts, are no joke. My friends are often pulling 24 hour shifts. My OB hadn’t been home for 5 days when my last son was born. She had to have a live-in nanny for nearly a decade. They wanted to be doctors, but I think it’s a situation where you don’t really know what it’s going to be like until you’re in it. When you’re younger, don’t have kids, and want a medical career you just keep going and achieving. The hours always suck and it’s always stressful, but there are no kids in the mix. Suddenly, the kids come and the reality of how hard it really is to juggle it all slaps you in the face. Also, this pandemic has made it especially horrible.
  4. You know she was annoyed that she couldn’t at least be on BH, LOL. On topic- what were the ratings for this reunion episode, do we know?
  5. Heather will never come back. She didn’t want to do the show in the first place; it was all for Terry. Now that he has his own show and they’ve got other business ventures, there’s no need. She always thought she was better than the others (she was) and she won’t lower herself to doing this show again.
  6. I’m so glad you were able to get an appointment. Keep an eye out for communications about it; I’ve unfortunately heard about appointments getting canceled 😔 and the wealthy paying to “jump the line” (at least, here in the mess that is CA)
  7. That’s what she’s claiming. She may be lying but she always makes a big deal about how she “doesn’t lie”... either way, horrible. I, too, like her as a villain and while I never gave her a pass for her stupid, ignorant, and racist remarks I also never “canceled” her (shocker! I’m a liberal too, can you imagine? Not everyone takes part in cancel culture, Kelly). But, at this point she’s either begging to be fired or she hasn’t gotten a contract (or, was offered “friend of”). There’s being provocative and then there’s being a complete asshole who is spitting in the face of people who either suffered through this illness themselves or to those working on the frontlines. She’s just disgusting.
  8. Isn’t it convenient that her 1 year anniversary immediately follows the airing of the reunion which did her no favors? so, is she going to make it a big deal every six months? Where’s the latest love of her life? Or is that Sean again? There are a few other pictures and you can see that Sean is not wearing his wedding ring. Interesting how this mom of 7 (2 are adults) has so much time to celebrate herself. Maybe I don’t understand because I don’t have nannies & also work full time. Finally, that dress is fugly.
  9. She’s said and done a lot of crappy things, but this is beyond. I also think this is the final nail in her coffin and people are calling for her head. She’s disgusting. There are also a lot of people calling for an investigation to find out how she supposedly got the vaccine.
  10. I knew what you meant and you were very clearly not age shaming. Sean/Brawnwyn and I are the same age and my youngest, too, is a toddler. Waiting over 20 years to be “free” sounds like a miserable prospect. Let’s also be realistic; starting over in your 60s is not the same as your 40s. It will be harder. Doesn’t mean he’ll have one foot in the grave but it’s not going to be easy.
  11. I’m pretty certain she met Sean in college but she dropped out
  12. RHSLC is another trainwreck. One shrill, mentally unstable try-hard, one shady preacher who very likely scammed her congregation (oh, and who married her step-grandfather), another who’s trying to make her unbearably annoying son happen, another sobriety story- but a parent. Meh. The scenery is beautiful though, but everything and everyone seems contrived.
  13. Yep. That entire article was a trainwreck. They need to shut this franchise down (or, keep Gina I guess and can the rest, as you said). I don’t think they need to continue trying with OC though. Put it to rest, it’s over.
  14. I have a different perspective. I think B was trying to turn it into the poor me, I’m an alcoholic tour (with Andy’s assistance), but she wasn’t at all successful because not one of those women were on her side. Shannon was trying to deflect off of her and get revenge - I just read something on Reality blurb and Shannon admitted that she brought it up for revenge bc B was trying to call her out as an alcoholic. So, to me, Shannon is trash just like B and Kelly. Because she’ll “protect” her daughter by keeping quiet until she gets offended. Then let’s drop a bomb and forget about it a minute later. Meanwhile, it’s out on national tv, all over SM, and other forms of media. Shannon is a piece of crap- I couldn’t care less about B but don’t drag your child into it. If you want to hurt someone and you want revenge, find another way. https://realityblurb.com/2021/01/29/shannon-beador-says-braunwyn-didnt-offer-drugs-to-daughter-but-rather-where-to-get-it-and-programmed-number-in-daughters-phone-as-cool-mom-plus-she-talks-elizabeths-bisexual-s/
  15. They are having a reunion. Andy had Whitney on WWHL and they talked about it. Plus, there are pics out there of the women on set
  16. All I’m going to say is that Shannon saying that “she’s not political” when issues like racial injustice are discussed says plenty about what she believes and where she stands. To make racism about politics is insane and a shame, bc it’s not a political issue...but people make it one and that is terribly sad. It doesn’t take much for someone to just say a simple “I believe that everyone should be treated fairly or live their lives without fear” or whatever. It could have ended there for her. I don’t think people need to make a big deal about “supporting communities” and Brawnwyn’s performative activism and self-righteousness can take several seats, but Shannon made it very clear that she’s very much an asshole who refuses to function or think outside of her precious privileged bubble. I also still can’t believe she went on and on about being accused of saying Gina’s house is “sad” but spent one minute on the Brawnwyn offering her kid her dealer’s number and nonchalantly moved on. What in the actual F.
  17. I don’t know who Niki Catsouros is, but Lynn’s kids have been in and out of jail, on drugs, do porn, and are an overall mess. They never stood a chance with those idiots as parents. I swear they filmed some scenes high. Ha, but not only was she on pain pills during that trip, she was also recovering from a face lift she had no money to pay for. The outrage about that was great. Oh, memories... It was messy then but it was a fun messy. So awful & unwatchable now.
  18. It's not unusual for someone with Mexican ancestry to also have significant Native American ancestry. Could be Mayan, Aztec, etc. Not necessarily Native American from what is now the US. now, that said, Kelly is just generally full of shit.
  19. Ugh, I can’t put in the gif I want to use, but she’s the epitome of the Amy Poehler mom character in Mean Girls
  20. I was wondering what was going on. I saw some drama on IG but didn’t know what she did. Apparently she targeted Bravohistorian on IG & Twitter
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