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Everything posted by DeeplyShallow

  1. It’s a well known stereotype. While I am from NYC & LA, and many are doctors, engineers, etc (of course, as with many ethnic groups) that stereotype is alive and well (as said above, think Apu from the Simpsons). And, while a stereotype, most of the 7-11 type stores and gas stations in both the NY and LA areas I have lived in are run by and/or employ Indians or those of SE Asian descent. basically, Brandi is a POS and my opinion of Stephanie has fallen so low for enabling this trashy bitch.
  2. Called it. She dropped Shannon like a hot potato
  3. When you tell your boss to “remember where you came from”, you pretty much seal your fate.
  4. I bet anything that Tamra stops answering Shannon’s calls and cuts her off now that there’s no show....and Shannon will spiral because her BFF is actually *gasp* a two faced liar who never cared for her.
  5. YESSSS The cancer scammer AND the evil witch are gone. Ah-mazing 🙌🏼
  6. I think Jennifer, back in the day, was bullied and always aspired to be one of the “cool” girls. Now that she has money (and on tv) she’s showing off and one-upping...basically being the “cool” girl she always wanted to be. But now she’s better than anyone else 🙄 So, I think the Jennifer of yesteryear was her daughter and the Jennifer now would be her bully. Speaking as a mother of a 9 year old- it’s still all about the dropoff. No need to feed me, just give me my freedom. I can’t wait until we get there for the parties my younger one goes to.
  7. I’m watching again, looks like it’s Delores driving the Maserati. Teresa was driving a range rover
  8. Reading that gave me a little headache. The whole damn family is so try hard.
  9. Oh, ok. My original comments that you quoted were actually in response to the ROL article. They aren’t very reliable and Andy is now refuting it, so there’s hope still.
  10. Why do you think this? I’ve only heard of Braunwyn and Kelly filming so far, so maybe I’ve missed something. If Vicki was offered friend again, that does delight me. Not because I want to see her (I truly hate her) but bc it’s another slap in the face.
  11. I don’t know, Andy was talking about a significant change a few weeks ago, no? Radar is essentially reporting the same cast for next season. I’m doubtful that they’ve got it right.
  12. Yes! It’s always been clear that Tamra thinks Shannon is a nut. She tolerates her. Shannon refuses to see it.
  13. Shannon- “My vision was blurry” Kelly- ”you took out your contacts” 🤣
  14. Kari’s makeup makes her look like a corpse & her pearl jewelry looks cheap D’Andra’s makeup makes her look like a clown and what the hell is she wearing? Leanne’s hair looks wretched Stephanie looks beautiful Brandi’s earrings are distracting Kam’s makeup is not doing her any favors. Red washes her out.
  15. Several years ago, they were giving away samples at my local supermarket. It looked disgusting but I tried it because I was curious. It tastes as bad as it looks. I had to go home and brush my teeth to get the aftertaste out of my mouth. It’s not only problematic, it’s incredibly rude.
  16. I think it’s a few things: 1. They don’t want her to be successful 2. Shannon was annoyed at Miraval because while everyone else used that time to say something meaningful, Kelly said she wants “Walmart, Target, Costco” and Shannon was annoyed bc she didn’t think Kelly was taking it seriously and was likely mocking her 3. Jealousy
  17. It sounded like a threat but what I took away from that was Vicki being the delusional, self righteous ass she is. She really thinks that she created this show and that HE has HER to thank for his career. While it was probably a threat (in her crazy mind) she can’t do shit to him. In fact, I am pretty certain that was the nail in her coffin. Someone said above that Andy seemed scared of her; I disagree. What I got from his expression and texting was that he’s DONE with her.
  18. Wow. Just caught the Vicki segment. That. Was. AMAZING. I loved every second of it- the montage, her freakout, Andy calling her out, her exit. As I’ve said before, peace out you narcissistic, manic, cancer scamming, homophobic, racist bitch!
  19. If he was truly sorry and aware of how horrendous his behavior was, it wouldn’t be a 24 hr story that goes away. Additionally, he spends 95% of the time talking about himself to make him seem contrite and sympathetic. Bullshit. A real apology to Kate would have been “Kate, the way I treated you was horrible and unacceptable. I should never have put you in such an uncomfortable and danger situation & I take full responsibility for my actions, as nothing that you did warranted any of this. I will continue to work on myself and work to better understand how my actions and inactions affect those around me.” I hate that Douchebro. Sorry. Douchebrü. Asshole.
  20. Yeah, I thought he was the one who called it quits during a trip to Hawaii, left early, & filed.
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