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shang yiet

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Everything posted by shang yiet

  1. That is still sad and disgusting. The victim is still in there, maybe screaming in pain like the real Meg.
  2. So do I. I like Sam's flaws just fine. I don't need him to be super understanding, instantly forgiving and always playing the mediator and being the voice of reason and compassion. I like that Sam can be a cold bitch and all that. It actually for me adds to his layers. And yes, Dean is bossy.
  3. Oh don't worry, I'm sure the devil spawn will repay Sam by turning out to be totally evil because Sam is never allowed to be right.
  4. It's because I find Sam interesting in the first place that I want him to have powers. I happen to like stories about characters with special destinies. I get that you prefer the human element but for me, powers wouldn't have taken away that element. To answer Ahrtee's question, if the powers had led to a Sam/evil against Dean/good battle, that would have been very intriguing! I like dark!Sam and I never needed the brothers to always be on the same side.
  5. I really wanted Sam to be a demon leader boy king. Wasted opportunity.
  6. That launch scene in Apollo 13 when the spacecraft roars to life and shoots up to the skies plus the music really gets me.
  7. I'm not saying Belle should accept pre-villain Gaston but more tone it down a little until Gaston reveals his true colours towards the end so her reaction to him won't be one-note from beginning to end.
  8. Casting - Emma Watson's voice and acting were fine but that's just it, the actress chosen to play such an iconic character should be way more than fine. I'm sure there are a dozen actresses/singers out there who could have been more than fine. As for Mcgregor, Mckellen, Kevin Kline and Emma Thompson, they are well-acclaimed actors for sure but those household trinket characters might as well be played by unknowns for all the difference it makes. Belle - I think she had two sisters in the version I read a long time ago. The sisters were greedy and asked for material goods when their father went on his trip but Belle asked for a mere rose. This was to show that she had inner beauty as well and was the right woman to break the spell. This version had Belle the reader and the rebel but the shining inner goodness didn't really come through for me. And I know her looks shouldn't matter but I can't buy that a girl looking like Emma Watson is some kind of raving beauty the whole village sings about - 'Her looks have no parallel'. Gaston - As played by the charming and good-looking Luke Evans, it was hard to see why Belle was so set against him. We know he is destined to be a villain but Belle wouldn't know that. So he's vain but Belle in the beginning acted like he was totally repulsive. The Enchantress - I just wanted someone to slap her. No good excuse for what she did. She was not needed beyond the first scene anyway. Belle's love should have automatically broken the curse. Transformation scene - A tad underplayed for me. You finally get Dan Stevens looking like his handsome self, just let the camera focus on his face longer than one second. Back stories - totally unnecessary. I never wondered why Belle and her father were living in a small village or why Gaston is the way he is. The movie was a visual treat, however, and the merchandise must be flying off the shelves.
  9. Sam didn't give up. He just ran out of ideas and solutions. For a whole year before Dean went to hell, Sam was seeking a way to save Dean. A whole year. Sam also had to try to get Dean on board because Dean gave up. He was acting like he didn't care whether Sam saved him or not. If Rowena was around at that time with her easy magical tricks and solutions, Sam would have snapped up her offer no matter what.
  10. If Sam or Dean were risking their lives to save little old me, I would definitely not talk back and wound their egos. I would be very grateful and thank them politely lest they dump my ungrateful ass by the road.
  11. I think the circle is incomplete with Sam too. Sam was at loggerheads with John in My Time of Dying and he never got a chance to smooth things out. He never got a farewell speech from John. Sam was thrilled with Mary's return but he never had a chance to air his grievance with her, unlike Dean.
  12. Yes, get her in the UN or make her ambassador - some position where she can screw up and reap real consequences. Right now, it doesn't matter what she does really.
  13. Sam's speech - It was not as well-written as Dean's speech and more cobbled together like the writers did not spend too much time on it. It could have been more personal but half of it was about telling me things about the BMol which I know already. This may be why I, personally, felt the speech was quite long. However, I do like that Sam got to make a speech and I tried to read between the lines and reach what the writers were going for. Meaning that Sam was taking responsibility for his decision and stepping up to lead and take back control of the situation. And knowing in order to do that, he had to win the trust of the other hunters. I was glad to see him regaining his confidence. It would have been easier to just let others fix his mistakes and never stick his neck out again but it wouldn't have been right. So I was pleased to see Sam acting like the leader I know he could be and has been before in many situations in the past. I disagree he is just a follower. The show has hammered Sam's bad decisions down our throats but he's made the right call many times only we don't remember them because the writers don't make a big deal about that. "So guys, I screwed up again but never mind, big brother Dean will once again clean up my mess so you all just follow him instead." No, no, no. Sam needed to be the leader of the raid storywise. Dean's speech - Definitely the better speech and half of it was about Sam anyway so it kept my interest and didn't feel too long, ha ha! But it was also about Dean too so I certainly don't feel Dean was shortchanged in any way. Now while some wanted Sam's St Crispian scene to be a co-scene with Dean, I wanted Dean's speech scene to be a co-scene with Sam. This is the second time Dean got to speak on behalf of Sam. I wish Sam had been in that scene to see Mary cooing over him so he knows better all the mothering he missed out on. Then Dean can have his speech be all about Dean's pain and Sam can have his speech be all about Sam's pain. How about Sam being allowed to talk in the first place to Mary? He's always conveniently in another room when the emo is being handed out. We saw this in the later Mary forgiveness scene when Sam is once again reduced to one line and insta-forgiveness while Dean got a long speech about his anger. I wished Sam had taken a blowtorch to Lady Toni. Also, all this talk about 'the world you were never born' referring just to Sam because Cas was looking at him? What about when Mary used 'you' twice to Dean in her forgiveness scene'? Was she referring only to Dean as in 'leaving you/ being here with you' because she didn't add 'and Sam'?
  14. I'm curious about the Sam transformation spoiler. I hope it's not him being possessed by Lucifer again. I also hope Sam's shining moment is not just him saying he loves Dean because we know that already. Nevertheless, I'm glad he gets a shining moment because last year, Dean got all the glory. Not keen on the hint of Destiel though. Anyway, the spoiler says Dean has a great role and will probably be getting lots of emo scenes which Sam hardly gets. So it looks quite balanced.
  15. Jonah and Richard are somewhat tone deaf in social situations.
  16. Focus on the bro bond does not mean everything is unicorns and rainbows. By all means, show the dark and negative side of the bond. Show all the dark and light layers. I'm fine with it. This is the most complex relationship on the show so why not continue to touch on it. Kripke never was unicorns and rainbows about the bro bond. We saw the complicated feelings Sam and Dean had for each other right from the start. Just because I want focus on the bro bond does not mean I am seeing rainbows. I remember when Sam chose not to kill possessed John because Dean was begging him to, fandom cheered Sam on. Because, family, you know. Now it seems Sam was wrong. I agree. Dean is not the Terminator programmed to save John Conner at all costs. But I 'm curious because Sam has also been willing to give up his life for Dean. Was Sam also brainwashed by John to think he is worthless without Dean?
  17. Also, if there is an audio recording of the villain speaking, there will be some sounds in the background to pinpoint his location.
  18. Focus on the bro bond does not mean the brothers have to be joined at the hip. It does not mean the brothers have to agree on everything. It does not mean they must never quarrel. I think Mary took the focus off the bro bond this season. Sam and Dean barely had any time to react to their reunion since a bigger more astounding reunion with Mary awaited. And yes, I would like more focus on the bro bond, that very complex and fascinating relationship that pondlass described. That bond and the supernatural drew me to the show. Now the supernatural is boring neverending angel wars so there's just the bro bond left.
  19. I hated the Amelia storyline but I didn't hate Amelia herself. She softened up in the end and was ready to take a chance on Sam only to find him gone.
  20. I disagree. John's parental style had its full impact on Sam judging from young Sam's difficult and volatile relationship with John. And Sam needs his mother a lot. She left the biggest hole in his life which was not and could not be filled with anyone else including Dean. He (Sam) was full of wonder at her reincarnation. When an idea comes to life, if it doesn't knock your socks off, then I don't know what will. I do agree Mary was or is mostly an idea to both her sons. Sam has to build up a relationship from scratch and this Mary is not the maternal figure of his fantasy. How he feels about this, I don't know. Anyway, sorry for harping on this issue. I just feel if you're a writer and you want to bring back Mary to maximise the angst, drama and character exploration, then you need to include the Sam angle too and make sure he too has a reaction to her.
  21. No, for me it's a little black and white to say Dean is the one always reaching out and never Sam. Early in season one, Dean was the one teasing Sam about keeping in touch with his college friends. So I can't believe his own mother is now out of sight, out of mind because it does defeat the purpose of bringing Mary back (for the angst). The problem for me is the writing (or lack of). It will get irritating if we get scene after scene of Dean reaching out and not Sam. If Sam is supposed to be more introvert or cautious or standoffish or nervous with Mary, they have to show that and explain why he is taking that stance and the effect of his stance on Mary. They can make a little theme about that to hang a story on. Other shows have introverted reserved heroes but they get a lot of the emotional scenes because writers of those shows make very sure to focus on what the hero is thinking or feeling.
  22. I'm not too keen on bratty teens and the actress does not look 15. I'd rather have Mrs Patmore back and not all this parenthood stuff. I was cheering for Felicity and hope she makes Rhys pay for what he did.
  23. For me, there should be more Sam/Mary interaction regardless of what is happening or not happening with Dean. This has always been my wish from the start of this season even before Dean killed Hitler, even before Mary met Sam this season. I have wanted Sam to have more of the emotional arc way for ten seasons now. So I hope I get my wish and you get yours.
  24. Oh, that's OK. I myself have over-reacted quite a few times in the past. Forget about it. I hope you and I get the balance we want. Actually, Dean's reaction and relationship with Mary is not the problem (for me). It's the lack of in Sam's case that I don't like. You can find valid reasons for Dean's connection and I can find equally valid reasons why Sam should also have a connection so that's not the point. The writers can swing it any way they like. They want Sam to have the connection, bingo, they can just show it. It won't take anything away from Dean. Exactly. So very subtle.
  25. rue721, I think it was my short and hurriedly typed post that so annoyed idahoforspn. Anyway, everyone here has explained exactly what I was trying to say in my not-so-eloquent way (thanks!) and I'm glad the misunderstanding has been cleared up. I join idahoforspn in wishing for more balance as she puts it. DittyDotDot - I have to disagree with you. For years, I've seen the 'Sam has no memories of Mary' explanation to explain away why every time, Dean is the one with more visible reactions/stronger feelings/bigger emotional impact. And now Mary's return is supposed to have not much impact on Sam because he can't remember her and she might as well be dead anyway? She's his mother. Might as well hand Mary's storyline and all the emotions straight to Dean. I know that's not what you meant but that's how I feel. Grr! Now I feel irritated again at Mary not even trying to call Sam when she couldn't reach Dean. And frankly, he does have memories of her. He time travelled and met her. He saw her as a ghost in Home. The writers can show Sam and Mary reaching out to each other for very valid reasons. Mary never got to know her baby. Sam finally has the big chance to grab some more memories. Surely the impact of Mary's return on Sam should be just as big as the impact on Dean.
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