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shang yiet

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Everything posted by shang yiet

  1. My UO is that none of the writers hate Dean. I don't think any of them have been biased against Dean in any way. And I think Sam and Cas have built up a nice friendship brick by brick.
  2. Does every police department in the US have a professional hairstylist, make-up artist and wardrobe consultant on 24-hour call for those stakeouts at fancy parties or nightclubs? Because it seems like female cops or detectives take only about a couple of hours to get themselves all dolled up from head to toe in an evening gown that fits them to a tee, hair and make-up all perfect. And when the dolled up female detective shows up at that fancy party, the bad guy will immediately be attracted to her, even though he has a bevy of lovelies hanging all over him.
  3. Sam was within his rights to set conditions on working with Dean again after the Gadreel fiasco. I don't call it disowning or jumping through hoops, it's more like being on probation. If Dean didn't like it, he could have walked away. Sam is not Dean's jailer. Also, I don't remember Dean apologising over and over again for Gadreel or MoC or any of his bad decisions. Usually he doesn't have to do this because things either turn out OK for him or Sam does something just as bad. I don't see how making bad decisions and remaining in character earns Dean more points than making bad decisions by being OOC. By the way, I think Dean has been plenty passive aggressive and resentful in the past. Anyway, if the writers wanted Sam charging into purgatory to rescue Dean, sure, I agree they could have given him an easy-peasy solution. So they didn't. I don't like the Amelia and dog story myself but I don't think it makes Sam a bad brother who just doesn't care. I'm fine with any number of explanations. He had a nervous breakdown, he was in denial, he was exhausted mentally, they made a pact. Any one will do for me.
  4. They made a deal not to look for each other. So Sam kept the deal. Dean should have been pleased that Sam was able to get on with his life despite his grief.
  5. Costner did star in 'Thirteen Days', a movie about the Cuban missile crisis. It was quite good. He obviously couldn't play either of the Kennedy brothers (no resemblance) but he played an aide. That role was inflated till it seemed like the Costner character was a third Kennedy.
  6. I like the colour blind casting. There was no need for the characters to be any.particular race judging from the story.
  7. I remember theTWOP thread swooning and fanning themselves after Born under a Bad Sign. Many thought Meg!Sam was hot. Livejournal was combusting too. So no, it was not just Sera Gamble.
  8. Dean has had plenty of focus and attention, yes. Supernatural was never all about Sam despite what some claim.
  9. So was Patrick real or just that guy's imagination?
  10. Those sparkly belts look very pretty but if your wedding dress is too plain without one, then just choose another dress.
  11. Quite a disappointing finale and lopsided in its focus. So the writers had time to make sure Mingo apologises to Iris (which was not necessary in my view) but they didn't have time to squeeze in a Bay-Regina heart to heart talk? So John makes two 'I''m so proud of you and your career path' speeches to Daphne (right in front of Bay) but Regina has nothing to say to Bay? And when John was on Bay's case about going to art school and becoming a proper artist,, I wanted Bay to point out this might not be possible because she took the fall for Daphne's shameful behavior (the one he is so proud of). Dislikes - another 'Daphne can overcome all obstacles' scene, the Carlton/Down Syndrome stuff which came too late for me to care, Regina's love life (yawn), flashbacks (we know what happened already). It would have been better if instead of Daphne, Regina took Bay back to her old neighbourhood to fill Bay in on what she missed out on. And when Daphne asked to call Kathyrn 'mum', show Regina having some sort of regret that she has not earned the 'mum' moniker from Bay. I would have liked a little more focus on Toby's sibling relationship with Daphne and the semi-sibling relationship between Travis and Emmett. It's strange but I never saw Melody playing favourites with her two boys (unlike Regina) even though Travis is not really hers. -
  12. I always thought Regina's.distance was partly due.to her fear and insecurity that.she had nothing to offer Bay while she could lose Daphne.to a wealthier couple who could give her.more advantages.Hence she holds on tight to Daphne while keeping a.distance from Bay. Even Regina's mum never seemed keen to get.to know Bay while K's mum was all over Daphne. For what its worth, Toby never seemed.to be a real brother to Daphne. They seemed.more.like friends
  13. What I meant was that Dean found his own way out and Sam was not needed at all. "..... and Sam" Yeah, still, there was.quite a pregnant.pause there.
  14. Yes, Carver played fast and loose with Sam. Not allowed to save Dean from purgatory but its OK, Dean is so awesome he can save himself. So, no, not seeing Dean as a a loser in Carver's eyes. Then when Sam does go all out to save Dean, disaster. No heroics for Sam. No glory. So if Death wants to pay Sam a compliment, I'm not going to scoff.. Did anyone complain when almighty God himself told Dean "Earth will be fine. It has you."? Anyway, Dean got a nice long supernatural mytharc with Sam not being very effective at all so alls well that ends well.
  15. Am slowly working my way through the last few episodes. So I find myself not caring what religion Carlton is. For now, Toby and Lily have so many other things to worry about - finances, rent, mortgage, jobs, healthcare for Carlton, babysitting. Not that this couple will last another year. Toby is under 21, twice married, no full-time job and there were issues swept under the carpet before the pregnancy story. How about dealing with those issues first? Wish they hadn't killed off Angelo in the first place. Again, there were issues there that weren't fully dealt with. So Emmet and Travis fighting over Bay. How trite. I'd rather they focused on Travis' semi-sibling semi-son relationship with Melody and Emmet.
  16. Is that Steve McGarrett's house? So he knows Sam and Dean Winchester? On the show, Steve has a bromance going with the Danny (Dano) character. Danny even gave Steve his liver when Steve was shot,
  17. Maybe you would but I bet some fans would take it as a nice compliment for Dean. There would have been no outrage that he dared to say something nice to Dean. I always thought Death had a sort of grudging respect for both Winchesters. Sure, face to face, he sneers and acts superior that but for all that, he always had no problem whatsoever giving Dean the time of day, talking to him, helping him, hearing him out, etc.
  18. I'm halfway through this final season and this ep wasted a lot of precious time that should have gone to the main characters. It is too late in the day for me to care for minor characters like Iris and her friends. If they wanted to tackle racism, let it be about Hispanics so we can focus on Regina and her daughters.
  19. God forbid anyone on the show praise Sam. If Death had said that to Dean, nobody would complain or think the compliment was too much.And how would the writers know being called sinless and perfect is actually an insult?
  20. Keeping score --- works both ways. What about the times when Dean got to do something and not Sam because of this? Propping up --also happened both ways.Agreed? Perhaps someone can name all those times Dean was propped up at the expense of Sam?
  21. I agree it was creepy. I wasn't going to watch but this ep hooked me from the first minute when the kid refused to come out. I think the kid was traumatised by his mum committing suicide and created the demon twin corporeal form. The dad must have known though.
  22. Sam never acted like Dean betrayed him just because he was in the middle. Anyway, it so happened Dean agreed with John when it came to daring to leave for college. That it was Sam betraying the family for college. So it was 2 against one. No, Dean was not quite in the middle.
  23. Quite keen to see Sam step up as leader of Team Free Will. I didn't see any complaints when Dean was the leader.
  24. I feel the same way. Just am not up to debating many times myself. Poor Sam. I wonder how bibros feel
  25. Sam's hell trauma is not a joke. Just because some fans feel the show put too much emphasis on it doesn't mean Sam's torture by Lucifer is not perfectly legitimate. It did cause him valid psychological issues, to say the least. Nobody here is downplaying Dean's hell trauma. I get you feel the writers did but I don't think that's the point here. Does not the same goes for Sam? He had a nervous breakdown, OK? He was heading for one even before Dean disappeared. He thought Dean had died and he couldn't handle it. Frankly, I think we are at a standoff here. Dean should not be expected to be more understanding because of his psychological issues. Fine. So Sam also should not be expected to be more understanding because of his psychological issues. Agreed?
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