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Everything posted by sunnyface

  1. I didn't listen to the sound today and during the Sam/Jake scenes. There appeared to be a concerted effort by both actors to show some attraction between their characters. I just adored Sam banging her head on the wall's edge at the end of the show. It's pretty much how I feel after watching every episode with [insert your demon - mine is] Sonny in it. Here's another UO - but Carly is GOLD without Sonny slinking around her. It looks like Ryan put some nice finishing toning touches on his already amazing body.
  2. Enough with the Corinthos family and their ilk - and that includes Mike Q, Dante, Olivia and Kiki. What's left for sloppy seconds - Jason w/ Sam, Spin, Liz and Patrick? I want to root for Nina and Franco and cute cop but the writers are making it real hard.
  3. It's too bad that Silas' apartment didn't spontaneously combust. JV team writers for the rest of the show. Nina still has a secret. The character has been on for over a year and the writers have FAILed to provide the audience any reasons as to why we should care about Nina. Real strong (for a soap opera) actors w/ Franco, Nina and Dr. O and cute cop BUT the writers/actors haven't remotely justified why and how the audience should feel about any of them except disdain (Franco - rape/killer, Dr. O - psychopath, Nina - ripping a newborn from a womb). The only thing mildly entertaining about the episode was hearing Carly screaming and the camera shots of the baby ignoring the screams.
  4. Is Mac Scorpio in any previews? Is McGrouch supposed to be taking his place? TIA.
  5. Morgan and Kiki say goodby to everyone as they prepare to go to some medical school near the Carribean. Sonny tells them to expect to see him a lot because Sonny will be there supervising the expansion of his rum distallary business.
  6. This show's entertainment level for this viewer has gone way up since Kitty has departed. She reminds me (looks and acting chops) of that lead who is ruining Agents of Shield.
  7. So I put my mind on freeze during Anna scenes (because whoever is writing her dialogue just plain sucks) and remembered her when she first came on the show. She really could use Robert F! Scorpio around now. At least she has been rocking in her wardrobe and Jordan's hair is thing of wonder. It's hard to watch a show where soap opera thugs - Sonny and Jason - are put on a pedestal and where Doctors and Surgeons on a show called General HOSPITAL are the characters most likely to either end up in jail (or as actors have the least job security). At least the previews finally indicate that our princess Sabrina can throw some shade (smirk) at Morgan. That's about all that I am looking forward to in today's episode.
  8. I definately am not a fan of Spinelli, but I didn't have to fast-forward his scenes today. That's what probably more irksome about Spinelli - is that the character's dialogue can be 'toned down' and be bearable.
  9. The only positive effect that Valerie is - even in fast-forward mode - causing nuLulu to move out of the baby-rabies realm. Lulu wears jealousy well. I would much rather watch this than seeing middle-aged men try to act macho by waving guns. Watching Carly is much more pleasurable without Sonny on the set. Elizabeth and Sam should hook up.
  10. This show has way too many doctors. At least change the title of this soap. Scenes at the metrocourt outnumber scenes shot at the hospital by a wide margin. Sorry but Valerie ain't cutting it for this viewer. There's something off about her and it's not just her acting. Casting has failed with the younger female set (except for Ellie who probably isn't gonna be around long because I enjoy watching the actress) - Kristina, Felix's sister, and nuKiki.
  11. It's too bad, because there were some glimpses of pretty fierce acting by MS during the past two episodes. Sorry to be repetitive folks, but if he had brought some of these solid soap actors into General Hospital as doctors/nurses with semi normal personalities and use the day players as patients at GH instead of impotent mobsters or as women with baby-rabies - it would make this soap so much more watchable. It is really much easier for the audience to relate (and root for or against) to the cast and to the show. I'd love to root for Nina and for success for Michelle, but RC's script FV's reign have made it impossible. We still have over one year left on Michelle's contract.
  12. What's even more awesome is that RC has failed to convey to the audience as to why anyone would care about this strange family. What a waste of resources and more importantly - our time.
  13. So split screen GH was on during part of the episode. A gyro-plane landed near the capitol. One screen contained Sonny talking to Luke in Luke's hospital bed and the other screen contained a gyro-plane. It's too bad that those rotary blades from the gyro-plane couldn't have rotated over to the other split screen and behead Luke and Sonny. A good chunk of elimination of 'vile' quotient of this show could have been accomplished.
  14. Tony Geary's 'acting' and his physical appearance have been repulsive to watch. He supposedly single-handedly saved the show when he first came onto the Port Charles scene. His performance wouldn't even last a week on off-off-off Broadway. What's worse is that his ugliness is dripping onto other characters (lulu and valerie are on my automatic Fast Forward) not only in his scenes but over all of the show. Between Luke, Sonny, Franco, Jason and the 'mob' - what exactly do RC/FV think that is eye-candy to women? And I won't even start typing on the RC/FV's worship of violence. It strains credulity that any of us are even still watching. Thumbs up to bringing back Ellie. Definately not a fan of Valerie - although I'll give her acting chops a bit more of a chance.
  15. Obviously, GRRM no longer values his books above fame. My biggest fear is that Brandon Sanderson will have to finish up the series like he did for Robert Jordan's series - Wheel of Time. Brandon will produce a better product than GRRM at this point but it will mean a delay in his epic series - Stormlight Archive. Although it woud be pretty awesome for Neal Stephenson and Joe Abercrombie to partner and give this series a fitting end.
  16. She looked pretty good yesterday and her eyes had some sparkle in them in scenes finally removed from Franco. Yes the actress repeats herself, but my patience has not yet run out on her as she does have another year left on her contract.
  17. And some of us Liz fans are mad that they are throwing her under the bus with her gross Ric obsession. So Ron couldn't figure out how to drag on the Luke and Jason plotlines without adding two new cast members? By TV standards neither one is remarkable looking and the fraudster character looks to be Carly-lite. More Jason, Sonny, and Carly - how's the weather on the barge?
  18. Patrick told Emma that he and Robin are divorced. So she's been tortured for the past three years. Ron enterred GH right after Robin was in the laboratory explosion. Pretty nifty timing. Nothing to see here.
  19. The line delivery of "What facet of my being would suggest that I have any desire to reproduce?" was the best that I have seen in some time on the idiot box! Sherlock and Watson were en fuego. It's too bad that the writing for the mystery portion of the episodes is at a much lower level.
  20. Just what Port Charles needs - another criminal to add to the 'all-star' cast. Yea RC/FV! You already have at least four 'all-star' gets that RC/FV forced down our throats that could easily disappear from the canvass and the soap would still have too many characters. Where is the money from all of the salaries coming from? I will tell you where it is not going - to get a head writer who concentrates more on his writing duties than his social media persona.
  21. I am glad that some people enjoyed some part of it. It felt like a vanity project from the get go and definately entered the creepy Franco territory for far too long with the huge difference that James Franco was eons easier on the eyes. YMMV. Friday's episode was the one in ten where Maurice didn't mangle his lines. It's probably because he had to practice them. It irks me that he does have the capability not to screw up his lines as much as he does. More mob wars and the return of Jason and Spinelli and the ratings are trending downward in the adult (younger) women category. Maybe RC/FV think that featuring stories on the younger set will boost ratings with that category. It seems that besides the mob, Ron is leaning a bit too much on the lawyery stuff of late (Ric and Alexis) but at least those two are competent actors. It's called General HOSPITAL. It's a can't miss drama filled field.
  22. You might as well have Tracy join them and she's pretty much the only character (when not screaming) that I enjoy watching on this soap with RC/FV at the helm. My only condition would be that Sonny, Franco, Jason, Spinelli, Maxie, Morgan and Kiki would also have to exit. The only characters that RC/FV could add would have to be on the medical staff and the actors would have to be much more competent in their acting chops than the Felix/Sabrina crapfest. No more mob, and no more kids except on X-Mas.
  23. Ron is still mad that they cancelled his soap.
  24. Joyfully blackmailing a near-term pregnant woman makes it somewhat hard to root for those characters.
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