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Everything posted by sunnyface

  1. Spinelli has a copy of that recording. Bring Ellie back but leave Spin back on the west coast - except she worked in the hospital and RC/FV can't abide by that. While she isn't on as much as she was during the horrible Connie's split personality/murder period, she still is on way too much. The next new baby that will come in the show will be Kiki's. Color me surprised that RC/FV think so much of her that she hasn't been weighed down with one yet. The painful dialogue in the jail cells made me realize that the new paint color scheme worked well with whatever Sonny and Carly were wearing. I am enjoying NuJason and Liz and am happy that Anna is finally getting some screen time. I don't mind an occasional WSB/Crazy Cassadine story but that is only when the mob isn't the central pillar of this soap. Silas, Patrick and Liz are the only mainstream characters who are medical professionals. This soap needs some more doctors (Lucas).
  2. Please relay how the Nina and Franco story goes, because they are on the highest level of fast-forward mode on my remote. The writers have failed to integrate Nina and have let RH loose as one of the most vile characters on this show's history.
  3. Sweetened by the fact that he had just pulled a gun on a woman who had just been terrorized, forced into labor and had her newborn kidnapped. But in Sonny's defense, Ava did kill one of his girlfriends - but she was the one he was cheating on, and the kidnapped baby was of the female ilk. What a guy to have as a leading man of a soap. What is the fascination with the Nina/O's? So much screen time has been allotted to them and it looks pretty boring - even in fast forward mode. Waste of time and money. 17 more months of Nina. Yuck. Lucky Y&R to get rid of her. Meanwhile, Barkeep Mac is on for a smidgeon and his biggest contribution in the last month is wiping down the bar. Can't wait for Robert Scorpio to come back. What about Spinelli's tape of the AJ's recording? Can he be held as an accessory and Maxi get her kids? Looking forward to some Q action this week.
  4. Less Sonny on the screen equals more enjoyment for me. His contract expires in December (?). Does anyone know for sure if he renewed his contract? Tons of screen time for him coming down the pike with Jason. Those sirens are playing a real sweet tune by the barge. I raise a glass and toast those of you who have watched this soap opera (that has lost its way from focusing on a hospital in Port Charles and turned into a soap about a mob) and kept this soap alive for the past two decades. Sonny not being worshiped is a step in the right direction but the guy needs to vacate the premises. STAT (and preferably with a whimper).
  5. It is scheduled for 2:50 PM EST. After this past month of so much screen time for Sonny and Nina and Franco, my poor television is overdue for a cleansing.
  6. Roof over the head and food in the belly. His gig as a 'supervisor' during the Brownstone renovation seems to be over and his brother probably isn't going to be too enamored with him. For pretty, I'll take Nathan - any day of the week - over this actor who seems to think that moving his hands conveys some type of emotion and throwing snarky one-liners makes him some cool type of young person. Having been saddled with Kiki hasn't done this actor any favors. Furthermore, there's no type of quarantine that this character could undergo that would shred the scourge of his dad - Sonny Corinthos [still no one has been able to provide a link to MB renewing his contract]. The only pity that I would begin to have for this character would begin if he removes his father from Port Charles. He is a prettier face to look at the Spinelli - if he takes up with Jakeson. But any issues of watching the character of the spoiled brat of Sonny Corinthos pales in comparison to the horror at the prospect of enduring 17 more months of the character Nina and the actress who portrays her. Yikes. Yikes.
  7. Ron did take this show to the next level. It is firmly entrenched in the seventh circle of hell. Whomever created Sonny Corinthos and supported that character's growth into the fabric of Port Charles proves that there is a glitch in the matrix.
  8. I don't feel for Britt. Conspiring with your boyfriend's precocious eight-year-old about anything beyond a surprise birthday party, if that, is iffy. However, the actress has improved the past year. Can anyone point me towards a link that MB's contract has been renewed?
  9. Can't wait to see scenes of Sam's lethargic acting - replete with tears - for the next couple of weeks contrasted with manic Nina's scarfing down the screen time. Boy, is my index finger going to be getting a workout pressing that fast-forward button on the remote. Have no fear, I will be practicing during the INAPPROPRIATE eight-year-olders having adult relationship issues.
  10. Poor MW. I wish that they would put a little cartoon box above her head with letters about what she is thinking during her scenes with Kiki. Every day that Jane Elliot is on my screen is a win. She's a breath of fresh air to watch after the plethora of Sonny scenes where that actor can't even spit out his lines. Yeah, Tracy as a character has entered the 'failed character' camp with the insipid Lecherous Luke story line but you can ruin a character, but you can't ruin that actress. Franco is a failed character, but the actor lights up in his scenes with Nina and RM. So yeah Ron, I am not rooting for your versions of the character, but I am rooting for those two actors and enjoy their scenes. Can anyone provide a link verifying that Sonny has re-signed his contract? It looks like there might be enough Quartermaines on the show for a Thanksgiving dinner! Then again, maybe it's the Spenser house rising.
  11. I love how the kid refused to open his mouth for Sonny and they had to perform some editing on the show. I typically can't stand Morgan but stick Kiki in his sphere and he suddenly doesn't seem so bad. I am enjoying it as the storyline does not YET involve any of the Corinthos.
  12. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to digest this Nina character/actress for the next 18-months? The cool wallpaper in Maxie's apartment is only getting me so far. I am already driven to reading the closed-captioning as far as to count how many times she repeats (and triple-repeats) her lines and am just about getting ready to pull out a stop-watch to see how much time she is scarfing down from the show. Jeesh - For a middle-age actor, couldn't they have spent that salary on Tristan Rogers? Down to thirty minutes after the commercials and the flashbacks.
  13. Rooting for a serial killer isn't much fun. Way too many new characters on this show for my liking - even if the actors might not be too bad. Nina is really unwatchable and a major drainer of screen time. Rooting for traffic isn't much fun. I want my pre-Sonny GH back. I am glad that they finally made Bobby's kid vocation into something that doesn't have to do with guns.
  14. It's not too early to start drinking is it? What a vile and violent thug that Ron and Guza have chosen as their leading man.
  15. Way too much screen time this week for the one-life-to-livers and new people on this soap for my liking. Is the shuffle board on the lido deck? Is anyone else getting a bad feeling when this week people keep saying "Sonny 'shot' AJ" vs. "Sonny 'killed' AJ"? Sonny skates once again. I love me some Heather Webber. One of my favorite snapshots of the past five years was dead Anthony Zacharia and Heather in the front seat of a car wearing yellow rain gear. Her and RH seem to genuinely enjoy acting together. At least RM can act the crazy, whereas, Nina - not so much. I think that Joss put in a better acting performance as a stalk of corn than Nina (18 MORE months). Kiki sucks but Sabrina is a worse actress.
  16. Sam already looks like she's in her comfort ZZZZone and she probably will remain checked out for the next 18-months until failed character Nina (yet another woman with a case of the Port Charles pandemic - baby rabies) is off the show. Meanwhile, Nurse Webber continues to have that 'somethin somethin' with just about every male she encounters on the show. She even clicked with that day actor plastic surgeon.
  17. Why sign a two-year deal to an actress to portray a character that the audience hasn't been given any reason form a bond with? What a waste of money and screen time. To make matters worse, bring in two older female characters (when we already have two grand dames) and a cute new guy and WE STILL DO NOT CARE. At least the wallpaper in Maxie's apartment keeps me entertained.
  18. Thankfully, the cool blue wall paper has been kept in Maxie's expanded apartment. Tracy and Jerry were enjoyable to watch today as was Dr. O and her sister (even though I have no idea what they are doing on this soap - they are still fun to watch).
  19. Tracy and edibles or relish run circles around any Corinthos storyline. What a waste of talent.
  20. Carlos is only onscreen to take the edge off the bad energy created when Sabrina surfaces much like Ellie was on to make Spinelli a tad more palatable. Carlos and Ellie would have been pleasant permanent additions to Port Charles. More Sonny, Carly, and Jason than ever. Yuck. I want my soap opera about a hospital back - where doctors aren't played by day players and violence was relegated to being expressed in the guise of a voice or left in a screen shot for the audience to imagine.
  21. The only positive thing about this soap opera right now whose main story features a sensitive serial killer in a romantic duel with and a violent thug is that this serial killer helps the violent thug's ability to spit his lines out better. It's not just the blocking/dark periods or the stale sets or the stale characters or the shiny new toys which don't mesh in with the not-so-shiny and not-so-new toys - it is the writing/pacing. This next phase of Nathan/Maxi's relationship ended quicker than Sam and Patrick being able to figure out whether or not they could find another hotel room in Amsterdam. Better pacing is displayed with home shopping network tv show featuring someone hawking bad jewelry with a countdown clock at the bottom. Maybe if there was a Sonny countdown clock at the bottom of the screen... . The reception could be held in Charming, CA.
  22. LOL. This new guy is still in a coma. There have been so many new characters serenaded to the audience from other soaps and terrible newbies (Sabrina and Felix) and most have failed. They needed to clean ship from the craptastic Corinthos family on down before throwing new actors into the mix. If the core (Corinthos family) stinks, then throwing nicely scented towels around that core works for a very short while before the stench sets in to the nicely scented towels. At the very least, Nina and the three one-life-to-livers haven't set the bar too high (although MW - Ava - has been all types of fantastic). I would have been much happier with FV/Ron signing Robert Scorpio and Laura with limited appearances - along with having Ryan being a doc and releasing half of GH's doctors from prison (matt and s. larrs). YMMV. It would be a great early Christmas present if TPTB do NOT sign MB.
  23. {{{GHScorpiosRule}}} Healing vibes your way...
  24. Is it poor writing or just dumbing down non-favorites? How could the writers have Anna sitting in a budget meeting and not on a plane to Paris to check on her daughter. The writers were able to draft a couple of lines to explain why Dante isn't heading over to Amsterdam. The plane's occupants should have been Anna and Patrick en route to Paris. I've already had my fill of Sam these past couple of years with her major story lines with Jason, Franco, Vampire, McBain/Jason's death, Danny, Silas and now with the resurrection of Jason. While it was nice to see her and Patrick smile (for a change), her weariness is already starting to set back in.
  25. Who needs a hospital on the Corinthos Family Hour, starring an ugly violent thug who can't act living in a town of thugs and their woman folk who have baby rabies? Might as well use the hospital as the set of a talk show. http://soaps.sheknows.com/generalhospital/news/id/40047/General_Hospitals_Nancy_Lee_Grahns_General_Hospita/
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