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Everything posted by sunnyface

  1. Out of one side of his mouth, he has retired from the mob. From the other side of his mouth, in a corridor right outside of his custody battle he is threatening another mob boss. Sonny should be locked up and the key thrown away in a parallel galaxy. He can't even take care of his kid during a custody trial. During yesterday's episode, I was half-expecting that baby to be stolen. Way to leave the kid in a bar in NYC - Morgan and Kiki.
  2. Any story that isn't about Sonny or Carly or the mob is a winner to this viewer.
  3. The ring is going to fall out of Nicholas' back pocket. Sam will pick it up and stare at it for a week and put it on top of her bureau next to the plastic dragon figurine. Danny will accidentally swallow the ring. Patrick will save Danny and hide the ring after he has read the inscription. Just in time for November sweeps...
  4. My hatred of Sonny/Carly has me rooting for this despicable couple. Even so, that kiss was cringe worthy and for the first time ever since she came into GH, actually felt bad for Nina. My new GH viewing motto is 'at least it's not Sonny and Carly'. It makes watching this soap much less painful.
  5. http://www.generalhospitalblog.com/. Brenda wants back in - sure more plot lines and screen time for Sonny. My gosh, what a flattering picture of NuKiki before GH hair and make-up folks let loose on her.
  6. Silas was very 'hands-on' with her during her intro. I can't imagine Roho having much patience with her petulant whining personality. This nuKiki just ain't bringing any energy to the show. It looked like Morgan was falling asleep in the middle of their conversation. Despite Franco having a despicable background when James Franco was in the role, I am willing and even hoping that Roho is permitted to put back some life into this show. Pushed to the brink of the Corinthos Family Hour, I am rooting for Franco and Nina. I am past done with Sonny and Carly as both characters and actors. Let's see what shiny toys that RC/FV have obtained can do - Franco, Nina, and nuJason.
  7. She is horrible and not easy on the eyes. Hopefully she'll play her scenes with Ava better than KA. Boy did Ava's dislike of Sonny sound like music to the ears or what? I can't stand Sonny's stain on this show but am getting a (very) wee bit of enjoyment that MB is getting fewer lines and he still butchers them. I enjoy watching both actors plus there is chemistry there. I really don't watch GH to get my blood pressure up. Nurse (at a soap called 'general Hospital') with a patient that has amnesia - classic plot line. Of course, if they moved the storyline along a little faster, I wouldn't complain. I'd rather watch this couple every single minute than having to watch the Sonny Corinthos family hour.
  8. Both couples are coming off pretty even handed on my FF button on the rremote. One of the bad thing about baby stories is that there is no suspense when you know who the father is. This plot line is boring and wasting Alexis, Julian, and Ned's acting chops. I find it even more boring that the Jason reveal.
  9. How riveting it will be to watch yet another middle-aged mobster (ex, well - rat) involved in a custody battle involving a new born w/in a year.
  10. Sometimes the new wallpaper is the only thing that I enjoy about Maxie scenes. Now if they would just put that wallpaper in Sonny's place(s). ETA - Especially with Spinelli in that space.
  11. Hate the character but enjoy watching the actress. She was much more pleasurable to watch before they sullied her with Sonny. It'll be interesting to see how the nuKiki and her hit it off. After watching a couple of her first episodes, I was really hoping that she was coming to the show to replace Carly - but alas.
  12. That actress belongs in the same drawer as Levi and is only a step up from Kristina. It's another nail in the Quartermaine coffin. The only thing that I agree with you that might be beneficial is seeing Ava interacting with the Quartermaines (I mean Tracy). The Quartermaines and the Hospital are TOAST under this regime (and its predecessor) who claims that they have been watching this show (well - maybe in a blackout) since the '80s.
  13. It's a problem when characters have been given large chunks of screen time and no one is missing them when they are not on screen for a couple of weeks. Good luck with integrating those two back onto the soap. These failures rest squarely on the writing. There's well over another year on Michelle's contract. I don't mind the actress (except for the repeat of lines and the screeming) but I do have a huge problem with the character.
  14. Worship Sonny, Carly, and Jason - and the associated lust for violence. Appreciate his willingness to bring back a vet for an episode or two per year (e.g., Mac Scorpio). Value his ability to juggle such a large cast. Most importantly, be grateful that this soap is still alive.
  15. I enjoyed watching TG and JE very much today. These two were displaying a master class in their last scene. NuJason and Elizabeth and nuLulu away from Dante and Maxie and even Patrick were on point today. Even Constance and Nicholas seemed to be making an extra effort today. However, the very choppy dialogue of the kids and the botched delivery of lines by Sonny/Morgan sort of broke up the flow. So this is what enjoying an episode feels like. Besides - two stethoscopes and NO guns! It's about progress and not perfection.
  16. He is a sweetie. Gotta admit that he is one great hire that RC/FV have gotten - at least for eye-candy. Here's a link to an article. http://www.upi.com/Entertainment_News/Movies/2015/02/17/General-Hospital-star-Ryan-Paevey-says-he-auditioned-for-Fifty-Shades-of-Grey/4051424191165/
  17. I don't want to watch any of them. Enough of the Corinthos family hour already!
  18. I don't think that Ron either gets along with a certain 'type' of younger 20-30ish or that type wants to work for him. I mean Guza-era at least was able to feed off of some of the chemistry amongst the younger set folks like Lulu, Ethan, and Lucky. I couldn't stand the unholy trinity of Guza but at least Lulu, Ethan, and Lucky were enjoyable actors to watch. Maxie and Spin were Lulu and Jason's lapdogs. Now, Maxie is the alpha in the nuLulu relationship. It only took ONE page of script for Spin to get my blood crawling (using the term 'it's not what I intended' twice in a page) and just playing the scene like an 8 or 10 year old. How horrible is it going to be when Spin catches his first whiff of nuJason? It's not like there is any chemistry between Maxie and Spin. YUCK. It's just a matter of time before he brings Brenda back to show how he can bring 'cool' young people to work with him. Blech. 'Sonny, Carly, Jason and Sam ' worked for Guza. Ron sees himself as talented as that regime so why not use that vehicle for a steady paycheck? Keep a token doctor or nurse and splash a legacy character for a day or one plot line. This gives him the liberty to working with older (and spenser) soap actors who have talent in excess of the typical soap actor and he can show off his alleged awesome 'craft'.
  19. One rumor is that a network exec pushed her on him. I wish that Ron had made her a Sonny spawn instead of her tainting the hospital and the 50th anniversary.
  20. I am enjoying every single second of Michael Quartermaine. One of the nice touches done on the set was ensuring that a camera shot of Lila's picture made it into the scene. Sonny's money is coming from - rum distilleries! The most fearsome twenty-first century East Coast mobster is making his illicit money through rum. Sonny Corinthos doesn't run drugs, prostitution rings, guns, or human trafficking. He's cute with little kids too! I enjoyed Roho's performance today. What was once a waste of this actor's talents has become a waste of the audience's viewing time.
  21. Yesterday's score. Two stethoscopes and no guns! Nice to read on this board that there are people here who are happy to see him on the show. Just another piece of crap that RC/FV get to stick on their pile of characters who earn their paychecks in Port Charles by either committing or threatening to commit acts of violence. Nor do I. Maybe this 50ish mobster daddy won't be threatening to murder the mother of his kid like the last 50ish mobster daddy we just had to watch for the past year. Thanks for the originality writers.
  22. As bad as this show is now, it can always get worse.
  23. There were three things that I enjoyed in the show today - the writing for Michael, Maxie's kick-ass living room wall paper, and the daily tally: stethoscope 1 - guns 0. Now, that I think about it, Nathan pulled a gun out on poor Carrrlos. So there were two things I enjoyed about the show. Is it just me, but would you let a guy who still has crusted blood on his face and is carrying germs from a hospital let near your baby? Not so much. Morgan needs to go pre-med at PCU. I liked the day player doctor at one of the two (2) mental institutions that this town supports. Didn't he play a judge on the show at one time?
  24. From the interview - "The last two years, I think Maurice has done top-notch work." Define 'top-notch'. Not on an unrelated note, at least Dom recognizes the importance of a stable paycheck. Any character on GH could be let go. I am not a fan of the frequency of appearances of his character on the show - especially with the new Lulu.
  25. The currency in a soap is how much time you spend on screen. Carly is a wealthy woman. The only time that I didn't detest her of almost daily appearances was during a camera shot of her rocking that sweater jacket on the docks. Her character is at the front line in the choir of the disgusting church of Sonny and Jason. Watching RH and MS on the screen is much more preferable than watching any scene with Maurice Bernard. Having never seen these two soap actors, I wanted and still want to give them a chance. However, the Franco/Nina characters have not been well written and integrated into the show. They could have tumored away Franco's disgusting and vile history (away from Carly) and had him become a businessman or have had him pass the bar a long time ago. Nina could have tucked away that list and not come down with baby rabies. She could have use the money to start an empire. Why anyone would care about a new character who was in a coma for twenty years might have sounded good in Ron's head - but the execution failed. I do agree, that in their current character incarnations, Franco and Nina are toast and unwatchable. It makes watching this Tony Geary stint a little bit easier.
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