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Everything posted by sunnyface

  1. Nina has over 1.5 years left on her contract. Jane is not on the screen much (and a silent curse to y'all who put her name out there for consideration). Unfortunately, the actress in question voiced her displeasure with her storyline so it very well could be her (then again - it could be any number of females on the show).
  2. I'd love JMB to come back and would hate Brenda to make an appearance. But it is fun to speculate - I am hoping that it is Sam. I'd rather her story minutes be taken by JMB. JMB and the NuJason (if we are going to be stuck with the 'Jason, Sonny, and Carly show') would be a fun pair to watch.
  3. Ron does have the talent to pull it off. It's just that it would be a bitter pill for him to swallow because the storyline would not involve his three pets from one-life-to-live, Nina, Franco, or Jason. That's just Tracy being Tracy. Tracy not figuring out that the hand that she's been holding does not belong to the Luke that she has known for years - only a DID story would fit. But hey, who cares about the fact that she has been sleeping with an imposter or that she has feelings? Not Ron. Too bad Jane Elliot can't break out into song in some Germanic dialect. By putting Dr. O as COS at GH and having Monica report to her while Robin is being held against her will pretty much shows how much Ron cares about the hospital and the Quartermaines. [Why bring up the crypt scene which MB has submitted to be considered for his emmy - unless to raise the blood pressure.]
  4. At the very least, that vile thug of a character isn't on the show every single day. It's the holiday season and am trying to be kind. I am hoping that the only reason he was resigned was ratings related and not reflective of RC/FV's 'love of threats, violence and guns'. I also know that this regime LOVES the mob stuff so my hopes will end up with my finger on the FF'd button or my feet racing towards the barge.
  5. FH seemed to be enjoying herself (well at least her eyeballs seemed to be doing some dancin). Frisco gets redeemed. Nathan looked excited to remember his lines. The wallpaper in Maxie's apartment didn't go so well with her lipstick. There seemed to be just as much space in the rundown motel than at the hospital. Y'all can have at it with the mob and guns. Dear Writers: Jane Elliot, Tony Geary and Derivatives. Bravo!
  6. Sonny gets screen time. Actors want screen time. Why wouldn't they say awesome things in public about Sonny? While I cannot stand that vile thug of a character, I give RC/FV props for not making him as much as King of Port Charles as Sonny was under Guza. It's not as good as not having him leave PC, but it's a step in the right direction.
  7. My favorite part of the year was staring at the wallpaper in Maxie/Nathan's apartment. Worst actor - Sonny Best waste of an actress - Jane Elliot
  8. Not so much. I don't care if there are actual guns, the guy is still threatening and reveling in violence. There shouldn't be any script time spent on the 'feelings' of a violent thug of a character. It's like banging my head against the wall with all of this violence crap on this show. I don't begrudge MB's satisfaction of his success. That disgusting behavior has been and is being rewarded.
  9. Here's a recent interview with MB. http://michaelfairmansoaps.com/general-hospital/the-maurice-benard-interview-general-hospital-2/2014/12/24/ Besides submitting the crypt sex scene for emmy consideration because it was cool (insert emoticon of Lila Q in shock) and claims that he is attempting to throw some humor into his prison scenes, it was a good article. Boy this show rocked before the guns replaced the stethoscopes.
  10. For some reason, his line delivery has been better lately but I still am unable to not react viscerally to his presence on the show. Anyone heard/read anything about MB renewing his contract? With Jason and Carly front and center, it appears less and less likely that his contract will not get renewed.
  11. Sit down where? On the floor? On the stairs? Changing camera angles and adding one set of stairs can't hide how the hospital set keeps shrinking. For those of us (not too many in this neck of the woods) who enjoy watching Liz, this was a nice episode.
  12. Carlos ain't gonna be long on this earth/PC. He's my only ray of sunshine in this mob war crapfest. The only positive acting chops that Sean and Jordan have displayed is the ability to strike a pose. Back to looking at how pathetic the sets look and wondering why the roles of DOCTORS (Robin, Patrick's brother Matt, LUCAS, and Stephen Larrs) have not been filled. Silly me, hoping that Sonny getting tossed in prison would mean less of that thug and the accompanying violence on my screen. May 2015 bring more stethoscopes and less guns to Port Charles.
  13. At least there appears to be more square footage in the prison yard than at the hospital - so there will be more room for the hot air to dissipate.
  14. I've no doubt in my mind that Ron did NOT watch GH like the rest of us, during James Franco's guest appearances. That character was one sick twisted individual. It was like watching some iteration of "Friday the 13th" or "Halloween" movie and NOT like some sophomoric bad comedy about a dictator. Folks, don't worry too much about another Liz/Sam cat fight because you know that pretty soon Liz and Sam won't be able to scrounge up more than a couple seconds compared to the EONS of airtime that Franco and Nina and NuJason and other useless (hi Kiki) characters will scarf down.
  15. He probably keeps a copy in the bathroom and listens to the abridged version in his car.
  16. Any episode without Sonny, Carly and their spawn is a winner to me. I enjoyed it as I have developed an immunity to the stupidity of the ridiculous dialogue coming out of the female characters.
  17. I'll take that bet and raise it half of Winston's salary.
  18. And you know that notion just crossed my mind.
  19. Bring it on. There's about zilch (plywood was shot) going on right now that doesn't involve violence or kidnapping or babies. I enjoy Liz and can't stand smug Sam. Although I am not too keen that, being the fierce breadwinner for her kids that she is, that she wouldn't go mama bear over them and kick Jason-with-a-smile to the curb. I'd much rather watch these two than Sonny, Franco, or Carly. The camera angles couldn't even make Liz look fat from any direction and she even made Sam appear 'normal' size. While I CANNOT stand the continual wallowing in violence that RC/FV think is true to this show's (General HOSPITAL) roots, Ava, Carlos, and Julian have been enjoyable to watch. Two mentions of Kristina yesterday. Eight divided by twenty-four is .33333. That is the amount of time left on Michelle Stafford's contract. Baby story - check. So what are they going to do with a character that NO ONE CARES about that didn't come cheaply for the next 18 months? ETA: see what #uGH does to my brain. Eight divided by twenty-four is .3333. That means that we have .6666 left of that character that NO ONE CARES about.
  20. Besides the dialogue, I enjoyed the actors that were featured (along with the emergence of the hospital set) especially after seeing the ones that will be on tomorrow in the previews. I really enjoyed the camera staying on Billy Miller one second too long as he was staring at the TV. He had that look of resignation in his eyes which is common when new folks come and the 'newness' wears off. Welcome to #uGH. Ron gets a huge pass from me for sticking Sonny into jail so if the resurrection of the character of Jason is the price - that is fine. When I took a decades long break from this soap (Laura and Luke on the run in the '80s) and came back, I landed in Sonny, Jason, and Carlyville. I didn't mind watching Jason as much as I couldn't stand the current heroine of GH Sam. Yesterday, RC having Sam being portrayed as some fierce woman warrior with revenge on her mind while Anna and Jordan aren't even allowed to roll their eyes at Bob is a bit much. But at least Sam is integrated into the show - unlike Franco, Silas, Kiki, and Nina. As far as I can see - all of those characters could be dropped and the soap would still have too many regular characters.
  21. No. Are you not entertained by SIX serial killers, prison scenes, rape, mob, mind control, a kidnapped baby and countless mind numbing violent scenes? [One would think that commenting on a board about a show entitled 'General Hospital', I wouldn't have to google the difference between serial killer and a murderer.] Boy are you watching the wrong show.
  22. Read the warning on pg. 137 in the GH Manual (Guide to the Suckers Still Watching this TV show about the Mob). Viewers who focus on the scenery of a set have a 47.5% reasonable probability of more likely than not sending a signal from their brain to their index finger to press down on the FF key during those scenes. 16 more months of Nina. That actress looks pissed that the kid is stealing her limelight. It appears to me (YMMV) that Ava, Julian and Nik are putting some effort into their crafts. It's too bad that they couldn't have brought Jeromes siblings in to play the roles of Doctors. Instead we got Sabrina and Felix to boost up the medical staff at the hospital (which is probably being used for the prison sets or NLG's new talk show). Meanwhile, the fruit loops killer and the NO ONE CARES actress along with Silas and Kiki are featured this week and are sleepwalking through their scenes. Must be nice to have secure jobs - especially in the acting profession.
  23. I was also impressed with the way the RC/FV handled the Quartermaine Thanksgiving. It was a treat having FH, JE, and NLG all having some decent screen time lately. This is one of the nice benefits about not having the Corinthos family scarfing down all of the minutes of this soap. However, the warm and fuzzy feeling that I had when Luke winked at Tracy was quickly extinguished with the previews of Nina, Franco, Kiki and Silas. Anyone else notice that Nik is putting some effort in his scenes lately? He might be stuck with Spenser but at least that means getting some screen time. Sam sure brought her girls. Between the cleavage and Liz's pants falling down, Patrick and Jake seemed to have the best Thanksgiving of all.
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