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Everything posted by sunnyface

  1. You might as well have Tracy join them and she's pretty much the only character (when not screaming) that I enjoy watching on this soap with RC/FV at the helm. My only condition would be that Sonny, Franco, Jason, Spinelli, Maxie, Morgan and Kiki would also have to exit. The only characters that RC/FV could add would have to be on the medical staff and the actors would have to be much more competent in their acting chops than the Felix/Sabrina crapfest. No more mob, and no more kids except on X-Mas.
  2. Ron is still mad that they cancelled his soap.
  3. Joyfully blackmailing a near-term pregnant woman makes it somewhat hard to root for those characters.
  4. There used to be bonding between the nurses and some of the doctors and doctor's wives. Mob wife hires the ex-mob mother (who is pregnant with another mobster's kid) for work. We have maxie/lulu - Maxi is now the 'alpha' in the Maxie/Lulu relationship and those actresses have little chemistry. There is an ex-DEA agent working with a former super-duper secret world spie organization and current department of justice agent who was just given her DOJ position because she was being investigating for torturing a torturer. Even Emma and Joss don't get a long. The only two females who get a long are an attorney who is sleeping with a mob boss and their daughter who is about to be reunited with her mob thug who was previously thought to have been murdered.
  5. Of course, sticking the weakest actors and unappealing character in the hospital setting and it will result in an automatic fail. Branch out is fine - but no mob and their ilk, that includes Jason and Spinelli.
  6. Sonny, Spinnelli, Julian, and Jason die in a car crash, the Metro Court burns down, and Franco and Nina just disappear. These event occurs off-screen. Every single new character is employed at General Hospital.
  7. PC Rule 61 - You can murder people and get away scott free but if you commit white collar crime - you are going to hang. Most of the local economy comes from guys who extort/threaten/commit violence to its denizens. One of the nice things about Ric's storyline is that the pacing of the Jason reveal is FINALLY moving along. Someone upthread wrote that it was over a year since nuJason has been on. It seems like most of his time has been spent eating chunks of time doing literally nothing but laying in hospital bed and looking about as animated as the chinese phoenix/dragon toy.
  8. The way his hair has been dishevelled of late, it appears that he has been quite busy providing some intensive briefings to Anna. Y'all should try some closed-captioning. The closed-captioning has him 'skoffing' at the mention of Tracy and the line 'Tracy being Tracy'. I do miss the laid back Dante and the old Lulu. Heck, I even miss Ethan and Lucky. That was one age group (along with Johnny) that Guza had right. YMMV.
  9. Boy, is that Liz amazing or what? Today she was able to read brain scans and able to identify that it was Jake's brain. Meanwhile, Patrick who hasn't exactly been busy performing surgeries can't recognize with CT Scans and MRIs a brain that he has operated on at least twice. I can count the times on one hand of how many times that I have enjoyed watching Carly (and I blame a lot of it on proximity to that vile thug Sonny Corinthos and JaBorg) but today truly was one of them. Can you imagine what she is like IRL on the set when one of the new actresses is introduced? Sam - Wasn't Jason (your protector) all about not having anything to do with the pregnancy if the baby was due to Franco raping you on your honeymoon? Great blocking today. Franco skates again!
  10. The only thing that stuck with me was my brain trying to figure out if the color of Molly's dress matched the green paint on the walls inside of Kelly's. I guess that I enjoyed Sam's akwardness on Tuesday at seeing her parents at it in her living room and Carly's intrusiveness on yesterday's episode. Props to having Rick commit a felony without producing a gun. Can't wait for the weeks of RC/FV's 'see we care about the hospital' annual variety show.
  11. I love Liz and have no idea what that 'bitch face' y'all are talking about. It's just a normal expression for someone as awesome as her character when dealing with something beneath her. I look at how these writers habitually humanize the mob. Julian/character is a violent thug with a sweet side and nice abs. In the GH in my head - Dr. Alexis would be at home strategizing about a tough surgery scheduled for tomorrow and Dr. Julian would just be coming off of a tough shift where one of his residents screwed up. I couldn't stop staring at his glassy eyes but whatever accent he was going for yesterday didn't sound like a southern accent. This character's shark is well past the 'jumped' phase. If only these stories would move along.
  12. I can't imagine why the ratings are going down. Introduction of two new characters on Friday on a show that already has way too many characters. Reintroduction of a mob war and Jason and cringe-worthy looking Spinelli. Horrific integration of three major characters that have no business being created on a show called 'General Hospital' (Nina, Ava, and Franco). Huge amounts of time/dialogue given to Sonny and Carly Corinthos. The next generation of characters has not even hit puberty. I have so much antipathy towards RC/FV (and Guza). Even with the good that they do (Shriner's advert), I think that Ron probably twittered something bad about about a child suffering burns and this is a PR stunt. I do NOT want to see Sonny or Carly for ONE WEEK. Is the soap gonna die without them? I think not.
  13. Bonus points if Morgan & Keeks try to scrounge up some change to put him in the washing machine. Would you rather have a scene of Maxie and Lulu after they let out helium balloons or a full episode of Sonny arguing with himself in front of a mirror about which color socks to put on?
  14. Huge smile of appreciation for y'all!
  15. On a show called General Hospital, there are only four regular cast members (Liz, Silas, Lucas and Patrick) that are employed by the hospital. None of these characters have any major storylines by themselves. Liz and Patrick exist for the Jason/Sam relationship. Lucas is barely a regular character and Silas just has not gelled into the show. They should just rename the show already to the "Corinthos Family Hour".
  16. I thought that the coat was way too big for him today unless the David Byrne style ( a la 'remain in the light') style is back in again. Maurice must have been taking some speech lesson because the crap that he spewed out today flowed half decently. I still can't bear to look at his face and not cringe. Best part of the day was Carlos and that means that Carlos probably going to be chasing that anvil (front page news)that the princess threw down today.
  17. LINSAV - Thanks for the Michael Quartermaine recap. How anyone could have watched 'General Hospital' during the 'Sonny' years is beyond me. Many thanks to viewers like you who were able to bear watching a soap opera that glorified sleazy characters like the violent thug Sonny Corinthos and his chief enabler Carly (and old Jason), I am grateful that at least RC/FV have diminished their preeminence on this show - albeit a tad too slowly. Loading up on better actors for the mob (Julian or Ava vs. Sabrina or the new Port Charles Police Chief) and bringing back Jason and Spinelli - while leaving the hospital as a place where main characters of PC come for either gun shot treatment or cancer treatment makes my optimism somewhat muted. I won't even type out that the return of Dr. Steven Lars and Dr. Matt have not even been mentioned.
  18. Do you mean like checking the gun registrations of known reputed violent felons after they have discharged rounds of ammo in a public place where children go to feed the ducks? Treating them like drivers who are pulled over for speeding and asking to check their licenses and registrations?
  19. I am way past tired of seeing that actress on just about every episode. She's been the matriarch of this show and that character is a HUGE reason why this show is the way it is.
  20. Actor playing Lucas is way hotter than Brad. I don't see awesome chemistry there. The only bad thing about this Michael story is that at the center ring of this circus, is the Corinthos family, the most pathetic soap opera family ever with some of the worst acting on display during this episode. They should adopt Spinelli as their pet. At least Nina and Franco are in the ridiculous realm. Ridiculous as in - why are they on this soap opera? Both actors are more bearable to watch than Maurice Bernard - but not by much. Way to let the baby crying RUIN the Tracy/Michael scene - idiot in editing! Don't even get me started about all of the money WASTED on the continuation with the mob war actors that were brought in and the time and energy spent on the Corinthos Family Hour. I had to do a wait a few seconds for my brain to recognize Felicia Jones. It must suck to be a veteran actor on this show - trotted out a couple of times a year. There are WAY TOO MANY actors on this show. Please kill the mob crap already. I am sick of watching this celebration of violence. If the writers can't figure out how to use the hospital, then please take a look at some episodes of Gray's Anatomy or ER. YMMV.
  21. He's been a one-dimensional character with bad hair but I enjoy his scowling (and looks) better than the previous guy. Eye candy is important as he is yet another 'new' character brought in that has more experience yielding a gun than a stethoscope. With Ron and Guza, the hospital ship Mercy has sailed. I guess Gloria Monty would be proud. She is responsible for Luke and 'saving' the soap. The only positive part of that character is that there is a higher likelihood of more Anna appearances. Although I would have been more happier seeing her in scenes of sets with signs in French signifying that she is searching for her daughter.
  22. Driving with Carly (with music blaring to drown her out). This show has way too many characters. If you were head writer and were told to get rid of characters, would you write off the Corinthos family or Nina/Franco/Jason?
  23. Closed captioning makes this show even better.
  24. Jane wanted to work with TG but not even she can remove the stench from Tony's latest Luke rendition. The camera work in the Quartermaine living room still needs some refinement. I am still interested in seeing how Ron will be able to integrate Franco and Nina into the rest of the GH population as there is over a year left on their contracts. This week we got Tracy, Michael, and Ava say not nice things about Sonny Corinthos. Not a bad week by that measure.
  25. Who's E.T.? I missed the beginning of the episode due to 10 hours not being quite enough time to devote to coverage of FOUR inches of snow. They cut back in when Nina was holding a pillow and barking at that woman. When the only place to put three daytime star actors is in an insane asylum, it pretty much has passed the point of not return.
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