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Everything posted by sunnyface

  1. I'm baffled that a show called General Hospital has no PLOTS or actors on contract centering on the Hospital. [Do not see the movie 'Joy' unless you want to see glimpses of Carly and Sonny on the big screen].
  2. Yes. And somewhere Jane Elliot is glad that some other established actress gets the opportunity to help Sabrina's ease off our screens. Poor Tracy - having to share lines with Sabrina, Michael, and vanilla Dillon (swear that Tracy's real kid must have been switched at birth). At least she doesn't have to do the heavy lifting in scenes containing the awful performances by Kiki and Morgan like Maura West.
  3. Because Port Charles' number one problem is the lack of equal opportunities for possessing fire arms.
  4. Thanks writers for explaining to me why my favorite character is not going to be on screen for the next month or two. Of course it figures, that Tracy only merits one episode. Using paper plates - when China is available. #sigh.
  5. It was awesome seeing the last two regular cast playing doctors paying homage to the violent thug holding center stage for the past few months at the hospital. These new writers are also awesome.
  6. The only good thing about yesterday's episode is that Sonny wasn't in it.
  7. The Worst of GH continues to be the actor Maurice Bernard and TPTB insistence on making him the central character on a soap that is supposed to be about a hospital and NOT VIOLENCE. The Jason reveal was a close second and sucked up the story line of the last TWO medical staff contract players. The only thing that 'rocked' was Sam bringing up Jason's name nearly every time that she and patrick were in bed. Improvements were seen from the actresses playing Maxie and Lulu - as long as they aren't under the 'baby rabies' spell. Happy to see Jane Elliot still on the screen in small bit but would love to see her take a much larger role in 2016.
  8. Of course, Sonny and Carly are there to see that the last DOCTOR on a soap called General HOSPITAL pays respect to and apologizes to Saint Sonny before he vacates the premises.
  9. With everything that is horrible on this show (take a huge bow each and every member of the Corinthos family - and the new Jason too), at least the new writers got one thing right. Besides the braids, I am enjoying Maxie scenes again. And I like Lulu without baby rabies (and this actress away from Dante).
  10. Were Sonny and Jason chuckling/bonding over the thought of beating a woman up?
  11. He was pretty awesome telling Emma at a July 4th barbecue (Britt burned her doll) that he was getting divorced. Now quit your whining Emma and enjoy the fireworks. Not too much. He pretty much told her that he couldn't commit with her beyond anything more than acknowledging that the sun will rise in the east tomorrow. Pretty awesome look from nuLulu when she told Johnny that the original plan was a go. Old Lulu is playing a surgeon on a prime time show. Of course, show has wasted the last two contract medical staff on Jason. Just seeing Jason and Sonny and Carly in the preview ruined the satisfaction of watching a good episode of this dreck. No medical staff left and the disgusting Jason/Sonny/Carly worship begins again.
  12. At least Michelle wasn't repeating everything twice. Her contract is up in May or June and she seems to be making an effort now which is more than I can say about those actors connected with the over-long Jason plotline. FV needs to be fired - STAT. His expertise is stretching all characters' meme for each episode - to one line - repeated for four scenes. The editing is atrocious. There are actually a bunch of decent actors on the show now (except for Sonny, Kiki, Morgan, Valerie, tracey's kid who is so bad that i can't even remember his screen name).
  13. It is so nice to think about spring and baseball (despite you being wrong about which team that God likes). One can only imagine what these writers/FV have in store for us this winter. Rage simmering - 3...2...1.
  14. Olivia was having an affair with Konnie's boyfriend at the time so it wasn't like she had much respect or positive feelings towards her cousin; neither did Sonny. Ava did shoot Olivia. They might be nice people in real life, but Olivia, Alexis, Ava, and especially Carly need to either be removed from this soap or their point-of-view toned down. If I have to watch middle-aged women - give me FH and GF any day of the week. However, yesterday's episode of the Corinthos clan celebrating Thanksgiving at the 'hospital' was a horrific reminder of the fundamental problem of this show - Sonny Corinthos.
  15. Meanwhile - two DOCTORS (patrick's brother Matt and Stephen Larrs) are languishing in prison. Hmm - I wonder who will be getting out of jail first - violent thug or a doctor?
  16. Was anyone else surprised that the writers didn't have Sonny being strolled in that park and end up saving Emma (e.g., either running over that lady with his wheelchair, tossing a colostomy bag at her, etc.)?
  17. Slow clap to the new writers for Sam acknowledging that it wasn't all rainbows and unicorns during Sam/Jason's brief marriage. Jason was going to ditch her because he feared that the child growing in her womb was not his. His new wife was thought to have been raped and he just didn't want to have anything to do with either her or her baby. And this is the guy for over a year that I am supposed to feel sympathy for? [insert rage emoticon]. While I don't hate Sam, she's just a useless character on the show (not as offensive as Sonny/Jason - but an enabler with the worst of them).
  18. MW just rocks her scenes. As much as it is disgusting that this show has NO (see ya JT) contract actors playing doctors, if I have to watch 'exciting' people who get off on violence, I am entertained by MW's acting. I LOVE MW but hate the character. MB's horrible acting and TPTB's idiotic choice to make him the pillar of Port Charles is made all the more glaring. It's not just the writing, the director also needs an 'F' for both reveals during sweeps. It's like someone slipped a roofie into the punchbowl that the major actors in the dante/val and jason/jake reveal scenes. A particularly low point was the staging of Liz's pre-wedding scenes. The choreography of the kids and Liz's friends gifts was some of the WORST soap I have seen in my lifetime.
  19. Silas had just signed a three-year contract and is no longer with the show. There is always hope.
  20. FV: "I give you guys more hospital scenes and more Qs (Jason and Dillon) and you still aren't satisfied!"
  21. The only person that I want to see Valerie with is the bus driver checking her ticket as she steps up on the next bus out of PC. One of many problems with this plot has been that Dillon has been made out to be worse than Valerie. It's like sentencing a witness to a murder the death penalty. I really need each episode to have scenes with either Laura, Anna or Tracy. It doesn't matter that they have relegated Laura to doing laundry. I'd rather watch that actress folding laundry for the whole show than having to watch HORRIBLE actors with limp scripts.
  22. I almost took out a stop watch to measure the time allotted to these scenes of MB trying not to stare at LLC's cleavage vs. the time allotted to Dante/Lulu in the reveal. Then some part of my brain stopped me from having to watch one more nanosecond of Sonny than necessary.
  23. "“For all the devoted fans and new ones alike, it’s the perfect time to jump in to GH with compelling, engrossing storylines and just the right mix of nostalgia,” (Frank) Valentini from a 10/30 interview. FV's definition of 'compelling' and 'engrossing' and 'just the right mix' come from a different universe than the reality that most human beings live in.
  24. FV: "Sorry we have too many pregnant women right now. Want to be a cop or a nurse?" Off to police academy Valerie goes she announced today,
  25. After seeing Spinelli on the screen, I am appreciating the pairing of Nathan and Maxie. Spinelli/Maxie was painful to watch. Nathan and Maxie are much more fun to watch. YMMV.
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