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Everything posted by sunnyface

  1. They can't even fit a christmas tree in the remnants of the Quartermaine mansion. What would be extra special - would be having Jane Elliot do a voice-over of an entire episode. She's been reduced to sharing scenes with the likes of Sabrina, Michael and Dillion - and those actors are barely a step up from the actors on toe-nail fungus commercials. Then again, it doesn't really make a difference because each episode seems to have twenty-second scenes with Tracy, Laura, or Anna and three-minute scenes if thugs Sonny or Jason are in them. Using paper plates when you have China. tsk. tsk. tsk....
  2. Nope, I could say that for him and at least 85% of the cast.
  3. Today's show was a mess. This Darby character already seems obnoxious the actress didn't even make it through an entire episode without being allotted to a place to the FF mode. Molly's voice continues to be grating/whiny. Olivia should have stayed in Bensonhurst. Morgan and Kiki should be volunteering at a shelter. Even when the happiness that I get by seeing Ned is dampened by the presence of Spinelli and his 'special' vocabulary. Michael is dead to me and I don't need another WOTD plot especially with an actress that is real boring and ten gazillion months along in her real life pregnancy. I can't even bare to hear the words 'Jason' coming out of Sam's mouth any more. They even screwed up the special effects of the shooting star by having the script reference it before it happened. Basically, no Nina/Franco or Sonny/Carly and the episode still blew chunks. When Spencer isn't in the top five characters that you wish weren't on the screen, it is nearing the time to check for the schedule of the launch to the barge.
  4. With his annoying stoner smile wiped from his face, I enjoyed (relatively) some 'smug' Dillon along Val with an attitude. ETA - I had no idea what y'all were talking about when mentioning 'rage' when I first started rewatching around five+ years ago. Now, I can barely manage to type out a sentence that meets the standardized tests for 8th-graders.
  5. The only good thing about having the Corinthi wedding at General Hospital is being able to see some solid daytime soap actors (Anna, Paul, Ava, Jordan) in other scenes away from that toxic family.
  6. Her contract is up in either May or June! What a waste of a character, resources and more importantly - our time. Hey writers! Here's a thought - There are these shows called ER, Gray's Anatomy, Code Black. Watch a couple of these episodes. It appears that y'all have Sonny/Jason/Pregnancy in line for your plots. The characters on this soap are dull - guns and cute babies aren't the answer. Patients at a hospital in the aforementioned shows are the ones with real bad stuff happenning to them. Use the history (pre-Sonny) of this show and you will find plenty of drama in the characters that could be dripped down into their descendents. Also, if you or FV could have the dialogue in the scenes a little bit longer, it wouldn't feel like a weeks worth of episodes could have fit into one episode. TIA.
  7. The only interesting story involving Sonny/Carly (along with Franco/Nina) would be for them to suddenly vanish without a trace from Port Charles and the Show would not notice. And the cast would still be bloated.
  8. She is such a dull actress to watch, my eyes couldn't stop immediately moving to anywhere and anything in the scenery but her. Today they were locked into the design on the small pillow on the couch besides her. Did this character came out of Tracy's womb?
  9. That makes sense or they could just use a flashback to Liz and Nicolas talking loudly in the hospital hall. They really dragged this Jason reveal way too long but at least the actors appeared to get along with each other. At least the reveal appears to be happenning sooner rather than later. It's so fitting that Ron's entrance was the episode after the explosion 'killing' Robin in the laboratory and Ron's last episode had Robin's husband engaged to the widow of the number two thug in Port Charles.
  10. While I don't appreciate it when my favorite characters are trashed/killed by the writers, the current problem with the show - besides Sonny and the mob - seems to be the 'blocking' or shooting a bunch of episodes at a time. What it is translating on my screen is one episode stretched into four or five episodes. While it is a cost-effective method of using those shrinking operating expenses, the best method is reduce the largest operating expense which appears to be labor. Why are the disgusting or useless characters like Franco, Jason, Nina and her family, or Olivia back on my screen after the writers adroitly got rid of them?
  11. The actor isn't bad but the character - not so much. Paul's goal to the public (Dante et.al.) - "I'm going to get who shot your Dad". Why not just lock up his father? He's in the same profession as Julian. The editing of the Chinese restaurant scenes was so off. Grandma would be talking for five times as long as the words that were translated. Does the guy playing Jake get payed a salary? If so, he should return whatever he received yesterday.
  12. So basically, an adult kid whose parent worked as Sonny's enforcer is staying at Sonny's house is kidnapped and has a gun pointed at his head. Sonny comes to the rescue and is shot and nearly dies. There are a bunch of hospital scenes (thumbs up) with Sonny's family (thumbs down). The general population of Port Charles is singing Sonny's prasies. Now Sonny is engaged in custody of a baby that is apparently his. Why wouldn't a judge grant Sonny custody for another kid to stay in his safe home environment?
  13. I hate to admit this but Maurice has only screwed up maybe 10% of his lines since he's been in that hospital bed which is the best recitation of his lines that he's done in the past eight years. I can't stand Sonny or Maurice, but I appreciate that the actor is trying (or that they have been able to have a teleprompter nearby his hospital bed).
  14. Hmmm. Please provide another hint. Was this character also tortured for two years in captivity before her recent captivity stint?
  15. Forget about the launch boat to or from the barge, I'd jump into the water and swim to shore.
  16. From the transcript (http://tvmegasite.net/transcripts/gh/older/2015/gh-trans-02-16-15.shtml} of 2/16/15's show:
  17. Dear FV and Writers: You have all of these middle-aged decent actors (julian, ava, franco, jason, nina and now Paul) that could have easily been cast as doctors on a show called 'General HOSPITAL'. Instead, this show has to slog through the morass of a show centered on a violent, useless, and drain of a character portrayed by a not-pleasing-on-the-eyes middle-aged actor who can't even spit out his lines. His show family obviously worships him because he affords them screentime. PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!
  18. No. I didn't even recognize her at first. The actress playing Molly couldn't hide her face throughout the whole episode the fact that Kristina's return is going to translate into fewer minutes of screen time for Molly. Scott, Ava, and the judge scenes were pretty good soap and quite a respite from Michael's [dead to me - adorned in a horrible colored t-shirt] return as the front pew at the choir of St. Sonny. Valerie and Plywood and nuLulu and Dante were quite annoying. Alexis was able to act happy for a second with her daughters. Julian has nice abs. So Michael is having some people talk to the five families about who might have shot Sonny. Hmmm - maybe it's the family of the guy (probably Russian but the actor couldn't keep his accent straight) he shot in cold blood. Milo (nice abs and a cutie to this viewer) is back and a reminder that nuLulu does have chemistry with some males - just not with Dante. Milo also serves as a reminder of the incubation of Laura/Lucy's 'Deception' spa story-line that the RC/FV intentionally passed on in favor of puffing up a disgusting violent man and the support he gets from his immoral and disgusting family.
  19. There is nothing remotely romantic about about violence and threatened violence. It's just plain disgusting.
  20. Britt did steal a “Christina Comes Home For Christmas” DVD from Liz. Other than that, Liz was relegated to propping up Sabrina with Felix at that time. The best that the idiot writers could come up with was turning Sabrina into Liz (looks wise - see hair style) after people behind the scenes and the fans gave a thumbs down to the actress. Too bad, they didn't let the Liz character do something else at that time because Liz v. Britt Could have been fun soap centered at the hospital. Since it doesn't involve the Mob or Corinthos spawn, I guess RC/FV didn't think that it would be entertaining. sigh.
  21. The Lulu character died when they made her give Sonny a 'world's greatest grandfather' mug. This was the first time that I enjoyed watching the actress playing Maxie in years (of course - not the lines that were written for the character). She has become annoying as her generation's Lucy Coe - and that's not a bad thing. The sound peron added just enough loudness of Avery's 'coo'ing to ruin whatever effect RC/FV were going for with Sabrina's inexplicable breaking out into singing a lullaby replete with camera shots of the kid's mother rotting in jail and her father dying' in an emergency room. Of course, there is no need for Jason to be at the police station for questioning. The extra seconds of camera shots on Carly, Mike, and Morgan trying to process an Jake/Jason being heroic for murdering two people were also 'special'. I feel like I need a shower after seeing the guy who plays Morgan on the screen. He has spent way too much time with Maurice.
  22. The reality is that the Q's have been knocked off their perch by the Corinthos and the hospital has been replaced by the mob/cop/attorneys. Maurice and Laura are just playing gross characters and the modern day equivalent of Edward and Lila. What a commentary on today's society.
  23. Cake almost got revenge. But Sean's idiot son couldn't let that abide.
  24. Since they were able to get Silas out of his recently signed 3-year contract, why can't they get rid of contract players (e.g., Franco, Nina, and Sonny) too? Of course, I don't want to see anyone lose their job in real life - but there are way too many characters on the show. We're down to one Doctor and one Nurse on contract. See ya - Monica, Lucas, Brad, Kevin Collins, and Epiphany but we'll probably get stuck with the serial killer Dr. O. and Felix.
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