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Everything posted by sunnyface

  1. I am guilty of enjoying the extra seconds worth of camera time on Val's face after someone mentions Dante. At least the actress is trying but I don't buy the actress either in the looks or in the acting department being the one to throw St. Dante off his game. Bad casting again. At least I am enjoying the inappropriate music in the background but isn't it time for the summer intern who has been working on the lighting to go back to college?
  2. This is one of the few times that I wish that Maurice played a doctor. I started rewatching the show around five years ago and the only regular mobster characters that got removed have been Johnny and his dad and trey's dad. The number of doctors that Guza/Ron axed are Britt, Silas, Dr. Matt, Maggie, psycho doc -patrick slept with, and Stephen Larrs).If Silas just signed a 3-year contract and left/was removed, then maybe Sonny who just signed a contract can vacate the premises. NuOldSloane recieved one-too-many botox shots near his lips and creates negative chemistry around FH. During Morgan's emmy-winning performance didn't he tell Sonny that he gambled away a lot of money (lost a car), but in the next episode whine to Michael that he went straight to Sonny's place after Mike had enough of drunk Morgan and left him?
  3. The writers have left just enough wiggle room to leave both sides (Patrick and Anna are ultra stupid and the actress chose to leave the show vs. the character being intentionly mistreated) a little hope. One of the unfortunate results of the character swaying in the wind is that Jason has been inserted in the story. Jason/Sonny still rule the show with the hospital being nary a wisp of a glance out of the window of a runaway train of violence barreling down the tracks of which the idiots at the helm of General HOSPITAL have lost control.
  4. The only time that I ever want to see BC on GH is his last scene - same as Kiki. Horrible characters along with dismal actors.The only things that I enjoyed today was the muppet promo crawling on the bottom of the screen. Michael's shirt color went well with his coloring and Baby Avery's figiting made the Sonny scenes somewhat less horrific. The only thing on the screen today that I am super pumped to see tomorrow is seeing Anna come back.
  5. I am all for Morgan going back to school or having a full-time job - off screen. The Corinthos family is a huge stain on Port Charles. The show was fine before Maurice Bernard came to town, and this soap opera was fine before Tony Geary blew into town too.
  6. Who is this 'Monica' you are talking about? What is her profession? The 'Q's'? Do they currently have any family members locked up at a non-General Hospital - hospital or prison?
  7. That disgusting thug's blood lust has already resurfaced. He offerred to 'exterminate' someone today. Such a wonderful character to be the central character of a soap opera. The actor - who can't spit his lines out - and chooses to whisper to show how 'tough' he is - looks like he belongs as a movie's mob boss's crazy side-kick. Julian's jaw was fun to watch in Sonny's scenes as was Dr. O's eye make-up. Just when I thought this show couldn't get any worse, it doesn't disappoint.
  8. His appearances have been very soothing for my Sonny/Franco/Nina/Kiki rage and cute to watch as he strains to spit out his dialogue. Congrats RC/FV! Y'all have taken GH to new lows. One can only imagine the stuff (e.g., blowing up the hospital) that was the fine line - besides the dismal ratings - that was crossed that caused RC to get fired. Never have I been this close to typing an obscenity and I've been on this internet thing for over two decades and started watching this show over four decades ago.
  9. I hate MB's inability to recite his dialogue amost as much as I hate the Mob and the Corinthos family. Some slack would be given but he is not easy on the eyes either.
  10. It's like FV just saw the hand that Ron was dealt and called ABC_Disney. There's not ONE character that FV/RC has created for these these new actors/actresses to fill that has succeeded (maybe Jorden doesn't completely suck). Even the old characters (Franco, Jason and Rick), I can't stand. It's no small wonder that the only watchable portion of this soap opera (to worship the hitman Jason) mainly involves the actors that were on this show before RC/FV were at the helm.
  11. We resent RC/FV too! The hospital staff of a show called General HOSPITAL consists of one doctor and one nurse who do nothing but mention the sainted hit man every other sentence. Yeah, occasionally we get Lucas stories for a week or so but then more of Dr. O - to rub it in.
  12. Even though her character deserves some retribution, I'd rather watch ten gazillion Liz scenes than one single scene of Franco or Sonny or Nina or Denise or Kiki.
  13. Q. In yesterday's episode, Sam stated that DNA testing was done due to Danny going missing. Wasn't the DNA testing performed because Jason (the consumate hitman who couldn't protect his wife on their honeymoon) wanted nothing to do with Sam when he thought that she was pregnant by Franco?
  14. The behind-the-scene interactions between Sonny/Sam/Alexis, who had a lot more appearances and had meatier characters before RC/FV and RC/FV's pets - Franco/Nina arrived would be much more entertaining than the slop that is being thrown our way each weekday afternoon. Then again, what would be more even more entertaining would be to have Monica, Laura, Scott, Dr. Drake, Liz and Tracy take on latecomer mobster/villians Sonny/Cassadines and the women who worship them (Carly/Sam/Alexis).
  15. Stick Sonny in the hospital (waiting for a transplant, coma, heart attack) and direct this soap back to its roots. Fill the hospital with experienced actors (not Felix and Sabrina) instead of sticking new actors as part of Port Charles mob/cop population. [Do not accomplish this by having two serial killers - Dr. O as chief of staff and Franco as an art therapist was a huge middle finger to the history of the show by Ron.]
  16. I feel some HOPE for this show which is the LAST feeling that I had after the Nina/Franco/Kiki/Denise episode yesterday. Good luck new writers! Hopefully, they can take a look at some late '70s and early '80s (pre-Helena) episodes. If the actors playing Nina/Franco/Ava/Julian are on contract - just switch these characters to playing the role of doctors. Instant improvement.
  17. Just watched a bunch of episodes in a row. The Franco/Nina/Denise/Ric/Kiki/Morgan stuff found my finger hitting the fast-forward button quickly. It's not that the actors are any better or any worse but the Dante/Lulu and Jason reveal feels like a soap. I like Nathan. He is trying and is cute to watch. . But the Franco/Nina stuff feels foreign. I really want to enjoy watching Franco/Nina but FV/RC have failed to demonstrate why this viewer should care about this character of Nina or not be weirded out by a character that is a sexual predator that is written to be snarky. This is not to say that this soap would be great if Franco/Nina went away, but it would be a most welcome step in the improvement of the show. And yes, I can't stand how RC is rewriting Jason into a saint and the continuation of the mob or FV's harsh editing chops but this Franco/Nina mistake really could have been preventable. I miss Aunt Ruby. The young actress playing Pat is top notch. Too bad if there are going to be youngsters on the show, they can't be her caliber.
  18. Alexis/Julian were featured prominently yesterday - last pic in the character montage in the only seemingly familiar vestage remnants of the show that I watched many eons ago - the theme song outro for the first commercial.
  19. I haven't watched any string of consistently good episodes on this show under this regime. What is frustrating to me is that despite all of the pieces of a truly great show, RC/FV have wasted tons of time and resources and double-downed on the failures of the characters of Franco, Kiki, and Nina. Even though I DETEST the mob, at least Guza had some solid 'younger' soap actors in JMB, Johnny, Lucky, Nik, Liz, sometimes Sam, Patrick and Robin during his reign.
  20. Hello Nina. Hello Nina. I am enjoying the performances of Nik and Liz as not perfect characters. Sam has been turning in some solid episodes. Seeing Ethan and Lucky and remembering oldLulu (JMB) and then watching nuLulu/Dante/Nathan and recently Morgan, Michael, Maxie and cute cop - I see that the current younger set is overall not cutting it. It is nice to see the chemistry of the next age level (with the addition of nuJason) translate into a polished front-end of a solid soap opera. With Luke soon to be gone, the next person that needs to go is Sonny. Anyone know how much long his contract is for?
  21. This was the first episode in some time that I actually enjoyed and the type of soap opera that I wish was on every day. It is no coincidence that the Hospital (Patrick and Liz) and Tracy were featured. It is going to be so refreshing to be able to see Tracy without Luke around! Adultery and white crime trumps guns and violence any day of the week.
  22. Are there really fans of the actor who think that he deserves a three year contract on this soap based on his prior years' GH performances? The only thing that I can think of is FV/RC wanted to do one of their friends from One-Life-to-Live a solid. Three years of steady income in the dying soap opera industry is mighty kind. FV/RC appear to take delight in the continual denigration of the hospital. The only people who hang out in the hospital regularly are Dr. O, Franco, and Dr. Clay. Liz and Patrick do have scenes at the hospital, but the only purpose they serve is for the buttressing up of Jason [whose saint-like status isn't this regime's creation]. There hasn't been one iota of mercy or respect of the hospital since RC/FV took over the reins. How can Dr. O's character still be breathing air outside of a jail cell? Every single scene of Dr. O just reminds me that the former Chief of Staff is being held against her will. Out of sight but not out of mind.
  23. What a waste of resources! It's not just the writing (Roho/Dr. O/Denise/) or the acting (Kiki/Morgan), the blocking and repetition steps over the boundaries for even a soap opera. The solution is to get rid of Franco/Nina/Dr. O (yes - i would like Sonny/Mob gone too), and write a few more lines of script for the remaining scenes. The only new characters that should be hired should be replacements for Dr. Matt and Dr. Larrs. Who am I kidding? The only reason that the hospital scenery has been shown of late is to have a serial killer and a psychotic eat snacks from a vending machine and exchanging alleged 'wit'. Talk about JARRING - What a STAIN on the history of GH! Que Lastima. Qu'elle domage. How can you NOT find drama or scripts writing about a hospital? RC/FV haven't gotten over that their soap was cancelled.
  24. I am thoroughly enjoying watching Laura and Emma scenes. It's just too bad that they are getting the LEAST action for supposedly an action story. Watching and waiting for a phone to 'ring'. They both take the time to recite out their lines and it makes watching Sonny that much harder. I'm at a table for one - but I am happy to see Ethan. He was so much more pleasant to tune into a couple of times a week than the current 'younger' population of Port Charles. I am also enjoying Nik, Liz, and Sam. As someone upthread wrote - Sam woke up. It's nice to see the actress attempt to bring on a new range of emotioins instead of crying and sulking and shrugging. NuJason must have ticked off the make-up/hair person because he isn't looking so good of late. As always, I am enjoying Tracy - especially without Luke. Too bad that Ava and Tracy didn't end up running a company together. Those two actresses would have been enjoyable tuning into without having to resort to guns for excitement. I can't stand Nina, Franco, Kiki, and Morgan. Ric and Nina's mom are a joke and easily FF material. Michael and Sabrina are so bland that my eyes automatically go to watch the color of the walls or see what props are in the background whenever they get on the screen. Carly has grown on me a bit this past year. The actress also took off some weight and looks pretty good.
  25. I'm not looking forward to any portion of the 'Corinthos Family Hour'. The only positive thing is that Avery is a cute baby and she makes the rage towards St. Sonny a bit less harsh.
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