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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. I take it that I'm not the only person who roots for the bad guys when Laurel "leathers up." And way to string your father along. What was Plan A, digging up Sara and Weekend at Bernie's-ing her corpse to fool Quentin? Ugh. And yes, Team Arrow should know better than to enable her. Sure, they saved two aldermen, but another wound up getting killed. I can't wait for Oliver to come back and deliver boots to dumb asses. Seriously, though, who would work in the Starling City government? I would've bailed from a six-figure deal after the Undertaking, not to mention the Mirakuru marauders and whenever Brick wants to polish his knob. Anyplace else would be better than Starling. Well, maybe not Bludhaven, but you get my point. Did not see Chase being in league with the League. I am officially intrigued. Can't wait for him to go on a "Date From Hell" with Thea, where they try to be subtle with their martial arts mastery without alerting each other.
  2. Note to Nany . . . you can do SO much better than Johnny. He's never going to grow up, and everybody pales next to himself as far as love interests for hom are concerned. "Whatever" to Adam & Brittany winning a third Dome. Sarah Greyson is still my gold standard in getting shoved into eliminations and winning. I did find it funny that Zach wouldn't throw his lady love Jenna under the bus because she's a rookie. I feel she can do better than Zach. He is a step up from Jay, at least in terms of looks. Sorry, Jay. Anybody else not hating Nia? I find it weird.
  3. Just curious . . . how early does MTV post the "webisode"? It's not up now, even though it's technically 1/28. ETA: Just saw it. John & Simone lucked out because Knight wrecked his shoulder in the Dome. So much for Knight getting a better swan song for what would become his final Challenge appearance.
  4. Heads up .. . we have an After Show. With an audience. Oh, and who is Zuri Hall and why is she hosting? ETA: Damn, I'm not as worked up at Knight's passing as I was with Diem last week. Seeing the panel (and Zuri) tear up was pretty heartbreaking, though. I feel like a dick for thinking of one epitaph: "Hey, He Wasn't The Worst 'Ryan' On His Season." The whole "man/myth/legend" thing does seem overblown. Oh, and Johnny can stop with the "Bananas" t-shirt. Seriously.
  5. What is Nicole doing on this show? She tried to break up the big fight. I think if Bruno didn't hold her back, a cameraman would've tackled her. Big "whatever" to the Tony drama. I don't see what the big fuss is about regarding him. I think Madison can do better . . . but something tells me she's not really capable of veering towards "better." ETA: I think I like Jason. He gives pretty good talking head.
  6. Dottie is a straight-up ninja girl. I want to see more of her. I can deal with a little less "Peggy gets short end of the stick" if it means more Dottie. Good episode, and we can check off "Stan Lee cameo" off the list of Marvel tropes.
  7. Anybody else let down by the "Pied Piper" moniker? Hartley didn't actually pipe anything. They got the gay and deaf parts right, but he looked more like Shriek from Batman Beyond than any sort of piper. </geeknitpick> Damn, this show sure does love its Barry/Joe moments. Joery? Can I use such a term to express "mere" friendship? Kinda cringeworthy to see Iris get her start in journalism. Then again, I do have a high tolerance for pain when it comes to fiction journalism, having exposed myself to the "careers" of Clark Kent and Lois Lane on Smallville. Is there a way to make her viable without any leaps of logic? I'd like to see that. Damn, if Wells was any shadier, he'd be . . . well, the Shade.
  8. I'm okay. I went out for an errand, and I didn't have much trouble driving through the snow. It was only dicey immediately leaving and coming home, though the plow has been coming around the neighborhood a lot. The Lowry voting is over. Here are the results for the category I submitted five sketches to; three of my sketches got two votes apiece, one got one vote. I'm always disappointed as to how few votes I get every year, even though I don't get the massive commissions the others get. I just wanted to break double digits. Better luck next time.
  9. I'd rather not see Kringle anymore, since that usually leads to Eddie and his riddle boner, which is cringeworthy. Of course, Eddie isn't as bad as Barbara, and thank goodness we didn't see her tonight. Better spinoff: Fish & Bullock or Fish & Oswald? Sure, we didn't get much Fish torture, but she got Penguin kissing her feet, getting him back to his default "snivel" setting. And I bet that if she did "go" with Harvey, Harvey would put in the effort . . . as opposed to any of the other girls he'd "go" with. Sorry for the mental image. I hope Butch gets to live. He's pretty entertaining in his own right.
  10. It's snowing right now. I was thinking of going to the gym, but I don't want to take any chances. Right now, the Mayor is hyping the heck out of the oncoming storm.
  11. Quick heads-up: Attack on Titan is off the schedule, so everything got moved up by 30 minutes. The episode should air at 1 a.m. ETA: Yes, Funkfreed is a sword that was given an elephant Devil Fruit. Because One Piece, that's why. Same thing happened in the Alabasta arc with Mr. 4 and his dog/gun. Anyway, the episode starts pairing off CP9 with the Straw Hats, and Luffy goes gunning for Rob "Pigeon Guy" Lucci. The bit with Chimney and Gonbe getting close to Lucci and Spandam isn't in the manga, so it's new to me. Ditto Luffy's fruitless search, where he comes closer to becoming Zoro than ever before. Next week, we'll see at least two new Devil Fruit transformations
  12. Anybody else got snow? I think we had 1-2 inches . . . nothing too bad, though I had to push the stuff off my car. Forgive me . . . I'm at the library and I'm bored, but there's nothing else for me to do.
  13. I don't know. I'd check Amazon. The next new volume is set to be released in March as a hardcover. Right now, Busiek is covering Quarrel's story (along with Crackerjack), and that'll be followed with a one-shot story about Starfighter, who's been peppered into stories set in the past.
  14. Glad to see I'm not the only one to disliking "Oh Hello" guys. A lot of the time, I'm just cringing at their antics. I know, that's the point, but it's not that much fun. I think Dr. Armond's peak came in the first season finale .. . or maybe I liked seeing Maria Bamford play a pug-obssessed woman looking for a new dog.
  15. More or less. From what I understand, Ruthie was sick after the mission, with all sorts of nastiness coming out of her body. While she was puking, Beth came into the bathroom, asking Ruthie to play the Ion Lifesaver for her. That was enough for the Inner Circle (Ruthie, Ellen, and I want to say Anne) to kick out Beth over Gladys . . . who didn't compete in Deadman's Drop because of her pregnancy.
  16. Bumping up to see if anybody is reading the Quarrel story. Also, I unearthed three binders' worth of Astro City comics. I'm missing the "Tarnished Angel" story, some stuff before and after that, and a few "Dark Age" books, though. The stuff holds up well, and I'm not just saying that because I've gotten my letters printed in the letter column three times. In addition, I've printed out four pages of reference for sketches. I don't know when my next event will take place, but I'll be ready.
  17. Weird episode. Turns out the comet from last week's episode is a once-in--a-thousand-years thing, and it somehow causes Finn to astral project himself. Or something. He witnesses random stuff on Ooo before floating to Mars, where the comet is due to hit ahead of schedule. It gets blown up, but at the expense of Glob. I think. Oh, and Finn's alleged father is behind the comet. Or something. Seriously, who do you feel more sorry for . . . Ice King or Bounce House Princess? I go with the latter, especially when it comes to trying to avoid her mortal nemesis . . . a porcupine. Poor dear.
  18. David Jacoby goes over the latest episode on Grantland. I should start watching these episodes more thoroughly, because I might have had more fun seeing Tony get emasculated.
  19. Anybody else tired of Archer going into missions . . .not even half-cocked. Quarter-cocked? I know, that's the bulk of his character, that he's so gifted to overcome anything . . . but it gets old. Or maybe it's because I'm not a drinker and therefore can't marvel over the magic of a "Peppermint Patty." Good episode, but I think that I'd want Archer to get punched in the balls more often. "Teutonic Butts" . . . way to keep the joke going. Next week looks promising . . . Barry's insanity is always welcome on this show. And you gotta wonder what he was doing during "Archer Vice." ETA: Malory having the voice mail gag . . . that was also funny.
  20. Very nice. Don't know where else to put this . . . Chris Parnell, Judy Greer and Aisha Tyler are going to be on @Midnight tomorrow night.
  21. Anybody else catch the episode? Like it says on the tin, the gang goes on group dates with mixed results. Dee seeks to empower herself by sleeping with men and giving them low ratings. Dennis goes sociopath about the rating system. And we have wacky misadventures with the Frank/Mac/Charlie act. Fun episode, though I had to close my eyes during the first "date" between the Gang guys and three women, because that shit was cringeworthy. One thing I have to side with the cast about . . . what's the deal with The Waitress not being on the Internet? Who isn't online these days? I'm not saying she should be online 24/7, but "e-mails" as a noun? The only reason for that is that she's practicing going off the grid in the event the Gang somehow cripples civilization.
  22. Damn, and Laurel was doing so well before the writers jumpstarted her career in vigilantism. I sense that the taste in our mouths is a mix of bile and puke. Rough episode. I hate seeing Felicity break down. On the plus side, we got a new villain in Brick. I'm guessing he got Mirakuru and didn't get "cured." Seriously, show, Laurel as Canary doesn't work. She isn't that skilled. Training with Wildcat/Ted doesn't make her qualified to fill Sara's boots. You know this, show. I knew it was a bad idea months ago when I saw KC in the outfit, and it's a bad idea now. ETA: Barrowman continues to excel. He dines on scenery, but he doesn't bloat himself on it.
  23. MTV.com didn't post the clip last night, probably because they didn't want spoilers on the West Coast. I just saw it in a somewhat noisy library with the site's wonky player, so I didn't get all of the details. However, I can confirm than John & Simone (one of the AYTO couples) beat Dustin & Jessica, earning their spot at the EX-ile House. The mission itself was kinda confusing . . . something with coconuts and arranging them in a certain way. If editing is to be believed, J&S got it on the first try.
  24. I was half-watching. So the house jumps on Tony's first ex, but they were okay with the second ex. And Tony bones the first ex, leaving Madison behind. All I know is that Nicole only sounds like she's a dumbass. Once again, this could change once her skeleton(s) arrives.
  25. I will admit it . .. I teared up seeing Diem on the gurney. And that sucks, because I know this fact: Anytime a viewer cries, Jon Murray's shorts get tighter in a certain area. I know, she wasn't perfect, but she deserved so much better. And seeing CT care about her? He's gonna make one woman very happy someday. I hope. Looks like the drama was muted this week . . . which is probably temporary, given next week's teasers. I'm thinking the production team had to double the booze to up the drama ante. AYTO vs. AYTO? Works for me. Thanks, Jordan & Sarah! Endgame was kinda/sorta lame, though the fake tension was funny. Ditto TJ trying to scare the kids with the prospect of a new couple coming in. What was Plan B? Teege telling Sarah she had to go home? BTW, it's nice that she's got a reliable partner in Jordan . . . or more so than Trishelle and whashisface. BTW, has Knight always been ugly? Or is it his hair? I hate thinking that, but it's true. At least I can tell the guys apart . . . the women have become a blur to me. Thank goodness for Sarah and her tats, because I'd be completely blind otherwise.
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