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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. Well, if you want to start from the beginning, [adult swim] will be running "Dia de los Dangerous" tonight. Marvel at how Brock was a walking talking "Crowning Moment of Awesome" from the get-go . . . choking Speedy, getting applause at the poker table, and running over henchmen . . . good times.
  2. While I'm thinking about acronyms . . . does anybody else get SCUBA = Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus from Family Ties? Maybe Barry does as well, even if he might be a millennial.
  3. Hey . . . they homaged a classic comic cover! I wonder if Geoff Johns and his co-writer duplicated the way Flash won, or if they merely nicked it from Ghostbusters. Aside from Caitlin being damseled and "Firestorm" turning into the most unwieldy acronym, it was a good episode. I can see why the Rogues get the fan love, and I never gave Prison Break a chance. And the fanboy in me laughed at the stinger. Seriously, how come Supernatural isn't delayed for a few minutes each week while viewers get to squee at the stinger? In this case, the appearance of . Seriously good chemistry all around, and we don't need a Firestorm (F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M.?) to transmute things to work.
  4. Has it been established whose idea TAR26 is? I'd want to think CBS forced this on Bert & Elise, but I worry that they're too far gone at this point. ETA: Speaking of Bert & Elise . . . they pop up in this teaser clip. Maybe it would be for the best in I wait until TAR27. Naaaaaaaaaaah. I am so weak. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UJZBABgWiw
  5. Kurt seems like a nice guy, but he couldn't be a bigger recruit if he had that word scarred on his forehead. Sounds like the scouts were looking for beauty queens when they found him.
  6. From Stop Being Polite: Diem's various hairstyles.
  7. RIP Jonas Venture Junior. May you give angels the technical expertise your "big bro" never could. Unless you're miraculously alive and having your and General Treister's peepee cancer treated by aliens. In which case, never mind While I am pissed that I'm typing this early Tuesday morning, I am glad for its coming out. Rusty and Dean had a heroic moment. Hank got to be Hank (forcing Brock to shave the power mullet and tape it to his face). And Brock killed a dude. Then again, Henchman One/Zero already got the "Death by Samson" treatment, so I wouldn't be surprised to see him come back. Oh, and the Monarch lives! Only to schlep after his far more superior (and hardcore) wife. The "Think Like a Venture" gambit was pretty cool, though. Damn, the writers covered every angle. Lots of turning points, but the plot didn't fall into itself. And even with the light sabers and the Rulking Out, it felt fresh. Now . . . when can I expect the next season to start? ETA: "Two Face" = Radical Left, which shows that the writers still got it.
  8. Quick heads up . . . this special will air after tomorrow night's Challenge episode.
  9. I have way too many comics. I just leave them scattered throughout the house, and I'm just dealing with the enormity of it now. I haven't done bags/boards/boxes, but I might start soon. And before you ask . . . I'm too old-fashioned to go with online comics.
  10. So . . . where do mafia dons find molls in this day and age? Good episode. I like how Bullock is still "Gotham" enough to try and distance himself from Jim when the Commissioner comes calling. Penguin still shines even when he's been shocked and exposed. And damn, Barbara's parents are ice cold. Parental neglect doesn't excuse her direction, but it does put her a step above Laurel Lance in terms of being a vacuum's worth of suck. Eddie, Eddie, Eddie . . . just put on the green leotard already. Nobody will miss you at GCPD, especially not Miss Kringle. Why do I have a feeling that the cop that brushed him off is going to die or get humiliated? Anybody else amused by the photo op after the Electrocutioner got nabbed? I think the next shot would've been of him dangling upside-down, with Jim making motions with his arms, shouting, "I caught a perp THIS BIG!!!" Seriously, no Bruce/Alfred? Do I just check off the "brooding" and "doting" boxes?
  11. So . . . Sia is Lady Gaga's more artistic and kooky sister? Okay, then. And Kevin Hart is still short. Entertaining, yet in a small package. ETA: No kidding about the technical difficulties. Kevin rolled with it like a pro.
  12. For anybody who's reading this now: "Return of the King" airs at 10:30 p.m. It's the fantasy that starts with Martin Luther King Jr. waking from a decades-long coma, and ends with him dropping the "n-bomb." it's a heavy-handed story, but an amusing one.
  13. From Time-Warner's listing: And no, this is not filler. We will officially be back to the main storyline after five episodes of killing time. ETA: Here are the full opening credits. I don't think the Baskerville Judges were revealed to be three guys in the manga. Nice that CP9 can let Franky monologue without snatching the plans . . . which probably come from a place not meant to hold blueprints. If you're tired of the falling, I reckon the real battling starts next week.
  14. Since I started a thread on most/least favorite Challengers, I thought that I'd set one up for The Real World. It's a bit trickier, since you can only work with the one season* a specific person was in. For instance, as much as I like piling on John from Key West (now known as "Johnny Bananas," because whatever), I'd say that Tyler was a far uglier roommate that year. I kept wanting Svetlana to punch him, especially after that "burn book" nonsense. Least Favorite for me? Gotta be Puck. Guy oozed disease from the scabs and mouth. He was a media whore before they were fashionable. I don't think Beth was as bad the year prior, but my memory gets hazy after twenty years, so your view may vary. Other pests off the top of my head: Steven Hill and Trishelle (Las Vegas), Greg (Hollywood), Ryan Leslie (NOLA2) . . . damn, there are so many people to hate, but I can't seem to recollect them right now. Favorites? I have to start with Melissa from NOLA. An overweight guy like myself shouldn't see so much similarity in a 4'11" chick, but I adored the hell out of her. I also had a thing for Sarah from Miami. Hot tomboy who was a comic book editor in "real life"? Sweet. Back when I was on TWoP, I ran a "Rumble" tournament where she finished runner-up. The winner? Cynthia from the same season. I can understand that . . . she was highly entertaining in her tour of duty. And I had to admire Pedro, since he devoted the remainder of his life to trying to make people not make the same mistakes he did. I also followed most of Judd's comic book work, including his graphic novel about Pedro, which was a must-read. I'll wait for you guys to post before I come back here, because my memory needs to be jogged. There's roughly 24 years of RW "goodness" to go through, after all. * Yes, I am aware of the Las Vegas "reunion" season . . . but aside from seeing Brynn and Arissa again, do you really want to acknowledge it? At all?
  15. This just in . . . Simmons mentioned Johnny in his column again, and he compared Nany to JJ Watts. Oh, and if you've been on the fence about watching the season opener of Kroll Show, know that they threw in "Bananas Backpack," which is never not funny.
  16. We're getting to see the Poovey family this season . . . what about the Kanes? I mean, they're Plan A for the Wee Baby AJ in case Lana gets killed. And she has a sister. I don't think she can rock a sweater dress as hard as Lana. Good episode. Nice to see Conway after five years. I enjoyed the brawl and its conclusion, and I support "Archer" as a verb, with the definition being "To improvise on a plan until it doesn't resemble a plan at all." Also liked the B-plot. Great that nobody at IS ... um . . . the office is fit to raise the Wee Baby AJ. Well, there is Cyril, but we won't discuss that option. I don't feel bad for Krieger because Conway's going to come back to him about getting a replacement hand.
  17. Jonathan Murray gets interviewed. Amazed that he could answer questions with his head up his tuckus.
  18. From Wikipedia: ETA: Well, that was weird. It's the origin of Ice King's crown, but we get weird characters even though this was supposed to be before the Mushroom War. So what . . . this happens between the dinosaurs and today? Candy and slime are elements?
  19. Actually, it'll be out in April. My bad.
  20. Maybe it's because I'm from Staten Island and that I once interviewed JVJ, but I can't fathom them as an alternate team. Sure, they had broken up, but they were the most functional of the male/female teams in TAR3. Also, Jill might be -- pound-for-pound -- among the strongest Racers to have ever competed. It's a pity that they flamed out in the opening leg . . . especially since John Vito spoke ill of that overrated hack, Rob Mariano. Of course, I'm probably biased as heck, so don't mind me.
  21. I was at AVClub, and they had just what I needed . . . (Doctor Who/It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia)
  22. I spoiled myself with the appearance of Wade Boggs as a hallucination. I only caught the opening act, and I was all, "Hey, I wonder if they have a screencap of the gang with the hashmarks, 'cause I can make a Doctor Who joke with it." And BANG! Charlie with a fit-looking Wade Boggs. Oh, well. BTW, I noticed that the "B" on his cap is different from the Red Sox version. Major League Baseball probably wants nothing to do with the Gang. I have to admit, I might have missed some bits because I was turning away. I guess that's what makes a great cringe comedy. I found most of the stuff to be on point . . . especially Dennis's intuition on how to "get" with women. Of course he picks the wrong woman. Of course he takes his chances in North Dakota. It's amazing how close to the edge he can get and still be funny. Seriously, how did the (production) gang get Wade? "Yeah, there's an urban legend about how you drank all this beer on a cross-country flight. We want to base an episode around it, and add stuff like the Mile High Club and Danny DeVito drooling. Up for a cameo as a hallucination?" And going 3-for-5 against the Mariners? If that's in the mid-Eighties, that was a cinch. Sober, he probably could've gone 5-for-5. ETA: What other sporting event could the Paddy's Gang parallel next? Getting piss drunk the night before pitching a perfect game, like David Wells did with the Yankees? I'm assuming they're Phillies fans and wouldn't hate the Yanks like Mets fans do.
  23. I was okay with Charla. If she was a pill, Mirna was the entire container.
  24. Last year, the only sketches that got votes for me were Aya/Anti-Monitor (one vote) and Finn/Jake/Ice King (three). Both were done by the guy who did Space Dandy for me, so I'll consider it. I think the votes go to big name artists, as well as to stuff with detail. In 2014, I put this sketch of Pam from Archer up because it was done by Adam Hughes, but it didn't get any votes.
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