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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. Lana should not be pulling trust stuff on Archer, especially since we wound up with Archer taking a bullet. I expect better from her. Now, if Malory tried that shit, I wouldn't be surprised.
  2. Another week, another weird episode. Something about the Earl of Lemongrab and Finn seeing themselves and becoming a microcosm of themselves. Or something. Oh, and Finn felt a little weird seeing Flame Princess working out with Cinnamon Bun, and he needed to follow Lemongrab to the Mountain of Matthew as a bit of a distraction. I bet somebody out there can explain the episode better than I can.
  3. I picked up the DVD from my library's system. For those who never heard of One Piece Film: Z (pronounced "Zed" because we're in England all of a sudden), it was released in late 2012, and takes place after the two year timeskip. If you're watching It parallel with the current DVD releases, it's a huge step forward. More powers, bigger danger, and Brook the afro-wearing skeleton is a crew member. Once again: because creator Eiichiro Oda, that's why. And don't ask me why Chopper (the boy-reindeer doctor) is dressed like a cow. Or why we have Avril Lavigne covering two songs over the end credits. While I liked Strong World more, Z holds up well. The Straw Hats run into a fanatical ex-Navy Admiral who has a mad-on for pirates. Z has a bulked-up mechanical arm made of sea prism stone, which weakens Devil Fruit power-users, and that puts Luffy on his ass a few times. He also has a few underlings . . . one with the Devil Fruit power to control plant life, another with the ability to regress anything she touches a dozen years. This confuses me, since we already have a Devil Fruit user who can age/de-age people in Jewelry Bonney. That power is used to chibi-fy Nami and Chopper, turn Robin into an 18-year-old, and make Brook a little younger (relatively speaking). I don't know why we have that subplot. The main plot with Z seeking to destroy key spots to more or less wreck the world and all pirates is serviceable. The only post-skip things that take to the forefront in my mind are Borsalino (the badass Admiral with the light-based powers) and the eleventh hour onslaught of Pacifistas. Other than that, I think the movie holds up well. Has anybody else seen Z?
  4. Bit of a letdown this week, though anything following "Charlie Work" would be disappointing by comparison. The episode felt light, and I really don't need to think about "cream pies." Also, Dee made me cringe with her antics, as they managed to shut down the factory. Sucked to see her shut out in the end, though.
  5. Anybody else got Matthew Fox bellowing "We have to go back!" in their heads? Or is it just me? Laurel still sucks at just about everything. I kinda enjoyed seeing "Sara" whup her ass. I don't know what it would take for my hostility towards her to subside. At least Quentin knows . . . and he knew about the "leathering up," which probably means he knows about Ollie. Oh, and Laurel doesn't have that big of a light inside her, so stop trying to find an upside, Felicity. Speaking of knowing .. . poor Thea. She gets sucked into her brother's life, her DJ boyfriend winds up killing himself (what, the League doesn't provide cyanide teeth) after they have nookie, and her biological father turns out to be a bigger prick than advertised. Oh, and now she's hiking around Purgatory. It's hard not to feel bad, y'know?
  6. I don't know where Chimney (the kid) and Gonbe (the bunny) are going. Their role in the manga wasn't as big as it was in the anime.
  7. Actionmage . . . Herbie was a Sixties thing. In other news, that kid was adorable and creepy at the same time. I think Jarvis is at his best when he's over his proper head.
  8. I don't think anybody came off well this week. Especially Zach. Jordan can rail on Sarah, and Adam & Brittany can snipe at each other, but Zach is an overgrown Neanderthal. Anybody else think it was funny that Jordan wanted to see something from Sarah, and she threw up? Damn, that was a brutal mission. Couldn't BMP have sprung for different-colored bags? Or make the weights heaved relative to the guys' weights, making it possible for Jay and Jordan to compete on an even field? Of course not . . . BMP is too busy finding bars for their "stars" to get hammered. ETA: Anybody else flip off the TV seeing the cliffhanger?
  9. What is the point of Nicole? She's nice, she's quick to squash beef, and she doesn't slut around like Tony. Except for her inexplicable accent, there is nothing wrong with her. I think some people from BMP are going to get fired for casting her, because she's way too good for this show. No way does she make a single season of The Challenge. One thing Nicole isn't the best at .. . . giving interviews. Jason has that on lock. Anybody else think "Powerpuff Girls" anytime somebody refers to Madison as "Bubbles"?
  10. I feel bad for Peggy. Perp walk through the lobby? Brutal. And she got taken out by her own lipstick. That stings like a bastard. At least we'll have Howard's lady friends hurting Jarvis to keep us amused. That was funny . . . especially the one girl who got blocked by Peggy and still managed to get a kick in.
  11. It had to happen sooner than later . . . deep down, I was hoping for "later." Also, something tells me that Jon wouldn't have ditched on the 2016 race unless he was really tired. The only downside is that certain talking heads are probably pulling their pud at the news, and that doesn't sit so right with me.
  12. Dang . . . forgot about Clancy Brown's name in the credits. Nice to see him, even if gorillas aren't involved. Good episode, even with the cringe stuff between Barry and Linda. Great that he's getting past Iris (and Felicity), but he's so goofy at it. And he vibrates when he's nervous. Suddenly, I want to make jokes about AA batteries and "riding the lightning." Apparently, Wisteria Lane was located in Central City the whole time. Damn, Cisco couldn't be any more enthused to be there without a lady to ogle.
  13. Remember the "sneak peek" episode of Kroll Show in December, when CT inexplicably showed up? It's going to air tomorrow night at 10:30 p.m. on Comedy Central, in case you want to ditch out of Skeletons early. Also: there's no After Show slated for tomorrow night following BOTE2, but there is something on the EX-iles. I'm thinking they're going to show the playoffs as they happened, leading to Johnny & Nany coming back into the game. Okay, I'm speculating on that part, but I'm glass-half-empty when it comes to that asshole.
  14. I didn't find the episode boring. Sure, we had Bruce angst and some goofy "Leslie needs boundaries" stuff, but we also had some action, Oswald and Ed playing a game of cat-and-also-cat, and Fish Mooney winding up on board the AMAZO from last season's Arrow. At least that's where my mind went. And no Barbara? Bonus! Damn, that was some quality scenery chewing from JPS. I'm amazed none of the actors around her have lost fingers. Poor Jonathan. Poor doomed Jonathan. CGI scarecrow is nothing to mess with. And he got injected with adrenal gland goop, which was disgusting to watch get prepared. Maybe he could hang with Ivy, since they're both disturbed and a bit psycho. And poor Bruce. At least he had a happy sunrise with his trusted manservant.
  15. No end to the misery that surrounds BOTE2 . . . now John from Are You The One? has suffered a heart attack.
  16. Once again, John Oliver does what Jon Stewart and Steph- . . . errm . . . Larry Wilmore cannot do on a regular basis: shine a spotlight on a massive problem each week, and shine it long enough to spot every rat and cockroach present. "Thought leaders"?!? Really, Big Pharma?!? Also had a giggle at the president of Ecuador escalating beef with people online.
  17. Just checking to see if anybody else has been watching the series. The finale aired just now, but it's been renewed. I don't know if we're supposed to be laughing with Mike Tyson or laughing at him. I'd go with "with," because I like breathing.
  18. Sign That Archer Is A "Thing": I actually heard one Sportscenter anchor yell, "REVENGE RAMPAGE!!!" tonight.
  19. From Time Warner: Crappy episode summary, but there you go. ETA: Man, a lot got expanded upon from the manga. I didn't know Kumadori had hair mojo, though I'm assuming that isn't a Devil Fruit power. Also, I gotta give credit to the animators for the effect shown when Kalifa kicked Sanji in the balls. That was funny. Oh, and we'll see what she did to him soon to make him look like that.
  20. Martin . . . I think when you look up "piece of work" in a dictionary on Ooo, his face is posted with no further definition. Hard to imagine the upright Finn coming from that tree, but I guess that's the point.
  21. Bumping up, since this episode -- IIRC -- will be airing this coming Tuesday.
  22. "You're the best, man!" Gotta look out for that comma. Now I want to avoid karaoke at all costs, for fear of being bullied.
  23. Quick warning for anybody wanting to check out Challenge content on Grantland today . . . David Jacoby goes over Nia's sweat-drinking, and I gagged all over again. Pictures are involved. I hate Nia so much.
  24. Milton to the rescue! And, for once, Malory wasn't behind the mishaps. Good episode all around, even with a bottomless Pam, which would probably make me puke if it wasn't pixelated.
  25. From Wikipedia: Heads up . . . according to my cable guide, the episode will be running at 7:30 p.m. I don't know if the move from 7 is permanent or not . . . I just want to make sure you stay informed.
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