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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. You know what this episode reminds me of? The episode of The Tick where Sewer Urchin proved himself to be a badass. That makes sense for an analogy, since Charlie knows his way around a sewer. Oh, and Frank's camouflage = Tobias Funke in "blueface." Just my opinion. Damn, the gang sure does suck. I mean, that's the point of the show, but to not give Charlie any credit for his swift thinking? That sucks. While I'm thinking about it . . . why was Dennis all sweaty the last time he saw the health inspector? Seriously good episode. Way to use the bar and its surroundings to make for epic fun. ETA: Tobias married a Bluth; he never became one. My bad. Again.
  2. ETA: That's what I get for straying from the usual source of information. Sorry about that.
  3. Ollie getting into bed with Malcolm? Not only not smart, but it also gives slash writers material to work with. Damn, I hate seeing Felicity like that. She has a point, though, even with the grim reality in front of her. Oliver is supposed to be better than this. And it's nice to have Sin back, even if she's merely there to provide plot advancement. Also, it's amazing how much scenery John Barrowman chews without getting fat. It must be something he was born with, as opposed to learning.
  4. I liked the episode. I don't see Danielle Panabaker as a weak link. Then again, I don't seem to notice weak links on this show. I'm okay with it, even with leaps of logic like the metahuman prison and a criminal gorilla. BTW, dos anybody else think "Grodd" will be another acronym, like what "Firestorm" turned out to be? Barry isn't so bad at karaoke. I will admit, the bit with Linda more or less throwing herself at him was a bit much. I'm happy Barry could be getting some lovin', but it seems like it could be too easy. I liked Peek-A-Boo, but I think "line of sight teleportation" is a bit derivative.
  5. Damn, really? I think DC Comics just put out the first volume of the series, and I reckon they would cover the rest of the books . . . though it might be a while before either of the "Dark Ages" books comes out.
  6. Most of the season is a blur to me. Thank goodness . . . I don't think there was ever a worse group of winner than the Champions fivesome. And that's not factoring in what was alleged to have happened to Tonya.
  7. whirlingdervish . . . I think this episode is a "must see." Just skip the first five minutes, and you won't get to see Nia doing what she did. Here's hoping she keeps her money closer to her, because I don't want to see her do anything else that gross again.
  8. If you were hoping for Johnny & Nany to be eliminated . . . yeah, that doesn't happen. In a glorified tug-of-war, they managed to best John & Simone. I got a sinking feeling that "BaNany" (ugh) will luck out and win the remainder of the Ex-Iles from here on out.
  9. Do you believe in miracles?!? Yeeeeeeeessssss!!! Never mind that Wes is a dick, and Zach isn't much better , , , ,Johnny Bananas is out. How long has it been since he was eliminated? Too long. That said, I dread Johnny and Nany making it through the losers bracket and winning the Challenge. Why? Because Johnny has a horseshoe up his ass, he's that lucky. And as happy as I am with Leroy winning . . . still not liking Nia. She drank Zach's sweat. What the fuck is her deal?!? How big of a freak do you have to be to drink another person's sweat? I won't lie . . . I gagged. Hard. Disappointed that nobody went for the bag? Whatever, TJ.
  10. Heads up . . . there will be an After Show airing tonight after BOTE2.
  11. I don't think there's such a thing as a bad Devil Fruit. It's all about how you use it That said . . . Kaku's got a weird Devil Fruit. Up to this episode, is that the oddest power to have? I think the only thing that compares would be Gan Fall riding a bird (Pierre) that ate the Horse-Horse Fruit, making a really weird-looking Pegasus.
  12. They're Zoan-based powers, meaning that they can shift from human to animal, to hybrid. Chopper is a good example, being a reindeer that ate the Human-Human Fruit.
  13. Apparently, there's going to be a 30th season-themed magazine coming out on newsstands. Reality Blurred goes through the highlights.
  14. Theory: Oswald is more of a cat than Selina. The dude always lands on his feet. Anybody else would be screaming into the cell phone, yet he remained as cool as a cucumber, explaining himself to the dude crushing the car. And he winds up going back to Gotham with a gospel-singing group. Only Penguin, y'know? Ed is still a freak of nature. That's all I have to say about that. I will say the staredown with Oswald looked pretty darn epic in the teaser. Speaking of teasing. .. .why do I have the feeling that she and the pirate know each other, and the "running into each other" setup will wind up being bullcrap? Fear of pigs is a thing? Even itty-bitty piglets? I guess there are all types . .. like the one chick from The Challenge who has a fear of ketchup. I'm guessing this is Jonathan Crane's father, and the young guy is the future Scarecrow himself. Apparently, being freaky can be passed down . . . though I could've guessed that from Oswald and his mother. Way to rebound, Jim. My compliments on the upgrade. ETA: Did anybody else figure we'd see Professor Pyg based on the pig mask? That had to be a shout out to Grant Morrison.
  15. Just checking to see how everybody is handling the weather. I wound up having to go to NJ in a blizzard that's been going off and on. It's slippery, but it's not that bad to navigate through.
  16. Cartoon Network/Adult Swim is trimming its Toonami block. Now it's going to run between midnight-3:30 a.m., with the usual reruns afterward. Worse, they took one of my favorite shows (One Piece) and plopped it down at 2:30 a.m. Oh, and they're going to be showing Kill La Kill starting next Saturday. Judging from the mini-trailer they shown, it should be memorable.
  17. From Time-Warner: ETA: So . . . Giraffe-based Devil Fruit . . . bad power or worst power? It's definitely one of the weirdest, even when you factor in Devil Fruit in future stories. YouTube spoiled me with the Kaku/Jabra interaction, and TVTropes spoiled me about the chirping chicken (and Usopp's overreaction), but I still laughed. And Jabra's Wolf form is badass . . . until you factor in Lucci's Leopard-Man powers. I want to get a sketch of him like I did with Kaku. ETA2: Get this . . . Toonami is juggling their lineup to make room for Kill La Kill. One Piece is slated for 2:30 a.m. next week. Just thought y'all should know.
  18. So . . . is everybody staying home for the Big Game on Sunday? I'll be going out to a meetup, but I'll be back in plenty of time. I don't really have a rooting interest; I just want a close game . . . unlike last year, which was a blowout.
  19. Bad news . . . the TAR26 twist got a "Jeer" in the latest issue of TV Guide.
  20. Anybody catch the Super Bowl special? It's funny how K&P were mediocre in the Comedy Central holiday special, yet they were really good in an hour-long special. And the East/West intros were already good. Adding actual football players with offbeat names was icing on the cake.
  21. Forgive this male for asking . . . what's wrong with bangs? Speaking of hair . . . when did Henry Rollins go grey? And how come we didn't get to see his trucker character go sickhouse on George and Gil?
  22. I dunno . . . I figured we'd have a full-bore Poovey hoedown in Wisconsin, but we wound up with a retread of Ray's family reunion, with Barry thrown in for good measure. And, apparently, he's more robot than man now. Ironically, the more robotic he becomes, the easier it is for Archer to shut him down, because he never got the upper hand like he did with the explosive rounds. It's sad to see Cyril so far down Lana's babysitter list. He's just that big of a butt monkey. And he wants to "re-tap" Lana? Dream on, little man. Anybody else perk up hearing "Gordon Schumway' as Pam's idea for an Archer alias? And yes, I knew that was ALF's real name. I am sad that way.
  23. From Wikipedia: ETA: Well, that was weird. So . . .the Lich still lives inside Sweet P? Okay, then. Disturbing episode once you factor in the giant baby-man dancing.
  24. Thanks to the commercials, I have Quad City DJs stuck in my head. ETA: That was a bit of a letdown. I mean, the part about Psycho Pete not actually being psycho. On the plus side: Frank + imaginary frog friend + oversized butterfly net = automatic win. And of course Dennis is going to be the one to get meds. I didn't think you could do that with a shrink, but I don't think a shrink's rules apply to Dennis Reynolds. ETA2; Just caught the opening, which I missed. Funny seeing the Gang getting down to "Psycho Killer."
  25. Bumping up for the publication of the "Guidebook," which indexes just about all of the Earths and their respective heroes. Apparently, the Stan Lee-created "Just Imagine" characters got their own universe. I will say that the simpler tone to last month's "Thunderworld" was fine by me, because it usually feels like a grind going through Grant Morrison's stories . . . like "Pax Americana," which read like Grant Morrison's Watchmen.
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