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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    . . . and I tune in after the Yankees get their first hit. Which is a homer that puts them ahead. Of course.
  2. Also, the lineup will be shifted to end at 3 a.m. I'm thinking it'll start with DBZ Kai, followed by IBO, then Hunter x Hunter and the rest. And here's the IBO teaser: Shirtless pilots? Is that to show how bad off the protagonists are, or is that fanservice?
  3. Lantern7


    I read the Waid/Staples TPB. It's worth picking up, even if it's from the library. And it comes with Jughead #1, which fleshes out Archie's BFF.
  4. Curious to see if anybody else read Earth One: Wonder Woman from Grant Morrison and Yannick Paquette. I think it's the best Earth One story yet, and it probably would have served as a great basis for the upcoming WW movie (World War I? Seriously?!?) Also, I didn't feel the urge to punch Etta Elizabeth Candy. Woo woo!!!! DC is going to put out a bunch of trade paperbacks. All I remember is Gail Simone is one of the authors. I like her a lot, but her run on the title wasn't as great as Secret Six or Birds of Prey. She did a great two-parter where the Queen of Fables sends Diana to a twisted movie version of her life. It's worth reading.
  5. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Apparently, Terry got tossed along with Noah. The fans got so ugly. Then they left in droves heading to the end. I feel cheated that I didn't get to see Thor bring down the thunder upon the Dodgers. Last night, Curtis Granderson hit a walk-off homer to bail out Familia. Just watch . . . tomorrow, Bartolo will pitch a perfect game. And I didn't go because I wanted to get home at a decent hour. ETA: Seeing the highlights on ESPN. Unless the umps warned both sides before the game, they fucking blew it. Did Shawn Estes get ejected for missing Roger Clemens' fat ass? I'm mad. I mean, no guarantee that Thor would've shut down the Dodgers, but I honestly feel cheated. Fucking Utley. ETA2: Or maybe Bartolo will match Thor and homer twice. Uggggggggh.
  6. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Top of the eight. Fucking Utley has homered twice, including a grand slam. He now ranks among the many as the most hated, joining Pete Rose, Mike Scott, Chipper Jones and John Rocker. And while I was typing that, Robles gave up another homer. Oy.
  7. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    At the game now. Ceremony was nice. I'll have more when I get home. ETA: Noah got ejected for throwing behind Utley. Fans are NOT happy.
  8. Fun comparison piece between Archer and another prime-time cartoon.
  9. Got redirected to the Japanese intros by TVTropes. Damn, why couldn't we get these guys? Beast isn't being Blue Brian Griffin, the team is slaughtering the Brood, and Wolverine and Omega Red are Ninja Gaiden-jumping off walls while attacking each other. And while the Honest Trailer does bring me back . . . I maintain that X-Men: Evolution was the better series.
  10. Damn . . . almost a year since I last posted. Anyway, the last issue came out this week. Gail Simone wrapped things up nicely, and I'm sad/miffed that the title won't be run post-"Rebirth." I'm thinking of getting sketches down the line, including Big Shot and Strix. I got a new Catman in November.
  11. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    I'm going to Citi Field tomorrow. I would've gone on Sunday for the 1986 replica ring, but that's an 8 p.m. game. No thank you. I thought Bartolo Colon was pitching, but it's gonna be Thor, which is awesome for different reasons. I think we'll be getting showers on Monday, so Matt Harvey would get a reprieve. ETA from the Ain't This Some Shit Department: The game is airing on the local Fox station, as opposed to WPIX and SNY. That means there's not going to be live coverage of the pregame ceremonies.
  12. Ever read Captain America: Red, White & Blue? There's a short story from Dean Haspiel where Red Skull and Nightshade brainwash Cap, and he winds up dressing like a pimp, complete with golden "FORT" and "KNOX" knuckles. Turns out it was a movie proposal that horrified Steve and Sam, but that's where my mind went.
  13. Theory: the Veronica we saw with Archer is a Kreiger bot. I know, wouldn't make sense, but then we'd have a situation where Archer had sex with a robot. To me, this is funnier than if he did it with a gator. ETA: if Lana gets steamrolled, what happens to the Wee Baby AJ? Plans A and B would be her maternal grandparents and aunt. After that, AJ would be better off with Trinette and the Wee Toddler Seamus, both of whom are residents in the cornfield.
  14. I liked the implication that Johnny might have feelings for Leroy. I was heavily into guessing the dynamics of Evan/Johnny/Kenny, so seeing Johnny's sexuality questioned tickles me.
  15. Here's my take on Lana: She hates how nothing bad ever happens to Archer. Cancer? Goes into remission, and he becomes a dick again. Breakup? He just sleeps around some more. Drowned? Revived. Sure, he gets banged up, but he always survives. With ISIS, his mother favored him constantly. The Figgis Agency is Cyril's in name only, so it's more of the same. And now Archer bangs his longtime crush, or a reasonable facsimile thereof. Yes, Lana used Archer's goop to get herself pregnant. Sure, she's the Michael Bluth of the group, in the sense that she's neurotic as the rest of the cast, if not more so. Watching Archer glide through life sets her off on so many levels, and I can't say that I blame her. She could shoot him point-blank in the head and heart, and he'd probably wind up healthy and in a threesome with two "eights" or higher one week later. So the events in "Swiss Miss" were canon, and Pam did bang Malory. Ew. Honestly, I think the show is saving Sterling/Malory for the series finale. You know it's gonna happen.
  16. Interesting. What are the odds Veronica Deane is the killer? I mean, it's too obvious, but there are no other suspects. Except maybe Krieger, who fucked things up royally in last season's finale, and whom was unaccounted for during most of the episode. Archer's dick . . it's made of Teflon, yes? Just like the rest of him. I don't think getting drowned would set him back for too long. Nothing bad ever sticks to him, and he usually manages to come out on top. Phrasing.
  17. While I'm thinking about it . . . if MTV were to pull the plug on AYTO, The Real World, and The Challenge, would anybody really miss them? I mean, aside from those whose lives center on being on the latter? Fuck it, MTV could just adapt more movies as hour-long dramas and rerun episodes of Ridiculousness, and I don't think the average viewer would notice. Any speculation on who the replacement team will be? Anything other than Jason and Nicole is going to be a fail. ETA: Checked Bill Simmons' Twitter. First: "TJ LAVIN HATES QUITTERS" Then he responded to a tweet from Marky Mark, saying that "Are You The One cast members are double agents sent to destroy the Challenge franchise."
  18. Was there any other things that bugged with Hayden & Aaron? My rage for that season is rooted in Kendra's racism, Adam's wimpiness, Rebecca's shrewish ways, and fucking Jonathan Baker. When you find out that Lori & Bolo tried to get better seats on a flight by claiming Bolo was mentally ill, and you don't loathe them for that, you know this is a sucky season.
  19. I want to joke about Jonny Moseley showing more signs of head trauma. Oops, just did. For the longtime fans . . . what is the longest period we had without a mission? Off the top of my head, there was Real World devising a fake mission for Road Rules (Challenge 2000), the hurricane screwing up Battle Of The Seasons, the David Edwards/Puck fight which led to Puck's dismissal (Battle Of The Sexes), and Puck's wedding. Oh, and Ayanna assaulting Christian and getting kicked off (Extreme Challenge). Am I missing anything?
  20. I'm numb. Most of the women blend together to me. And then you get a lengthy period without a mission? Ugh. I'm going to reminisce about that on the Past Seasons thread, for the sake of trivia. And "Club Rivals"? Whatever. Brandon, Brandon, Brandon. What the fuck, man? You know about the show. Nobody is holding your family or girlfriend hostage. I'm thinking there's a little more to the story because we never got an ID beyond "Girlfriend," but I'm happy to endorse the dogpile on Brandon. Reminds me of what Pam said to Cyril on Archer last season . . . which I'll "spoiler" because it's a little sexist.
  21. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Grrrrrrrr . . . I finally figure that I can afford to see the Mets on Saturday, and I can't find affordable seats on their sit beyond SRO. I'm trying StubHub, but it's not getting along with my iPad.
  22. I'm getting into NYCC. It'll be my eleventh year. Right now, I'm looking for a show to fill the time. There's Heroes & Villains in Secaucus . . . no guests beyond celebs, but the list is packed. Check it out here. I'm not an autograph seeker, but I'm finding it harder and harder to pass that up.
  23. Well, it would be a shame to not use the spoiler function.
  24. jay741982 . . . I meant 48 percent. For some reason, Firefox is giving me grief, so I keep ending and restarting it.
  25. That was . . . intense. And ludicrous on many levels. Cannot believe we'll be getting Mayor Oliver. The guy was missing for five years and accused of being a vigilante twice. But he gives the show's version of Bill Pullman's speech in Independence Day, and now he's mayoral material? Also, I don't get how he got 58 percent of a write-in ballot. Sometimes, the show just doesn't give a fuck. At least Damien didn't go out like a punk, unlike Zoom. Or Hive. Or Vandal Fucking Savage. How did he lose his mojo? Was it because Oliver was filled with the Life Equation or something? And that reminds me . . . when Dark lost his powers, why didn't the crowd bum-rush him? Did they really need to give their beloved Green Arrow the fair fight? Barrowman really needs to find a new gig, because Malcolm Merlyn suuuuuuuuuuuuccccks.
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