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Toaster Strudel

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Everything posted by Toaster Strudel

  1. I'm merely reading body language and facial expression, but Omar has malevolent under currents. Am I crazy to think that he loathes her? Not only has he shown no will to make compromises for her, but he seems to actively enjoy hammering her down with his culture, his rules, and his expectations. She will submit and comply by hook or by crook. She's very young and I fear that she about to embark on a very traumatic episode of her life.
  2. The only mildly interesting one is the disappearing dates, I'll skip the rest.
  3. They probably have to open his case file, and pull out SOPs with flowcharts to figure out if they should answer, and what.
  4. Hopefully the hospital's name has the word "mental" in it.
  5. Youtube video of the first half of the show Is there anything that comes out of Avery's mouth that isn't arrogant, petulant, and reckless? It's as if she can't have a non-confrontational conversation with anyone. She's as confrontational with Omar as she is with her mother, who, by the way, is just as impulsive as her daughter - she's just as hot to get Avery married as Avery getting married herself, LOL. Omar has got to be suspicious... maybe he's worried she's going to try to recruit him to ISIS! Darcey is a lot prettier than Stacey now, being a step behind in the race to ruin her face. Darcey came to Stacey nicely, trying to have a discussion, but Stacey got defensive and haughty real fast, just as predicted. She took no responsibility, refused to acknowledge there is a problem, and immediately started to belittle Darcey. There's no for hope to these two petty, brainless drama queens. Making Tim work on a farm had producer shenanigans written all over it. Her father is dumb to judge him on whether he wants to castrate a calf, but he did ask Jensniffer some good questions leading to her reckoning that she's not into him. Frankly, I don't think he's into her either. Perhaps he feels pressure to seal the deal because the cameras are there, but deep down he doesn't want to. Maybe he realizes he's got enough going on back home and doesn't need a second family. Maybe he is asexual (as with Veronica, perhaps?). Maybe they can't connect in a meaningful way because she doesn't find him attractive and he catches that vibe. No one cares about Rebecca's ancient stroll in the Lady Bush Gardens, not even Zied. Rebecca is happy to have confirmation that Zied has never been married, ironic given that she is herself secretly married, and she's the one lying to him. It's all very rich. Like all the delusional erotomaniacs on the show, she is nonplussed that Zied may never have worked a day in his life. Speaking of irony, get a load of this quote: "What if he's been lying to me? Because if he's lying about his job, what else is he lying about?" HAHAHAHAHA Rebecca, you fool. Projecting much? Father Akinyi's raging, shouting religion (he looks schizophrenic, what with the spitting the name of Satan and all) would have me run away but Baby Ben probably thinks his religiosity is the way to the deranged preacher's heart. I can't wait for him to disappoint the elders with his lack of gifts and dweebishness. He needs someone who is intensely religious to overlook the fact that he is a maladapted pauper who copes by humming Bible verses off-key. Ceasar, Ceasar, Ceasar. Expensive non-refundable dinner LOL. Of course it had to be non-refundable. Couldn't he make a reservation at a restaurant like the rest of us plebes? Get a doggie bag! It finally dawns on him that she didn't want to come all along because she knew ahead of time it was cancelled for lack of funds and didn't tell him. He is very, very slow-witted. Grangela has a "relayship" with Mahkul, whatever that is. She asks to meet him and she's already enraged with him when he walks in. He is so beaten down. "It's OK you smashed a cake in my face, as long as I get to Trumperica eventually and can prove all my friends wrong and make them jealous." Hey Grangela, it doesn't start with trust as you say, it starts with the age difference, and the living standard spread between Georgia and Nigeria. You picked this, it's on you. Now, Mahkul will have to submit to rough makeup sex with a rutting buffalo, get beat up, and come back grovelling. It's the abuse cycle amplified by the urgency to get a green card out of the whole ordeal, and it's disgusting to watch.
  6. The "real Maria" is a criminal consortium of international dating scammers. There's probably a boiler room in Eastern Europe when women are assigned to e-entertain men like Ceasar on a call-by-call basis. "Maria" is his case worker, so to speak.
  7. Exactly. The third party (CheapoAir) confirms the reservation... then it's the airline's turn to decline later if unpaid. There was never an actual ticket. Just a temporary confirmation/reservation with CheapoAir.
  8. He used CheapoAir, a third party. The reservation "goes through" with CheapoAir but it additionally needs to clear with the airline. It didn't for lack of funds.
  9. A state of affairs that can be cured by throwing enough US dollars at it.
  10. His "co-parent" of three very young children and caregiver. If that doesn't have "calculated scam" all over it, I don't know what does.
  11. Red Man Bun service dog scammer was a grade A sociopath. He looked so demure and innocent, but a little scratching of the veneer revealed calculating, exploitative evil. Calling his landlady of 3 days an ex-girlfriend on a petition for a restraining order, with false allegations of violence? I saw red, and my husband wouldn't shut up about how deranged the plaintiff was, so I had to constantly rewind. Unbelievable that this lying trash had to audacity to sue her after letting his dog (you don't have proof it's my dog, you don't see him doing it!) soil everywhere. I totally identified with the defendant's hallterview hallelujah. She sure was glad this nightmare was over. If "Mr Scott" applied all his devious scheming energy to, say, particle physics, humankind would be able to travel through time already.
  12. Coach Mike isn't smart enough to coach preschoolers with tiddly winks.
  13. He exceeded his monthly 150 minutes and had to use the producer's phone.
  14. Not CPS-worthy, but they are slovenly hoarders nonetheless.
  15. Once again shitbull owners (that shitbull lived with the "girlfriend" and did not stay in Dale's studio apt, sorry) reveal themselves to be lying sacks of shit lying sociopaths. At least Dale (Mission? Tyler?) asked god for forgiveness at the end, maybe there's hope for him. He needs to dump that garbage "girlfriend' before she drags him down. I even doubt her story that she was on her way to a funeral. Just something she blurted out for pity points while she was dodging the policemen's questions about how she reaches the person whose dog she walks (the dog walking arrangement was another steaming pile of lies). She can't reach him, he just brings the dog over to her twice a day, 30 minute drive each way.
  16. Mohamed got out of Tunisia with Danielle. They take the first fool willing to go through with it. Beggars can't be choosers.
  17. I'm sure she knew, but the question is, does Mother Avery have to pay Omar to dump the brat, or does Omar need to bargain to purchase her?
  18. Ronald is a raging addict still and he was angry that he couldn't go on a crack binge because Tiffany is watching him all the time.
  19. In the words of Woody Allen... "the food was terrible and the portions were so small!"
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