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Toaster Strudel

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Everything posted by Toaster Strudel

  1. Irony: Bringing your mother to Brazil to check out your girlfriend is OK. But yur girlfriend's dad checking you out is just TOO MUCH!!!!!
  2. Mary had more class than Varya, even with those revelations. I can't stand Varya anymore.
  3. She was HORRID. The arrogance of showing up uninvited, and ordering Geoffrey's invited guest out of the house while insulting her on the way out had me shouting at the TV. Varya's Maury Povich level of trashiness was especially jarring in contrast to Mary who never took the bait and remained classy throughout her undeserved humiliation by Siberian Crazy Stalker Girlfriend. If that wasn't bad enough, Varya was hanging around with Geoff and Mary's mutual friends and had the audacity to want to violently oust Mary from spending time with her long time friends (inlcuding Geoff) because Geoff must have all his female companionship needs satisfied by Varya. She is beyond possessive, she is demented. Now that I hate her personality, I hate her face. The permanent upturned mouth corners, the meandering eye, the halted speech pattern are now very IRRITATING to me. VERY IRRITATING!
  4. The only reason why Ed was crying was because Rosemarie foiled his plan. His plan was that HE was going to break it off. He complains that she left without saying goodbye, but he was the one who walked away from her!
  5. You and I have the same viewing habits! Am I the only one to think Brandie was high as a kite the whole time? In Dr Now's office, with Lola, at home... everywhere. She was on the road partying hard! And by "partying" she meant hard core drugs, no?
  6. Absolutely. The aloof, cautious woman we met in Russia looked completely unhinged and maniacal every step of the way, beginning with her submissive, beggarly texting to Geoff when he was leaving at the airport, and ending with her raving mad determination to "surprise" a man whom she pretty much rejected, and hadn't answered her in weeks. It takes burning hot zealotry to pay for expensive airfare (Varya doesn't look like she's rolling in rubles) and board three flights across the world supercharged by the conviction that her arrival will be a delight, optimistically only signing up for one night at the hotel. Why, but of course there is no doubt that nippy-tat wife beater is all ready and set up to host a visitor for two whole weeks, at a time not of his choosing. Wearing dull lip stain, a cheap turtleneck and mismatched costume jewelry, our fanatical anti-heroine sets out on her futile pursuit of a dick wrapped in a green card. It's now or never. The coy woman who frustrated Geoff by not giving up the pussy on the first night of his visit now is counting down the seconds until she can fall over and roll on his stoop spread-eagle for a hard core schtupping under his dog's watchful eye. City girl pining for the bright lights of American cities, where even the smallest hamlet is a utopic blend of New York City and Las Vegas, seemed to notice that the long taxi ride kept going deeper and deeper down into Tennessee's Little Siberia, and away from The Strip on Fifth Avenue. None of that disappointment chipped away at her compulsive journey to win back "her man" who has already settled for thirsty Mary (who seemed not to believe what Geoff was selling, but moved in anyway). Ding! Dong! It's all ding and no dong for the Russian Stalker. It's unfortunate that my recording stopped right as SpidermanPointingAtHimself.gif appeared on my screen, and Geoff's girlfriend asked Geoff's girlfriend that the F she was doing there. Only one of these ladies with self-desctructing taste in men deserves the bitter surprise. The other should have seen something like this coming.
  7. That's a good point. I get the point of coming out but I also get the point that it doesn't have to be other people's business if you don't want it to be.
  8. My theory is that Anastasia Date, upon learning their business model was going to be busted in front of millions or moneyed, foolish older men, was compelled to produce the woman in the photographs the website is using to scam people in order to restore their credibility. Perhaps they weren't able to locate her in time for that first trip David took.
  9. Avery is one of the bright spots of this season, she's one of the most rational actors the show has ever featured.
  10. If that's Darcey's relationship philosophy, I can see where her problems come from.
  11. Suspected chronology: TLC lets the story line play out of David never meeting Lana who is a collective of employees that probably changed many times over the years. TLC gets in touch with Anastasia Date for comment after David's fiasco. Anastasia Date is horrified at the impending bad publicity and potential loss of revenue stream. Anastasia Date promises to produce Lana. TLC tells David that Lana will be there this time. David flies to Ukraine. Lana is produced. David proposes and Lana pretends to accept. David returns to America and has to pay to text her emojis again.
  12. I'm not saying it did or didn't, because there was no reliable witness, but if you dare read the spoiler tagged content in my previous post, no part of the small dog needed to cross the fence for the pit to grab it.
  13. JJ makes a lot of assumptions about dogs and fences that give me flashbacks of a graphic and disturbing dog attack video I once saw. The description is in spoiler tags, don't read it if you don't want the nightmares I got from seeing this. The measurement of the pit's head was misleading. The narrowest horizontal measurement of the space between fence bars isn't the proper criteria. If you measure how much space is available vertically then you have several feet. Same goes with measuring the pit's head at its widest. The pit's head is a complex 3-dimensional shape that the animal can rotate. If the pit rotated its head 90 degrees then the 6 inches of skull width would have no problem getting through the fence vertical axis, and the limiting measurement would have be the skull's height. I'm simplifying it a bit because the animal can rotate its head on three axes, not the two I describe to make it easier to explain. I'm not saying her judgment was right or wrong because no one really saw anything, or anything they'd own up to. But her premise was mind-boggingly flawed, and the audience members looked dumbstruck by it. It's not the first time JJ doesn't grasp basic geometry when making judgments about attacks through fences.
  14. That struck me more as sheer cruelty than a mere need for affirmation. Ed drops the bomb, and Rose hints at wishing to convince him to have babies later. He shut that down in a really hard way. His pretense of sweet goofiness vanished for a moment, and one could see a completely different, domineering, and selfish person. I forget his actual words. Something like he will absolutely never change his mind. In the time it takes to snap one's fingers, he was back to "do you still love me?" like he wanted to erase the conversation as quickly as possible and get back to sex. He didn't ask her if she still wanted to pursue a relationship. And if the answer is no... she's stuck with him on that island. Fat Ed is loathsome through and through.
  15. The truest love of this season is Mothra's pure love and loyalty for David. Mothra really missed him!
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