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Toaster Strudel

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Everything posted by Toaster Strudel

  1. OMG I felt so strongly about this, I am only on this forum to see if anyone else felt the same... and here you are!
  2. The rat poison puppy plaintiffs struck me as people who were looking for someone to scapegoat. They've had dogs for years... why would the neighbor suddenly kill a puppy? He's probably allowed to spread rat poison on his property.
  3. Right? She seems to loathe him and consider him beneath her.
  4. What is this, no one has mentioned the stroller??? It was such a delightful metaphor. A big ass fancy American-style stroller (a vital necessity amirite?) with the wheels jamming, crashing and jerking over the bumpy Ethiopian road that everyone else was smoothly maneuvering on foot. How did this not give the baby a monster migraine? Dummies. Strap-on baby carriers are a thing for a reason.
  5. If you are uninsured, have an accident, and are NOT a fault, what happens? (I am not American, I don't know how that works)
  6. It's the internet, everyone is always very sure that everything is completely fake. Could their reasoning be fake? Let's google it.
  7. I have been watching Judge Judy every day for over 15 years. The case of the couple with the guy who worked at LAX (got laid off due to COVID) and his pregnant wife was one of the most poignant illustrations of how hard it is to be working poor in the US these days. Was it always so hard? I feel like things have gotten much worse in Judge Judy Land. They were renting a crappy room in some big flop house with 10 other roomies. Their small TV was standing on two $10 blue plastic crates. Their lease was for $600, within months they were asked $800, and out of nowhere suddenly they wanted $1000. At first they didn't get the room they were promised and slept in an open loft! All of this concluded with two adults having to go back to live with their parents. They were getting hit from all sides. Not getting a living wage, having to do Door Dash when laid off, car breaks down, need a new car to work... these two weren't catching a break by a system rigged against workers. Always tethering on the edge of financial ruin, a regular lay off, or COVID, is all it takes to have to return to parents or live in one's car. Some people are getting obscenely rich somewhere, at the expense of people like them. I was hoping she wasn't going to be too hard on them. Sometimes I felt like she wanted to give them her usual capitalist speech about pulling themselves by their bootstraps but stopped herself. So much hopelessness before her.
  8. Larissa - Plastic surgery made her dumber. She is unlearning English and all she knows now is to jump off her seat and scream at people to call them "bitches" or "fat" - which is rich coming from someone with a scheduled appointment for liposuction. 🐖 She is very boring. Andrei - His gleeful condescension at Larissa came from such a deep place of misogyny that I could tell he was creaming his pants while slut shaming her. Perhaps he is taking it out on women because he is such a failure given the high testosterone standards and privileges he claims for himself. Perhaps he is taking it out on Larissa especially, because Andrei's financial stability and US citizenship comes from capitalizing on his hunking good looks and height, and exploiting a woman. Larissa did exactly the same thing - capitalizing on her looks and sexuality to come to the US but unlike Andrei, she is hustling and working. Andrei is trapped with the Potthasts dusting bookshelves, vacuuming, and providing half-assed child care, but Larissa is free. Larissa ditched Colt, and is making a living from no-contact prostitution. Andrei couldn't wait to dig into her. He feels that Larissa played the same game, but she won while he lost - at least from his perspective. 🦖 Colt - Colt really enjoys showing off his cat-turd dickaroo. He has zero shame. He's like, yeah so I show my cocktail weiner to everyone all day long, wink, wink! Colt, my DMs are open. Morning, noon, evening... say hello! Don't leave out Debbie and send her a milk geyser shot every once in a while, will you? 😻 Jess - I don't care what her intentions were when she tried to be Colt and Debbie's third wheel, I love Jess. She cracks me up. She's always smiling, and manipulative in such a delightful and devious way. 🤎 Kalani - She's such a nice person. Her expectations of Asuelu were not realistic, he's not going to go from shucking coconuts to the floor of the Stock Exchange. Raking apples is about as good as it's going to get. But... she had to have known that when she married him. Perhaps she thought she could deal him being wholly unsuited for the type of lifestyle she wants. It turns out, she cannot deal with it. She's a bit of a by-the-rules stick in the mud, not the best match for a younger man who is freewheeling. 🥥 Asuelu - I agree with everyone who said that he is isolated and doing the best he can with what he's got. He will never be another person for Kalani, though. Angela - Fast Forward ⏰ Mahkul - Fast Forward 🌛
  9. Yesterday's episode was a sad statement on poverty in America. The guy with the broken foot and the broken health care, the broken girl with a broken family and a broken lawsuit... millionaire JJ broke my heart being too rough on them for my taste. Poor people need justice too. Small things mean a lot for those that have little.
  10. I agree with what you said, with the exception that at the beginning, when he approached her online and during her first visit, he was strictly in it for the green card.
  11. He got caught in his own trap trying to scam her for the green card. It's poetic.
  12. YES! I have watched every hoarder show ever and can confirm.
  13. Aw man... I have morbid thoughts... urgh Which 90 day fiance participant is gonna kill his partner by stabbing strangulation and set the crime scene on fire? Cursed is the day that Matt Sharp enabled this monster to ride that boat up the Amazon.
  14. Jap Chae with Mother Jihoon! I wish I was as lucky as Deavan. Of course how you slice carrots makes a difference when they are to be part of a noodle dish. What did Deavan want? To throw in that big ass carrot in one piece? Doesn't she want to learn the most refined aspects of Korean cooking? I do! Sign me up as your pupil, Mother Jihoon.
  15. If I were Jess, I would get tested for STD. God only knows how many exes Coltee has in America? He seems to sleep with anything that moves.
  16. And that statistic doesn't even take into consideration that cousins that be the product of generations of cousin-marrying - in which case the inbreeding risk would be much more severe.
  17. She was especially horrified at the thought of children. Children, people. CHILDREN!!!
  18. If Pole wasn't Pole, expecting his mother to help them for a couple of months or with babysitting isn't unreasonable.
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