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Everything posted by chenoa333

  1. Dallas & Potomac? Stop the madness. I thought we already had a Potomac awhile back? I mean a RH of Potomac. I think anyone having twins should name them Martini & Rossi !
  2. What parent could even consider for one second that showing hatred towards their childs father is not going to affect their child? All Brynn has to do when she gets older is watch some past episodes of RHONY and she will see that her mom is mentally ill and an awful human being. Actually she probably already knows there's something not right about Mommy! I wouldn't be surprised if B kicks Cookie when she's in a bad mood. Who was that stupid blonde (in the white eyelet top) sitting with Bethanny discussing whether B should tell Luanne about the dirt she got on Tom? Man, what an ass kisser she is. Telling Bethany that the other women will be mad at her (Bethany) for not going on the Miami trip because Bethanny is so much fun, the trip won't be fun without B. And I'm so over listening to B talk about her health problems. Who gives a fuck about you Bethenny? Anybody except you? I think I'm actually becoming physically ill just watching this wretched woman. I must go make an appointment with my doctor. Thanks B, can I sue you for making me sick?
  3. I have little to no criticism for anyone who is honestly trying to help with rescuing and finding good homes for animals. Whether it be dogs, cats, rabbits, horses, whatever species. I don't care if the rescuers look like the Elephant Man.. Jackson's TV show is an opportunity for people with felines to become educated about cat behavior. And much like the dogs that Cesar Milan helped in his TV series, it's usually the owners that need rehabilitation. I find Jackson's TV series very educational. I have worked in veterinary medicine (diagnostics labs and veterinary assistant) for over 20 years and also do animal rescue. So Tia and Jackson have taught me so much that is very valuable to my efforts. I never saw a follow up on the cats that were rescued. I hope they got all of them and there was a happy ending. P.S. I LOVE EARL! I wish him well and hope to see him back at VRC! ETA: For those of you who may not know this, Jackson Galaxy is a musician and in a band. He was a musician and a drug addict/alcoholic when he lived in Colorado. He went to rehab, got clean and found a job at an animal shelter. That's how he got the education about cat behavior. He wrote a book (forgot the title, sorry!) but his journey to where he is now is very interesting. So his Shtick with the cat supplies in the guitar seems to me to be just a combination of his love for music and cats.
  4. I watch that show frequently. I'll be on the look out for Carole Radziwill! Thanks for the update
  5. I've never heard of the show The Hauntie. Is it a cable show or??? I don't know if Carole is doing the rounds with the psychic mediums that have TV shows...kinda looks that way. Didn't Carole say something (when she had that woman psychic at her apartment to read some of the girls) that she (Carole) wasn't sure she 100% believed in mediums (or something to that effect) ? It is weird that she's now being "read" by many different "mediums/psychics")
  6. WORD!! I worked in veterinary medical diagnostics for 15 years and as a veterinary assistant for 8 years. Very rewarding (and sad at times too)
  7. Wow! That outfit looks bad on her. I really like Dorinda...I like her clothes (except this) her hair, her jewelry, her fashion style and, the fact that she hasn't done anything to her nose. I want to go on a tour of her closet! I could hang out with this woman.
  8. There is a show on E! Entertainment called Hollywood Medium. We all know what a medium does, but this kid (his name is Tyler) is a medium and he's 20 years old. He claims he knows nothing about the people he is going to read. He has his mom or one of the shows producers drive him to the clients home to protect the integrity of the reading. This Wednesday he is going to "read" Carole". The commercials show that he will be "channeling" a woman named Carolyn . It's probably Carolyn Bessette Kennedy (JFK Jr's wife) who died in the plane crash along with her sister and JFK Jr. Whether you're a believer or not, it should be interesting.
  9. Nevermind, I found it on a Google search. They also make one that reads "Cock"! I was also wondering ( in reference to Heather Dubrow) why would anyone wear a tight fitting short dress to a Japanese restaurant where you know you're going to have to sit on the floor with your legs crossed? And for the love of God/Buddha or whoever, STOP pretending like you are a fabulous actress. The fake crying in the limo when you were talking to Terry? Very bad acting. You Suck Heather! I'm going back to Google now to see if they make a coffee mug with those exact words on it "You Suck, Heather!" I'll bet Terry would buy a dozen of them. But that scene in the limo I'm hoping will be played many times at the Reunion! Love Heather's ugly face she made while pretend crying. I want to see it again and again.
  10. Where can I purchase this coffee mug? I need to have several so I can actually give out a few Christmas gifts this year.
  11. She's definitely dived into the depths of insanity if she thinks she even remotely looks like Taylor Swift! LOL! TentaivleyYours, thanks for the Frankelstein moniker for Bethany/Bethanny! Great snark!
  12. I haven't been around too many pregnant women in my life so I didn't realize it could happen that soon into the pregnancy. Thanks for educating me! But I still can't stand Meghan. Give me a minute and I'll come up with some more snark and criticism for her!
  13. And I can also seeing her using her entire pregnancy to act all bat shit crazy. She knows she's boring and brings nothing to the show. She's already acting like she's crazy..."ok. Tamra you can invite Vicki to my party..No don't invite Vicki to my party...No just don't have the party...ok go ahead and have the party and invite Vicki" I see what you're up to here Meghan... (I'm a super sleuth too)
  14. Thanks ZoeysMom! I could have looked it up on Wikipedia but I knew someone here would give the dirt along with the facts. Bravo must pay her well...crocheted dresses and gladiator sandals every day all day!
  15. What the hell is Jules wearing on the Tomfoolery episode at dinner? Her top...looks like those shop towels you get at the auto supply store.. they're the exact same color and texture. They sell them at Walmart - a two pack for $1.97. ( Much cheaper and durable than ANY paper towel including Viva and Bounty!) Anyway, I haven't seen anything that fashion horrific since Ramona wore her last crocheted dress..... oh wait, that happened on the same episode!
  16. Does Ramona do something to make a living or is she just living off her divorce settlement? I never hear her or anyone else talk about what Ramona does with her time all day (other than lots of nip/tuck minus her neck) I get that Sonja and Carole and Dorinda have rich ex's and deceased rich ex's but not sure what the old hag Ramona does for money. Every time she goes to some event held by one of the other women, she always says she has to leave early because she has a "date". Yeah we all know what "a date" means these days. Does she ever give her vagina a rest? I don't get the opportunity to watch this show on a regular basis so my apology if this is something I should already know. (P.S. I hate you Ramona) "love" Chenoa
  17. Shut the fuck up Skinny Girl. You talk about Luann and her engagement to Tom saying something about how Luanne is singing "somewhere over the rainbow"and implying Luann is delusional about her fiance. Hey guess what Bethany (or however the fuck you spell your name) you were singing the exact same song when you met Jason Hoppy and look what happened to you. Now you hate Jason. Where's your fucking rainbow Skinny Girl? You are a spiteful hateful angry bitch. So you had a tough childhood. Lots of peopele do but we are adults now and we learn ON OUR OWN how to make a better life and treat people with respect ... not the way you were treated when you were (boo hoo fucking hoo) a child. I am so bored and tired of hearing B and her bullshit. GO AWAY. Spend more of your time OFF of RHONY and come up with your next product to pimp. How aboutFatty Girl Margaritas.... for women like you and Jules (sorry Jules, I do like you but I'm throwing you under the bus here) who need to increase your BMI. Get the f off my TV Bethany or Bethennay or (once again) however the hell you spell your stupid ass name. Thanks to everyone here for letting me vent :) Love my Previously TV peeps!
  18. I absolutely adore Dr. Paul, however I have a weird thing about ears.. if they are odd looking it's a turn off. And his ears are very strange. Dr. Paul is very attractive on the inside. Surprised he stated he's into women half his age. Maybe it's just his way of getting back at Adrianne because she was dating a man half her age. She's got so much make up spackled on her face and there are photos of her you can find on the internet of Adrianne before she had a ton of face surgery.. very unattractive person with a gigantic nose. And then there's Ms. Terry Dubrow...ugly on the outside and the inside. I got the same impression about the wife of the young man who had his eyes/nose and neck reconstructed. The wife definitely was not glad he looked better. She might have some self confidence issues too. Whatever the case may be, she did not react to her husbands improvements with any enthusiasm. Sad to see.
  19. I just don't see any physical, emotional or other type of chemistry between Carol and Adam. They just always seem to appear so uncomfortable and awkward wifh each other. I have no problem with the age difference...however, they don't give off any vibe or energy of mutual excitement for each other IMO I don't think either of them are good looking, but they probably wouldn't find me attractive either :)
  20. I just don't understand why Bethany would come back to this reality show to portray (or show her true self) as the IMO crazy fucked up bitch that I see. She said many moons ago that her main objective for doing the show was to pimp her skinny girl margaritas. It worked . So now she's a mother/divorcee and she's doing nothing but behaving like a psycho bitch. I know Bravo pays her well for this behavior but for God's sake, what kind of legacy are you leaving for your daughter. Poor Bryn, not even in high school yet. All the videos and social media crap of Bethany behaving in many degrees of wrong. It just makes me sad for Bryn :(
  21. No to Gretchen, Vicki, Cindy and Adrienne together (or apart) on a reality show. But I must go back and look at Gretchens face again as someone upthread mentioned Gretchie Poo's face looking different. Probably it's just a new set of longer, bigger veneers.She already has horsey face, might as well make the teeth go with the face!
  22. Great idea Natalie! I could definitely see myself lounging poolside at Mohammeds. Hoping I would maybe catch a glimpse of Yo Ho. And I must get myself a teacup dog like Lisa VDP. I would love to show up with a tea cup pit bull adorned with a 24 K gold collar! Yes, I know there is no such thing as a tea cup pit bull (I pray)
  23. That "entertainmem/home theatre" in the Dubrows home is so hideous. I might be alone here on my thinking and that's ok, but if I go to some allegedly wealthy person/friends mansion for an evening of drinks and delicious food, the LAST thing I want is to be ushered into a home theater for a 2 hour movie. If you've got the enormous amount of money the Dubrows have, you better forget the movie and usher me into a private room with Maxim Chermkovsky (you know, the hot sexy Russian pro dancer from dancing with the stars). How insulting that a host/hostess can't think of ways to entertain their guests other than a stupid movie. Fine if the party is for kids but I hate movie theaters private or public and most movies such lately.
  24. I'd definitely watch a spinoff of this show with Shervin. I find him intriguing, intelligent and he carries himself with class and confidence. I also want to sleep with him but I know I'd be at the end of the line! I hate long lines. I also hate rejection :) But a show with Reza...hell to the f'n NO. He's a despicable disgusting vile creep. If I want to see vile creeps, I watch "On The Hunt with John Walsh"
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