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Everything posted by chenoa333

  1. I think Mariah's breasts are the only real Diva's. They look like high maintenance to me. What does she do on a hot, humid summer day when all that boobage/ cleavage is wet and sweating? I kind of like her though. Very little classiness, a lot of trashiness and tons of cash!
  2. I'm pretty sure that old navy commercial is going to be the death of Amy's career. It's aired at least 3 times every hour and I'm now completely sick of her and Old Navy.I hope she didn't film an Old Navy "after Christmas sale" commercial.
  3. Russia must have tampered with another voting poll.
  4. I just know somewhere in the near future, Dorit is going to get on my last nerve. But for right now the only thing that bugs me about her is her cleavage. I don't know if those melons are natural or not but her cleavage looks like there's an extra flap or fold in between. I just find it distracting. And I enjoy criticising these rich, pretentious women.! But hey, let's not forget her star studded roster of clients: Boy George and Boy George and Boy George.
  5. I hope LisaR's daughters aren't going to become part of Lisa's storyline. I find them extremely boring. What happened to Kyle's hair?! It looks alot thinner- like ones hair would look if they removed hair extensions.She still looks pretty.
  6. I'll put my money on "it's another grab for attention." And I don't care if I'm wrong,
  7. If Kim passes out, just put a gold Krugerrand under her nostrils. She'll wake up fast.
  8. I'm excitedly anticipating the day Dorit and her husband can name one huge celebrity they manage BESIDES Boy George. I didn't know Boy George was still a) producing music b) relevant to anybody c) still alive
  9. So Kim is concerned that she might have another stroke if Brielle really moves to L.A. If that were to happen to Kim again, I hope the paralysis affects only one part of her body - her old, worn out, over used hoo ha. Close your legs to men with money Kim. We can all see that you're grooming and prepping Brielle to learn how to catch a sugar daddy. One that's rich enough to take care of Brielle AND your lazy, greedy, old ass. But I'm sure Kroy has enough fight left in him to hang with you for a couple more years. I hope Arianna makes it through her teen age years unscathed by this sorry excuse for a mother. And fyi Kim, who the fuck do you think looks at you and says "wow, what beautiful skin. I must buy her skin care products!" I'm sure we'll see your products on clearance on HSN & QVC. Right next to Robin McGraws skin care crap.
  10. I can't watch this show long enough to find out what Kim's new health issue is. Is this "heart condition" worse than her "facial Paralysis"? And as far as Kim needing to be stress free.....that's pretty much how Kim has been living ever since I starting seeing her on RHOA. Easy peasey for Kim, just show your gigantic set of tits and spread your legs...voila! stress is gone.
  11. Now that's a reality show I would definitely watch! And one of the episodes would be Kroy taking his balls back and telling Kim and Brielle to start shopping at K Mart.
  12. Brielle has a "publicist"? LMAO
  13. I haven't seen any of this week's episodes. What did Wendy say her dog needed to do to "earn his keep"? Probably the same things as Kevin.Wendy should absolutely not be a pet owner. Too late for that, I. know.
  14. No my comment was not meant to be sarcastic. Maybe. I'm just uninformed or stupid but I had no idea Bravo execs read these message boards and various other social media to determine which housewives stay or go. Thanks for the education! So please Bravo execs, no more Brianna or Tamra.
  15. I doubt Bravo is going to make any decisions about the fate of RHOC based on the viewers input! I don't want to see RHOC end for good. It is my favorite franchise, maybe partly due to me living in OC. I actually live close by to all of these women..as close as poor folk like me are allowed to get without being arrested for trespassing! And please Bravo, no spin-offs. I don't get how anyone could find Manzo'd with Children entertaining. Or brain dead, gold digger Kim Zolciak. I hope the Beverly Hills women can do a better job of entertaining their viewers. That's what they're getting paid to do so bring it, bitches!
  16. I might be in the minority here, but of all of these RHOC women, I dislike Tamra the most. Does she really think by claiming she's a born again Christian that she is instantly exonerated from all of her bad behavior and hypocrisy over the many years she's been on this show? She's just as desperate as Vicki to keep her Orange. So she becomes friends with the least hated housewive/housewives of that season. She always wants to be running with the popular group. it's job security. And holy crap Tams! You look AWFUL. High Definition TV is NOT your friend. I loved all of the clips Andy showed in the 2nd episode of the reunion of Tamra's bad behavior and anger issues! I wish Andy would have spent more time drilling Tamra on that but he's a puss. I want to thank Bravo for excluding Brianna from the final reunion episode. She is nothing but a clone of Vicki.
  17. I am in love with the Neutrogena spokesperson. Holy Crap is she pretty. That "holy crap is she pretty" girl you're referring to is, I believe, Olivia Holt. Yes, she is stunning and only 19.
  18. I agree .Does she really think that anyone with part of a brain, actually believes that her marriage is going so great? It is so obvious that David is just going through the motions. I don't see any sincerity or deep love in anything he does pertaining to Shannon. Whether it is the renewal vows, or him always kissing her the moment he sees her or Shannons constant chatter about how great their marriage is since the affair. I don't know how anyone could possibly want to spend the rest of their life with Shannon...the vitamins and holistics and Dr. Moon and "honey can you pull something out of my ass that's stuck in there" and "my husband and I stronger than ever" bullshit just drives me nuts. I can only imagine how David feels! The one good thing about being on this show for David, is that he has lots of video of him trying his best to make it work with Shannon. She comes across IMO as a selfish, spoiled rich entitled bitch. I'll never forget the episode where David took her to a very nice hotel (Ritz Carlton? or maybe Monarch Beach hotel?) for their anniversary or maybe it was her birthday, nevertheless, she was so not into having sex with him. She actually told him she needed a few drinks before she could get in bed with him. She's comfortable asking him to look up her ass for a lost item, but sex? oh no, got to be inebriated for that. What an awful thing to say to your husband. I wish them well, but I don't see David staying with her. I want front row seats for "the shitshow to end all shitshows" ! I know it's coming!
  19. Well I've just now watched for the first time, the Ireland episode and the Tamra fitness episode. I have taken about an hour to calm down so my venom and hatred for Tamra has cooled off somewhat. Tamra has always been a vile, back stabbing, fake, despicable human being on this show. That's been her storyline/schtick for many years until she got her little mini series called "Tamra's OC Wedding". That kept her from being the same old vile bitch that she was for many seasons. None of the other women ever called her out on her devious ways but they were definitely coming to a point (Bali for example) where they kind of let on that they were fed up with her shenanigans. Thus her dramatic scene running out of the Bali dinner on their last night there threatening the women with "you'll never see me again" So now she's realizing that she needs to come up with some new story of her life to keep her orange on RHOC. And here it is: I've become a "Christian". Umm yeah Tamra, and here's the thing that you as a Christian decide to put all of your time and effort into: getting your body into perfect shape so you can strut around in front of people and show off your fabulous body. Yes, your body looks great Grandma, however maybe next time you want to do something Christian like, you might want to consider volunteering (for example ,since you live just hours away from the Mexican border) Doctors without Borders. Helping and giving unselfishly to those less fortunate than you. Lots of things you could be doing with your time as a Christian. Great that you stay fit and healthy but you are so fake, transparent and hate worthy. And by the way Tam, why is it you need to be a Christian to do good in this world? Why not just do good things in this world because you are a decent, kind, unselfish human being? I think it's because you AREN"T a decent, kind, unselfish person and never will be. She's so concerned about how she can keep forgiving the other women for their horrible behavior (especially Vicki and Kelly). What a friggin hypocrite you are. It was wrong of Vicki (who is equally as despicable as you)to bring up the Eddie is gay thing but all of us know that this was a rumor going around a long time ago when she first brought Eddie on the show. So blame it on whoever started the rumor years ago. And by the way Tamballs, I have quite a few gay male friends and all of them called Eddie out from the get go, as liking both men and women. So there bitch, I just started another rumor. But who cares? It's so irrelevant. Just ignore ridiculous comments from people and get on with your life. Please, try to come come up with a better storyline Tamra.You claiming to be a Christian is embarrassing for Christians and all people of the human race no matter what religious belief. Oh yeah, I don't want to forget that the first season Shannon was on RHOC, Tamra accused Shannon of having a drinking problem(Shannon with her large glass of Grey Goose with a splash of soda) Ok..I'm done with Tamra. This last comment is a bit off topic but it does pertain to Bravo: please for the love of God and all that is sacred STOP SHOWING THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA EVERY F'N WEEKEND!
  20. I'm already feeling sorry for the cows (the 4 legged ones) who are going to be subjected to the shrill screaming and childish behavior of these women.
  21. And Kim claims she's going to be sure the pig gets a good home, has room to run around, gets fed well and has a long happy life (or words similar to that). I don't believe for one second that Kim gives a shit about what happens to that little pig...or any other animal that has the misfortune of coming in contact with these Atlanta hillbillies. Can't wait to see one of the Bierman boys on "scared straight" someday soon.
  22. Thanks for the info on the Amanda Knox story, Breezy. I was just getting ready to cancel my Netflix but I'm going to watch this documentary, then I'll cancel!
  23. This new version of Millionaire Matchmaker sucks. It just seems so childish and fake....Patti and the millionaire waiting in a separate room from the two dates. Then the millionaire picks one of the two dates and ooooh, now comes the suspense everyone! Will that chosen date say yes and be waiting outside the door where Patti and the millionaire are? So f'n stupid. I always wondered what happened with Dustin and his wife. Sounds like they abruptly left Patti after they got some experience and opened their own business in matchmaking. I'm glad they're gone...they annoyed me too. So does Patti's new assistant. I was hoping I'd catch the episode with the Hello Kitty woman. She's worth watching over and over!
  24. This is Patti's show Millionaire Matchmaker. She chose to change networks but I really don't know why. She was on a talk show (can't recall which one) stating that she left Bravo on good terms...just wanted to take a different direction with her show (or something along those lines of bullshit) IMO! I don't get the WE channel (I think that's the channel she is now affiliated with) so the only time I can watch MM is when I've got a live-in pet sitting job and my clients have every channel on the cable planet. I'll bet not too many people have (or ask for) the WE channel in their cable packages. There's not much on WE that is worth watching.
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