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Everything posted by chenoa333

  1. What happened to Brianna working for the E! channel as an "entertainment" correspondent? Lol! Maybe someone at E! noticed that Brianna is a mindless, uneducated, boring twit. just like her mother
  2. I loved when Pumps put the exercise tracker from her tennis shoe (that her gf's gave her to moniter her efforts to lose weight) on her dog and kept throwing the ball for the dog to run and fetch!
  3. I haven't seen that one yet. What are these vapid nitwits selling?
  4. Just watched a repeat of Wendy from march 23rd. She's practically bragging about Mama June approaching her producers to be on the WW show when the show starts a new season. Correct me, if I'm wrong, but didnt June date a known child molester who actually molested one of Junes daughters? Is Wendy really groveling with pigs (no offense to pigs) to even consider having this disgusting,mindless, attention whore (June) on her show? Maybe Wendy will tell June to stop at the dentists office on the way home and have something done with her 6 inch upper gum line. Both of these females are shameless fame whores.
  5. I like this show as well as the original Below Deck. It took awhile to grow on me, but if for no other reason, the beautiful scenery of places i'll never go to will have me watching.
  6. Brianna should have stayed in Oklahoma. She'd be perfect for Bravo's new show "Sweet Home Oklahoma. Except Brianna will always think she's too good for everybody. I loathe Brianna
  7. So this show isnt on anymore? I really liked it. Is this the show that was always narrated by some young woman (forgot her name) who was the subject of one of the epusodes of "I Survived"?
  8. Thanks almost3000. I can probably go to my local Hobby Lobby and make one similar to hers. But I hate doing crafts. I need to hire Tori Spelling! Lol It's nice that Erika didnt wait 2 seasons (like all the other women do) to apologize to one of the other ladies (Eileen) for her (Erikas) understandable emotional response to the comments about her son.
  9. Does anyone know what that thingamajig/sausage casing/doohickey was that Dorit had her ponytail wrapped in at the dinner that took place in Japan? I want one.
  10. I probably wouldn't enjoy watching these cackling hens as much if it wasn't for Kyle's clothes. I love everything she wears. Hopefully she wont ever do a neck scarf
  11. Oh no. It looks like Phillip is rehashing the Steven Avery debacle again on todays show.
  12. I dont care what form of life LVP is saving. Its better than being a heartless, souless human who only cares about themselves.(that's just a general statement I'm making. Not specifically referring to anyone's comments) Keeping on topic (for Mods sake) I really do think Erika has a lot of sadness from her past that she's never resolved. She's just dealt with it by being tough, learning from it and calling it the "past" because thats what it is. But can she dance? I'll be watching tomorrow!
  13. Thank you KungFooBunny for that. I'm going to check it out. got several more days off work so I'm ready for some different snark!
  14. Don't forget Old Yeller or maybe it was Old Yellow? I was only 6 or 7-ish but man did i cry my eyes out over that one. I realize now, in retrospect, that i was "born this way"....with this passion and intense respect and love for all animals/nature.
  15. Thank you Almost 3000. I will go to the DWTS thread for further comments on that subject. So am I correct that this weeks RHOBH episode is the final before the reunion? I always look forward to this particular housewives reunion just to see what the women are wearing. And I'm already trying to prepare myself for the inevitable segment with Kim Richards. I will find something else to do while she is on...like paint my nails. I know it's going to be a lot of Andy and Kyle gushing over Kim becoming a grandmother. Like it's some feat nobody else has accomplished. And will Kim be wearing a neck scarf?
  16. Well that was a waste of 2 minutes of my life! Wendy needs to stop thinking she can do anything. Keep thinking you can accomplish some things, even most things...but comedy Wendy???? Um... No.
  17. Thanks for clarifying Biakbiak! So it was Erika who did DWTS and I'm guessing Erika didn't last long since maybe most people dont know her. I dont recognize 90% of the "stars" in that show! Lol I like Erika because IMO, I see a sad little girl underneath all of the adult Erika. I can relate to that.
  18. Erikas husband was supposed to be on Dancing with the the Stars???!! Geez, that show is certainly not ashamed to call ANYONE they have on there a "star".
  19. Welcome back TrooperYork! I'm a woman and i have always liked Erika.
  20. I just can't imagine having sex with PK. Dorit is bat shit crazy.
  21. Thanks for the info rcc. I'm headed over to youtube to check out wendys "comedy"
  22. JJ not on today in my neck of the woods. Some sporting events are more important than my beloved "grandma JJ" schooling ignorant people on common sense.
  23. I saw the previews and thought it was a show i could really enjoy because the women seem "real". I'm hoping Bravo will rerun the first episode for me.
  24. Wow. Carole never was a stunning beauty (none of the NY housewives are) but she is looking really bad.
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