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Everything posted by chenoa333

  1. Yes, that was so weird because Satan Andy is ALWAYS up for some shit stirring! But I've been suspicious for a long time regarding Ramona's eyes. She appears to be very high and strung out. Put your damn phone away Bethany. Who gives an f who you are calling. Please just go away. Take your awful boob job, your anger, your self righteous attitude and go home. I never want to see you again. Except next week when you make an even bigger fool of yourself. Please keep your chest covered though,for my sake. For once in your life you will honestly be able to say you did something nice for someone
  2. LOL! Bethenny looks like shit along with her hair. And who the f did she get her breast implants from? They are awful. Natural breasts do not sit 6 inches apart from each other...thus the word "cleavage". You look like shit Betheny and you're uglier on the inside. I'm only 15 minutes in to this reunion. How much more can I hate you Bethenny in the next 40 minutes?
  3. If that's the case, this should be a "must see" episode! I can only begin to imagine Heather bitching about everything! I kinda think Ms. Terry would find it fun (even though I think he's a fame whore , i still see a little bit of crazy fun in him)
  4. Are these housewives really being sent to Glamis for a getaway or whatever? It just doesn't sound right. Except maybe Bravo is starting to make these women actually work for their pay! (From Wikipedia): Glamis,Ca has virtually no permanent structures aside from the "Glamis Store" and "Boardmanville Trading Post". Both offer supplies; however, fuel is not available for some of the hundreds of thousands of recreational visitors each year (many of them ORV users) who pass through the Algodones Dunes and the associated Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area, located in the southern portion of the dune system. The name "Glamis" or "Glamis Dunes" is often used to refer to either or both of these areas, though technically this is incorrect. Glamis's post office operated from 1886 to 1888, 1899 to 1901, 1917 to 1920, 1921 to 1923, and from 1940.[2] Glamis's ZIP code is 92283. Glamis is the closest community to the new Mesquite Regional Landfill, a waste-by-rail landfill being constructed for municipal trash primarily originating at the Puente Hills Intermodal Facility in Los Angeles County, and the Mesquite Mine, a gold mine.
  5. I just looked up "Glamis Ca" on Wikipedia. I urge everyone to do it. I am in absolute disbelief that these ho-wives are going to this place. But I'm going to be sure to watch that special episode. I'm not knocking Glamis, however it just seems like these women would be pissed that Bravo isn't sending them to one of the usual exotic locations. But I think this is a great idea for all the housewives franchises. One trip a year to a place that these women think they are too good for. (Sorry Giselle, I don't know why your name is showing up as a blank quote! I'm not that great at using the new updated PT forum options...In other words...I am not very computer savvy! )
  6. You might be right about that. But I also remember one of the ho wives shows where they stayed at a home in Palm springs that was originally owned by Frank Sinatra . Maybe that was Beverly hills housewives.
  7. I feel very sorry and sad for any animal that comes into the Zolziak/Bierman residence. Whether it is a pet or outdoor wildlife. Hey Kim, quit acting like a 6 year old little girl who is so afraid of anything that moves. I know in the new season they got a very tiny designer pig and all Kim does is scream when she sees it. And the opossum in their yard. She acts so fucking stupid and childish. Go get another nose job bitch, you are only one step away from looking like Michael Jackson is your brother. You are disgusting and vile and you lucked out meeting Bierman. But he will tire of your superficial bullshit. Right now he's still into you but mark this comment, in this thread....you are going to get dumped in the future. Yeah you'll get a ton of money from Kroy, but hopefully, Troy will find a woman closer in age to him and a woman with a true, honest heart. And Kroy will be saying 'BYE WIG!"
  8. Yes. And Gomer Pyle RHOC is Ryan's superior officer!
  9. Exactly! They (Bravo, Vicki, Brianna etc) all want us to think that this "struggling young couple" with two children are now living in separate locations because of financial reasons and the husband is still in the military and blah blah blah. Listen up Brianna, you selfish bitch, YOU DO NOT EVEN HAVE THE RIGHT TO SAY YOU ARE" BASICALLY A SINGLE MOM! " But I guess we can't expect anything better from you since you are your mother's daughter. Be proud you are the spawn of Vicki Gunvalson. Is the "high road" too high for you to climb? You selfish, ugly on the inside, entitled POS! There are many people on several of the Housewives franchises that annoy me for whatever reasons that are superficial (too loud/obnoxious/playing for the camera etc) but this disgusting piece of work named Brianna is really on the top of my list of people who I can't even look at anymore. Go for a walk Brianna and lose some weight. Ryan can walk with you and release some of his pent up anger. And then you can work on which double oven is going to be the best for your family because we all know, that a family of two adults and two toddlers absolutely cannot live without a DOUBLE OVEN. F off Brianna. LOSER!
  10. Yeah you got that right. Uncle Mike has a frozen face..His smile is frozen in the same position all the time and the only part of his face that moves are his eyes...and not in a good way either. Like very creepy. I might be wrong but I don't think he moves his head either! Oh dear, the whole episode is over. Thank you baby Jesus! And I can't wait for Captain Lee and Ben the chef on Below Deck!! Damn these OC bitches got boring this season. I'll be willing to bet my belly button (that I want to sell to Tamra for $500.00) that Brianna is going to be the next regular housewife of the OC starting next season.
  11. I'm only 15 minutes into this episode and I'm almost ready to switch to "Keeping up with the Kardouchians" on the E! channel. I feel duped. I had no idea that "large and in charge" Brianna" was part of the get away with Kelly, Tamra and Vicki. And then Bravo gives me a double dose of dupe poop....I have to see Brianna's husband and the kids? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Please Andy, God and Bravo...no more Brianna, brianna's husband or her kids. Please? Is there anyone out there that wants Brianna and her angry husband to be on this show? Come out, Come out wherever you are! LOL (I need a drink. I think I'll go make one and skip the scene right now with Ms Terry and Madame Puppet)
  12. I haven't worked in human medicine but have worked in veterinary medicine for over 20 years. Some of the vets were awesome, some of them just in it for the money (talk the client into getting a dental on their pet so we" can make money etc). Doctors/veterinarians are humans and that is where the problem lies...if they were a different species, they would be on a much higher plane of love, compassion and commitment ( exactly where the animals are :)
  13. I don't ever trust Yelp reviews (or any other internet "review" sites 100%). However, Ms Terry has his own platform with his very own show (and the RHOC gig too)and he has no problem presenting himself as a total goofball, asshole, inconsiderate POS. I wish Dr Nassir(?) would team up with a real decent plastic surgeon and do the Botched show without fugly ass Terry. Maybe Terry and Jimbo (Meghan's lovely husband) could go on the road and do their own reality show. They seem like such a great couple. Neither one of them are interested in being present in their wives/children's lives.
  14. Yes, your comments are spot on! Bethany IS the Queen of Crass in the world of Low Life's!
  15. Wow! I had no idea Patti Stanger said that to Bethenny (or anybody for that matter). How awful. I can't stand Betheny however, that comment is pretty crass and low. But that is Patti Stanger. Her "Schtick" is saying outrageous things to people. I don't mind Carole and Adam together...i cant tell if it's real, but both of them seem like they have very calm energy and that works real well sometimes in relationships. And I want to thank whomever it was upthread that posted the link to LIpStickAlley. Geez, that website (re: the real housewives) was like sinking into a big juicy prime rib (or better yet, a big piece of shark meat!)
  16. Prediction: Tamra, Kelly and Vicki are going to get shit faced drunk and I am so looking forward to it! I don't really care about David and Shannon, however I do love Cabo!
  17. I guess "skinny girl margarita" sounds better than "emaciated, flat assed bitch margarita'"
  18. I find Meghan boring as well. But I would rather SHE stayed on the show than BRIANNA. I just cannot watch her or listen to her. She's an opportunist and that's what she is doing right now...taking the opportunity to HOPEFULLY become one of the real "housewives" and get that big fat check like mommy does. Brianna's husband has anger issues and is a total asshole and they have two very young children who do not need to grow up being on a reality tv show. Brianna...YOU ARE A FAME WHORE. Yes that is what you are just like Mommy. So don't criticize your mother when you are walking down the same road.
  19. Her new show is BORING! I hope she invested her money wisely cause this looks like her last rodeo with TV matchmaker shows.
  20. I'm not finding Patti's new show very intriguing or interesting. I liked the Bravo version better but that's just personal taste.One of the aspects of MM when it was on Bravo was the fact that there were more choices for the millionaires. But I'll definitely watch the episode with the "hello kitty" woman (entrepreneur from NYC) who is completely bat shit crazy. After that, I doubt I'll tune in.
  21. I've noticed several disturbing things about Ramoana's appearance (like the scene where she had a huge pink curler in her hair ala 1950's. I thought it was one of those As Seen On TV "Bump It" things that you use in your hair to make it puffy!) But this nose thing is something I have not taken time to notice. I'm going to binge watch RHONY this weekend and look forward to critiquing Ramoana's nose! (I wish LabLover still posted on here. She/he is the best of the best on snark and wit!!)
  22. I tried SGM when it first came out and I couldn't agree more...it sucks! It tasted like an extremely watered down Margarita. Thanks Bethany, but I can water down my own Margaritas at no extra charge. IIRC I paid around $15.00 for her shit. That was the one and only time I've touched a Frankelstien product.. Just a thought here...is there any way the producers, God, or Satan Andy can get Bethany to stop talking about bleeding from her cooch?
  23. Just watched the latest episode "Shannon gets her groove back". Well, Shannon looks great without make up. Seriously bitch....take all that Spackle off your face,. Your naturally pretty . I liked the renewal vows. I don't know if David is sincere or not but I still thought it was nice, especially with their daughters present. However, my favorite moment EVER, was the scene in the limo with Jimbo sitting next to Ms. Terry. Jimbo had his arm kind of around Terry and then there is Meegan sitting about a foot and a half away from Jimbo....Jimbo had his hand in hers but damn he looked so much more into Terry. WEIRD. Or maybe not.
  24. My heartfelt appreciation goes out to all and any who have served our country in any capacity. Thank you all so much :) Tonights episode is recommended highly by me for people like me, with insomnia. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... "Shannon gets her groove back" is the name of this new episode. "Kelly's volatile behavior is addressed in the wake of furious drama at a sushi bar. In other events, Meghan takes the next step in her IVF process; Shannon basks in a night with friends and family; and Vicki and Kelly connect at a party of their own." This is much cheaper than Benadryl. Where is Tamballs?? She must be doing her whatever body competition. I wish it was over so she can start getting drunk again! LIme, salt Tequila? or is it salt, tequila lime? or Tequila, salt then lime? I'm turning off the tv when "Meghan takes the next step in her IVF process". I don't give a fuck Meghan.. Neither does your husband.
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