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Everything posted by chenoa333

  1. I would rather Donald Trump came on as a "friend of" the show than fucking Brianna. Actually I'd rather chew broken glass than see Brianna again. Ever. Anywhere.
  2. So true MajotBigtime. And for those of you who dont think Kim tarts up Kaia, i refer you to the photo that MajorBigTime posted upthread on March 10th. Kaia photoshopped and posing with the ever so popular "duck lips". Bravo is showing reruns of Dont be Tardy this afternoon followed by Kims tasteless wedding. This probably indicates shes getting a new season. Or Bravo might just be using Don't Be Tardy as a "filler" for a time slot when nobodys watching. All pedophiles aren't just looking for Jon Benet types with tons of make up. If i had a grandchild that age, they would never ever be allowed to be photographed posing with duck lips! I'd make them all dress like they came from Little House on the Prarie until their 30! Lol. (Just kidding about the "til 30" part)
  3. B2h, Keep the toll free number for poison control handy. Sounds like you might need it with that many doses of Dr. Shill in one f'n day!
  4. Wendy really thinks she can cross the line with inappropriate remarks about anything stereotypically related to blacks just because shes black. She is so not funny. I would love to hear from someone who went to one of wendys comedy shows. Does that person even exist?
  5. Mountainair, Your written description gives me a phenomenal visual. Poor Kaia. Pedophiles all over the world are enjoying the photos Wig is providing for them of her girls.Wig is clueless about the real world.
  6. Ok. I don't have Instagram but inquiring minds (or maybe it's just my mind) want to know....can you post some pics of Kaia tarted up like a whore? I love to hate Kim!! But i do want to make it clear that i feel sorry for all of the Wigs spawn.
  7. Yes i own that exact same lash seperator i bought it at least 15 years ago and i agree...the teeth are way too close together to comb thru mascara. I never use it but for some unknown reason, i just cant throw it away.
  8. If she comes back on RHOA for even one nanosecond...I'm done. Seems like shes been unofficially designated as the current bread winner for this trailer trash family. Kroy must feel real manly having his fame whore wife supporting all of them. She's a vile disgusting person.
  9. Oh no stewedsquash...you too? Hugs and love to you as well.
  10. Wendy is so proud of herself for actually touching the baby wild animals and eluding to how nice their fur would be if made into a coat. Fuck off you gigantic moron. You are not funny. Or cute or pretty.
  11. Thanks for the "like" azshadowwalker. Nobody's been to this specific forum since i posted my comment a week ago. I was beginning to think i scared people off! Lol. But i will forever stand my ground defending my seething hate for child abusers and animal abusers
  12. Breezy and family...may these understanding thoughts help somehow to convey, the sympathy that hearts can feel but words can never say. And God bless the veterinarians who now provide in home services for our beloved pets
  13. I just blew up that pic of mama and the boo. I DON'T recommend this! Is Alana still doing "beauty" pageants?
  14. Speaking of LOUD commercials. I'd like to personally place duct tape on Chrisy Tiegens loud shouting voice in that shampoo commercial. Dont remember the name of the shampoo cause i mute the tv and find something else to do while its on.
  15. I had to look it up but according to denvergov.org the "breed specific law" is still in effect.
  16. Breezy, I'm feeling your pain. Been thru that tough decision many times. But as others have mentioned, this forum is a gold mine of people with kind loving hearts who are here for each other.
  17. I love all animals no matter what species, I'll rescue any critter that needs help. But cats are what God (or whoever our creator is) made for me as my special gift. So....even though I've tried many times to watch this show (I love Jackson and he's so gifted) I can't do it. It just breaks my heart because (and I've said this on other forums) I don't see many cat lovers and most of these people on the show are f'n idiots. God bless Jackson for his kindness and patience because I'd have smacked the shit out of most of these selfish cat owners
  18. I was going to ask what the update was but I had a sinking feeling it was going to be really bad, so I googled it. Glad I didn't ask anyone on this forum to give me the update. I'm horrified :( When are we going to stop incarcerating these criminals who commit heinous crimes and just start giving them a bullet in the head. I know I sound radical, I'm really a very peaceful, loving person but this kind of shit has to be dealt with differently. Going back to prison for criminals like this is nothing more than a family reunion with all of their thug homies. And I can't even imagine Brittinees mom, dad, family knowing what horror that sweet naive girl went thru.
  19. Why is PK on the reunion? Never mind, it's because he's stupid and thinks he can deal with these 5 crazy mean bitches all at once. Hahaahahaha!! Oh dear could he really be a crazy bitch too? I'm beginning to think he and Dorit came on this show cause they needed the money. Their acelebrity talent managing agency is probably not bringing in much money anymore. Boy George is all he and Dorit talk about and BG is last decades news. But Dorit makes cute babies....I'll ge her that
  20. I like Erika. And if she's gotten this far with ME liking her,well, maybe someday I'll choke on those words, but so far, IMO, Erika has managed to not get REAL close to any of the other housewives ( while still remaining indifferent, polite and cordial) not pissed off any of them to the point she's the target of their hate and vitriol, and she's stayed pretty true to who she is: a sultry, horny sex kitten as Erika Jayne..and the attractive, sweet demeanored wife of a successful los Angeles attorney. She might be totally bonkers off screen, but this show is all I have to base my perspective on. So that's all I got! ? love you Erika
  21. If Arianna is really the smart one, she'll get away from Kim as soon as she turns 18.
  22. I love ALL animals. But why is nobody rescuing or being the voice for cats, kitten mills, cat abuse, I just don't get it.
  23. I missed this particular episode (fortunately) but anyone, I don't care what age or gender, who abuses animals is evil and should not be wasting precious oxygen on this planet.
  24. Well I guess this is the new generation of social media whorism? Kim takes selfies for her children to look back on (in shame). If I knew how to sew Kim's vaginal lips closed forever I would do it.
  25. Is that really kim in that last blurry photo or am I mistaking it for an aerial photo of the opening to an active volcano? Seriously, somebody please tell me that's not really Kim......????
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