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Everything posted by chenoa333

  1. just saw a photo on Tamras instagram of her granddaughter. The baby looks a lot like Ryan...but cute!
  2. Re: Alexa Curtin: "The suit says the Deputy then had to leave to tend to ‘another more pressing matter’, but told Curtin she wasn’t free to leave and ordered her to remain in her vehicle." So Alexa actually sat in her car and waited for the deputy to return? I'm speechless.
  3. Considering his lifestyle, which involves lots of alcohol (and probably lots of decadent meals) he's looking good at 48-ish, even with the belly!
  4. Yikes! Andy needs to do some sit-ups. And what is going on with the crotch of his swim trunks? Lol.
  5. I just googled images of "Wendy Williams and husband". I could only take so much (like 6 photos!) but Big Kev is not smiling in any of them. The only amusing pic was wendy in a low cut spaghetti strap halter top with her huge boobs spilling out. Not sure how those spaghetti straps are holding all that weight in place. Must be some top from her HSN collection that has steel reinforcements in the straps.
  6. I would be totally embarrassed (and never admit it publically) that I didn't know my executive producers birthday. I think Wendy has gotten way too starstruck with herself. I love her hot topics segment but not because Wendy is the commentator, I just enjoy catching up on celebrity news. I can think of many other people who I would love to see hosting this show. Wendy spends too much time on what she thinks/believes and I don't care what she thinks because she changes her opinion way too often. But that's just MO
  7. I have a couple male friends who have said the same thing upon seeing Wendy. i still think she looks like a woman..large and tall but nonetheless, a woman. I have a couple male friends who have said the same thing upon seeing Wendy. i still think she looks like a woman..large and tall but nonetheless, a woman.
  8. I think Suzanne does wear quite alot of clothing from Wendy's HSN collection. And when she does, Wendy always mentions it. I'm sure Suzanne gets to keep whatever she "models" from Wendy's collection. I wonder how cheaply made these clothes are...anyone here ever bought something from Wendy's clothing line?
  9. As Wendy would point out...everyone who comments on her "looks" especially after her weight loss, are haters and jealous. I am not jealous nor do i hate you for your weight loss Wendy. But you do look distorted..it's like I'm looking at you through a funhouse mirror. And even at MY 110 pounds and 5'4"(which you would see as fat and short) ..I see you as unattractively skinny. Glad you like yourself, although I'm sure Big kev tells you how you should look. How you doin' Wendy?
  10. I am quite convinced that Wendy or someone from her staff, reads this forum. i made a post here a couple weeks ago regarding how I can always hear suzanne in the background cackling and laughing to everything Wendy says. So on one of last weeks epidodes, Wendy made a comment to Suzanne about " I noticed nothing different yesterday when doing the show, but people said you were xtra loud" suzanne said "who, me?" Wendy:"I know you don't read comments, neither do I" Suzanne: "maybe my microphone was turned up?"
  11. No shit! can't even imagine being 15 and seeing Mana Wendy with her gigantic boobs bobbin' up and down on daddy. If "Little Kevin" escapes his youth with no major psychological issues I'll be surprised!
  12. well, at least the son didn't walk in on Big Kev doing "a favor" on Wendy. Either way, this IMO, is just way too personal to be talking about in public. What I want to comment on, is this: now that I am unfortunately way too familiar with Suzanne's boisterous, cackling laugh, I'm now constantly hearing her in the background whenever Wendy says anything. or I'll hear Suzanne laughing and a lot of "yes!yes!yes!" thrown in. Suzanne is louder than the entire studio audience. But I'm a "love to hate Wendy" girl! I haven't had an intense hatred for a random celebrity for quite some time so thanks Wendy...I'll be watching
  13. IMO.. Wendy has forgotten what it's like to be an authentic person. She sometimes appears to say things just to be controversial. But moving on from that to a bigger issue I have with her is the comment she made in reference to "the people vs. oj Simpson" about Robert Kardashian. She said the world lost a great guy when they lost Robert Kardashian. Maybe Wendy isn't aware of it, and I will use the word "allegedly" but it is common knowledge that Robert Kardashian disposed of the murder weapons that OJ used to kill Ron and Nicole. And Wendy claims the world lost "a good one" she needs to READ more books and learn more truthful and factual information especially when it comes to a subject that is way beyond "celebrity gossip". Way beyond Wendy's grasp of concept of reality.
  14. I'm a little bit late watching this show however, there was an episode in hot topics where Wendy was talking about some female singer (can't recall the name) whose 5 year old daughter was shown applying lots of make up to herself and revealing the big before and after photos. suzanne made a comment about how even she can't apply make up like the 5 year old. Wendy responds with "Yeah, we can tell". WTF?! How rude. There's not one thing about Wendy that is natural. Suzanne IS natural and looks so much better than Wendy. Damn Wendy pisses me off when she puts down suzanne.
  15. Holy fuck! I never thought Robin could set her own bar this low! She is definitely NOT an actress. so fake...her open mouthed, wide eyed shock at her own son actually coming on her husbands show! what a shocker, imagine that! Fuck off Robin and do yourself a big favor...go eat something. you're starting to look anorexic.
  16. Wendy makes weird annoying mouth noises even when she's not eating. Are all the people who work for her afraid to say something to her? I'm going to give it to you straight Wendy (no chaser)....you are NOT an "A" list celebrity who deserves to think your shit doesn't stink. Please Wendy....take several seats.
  17. I've always been distracted by Kim's eyebrows. They need to be tweezed a bit and filled in with a higher arch. She always looks worried/concerned. And clearly, she's not!
  18. So there are no confirmed reports as to whether Kingsley was euthanized or sent to a permanent rescue home? Kim needs to go to a permanent home for her being a nuisance, not Kingsley. Thanks zoeysmom and wirewrap for the info on Taylor's puppy. I'm also confident that Snowball got a better chance in life than Kim's dog. The textbook epitome of two f'd up fractured adults who thought they could selfishly change things in their life for the better (in some small way) by getting a pet. Kim should be on a blackball list at every pet rescue place in the country.
  19. Sorry, I don't know how to/or why I'm unable to quote posters on my cell. I just read a post upthread from ZoeysMom about Taylor Armstrongs' dog (whom Taylor purchased for her daughter way back in the series) being passed away/euthanized? please tell me either I misunderstood or that poor dog had a terminal illness? I never liked Taylor, however, if she euthanized that dog for no good reason, I won't even say what I wish for her. Maybe this should be in the Taylor thread but it's still somewhat on topic in discussing Kim and her selfishness in owning a pet
  20. I'm doing the same thing as you MsTree...fast forwarding through all of the clapping, cheering. shouting. And unfortunately, I always have to go close to, or beyond the 2 minute mark before hot topics starts and the audience settles down (aka: Suzanne stops cheerleading)
  21. As tight as some of Wendy's dresses are, I'm surprised we never see any panty lines. She's either going commando style or, Spanx maybe?
  22. God I can't stand Suzanne. She must get paid a substantial amount to embarrass herself like she does. (But she does have beautiful hair.)
  23. I haven't yet seen the episode with Cesar Millan. But I am wondering what's going on with his career that he chose the Wendy Williams show to promote himself. Times must be tough.
  24. wow..Kara's husband is mui caliente! And a very cute baby! congrats to all:)
  25. I wonder why Wendy made that incident with her son so not a big deal. She said something about yes, little kevin did synthetic pot and they got him in treatment and all is well. I don't believe her....that all is well. That shit can cause serious erratic behavior and make people physically and psychologically ill. I wish her son the best, but I think Wendy swept that issue under the rug real fast and it's never been mentioned again. She is so busy with her career and who knows what "Big (fat) Kev" is up to while Wendy is away. She is such a hypocrite. But I'm still going to watch in great anticipation of the downfall of Wendy.."how YOU doin?"
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