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Everything posted by chenoa333

  1. Thank you pattycake for verbalizing my same thoughts on meghan. And if only meghan would put as much effort into visiting terminally ill children with cancer as she did playing "truth seeker" and "supersleuth" for Brooks b.s.....it would have been more time spent in a better way. Just MO :)
  2. I apologize in advance for my lack of knowledge on this, but what exactly is Andy Cohen's role in the Housewives franchises? If he's not one of the producers, is he just the host for the reunions and WWHL? Did andy come up with the "real housewives" idea? And what exactly is involved when one is the "producer" of a tv show? Thanks
  3. I love the part where she says she brings real stories to the housewives show. Shut up Meghan. I'd love to know the real story on you and Jimbo. Fakery, just like Vicki and Brooks: IMO
  4. My world will be so empty til RHOC 2016 without meghan barking in my ear. I just know she will spend most of her time digging up more dirt on Brooks' fake cancer. Afterall, curing cancer is her passion. She's such a giver!
  5. Please don't tell me Alexis owns a rabbit fur coat? That is SO 1970's! And I am totally against anyone wearing any real fur. Since I like Alexis, i will hold her husband responsible for any real fur Alexis owns since he thinks he owns alexis.
  6. After reading the descriptions of the couch hosts above, I'm pretty certain it's Julie who is my crush. Yes Julie, YOU. I've been hetero all my life but I'm a changed woman now. And fyi, I'm a professional (as in retired veterinary tech) pet sitter. I'm positive i saw Peanut winking at me in that latest episode! I love me some cute chihuahuas!
  7. Can't stand Leon. Somebody, throw him overboard
  8. Kind of off topic,however a couple of years ago my friend and i called Coto Insurance, legitimately inquiring about car and life insurance. We got voice mail and left a detailed message with names and call back numbers. Neither of us ever heard from anyone at Coto Insurance.
  9. "Calving kids with that revolting wallet". OMG StevieRocks, that is some awesome Shakespearean shit! I'm saving that one for personal use! Plagiarism be damned. Lol!
  10. I'm joining forces wih you, scrambled fog. Hell, bring back Quinn. Better her than Tamra. At least her breasts are real. Well, less than 2 hours til part 3 of the reunion. I'm getting comfortable in case I fall asleep during the "event"
  11. I would love to get paid an annual triple digit salary to be on reality tv. However, i could never, for any amount of cash, pretend to be a trashy, classless, back stabbing bitch on tv if that wasn't who I truly was. Tamra is trashy, classless and proud of it. Tamra needs to watch herself more often on HD tv. She needs work done on her neck. It's starting to look like a California road map
  12. Yes, treehugger, Tamra is an embarrassment to truckers and the entire human race.
  13. And Tamra, your pink lipstick is so outdated. Even if it wasn't, it doesn't match your hideous blue dress. You're a hopeless mess.
  14. I just watched reunion parts one and two. I think I can sum it all up in a few words: All of these bitches are phony as hell.
  15. Thank you zoeysmom. You always have the "411"! This is good news. But I still can't stand terry. I'll give dr. Nasiff a pass. Look forward to seeing this show.
  16. I can't stand Ms. Terry. What an ego on this womanish-man. And I'm going to throw Dr. Nassif (Nassir?) under the bus too. I would love to see these two (allegedly) top notch plastic surgeons, fix the face or body of a victim of domestic violence, a burn victim or whatever else some people need to make them look as normal as possible. But no, these two selfish doctors just want to make money off of other selfish people who have leaky implants or their lips are too big from collagen or whatever nonsense egotistic people do to themselves. Disgusting people... all of them. And Heather.... you are disgusting too. Sorry, maybe I should have posted that in the Botched thread but it's still relevant to Heather so I'm leaving it here.
  17. Just wanted to respond to grneyedldy post about Brianna's comment regarding killing Brooks. That was probably the most despicable thing any of the housewives spawns have ever said. Granted, she probably didn't mean it literally. However i'm pretty sure that saying you're going to kill someone is considered a terroristic threat, by law. Note: I said "pretty sure", not positive :) P.S. Brianna...f-off. Thanks hon.
  18. And hell to the yes to whatever poster upthread said that Tamra has always been jealous of (and hated)Alexis and Gretchen because those 2 women have bangin'hot bodies. They make Tamra look like the OG of the OC.
  19. I don't get what eddie sees in Tamra. He's a fairly attractive guy and appears to be a gentle, calm, no-drama kind of man. Why he chose her to be with just baffles me. Beautiful, YOUNG women are everywhere in South Orange County and they are age appropriate for Eddie, natural beauties...no silicone, no fake eyelashes, no kids, no ex-husband baggage. Why pick Tamra? She's not attractive in any way....not physically, emotionally, spiritually. She has no class, comes across uneducated, uncouth. I would love to see eddie on WWHL and call in to ask him what he is doing with trash from the landfill. But i know Andy would never let a viewer ask such a thing. Andy is so into Tamra
  20. Those were some ugly posts/opinions on Tamras Instagram. However, they are right in line with the woman Tamra portrays herself to be..a nasty,jealous, spiteful, foul mouth trucker with fake tits and lots of hate
  21. Thanks to whoever posted the photo of Mr. Mcmackin. I wouldn't kick him out of bed :)
  22. Yes, Persnickity1, that post was all kinds of awesome!
  23. Hell to the yes matildamoody. If i was one of any of Tamras children, I would be mortified, humiliated,disgusted, embarrassed by so many of Tamra's actions. From the naked bathtub scene with eddie, the sex party at cut fitness, the trashy clothing worn at the sex party. It seems like tammra is more focused on gettng back at Simon by behaving the way she does, than behaving like a classy, reputable woman who her kids can be proud of and emulate
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