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Baltimore Betty

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Everything posted by Baltimore Betty

  1. When I hear Pettifleur speak I keep thinking it is Eartha Kitt's Catwoman from the old Batman series. Why, why, why did she have to tell us she goes commando? That car salesman must have been paid handsomely for his filming with that woman. Is anyone else thinking that Gamble's engagement is for her story line? The Murder Mystery dinner confused me, I thought those had actors playing parts and you followed them around collecting clues and then everyone tries guess who done it. Gamble was not dressed as a witch she looked more like Marie Antoinette but it was fun to see everyone in their costumes, not fun was Pettifleur in the costume shop, how dismissive she was to that salesperson. I am sure there are quite a few sales people hiding in the stock rooms of stores when she goes shopping no matter how good the commission is, LOL. I loved the props and such they set up for that dinner.
  2. At first glance those cover photos look like the kind of picture you get taken when you are at a trade show or a car show and you want your picture taken with a model. He has the same pose in each one of the photos and he is not touching her...I cannot believe I am defending him in any way. How did a photo of Theresa get taken, how does that work? Do they let rag reporters in to prison for interviews? Is that Armani she is wearing? Am I asking too many questions?
  3. I think as long as the cameras are rolling LVP will be interacting with Brandi...and LVP is too well heeled to get in to a physical altercation with Brandi. Lisa's wit will be her best weapon. I had never heard of Eileen prior to her joining the cast and I am really happy she is here, sane and level headed is a welcome change. Kyle looked amazing on the boat ride to/from hell. I wish she would stop reacting when Brandi starts her bull sh*t, I think Brandi likes the attention she gets from it but somehow fails to realize not all attention is good. Why does Brandi think Yo "gets" her? Nobody "gets" her except the drug addled Kim Richards and when she sobers up even Kim will realize what a waste of space Brandi is.
  4. Nene's hair reminds of the movie Chicago when Big Mamma Morton changed her hair style to match Roxie's new blonde marcel wave but I am not sure what the deal is with the page boy thing is.
  5. The arm contouring was a new one for me, I hope she stays off the white furniture! I do think that it is funny she is worried about her arms but then puts on a dress that is a second skin and her take away is her arms are an issue, lol. I am giving a side eye to the whole beach mikvah scene, here in Baltimore we have actual mikvahs, surely in a city like LA there should be a mikvah so you don't have to be naked on a public beach.
  6. So if Kandi was nominated for what ever award Peter was shilling and they knew Kandi would be getting the award then why wouldn't her name already be engraved on the award? Typically wouldn't they tell the recipient they are nominated to ensure they will show up at the event? Joyce has decided to give Kandi a key and gate pass to her house because it's the right thing to do, I bet Joyce thinks that she is throwing Kandi a bone so she can use it as leverage for some future fight or request for a new car etc...or perhaps more furniture to fill her 7 bedroom house. [snip]
  7. "Greg kids," Ugh, really? Joyce is unbelievable and Kandi's reaction was rather calm about the house issue. I wonder who paid to fix the bathrooms? Let me guess... So Peter has been in the music industry, the restaurant business and event planning business and seems to have failed at all of them but Cynthia is always proud of him, I guess that is better than being ashamed. I have decided to get a step and repeat for every party I throw no matter how few people show up. Does anyone else think that a counseling session on tv is not going to work? Maybe they have private sessions off camera where I hope Todd can be more expressive about how he feels about Kandi's staff mocking him and Kandi not saying anything to them and the issues with Joyce otherwise there is not much to talk about in a session.
  8. The Gina/Working Girl reference is spot on, unfortunate but spot on!! LOL!
  9. Well, you might be right about the drug juggling. In all fairness, Kim is doing exactly what all addicts do, deflect, blame others, take no responsibility for their life AND relapse.
  10. What if Bravo drug tested Kim before every shoot? They could require a list of prescribed (legally) drugs from a (legally) licensed physician and if she tests positive for something other than said drugs then filming is a no go. Of course knowing Bravo they would prefer Kim out on the ledge than clean and sober so there goes that idea, lol. I am booking another Viking River Cruise for 2016 and we will extend our trip to 2 nights in Amsterdam again, what a great city, Yo could have done a tour with the ladies thru the canals and if anyone misbehaved then they would get thrown in to the canal!
  11. Kim's statement about her kids walking away from her if she started drinking again may be the truth, maybe they went to Alanon and have learned how to detach with love. But on that same note, her less than mature behavior and friendship with Brandi could be a tipping point for her kids too...sober behavior...I think not.
  12. Why is anyone surprised about Kim or Brandi being a narcissist? That is a classic addict personality trait. Their problems are bigger and better than anyone else's. To prove it even Brandi had a hissy, yelling fit with Kyle about some nonsense, sort of like marking her territory just like Kim. And for what is worth, I had no idea that Harry Hamlin was such a well known lothario.
  13. I firmly believe that there is a difference between being sober and thinking sober, Kim is doing neither of these. Kim is so used to covering up or lying about even the most mundane things she does not have a clue how to be or think sober.
  14. I wish I could click "like" a million times for this post!
  15. I am not sure why Kandi wants to have a baby so badly if her marriage is heading down a bumpy road, till that is straightened out I can't imagine why she would want to change the dynamics with a baby. We all know how stressful a new baby is even if the marriage is solid.
  16. I finally finished watching this episode, firstly, Schipol Airport is really neat airport, I could have been a happy camper shopping while waiting for Kyle to find her bag, and secondly Brandi was travel ignorant when she said nobody steals at a European airport, HA HA, yes they do! Thirdly, at first glance Kim seemed like she was slurring her words on the bus from the airport to the city. It seems Kim gets riled so much more the closer the housewives get to asking her about her sobriety when she is using, when she is not using she tends to be more apologetic, could this be her "tell" hmmm... Do they think that it is legal to walk the streets of Amsterdam toking on a doobie? It's not, you have to go to a "coffee house" and there are rules there. There is sooo much more to that city than hash and ho's. The Jewish quarter alone is awe inspiring.
  17. I remember Carrie/SJP had a Gucci fanny pack in an episode of SATC, I thought it was odd but maybe we are missing the ironic fashion statement.
  18. Thanks for the info about Apollo and his going asunder, all my prison knowledge is from some B movies from the 40's and Orange is the New Black...which is embarrassing since my ex husband is a judge.
  19. I know this is a random question but Apollo has to report to prison in Kentucky(?) or some other state, right? So the practical part of me was thinking about his car, is he driving it to prison then it will sit in some really long term parking lot? Does Phaedra get it back? Does Apollo think his car will be waiting for him in 8 years? And in that vein of thinking...is he really expecting Phaedra to mail him keys to a house he won't see for 8 years, (I am pretty sure you are not allowed such items in prison). She did say that she was not even sure she would still be in that house when he got out. Oy, the things I think of when it is slow at work.
  20. So true, Brandi keeps saying that she is trying to protect Kim but in reality she is enabling her.
  21. What episode was the Lisa Rinna wine throw? I missed...the gif was a little tease.
  22. Both Kandi and Kenya should work together on a television pilot, seriously. Great, now I sound crazy.
  23. I think Kyle's problem with Kim is that when Kim does relapse Kyle tries to control the situation and we all know that you can not control someone's addiction. It must be hard to watch someone fall off the cliff, try to reach out to help (or control the fall) only to body blocked out of the way by Brandi. I agree with fellow posters that Kyle should not engage Brandi or Kim in the heat of the moment, seems like they all have amnesia about how things always turn out, repeatedly. Now about that facebook or twitter account for Kim's e cigarette...
  24. I can't wait till they go to Amsterdam, I was there last month and I would love to see how they tour the city. That we know of!
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