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Baltimore Betty

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Everything posted by Baltimore Betty

  1. Brandi's the Great Enabler, that is why Kim likes her so much. I am still wondering why if Kim told Lisa R that Monty was out of town, then how did he give her a pill? Nobody has questioned that, hmmmm.
  2. I think Kim's cigarette should have it's own facebook page. How many times was the word "pain" mentioned? Anyone? Kim has not given the same answer twice about how long she was in the hospital...I heard her say 7 or 8 days when talking to Brandi, then it was 5 days when she was at the party, in the blog it was 9 days...I guess when you are in a Haldol haze you don't count so well. I was so unimpressed by Yolanda's luggage, I have nicer luggage! Did Blanca put David's suits in that duffle bag? Not being very familiar with Lisa R. or Eileen I wondered how they would be with this group, turns out they are great! Love their sideline commentaries about Brandi, Kim and Kyle.
  3. I was surprised to hear she had a 9 day stay and she was a non surgical patient, I had less time after major surgery.
  4. I am confused about Monty's condition, he is terminal, that much I understand but...is he not going thru chemo? He has quite the head of hair for someone so dire, chemo must have stopped a long while ago for his hair to be that long. So maybe Kim is not really nursing the sickly Monty so much if he is able to drive and come and go when he feels like it. My experience with being a caregiver at the end stage of leukemia was very different, me thinks Kim is a bit of a drama queen with this. If he is that bad then he should be on hospice care not in Kim's care. She will use any excuse to use, duh. Next she will blame Kingsley having to be re-homed for her relapse.
  5. If Kyle could just realize that eventually Brandi will piss off Kim some how and the BFF thing will fall by the wayside so Kyle should not react to the ridiculessness that is Brandi and then Kyle can look like she is in a little more of control of things. Brandi feeds on drama, why give it to her?
  6. I have been to Venice Beach, there are tons of sunglasses for sale, cheap. I also saw a guitar playing roller skating singing Sikh while I was there along with some amazing real estate on the canals. Remember Dana and her $25, 000 glasses, I bet she wished she had the cheap glass and money instead now. LOL.
  7. An ulcer is completely different from bronchitis and I think Kyle is not stupid about Kim being in the hospital, it is the quickest, legal way to get a script. Do we think Kyle actually spoke to a nurse or doctor about Kim's condition or did she get her info from the addict herself?
  8. Eileen's response to Brandi's scratch was fantastic but did anyone else notice the spiked bracelets Brandi was wearing, Kyle could have sliced and diced by them! Maybe that scratch was a self inflicted jewelry injury!
  9. Regarding Kim and her sobriety, she came back the show, becomes BFF's with Brandi who is no stranger to a bottle of wine, after rehab stayed with her sister Kathy who is no stranger to a bottle of wine...what ever happened to removing yourself from the people, places and things that triggers your habit? If she is in therapy for after care she is learning nothing. Does she attend meetings? I hope she is not mad at Kyle for setting up a wine tasting, (of course any excuse to be mad at someone other than herself). Just my two cents.
  10. How long do you thing the friendship between Peter and Kordell will last when Sportsbar One closes within a year?
  11. I thought production was playing with us about the timing with the Peter's bar opening, the day prior to the opening I heard Cynthia tell Kenya that she would see her in the morning and it was only a 3 hour drive to Charlotte...so how did that make them so late to the opening? Also, it was daylight when they pulled in to the hotel and dark when they got to the bar. For a sports bar I did not see a ton of TV's. I did laugh when Cynthia said the food looked sexy, chicken fingers sexy? Really? Kordell is business partner's with Peter, did we know that before this episode? I was under the impression that Todd and Kandi were at the doctor's office a little too quick to find out why they were not pregnant yet, usually the doctors let you keep trying for a year at least, (or it was in my day). How unprofessional of that fertility doctor, 3 different sized containers, talking about Mandingo style, just akward. Did she even give any advice?
  12. I think you mean a make under. I am still giggling because the Aussies that I met recently had never even heard of this show!
  13. Kudos to Kyle for giving the right answer to Brandi when she called to say she was worried about Kim, Kyle's response of "that's Kim's problem" was the healthiest answer ever! Since Brandi is an enabler she does not understand how Kyle can be so detached...ALANON gives a person the strength to detach with love and that is what Kyle did, Bravo Kyle! It was a classic move on Kim's part to be pissed at Lisa R for mentioning what happened in the limo to Kyle...Kim does not understand that it was done out of concern and she should be mad at herself. The addict never sees themselves as the problem.
  14. Brandi should reminder herself about what happens when you insult Kim or Kyle, they will gang up and turn on you faster than you can say oxycodone! Game night was no picnic for Brandi when she accused Kim of being something in the bathroom that night.
  15. Also she was handed a fresh squeezed oj when they arrived so...production is playing with us?
  16. Those glass wall bathrooms may have a secret...I just returned from a Viking River Cruise (not to plug it but it was amazing) and we had glass shower walls that would give a show to who ever was in the cabin, lol that with a flip of a switch became solid, frosted glass for privacy. Porsha sleeping with a married man ala Kim Z. is interesting, Nene forgot to lecture her about keeping her legs closed to married men. The hypocrisy is nauseating.
  17. Remember that "life coach" that came to Kim's house last season, he seemed like nothing about him would really be a help to Kim in life or staying sober,,,I thought that going to meetings everyday would be part of your sobriety plan, so much for that life coach of hers. I noticed that they did finally show Kyle's store again, the gladiator sandals are just not my thing, I am sure they were expensive. Eileen's house is nice and cozy, (maybe has a bit too much stuff in it for me) why does Brandi need to even comment, if I were Eileen I would have said, "at least I own it!" Lisa Rinna and Kim's limo ride was perfection, I hope that is the wake up call for Kim when she see's that episode.
  18. We all agree that Kim was not sober for that Poker party and my guess is that Monty probably left her house if she ended her sobriety, it is a very common thing for people to disengage from the user till they get help in their sobriety also, Kim making Monte's cancer all about her is typical in the manipulative, self centered behavior of an addict. My other thought was Kim had taken a bit too much of her anti anxiety meds ala game night at Dana's house and perhaps all of the Paris trip. I see the cycle starting with Kim, she gets mad because others are suspecting or asking her about her drinking, pills etc... but not being able to see that she is fooling no one. Kyle should attend ALANON to learn how to cope and not enable.
  19. I could not wait to read all the posts this morning! A few things stuck in my mind (and it seems like a few other minds too) Porsha and her lingerie at the beach sex toy party, wtf? That was awful! And what is her fascination with the head bands? Worn straight across her forehead looks terrible. Pheadra please burn that mesh cover up, it is not covering up anything! Ackulades, (that could have been a drinking game and the same with "clit", please stop with that! What is it with those women and their stunted mental growth and strange attitudes about sex? It seems like they are clueless about their bodies. It will be to soon if Kandi ever plans another toy party, the 12 year old mentality is shameful. I did love it when Kandi asked the ladies the question about sex and Porsha was the only one to answer and it was a very telling answer about wanting to be called names, (but Nene did not call her a whore). So all the women were late for the show, Demetria sang well imo, her costume was not flattering at all...I had no issue with the back up dancer's. I wonder if any of the ladies show up late for Nene's debut will she give them a pass? Remember when the gang showed up late for a party at her LA house, she would not let them in but she shows up late to the other ladies events. Honestly, Demetria invited/hosted/paid for the gang to PR and the one thing they had to do is simply show up and they were late but Demetria was not pissed at all, I don't get it?
  20. Speaking as a person who has climbed that sort of floating staircase numerous times, I always moved slowly up and down, no running! Each riser is cantilevered and imbedded in the wall so well that I never thought they would break off but I always stayed close to the wall, they are made of cement and steel. Carole's house is not child friendly but why should it be, she has no children.
  21. I am not grooving on the pink cape thing Kyle is wearing, it smacks of Joan Crawford/Mommy Dearest to me. And yes, zoeysmom...Faye meet bra indeed!
  22. I could have sworn that there was an outside shot of an apartment building with a sub title that said, "Gigi's first apartment" did she move? All the time and trouble Yolanda put in to decorating it and after one year Gigi moved to another apartment? So why didn't Yo pester her friends to paint tiles for Bella? That shaggy white rug will be red wine stained with cigarette burns soon enough I am sure! When my daughter started college she was in a dorm and it was mandatory that all freshman buy the meal plan, about $3000 for the year. Since her sophomore year she has been in apartments so between the rent, food, Starbucks, gas and electric etc...it is about $1800 a month, sometimes more depending on school expenses. I am in no way in the same financial boat as Kyle but I make it work. My daughter graduates this May but I think back to that day I left her in the dorm room...I smiled the whole way back down Interstate 95, I left behind a very self sufficient young lady who quickly learned to navigate her way thru the city of Philadelphia and excel in school, (I am quite sure I will fall apart at graduation). Mauricio really has a way about him, very calming, Kyle is lucky to have him be there for her but she needs to get a grip! I felt second hand shame for Max when he had to talk about his financial standings on camera, shame on Ken and Lisa for doing that. But honestly, not having insurance for your car is shameful, I wonder if his girlfriend knows he is driving her car with insurance? We have to get emissions testing done here, don't do it and it leads to a fine then more trouble, not getting your registration renewed etc...which costs more in the long run, Max will wind up paying more money now to fix things, that speaks volumes about him, lazy or the "rules don't apply to me" attitude. Sadly Ken and Lisa have probably been down this road a few times with him. Brandi is a nitwit. Because Eddie and Leanne mention her name on TV she thinks she is something but doesn't she mention them on her show a lot too? The check Brandi held up was for $1000 and she was complaining about it, am I wrong in thinking the check was child support and not an alimony check? So Eddie is taking care of his children and not obligated to give Brandi money, so take the money, make sure the kids have food, clothing and an education and learn to fend for yourself. Was Kim there? Good lord she blends in to the furniture, no story line, nothing to say at all. Jennifer and the rest of them...paid friends?
  23. A little part of me wanted a girl fight between Mrs. Babyface and Brandi after the crack about the ring, maybe that would have taught Brandi a lesson.
  24. I still maintain that if I were Cynthia I would not invest any more money in Peter's ventures until he took some business classes and worked for a large chain bar/restaurant to get some knowledge of how to be profitable in the hospitality industry.
  25. I just spent a week with some Aussies, they never even heard of the Real Housewives of Melbourne! I clued them in to what a train wreck it is to watch and threw out some of the names of the women, they never heard of any of them or their husbands but were familiar with Silver chair to which they said that band had been long over with. Maybe RHOM does not interest their homeland.
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