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Baltimore Betty

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Everything posted by Baltimore Betty

  1. I have no idea how the Richards Sisters in Diving with the Stars never made on to my radar, did I blink and miss it? Is it still on?
  2. Off topic: My husband had been bitten by a friends cat, the doc at Patient First told him the infection was akin to the Black Plague...crazy yet a dog bite is much more fierce but no plague...rabies maybe but no plague. On topic: Clearly, the only person needing to play the sympathy card is Brandi, deflection is her lifeline. Kim is looking for people to think she is a saint taking care of Monty (or as she says it "Monny") but I think the sainthood went out the window the minute she started taking his meds. Lisa Rinna was smart enough to know that she would not be hijacking the reunion by talking about her father unlike Brandi's attempt. Kyle was really quiet, my guess is Mt.Vesuvius will be blowing by the third act. Yolanda should either get a second opinion or stop with the snake oil treatments, the only thing those "cures" are doing is putting dollars in other peoples pockets. Lisa VP needs a hair intervention, so maybe when the are done with Kim's intervention they can help Lisa VP.
  3. Those yellow shoes that Kelly has on in the Daily Mail pics look like the blue shoes with the same buckle that Carrie (SATC) had left in the closet of the apartment she and Big were going to move in to. I have my DVR scheduled to record the Scary Island episode today, it is truly something to savior.
  4. I am surprised that when Alexia showed up at the hospital for treatment from a dog bite the authorities did not confiscate the dog for (rabies observation or repeat violent tendencies) and Kim's homeowner insurance would pay for hospital expenses. Sadly if you actually use your homeowners insurance you are usually dropped from it. Anytime you show up at an ER with a dog bite the authorities step in, at least here in Maryland they do.
  5. I cannot imagine how Brandi's friends/hairdresser will think of her after this reunion, they have got to be giving her the side eye now, they just have to be. Kim's kids have learned that there mother is unstable in her sobriety and mind set long ago, I wonder if any of them after seeing this season want to do an intervention or are they just distancing themselves from her? Last Friday was movie day at my office, the original Sharknado was among the choices, I watched it with it's awful production value and lack of continuity and thought I would die laughing...to get in on this kitschy franchise is probably not a bad idea but why would Kim do it without negotiating a mention in the credits? I still have to side with Lisar on the Depends money though. At some point the group all started talking/yelling at once, it reminded me of the the Music Man song, "Pick-a-little, Talk-a-little" I loved that Eileen mentioned her hubby's head in the garage window! Now THAT was a great cameo!
  6. I happened to see a few minutes of and old RHoNY this morning, the scene where Simon is surprising Alex for her birthday and he is having a melt down in the limo about how the driver is ruining the surprise...priceless.
  7. Oh great, the reunion is tonight and I am on a 21 day cleanse. No booze or space cakes for me!
  8. I thought the Herve Leger bathing suit Jessic wore would have looked better on a thinner, stick like Hollywood type person but it really went south when she paired it with the Daisy Dukes...that was right after she said that GG was not classy, lol. When GG dropped the bomb about Mike Jessica's expression looked genuine and I felt a little sad for her...was she thinking, "here we go again" because she has reason to believe he is not faithful? It would be horrible of GG to suggest Mike tried to sexually assault her if it is not true but Mike can say the same about all of them when they barged in to his Cabo hotel room and got physical with him so they could try and see him naked...an assault is an assault. The hired girls at that party, just oy. I am on the fence about Shreve (name?) and the purchase of that house, renting, yes but a purchase? What does he do for money? Cheeto modeling or Cheeto gigilo? So those pictures of Mike and Jessica were wedding photos and not an elaborate engagement party?
  9. And for the record, I have bronchitis and I am not 100% in pain.
  10. Was the Rinna's swing set even anchored in the ground? It looked brand new.
  11. Camille and the prince...I got the distinct feeling that Mother of Mauricio was "with" the prince. BTW, Mother of Mauricio looks great! Why does Kim call Mauricio, Maurice?
  12. You could almost see Brandi's Xanax and wine kick in when she was talking to Lisa V, the dramatic "my father is dying" talk (which made me wonder why she was at a party and not at his bedside) and the "I told you I love you" crap. Honestly, who among us would pick up the phone everyday to call the person (that slapped us) to inquire about their father? Did Lisa even know her father had surgery? Brandi put it back on Lisa V like it was Lisa that was the badly behaved one. Yo's leggings at the Hangover party looked a bit Forever 21 ish. I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED Kathy Hilton's "you do magic now????" to Andrienne. Sure Nicky Hilton is a name that is recognizable but she hasn't been on my radar in about 20 years, what is she doing these days? Am I not in the right circles to see the fashion icon out and about? Obviously I am not in those circles but really, has she been a fashion commentator on anything lately? What qualifies her as a the word in fashion? I am not being snarky, just want to know.
  13. Asa and her priestess stuff, too much, she did not even test drive that car (that we saw anyway). Love her mom calling BS on that smudge stick medallion action! The "bargaining" Asa did in the dealership, hilarious...it's a lease and $1200 a month at that, does no one on these shows save for a rainy day? I was starting to not hate GG and now she is creating an issue. You were drunk and so was Mike, stop clutching your pearls. I have flirted with a male friend a bit too much when I had a few too many, sometimes guys get handsy. Last season didn't they all burst in to Mike's hotel room to see him naked? Why would his actions be shocking, they all talk about the dool a lot. Jessica and her major side boob, yikes.
  14. I had the pleasure of staying in a villa like that, rented in high season for $10,000 per week, (we got it thru a friend of a friend and it was a bargain but no staff) it was amazing and strangely it turned in to scary island too...hmmm, must be the heat.
  15. I think Brandi thinks that if you don't get your period anymore you will wake up one day with a mustache and a spare tire. Frankly I don't miss mine and thru chemistry for better living I am symptom free and no mustaches either! The best is no more cramps, who wants them? Maybe Brandi thought if she walked around with a tampon string hanging from her lady business she might get an endorsement deal from Playtex or OB sort of like Lisa Rinna had with Depends, lol.
  16. I am really surprised to see how frumpy the clothes are...I don't think she would ever wear anything from her line.
  17. Janet does not see that she is gossiping about Gamble, she is running all over town talking to who ever will listen to her say she is not spreading rumors, lol. I loved the simpy "psychic" reading Jackie gave Janet about Gamble, you didn't need to be a fortune teller to know Gamble was not happy with Janet...duh. Vibes my ass. A show of hands of who thinks Dr. Wolfe has sampled botox? His forehead is ultra smooth. In Gamble's talking heads the only thing to move is her lower jaw, (everything else is frozen) so I have to think she thought he should indulge for TV as well. The fashion event of the season is held at a mall?
  18. I like that the women are not in formal wear and they all look good except for Brandi, nothing flattering about her dress, not the color or the fit. Thank you to all of you who find the photos (and post them) that I would never find, I truly have no idea what web sites to even go to.
  19. Nene's thing about talking over somebody speaks volumes, her inability to listen and learn are glaring, Dr. Jeff lost control the minute she came in to the room. I bet he knew it would be a pile on Nene session because he knows her personality...narcissistic and that is an understatement. Nene does not want friends, she wants an audience. She likes Porsha because she can control her, she likes Phaedra because it means more screen time, she does not like anyone that might push back, there is not a sincere bone in Nene's body. As much as Kandi needs to be on a couch I was surprised at how astute she was about the Dr. Jeff session. I am sure that Greg will "there, there" Nene when it's all over, after all she is his meal ticket. What ever happened to Nene's grandchildren? Did the novelty wear off for her? There has been no home life dynamic for her this whole season.
  20. Now THAT is a great theory!!! Love it!!! All I can hum now is "What's it all about now Alfie" ala Michael Caine, lol. I'm not sure why women in there forties think dating a man 20 years younger makes them look good, it just makes them look older. If Brandi was so upset about her father's health why wasn't she at his bedside? The answer is...camera time! She is desperate for camera time (hence the friendship with Kim) and now sympathy points. Kyle's house in Palm Springs is unbelievable. Real estate porn at it's best. Kim hired a car to go to Palm Springs? I wonder why? Seems like a silly expense. I also wonder why she, who has no job could not leave earlier in the day to avoid traffic. Maybe she needed time to sober up and I don't mean that in a mean way.
  21. I enjoyed the eye candy at the pool, not gonna lie! MJ, wow. What was she wearing at that party, not only was it not flattering it didn't even match. That whole bachelor party crap, really? What is her problem? With a friend like that who needs enemies, Reza should always be sitting next to Asa. It struck me odd that out of nowhere (and I don't recall any screen time convo about getting security) there were bouncers at that party. Maybe the producers thought it would add another layer of drama to the already put in place or planned fight that would take place? I did think it was funny about the veneers and Asifa yells, his teeth are real! GG has been really good this season, likable and normal but does she work?
  22. I thought Nene was at some costume fitting for Cinderella and that wig was part of her costume...OMG, did she meet up with a light socket? Yikes! That therapy session was awful, Nene just proved how immature she is. I bet Phaedra did not want to be there because she knew that everyone has a problem with Nene and did not want to be a part of it. What was that necklace Porsha was wearing? It looked like it might hurt to wear not to mention that crazy necklace Phaedra was wearing...
  23. I think that the "so Dutch" blue reflects the color from the Delft dishes that are made there, they are blue and white and very identifiably Dutch.
  24. I was wondering about that keyhole thing too, it is not flattering and usually I love how Yo dresses. Eileen, lover her, hate the outfit.
  25. When I hear Pettifleur speak I keep thinking it is Eartha Kitt's Catwoman from the old Batman series. Why, why, why did she have to tell us she goes commando? That car salesman must have been paid handsomely for his filming with that woman. Is anyone else thinking that Gamble's engagement is for her story line? The Murder Mystery dinner confused me, I thought those had actors playing parts and you followed them around collecting clues and then everyone tries guess who done it. Gamble was not dressed as a witch she looked more like Marie Antoinette but it was fun to see everyone in their costumes, not fun was Pettifleur in the costume shop, how dismissive she was to that salesperson. I am sure there are quite a few sales people hiding in the stock rooms of stores when she goes shopping no matter how good the commission is, LOL. I loved the props and such they set up for that dinner.
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