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Baltimore Betty

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Everything posted by Baltimore Betty

  1. I am praying that this title does not get out to the universe and lands in Andy's brain, if it does we might have "I Love Leah," as the next spin off from RHONY, it would just be so horrible.
  2. I am not sure why anyone would rent a hall for $8000 for a NYE wedding and not get a caterer, how much work do they want to do on their wedding day anyway. Seriously, that plan is so stupid and not cost effective at all, there are more options out there that make more financial sense, maybe this is just a story line but Clara is angling for a MAFS sponsored wedding special. Jake having a blind date come over to his house, what woman would do that in real life? And she brought her bathing suit, I don't know a woman that would do that, is this girl that thirsty to be on TV? Did she think she was on The Bachelor? Haley is now single but still boring. Paige annoys me, still. Virginia is twitchy, still. Bri seems like she is really happy for now.
  3. Hah! I never watch KUWTK's but I just saw a few minutes of a rerun and they are in Tahoe, they are in the same house as the HW's were in!! Which movie?
  4. So she is telling us she had another miscarriage, does she expect us to believe her, does she expect an outpouring of sympathy and no questions about the whole pregnancy and timely miscarriage? Does she think we have a short memory and don't remember she pulled this shit in Korea? She is a pathological liar.
  5. My guess is that Leah's parents "detached with love", it's something you learn in Alanon, her parents seem like they would go to Alanon.
  6. I have a friend who worked for an airline for 15 years, to this day she refuses to wear navy blue. If June had a small anxiety attack in the grocery store when she saw wings that were a product logo why isn't red of any shade make her react, I mean that was a color she was forced to wear for like 6 years! Also, I noticed her tag was still on her ear, when she ran away the first time she cut off that tag, (ick) so her ear would not be the same, Aunt Lydia put another tag on her, wouldn't she want the second one off too? This time it could be done in a hospital setting.
  7. I think co-sleeping with the kids is an excuse to not be intimate with Asuelo but I don't think Asuelo minds because he has his Nintendo or what ever gaming stuff is in that room, he can play all night, it's not like he has to get up early for work the next morning.
  8. That makes sense. I noticed that Janine, when out from June's shadow can be very impressive in getting small things done like being able to speak frankly (but carefully) to Aunt Lydia and assisting in getting Esther to eat, I see her being able to work some angles on Lydia to get things she wants, like June but not so much in your face.
  9. Her support roller. Honestly, it makes sense for Sutton to use it to calm her down but personally I think it is a placebo effect but if it keeps Sutton off the edge...roll away!
  10. I am re watching this episode, Commander Lawrence told June that Hannah was doing well in Gilead, that she had loving parents and Aunt Lydia to tuck her in at night but when Nick and June met he said Hannah was living in Colorado, something is not right with that. If Esther cannot conceive then why the Handmaid training, why not train her as a Martha? The Last Supper style dinner for the Aunts was an interesting visual, are we thinking Aunt Lydia is Judas? I was not surprised that Gilead is letting Fred and Serena fend for themselves, the Wife offering to take the baby back to Gilead and raise it if Serena is unable makes me think that TPTB in Gilead think the Waterfords will be serving long jail terms. I remember in flashbacks when Fred had to take a backseat to Serena's fame, he felt less than and hated that Serena was the star, that may have spurned on his wanting a Gilead world where the he had power just for being a man and now that he is willing to give up information on Gilead to Canada he will be back in a society where the sexes are equal, right back where he started. Gilead thinks of Fred as dead weight, I wonder if they will officially strip him of his Commander title? Anyone think Gilead would tap Commander Lawrence's phone since he had given them reason to doubt his commitment to Gilead? Because of the constant bad weather I have a theory on the rain and snow we see in the Waterford's detention room windows, I am convinced that it is manufactured, like fake rain and snow, they don't really get to see the real outside, (like the Truman Show), lol.
  11. It was a fun vibe at the dinner Crystal did not attend, everyone was having fun and was very chill, if I was Crystal I would be worried that it was me that upset the vibe in the group. I get that she felt very exposed and the boundries were crossed but at some point all these women wind up skinny dipping or getting their vajay jay's tightened with everyone standing around or group waxing, it is always a matter of time, now she is ahead of the game. Watching Kathy sitting around with the others I noticed that she hunkers down on the edge of the couch, legs spead open, slouched over, anyone else notice? I would have thought she would be more poised, at one time she was a host on a competitive reality show about "classing up" women, she was supposed to be about class and deportment.
  12. Luke confuses me, sometimes he is all about June and her healing and other times he seems like he wants to take her down a notch or two, when she was going to meet with Nick (I have no idea why, nothing was attempted to be accomplished other than a few photos of Hannah and cooing over Nicole), Luke was all "yes, let's do this and find out where Hannah is" but then was a little pyscho about June meeting up with Nick, messing with her head about it. Luke knows that if it was not for Nick June would be digging up radioactive dirt or working at Jezebel's, right? Why would having Secret Service with her have anything to do with how long she had to visit with Nick? They are there as protection, right? Since she is the High and Mighty June Osborne she calls the shots, right? How does Nick get to Canada with nobody in Gilead knowing and he does not get arrested for war crimes? Because he is the link to Hannah? He does not seem much like a rebel against Gilead.
  13. I posted that same thing about Leah! It is maddening! Since we are in a world that has recognized racial unfairness, inequities, bias, etc...and we are all talking about is it crazy for me to wonder that someone like Leah, a white woman to be pointing her finger at other white women and accusing them or calling them the hip buzz words of the day? How does she get to be the person who decides how the HW's and others should think and act? Personally I base my bias on the person, be a decent person, be kind, contribute to a healthy society and we won't have a problem...Leah has not been that kind, decent person, she has been and continues to be an asshole, why can't we just point a finger at her or anyone and call them an asshole?
  14. Those who don't vote do not get to spend the next four years complaining about the Oval Office but I have a feeling in Leah's mind that rule does not apply. What is she teaching her daughter by example? I get why Mother Leah does not speak to Leah for periods of time, she is exhausting. I had forgotten how preachy Heather was in her past seasons but honestly, I would be happy to get a lecture from Heather than have Leah around for another season stomping around mad, yelling about how everyone is stupid, nice houses are stupid, the Hampton's are stupid, everyone that is not her is a bigot or whatever.
  15. If she was that distressed about losing someone who meant so much to her...why is she filming? I see what is most important to her, I bet her grandmother knew this too. Tearless crying is a requirement of all HW's, the ability for a HW to cradle one is is TCing is where the real acting comes in to play.
  16. Eboni and Lu may have apologized, made peace with the situation but neither one of them got it right, Lu took Eboni's "I have more education than all of you" and ran with it instead of explaining that it was not about a college degree it was meant as the Christian upbringing that Ramona. It had nothing to do with education or degrees, it had to do with what was acceptable table talk in Ramona's household when she was growing up, which is funny when you look back at Ramona's break down she had in the woods and how she described how horrible it was so why would she care about the word "twat" being used in front of her. I don't hate Heather and I think her trying to clarify the misunderstanding, Leah wanted to incite more fighting, given the choice I would choose Heather over Leah any day. Leah makes me wonder, maybe it is a generation thing but she is so quick to tell someone they are not woke or assign some label that is hip at the moment to someone, (I don't mean when she called all the HW's "ho's), telling a room full of white women that they are racist serves no purpose and does not help any situation, did she expect them to say they were racist? Heather did the same thing Leah did but in a calm manner, she tried to explain why they needed to listen and really understand how words can trigger, etc...all Leah did was stomp around and accuse, that shuts people down quick. Leah hates Heather for being better at helping a situation, Leah just kept throwing gasoline on the fire. Leah was the one that looked unhinged, yelling about how she would not get on the bus with Heather, throwing things, etc...Eboni is pleased with her new friend but in reality she should run from Leah, Leah loves a cause but this cause is not hers and the more she screams about the less people will hear. I believe Eboni explained herself clearly, no screaming involved, it was understood by everyone in the room. nobody understands Leah, she has no dime in that dollar, Eboni does not need Leah on her side. Eboni is not messy, Leah is messy. Is it okay for someone like Leah to point fingers about how all the white women in the room are racist but she is not, that generalization seems dicey at best, how is Leah the perfect model, who checks her? I want to see inside Eboni's life, what she does for fun and work, where she shops, etc...also, her playing match maker with a match maker for Sonja should be interesting, I hear Patty Stanger's voice (in my head), telling Sonja that she can have just one drink at a mixer, right, lol.
  17. You know she cuts her own hair, she's got to. I see her holding scissors, looking in the bathroom mirror and chuckling while cutting her bangs so they can stand up straight out of her visor, mumbling about how Super Cuts wanted $6 to trim my bangs, I'll show them! It was very telling when Trish was talking to Mike (by the trailer full of wood), she said "if you are in this marriage for the long run or how ever long it lasts...who talks like that? She may not have any faith in his marriage but geeze, you don't say it out loud. The sad thing about that was that Mike did not dispute it or defend his marriage, yikes. Trish should be happy if Natalie was a hooker, she would be bringing in money, isn't that what she wanted Natalie to do?
  18. It is always these broke idiots that insist on finding the most expensive way to find a loser...like they couldn't find a loser in their own backyard. Why is it that the person that will be coming to the states never chips in for all the visa expenses? If you can't bring some money or marketable skills then I would not be interested in you...if you could not make a living of any sorts in your country how would you do that in the US? Like who really needs to bring someone here who will bitch about the time spent away from them at work so I can support them? Who needs that crap? Also, let's discover vast differences in each other, the desire or lack there of wanting kids, religion and other basic things like compatibility after they get here and figure out if you want to marry them, yeah, let's do that.
  19. Just another cringe moment. Did he say that he was looking forward to getting in the hot tub, cooking and sex, he is expecting Kalani to cook?
  20. Kathy Hilton is a dottering old lady, I am not age shaming her, even if she was 40 I would say what I said, she teeters around oblivious to everything and everyone, she could not figure out how to plug in her fan, woke up her sister and had an all night snacking and reading session in her bed not even aware her sister was trying to sleep...I would love for her to join everyone on the next activity just to see her try to make sense out of whatever would be going on. I see her as a one and done...she is boring.
  21. I picture him in that Little House on the Prairie beating the hell out of a refrigerator.
  22. I wonder what Mike's first wife has to say about Trish. Anyone wonder what the sleeping arrangement is for Roommate Ron (or what ever his name is)? All that Thanksgiving dinner needed other than decent food was for Trish to tell Mike that Roommate Ron is going to be his new daddy! I would be so sad to know that the family fortune, my inheritance would be those pigs...unless Trish filled their bellies with coins I would make a Goodwill run seconds after the funeral. Trish wins for having the most crap randomly placed on her walls.
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