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Baltimore Betty

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Everything posted by Baltimore Betty

  1. So Chuck is going to work with Andreiiii on his most recent rehab project and split the profits 50/50, that makes no sense at all, Chuck has purchased the property, wholly so he will be losing money, why wouldn't he take that in to consideration before he offered 50% to Andreiii? Andreiiii has nothing to lose in this scenario, does this mean that Andreiiii will be responsible for not only the reno but the marketing and sales of this property? Isn't it funny that I am thinking this is a real deal and really thinking it thru?
  2. Probably not but that's Angela, she is a GD Amurrican and she do what she wants! She most likely got out of the tub and had a smoke, you know, what she should not do.
  3. Clitorious, that is what she, a health care professional called it. I. Just. Can't. With. Her.
  4. So the entire Kalani family puts on Christmas pj's to go to a nursery to purchase a Christmas tree and they look at the big trees and then settle on a small tree in a bucket that looks like a landscaping tree, that seems so anti climatic. Asuelo doing housework to prove he can take of another child was stupid, that proves nothing. I would love to see an all out family brawl at this point, I want to see blood, just do it and get it over with, please. Natalie, Mike, the big tire and the fighting, boring and Natalie still sounds stuffy. Yara and Jovi still fighting about the baby sleeping in their bed, Jovi wants sexy time and Yara...not so much. I thought I saw the movers moving a crib in to the apartment. Don't they even have a pack and play sort of thing? The thing is and I firmly believe this is that kids need their own space to learn how to self soothe and go to sleep on their own, their marriage will take a beating if she continues to co sleep because it looks like she is using the baby to not be intimate with Jovi, which she is. Jovi has to understand the baby comes first but he cannot deal with being second, they both have things to work on. Angela, she is just so icky in every way. She wants Michael to "be there" for her but other than a phone call what does she want him to do? His squinting in to the camera whilst assessing Angela's tits was telling, he says those will work for him, they are ok, etc...pleases Angela? She brays about how the surgery was practically life saving for her health but continues to smoke which is anti health, knowing that she will likely have some horrible diseases from smoking does not worry her as much as if Mah-kul likes her tits or not. Also, it seemed to me that Michael was hanging dry shirts on that drying rack to re-enact laundry day. If Angela did not want to take care of Michael why did she make him quit his job? He can get the bj any where, any time not sure why she thinks the car was the root of all evil.
  5. What is it with recording yourself doing those things especially when they have nothing to brag about? Why are these people always shocked when their video is leaked? Why don't these people adhere to the "behind closed doors" adage? Why are these people so stupid?
  6. It looks like it would hurt. Did Ramona unpack by herself!!!???!!! I think that is a first for her on a HW trip. Unpacking her own crap! LOL.
  7. I used to work with a woman who used the phrase, "shit the bed," for a company that went belly up or a person who messed up, this really does apply to Ramona I just didn't realize it would be a real thing!
  8. I did not think for one minute that girl was going to convert to Judaism let alone Orthodoxy which is very restrictive for women in many respects. Why would she make that bold statement, never follow up with anything about converting AND none of the women ask about it on camera! I mean how could anybody not ask Leah about her conversion journey? It would be impossible for me to not keep asking questions.
  9. I dare you to go to the tattoo parlor and re-enact the scene from their dinner.
  10. Why wouldn't Natalie looked for an ENT in Port Angeles, it's much closer to Sequim than Seattle. Also, how would she have not had to get a pre op medical exam without Mike knowing, (she was using his insurance because there might be a co-pay and seeing she had no money for a hotel room I doubt she has the money to cover the co-pays for her surgery), you don't get an exam until you know when your surgery is scheduled. I would have stayed the night in the hotel closer to where her surgery was being done after the surgery because driving two hours back to Sequim would seem uncomfortable for me.
  11. It was not as sweet as I thought it would be, the flavor was off for me, it was a combo of bitters and something I could not figure out, I wanted it to be my summer drink, you know, cool and easy to drink but to me it tasted musty. I am hell bent on finding some drink recipe to use the bottle I bought, I am not giving up. Tiffany seems like she would drink something sweet like moscato, (not my kind of bubbly at all).
  12. I am surprised that there isn't a visit to a winery this trip, they always seem to go to a winery and that way Bershan can chide Leah and Lu for not drinking...hilarity ensues.
  13. I feel like Crystal drew a line in the sand with that answer, I doubt we will ever see Crystal and Sutton being friends, it may be like Rinna and Kim, they can be in the same room together but the minute one of addresses the other things will be forever misconstrued and it will start another issue/fight.
  14. The problem with this lug nuts on 90 Day is that they don't know the person they married, they meet someone on line and talk to them for a time then fly to their country and all they do is fight, get engaged anyway then every visit after is just more fighting, get the person to the states, use the 90 days to "get to know them," fight the entire 90 days, wait until the very last minute then get married even though they do not know that other person and what they do know they hate and just sort of hope things will get better later on. The only options these people are exhausting is the money they have borrowed from family members, (who stupidly lend them), and they exhausting to every person that knows them and watches the dumpster fires their lives have become.
  15. My husband learned that in Alanon, slightly different but same sentiment, it really does help to think just the littlest bit before you open your mouth. Bershan is trying to make her time on camera memorable, controversial, etc...she has to be ready for the blow back when she does this. I too had high hopes for a fun HW but alas, no fun HW. Everyone is posting abut how Lu likes to say "how dare you, who are you to...." Ramona did it first, at Heather's house in the sticks, while they were canoeing and that pretty model splashed her and got Ramona's hair wet, Ramona launched in to "who are you to get my hair wet, etc..."
  16. I cannot get past that. Who was that unfortunate looking person in the black dress with white embroidery? I fell asleep during the show and woke up to Vinnie and Brianna playing the shoe game then realized I did not have to watch the rest of the show.
  17. I guess Erika will be able reclaim the part of Roxie Hart since she will have prison experience, maybe she can orchestrate the Jail House Players performance of "Chicago." The running mascara was a nice touch, didn't work but it was a nice try. Kathy is a mystery to me, one minute she is a doddering old woman, the next she looks young, then she is funny pulling everything out of her bag like Mary Poppins, then she is the consummate hostess (albeit in PJ's), then it is 3pm and she is up for the day finally and howling with her dog Sue, who names a dog Sue?
  18. He has no people skills and we have seen his one and only job interview, it was not good, it was a fake interview but I imagine the real ones would be similar. Can you picture Andreiiii going to an interview at a real estate firm, Andreiiii: I expect to do what ever I want, can you give me all my pay now and I will decide what I want to do and I would like my name on the building along with your company name. No questions asked, please. I will tell you what questions to ask. I will tell people what house to buy you just worry about yourself. Real Estate Firm: Well you have to work on a team before you get to be an agent with us, you know, prove yourself also please fill out this application. Anreiiiii: Go fuck yourself, I say I am good, I can sell houses, I can break a door off of a fucking refrigerator the hard way, don't terrorize me with your fucking applications and fucking teams. That is why he cannot get a job anywhere but with Chuck.
  19. A few years ago I met a woman who in casual conversation told me she dated Juan and really liked him but he was still living with his ex wife and she felt funny about that and stopped seeing him. I wonder if most of the women he dates care if he lives with his ex and is now engaged again to Robyn? Robyn has got to know Juan has a wandering eye by now, right?
  20. Because "boring" gets you fired...who wants to watch a boring housewife bring nothing to the table?
  21. I read that like Alex said it when Jill popped in to surprise the girls on Scary Island, "We've had enough drama," her voice quivering as she said it.
  22. How are we not talking about Ramona dancing on the table at that yelling dinner? Like, what was that, did she do it to show Barshan how cool and fun she is? Did we see Ramona get down off that table because I really wanted to see how she got down without help. Didn't Ramona loose her shit (yes, I made a funny), when the ladies were dancing on the ottoman at her birthday party for her 50 nearest and dearest girl friends? I hope the tattoo parlor sage sticks their place, there was some really bad juju going on there. Ramona questioning Eboni about getting a tattoo so quickly seemed like anything my friends would do if I were (faux) emotionally charged and making a rash decision. In first place for "why is she doing that," goes to Leah and her faux crying which was not even good enough for a Telenova, that girl is so weird. Eboni places second for her strange tearless crying and for choosing an odd moment to blurt out the news of her grandmother's death that could have been said earlier in the day. I would have put on the costume for the tour of the settlement village, I would have gotten more screen time and I would have said things like "under his eye," May the Lord open," I would have called the other HW's Martha's, lol!
  23. What the hell happened to our possibly chill, fun Barshan? Where did she go? Why was she so awful to the other women? What crawled up her butt? Why would she make me like Eboni more than her in that moment, how could she do such a thing to me? So many questions.
  24. I think guzzling a glass of red wine thru a mask would have gotten her attention but Barshawn and Ramona ignored that so I guess she had to ramp up the crazy.
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