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Meow Mix

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Everything posted by Meow Mix

  1. Will someone explain to me what makes a bassinet worth $1000? Is it heated? Is it multipurpose like the old bathinets? If so, does it have jets like a Jacuzzi? I'm very confused. As to whether Kelly keeps up in gift giving, I seriously doubt it. She and Gil are cheap. I still remember when they had the gender reveal in NJ that they brought pizza for themselves and sat and ate it while Mama Clark was running around doing all the work.
  2. On the subject of hair, Erin's hair was sure voluminous back in the day. It needed it's own zip code. Another hair comment - I'm surprised Gil never took a weed whacker to Jackson's hair. The guys growing beards was allowed to pass even though Gothard was against facial hair, but I would have thought Jackson's do would have been a bridge too far. I will say that even if the outfits were pretty bad, Kelly always made an attempt to coordinate everyone in family photos. The Duggar family photos always looked a bit sloppy once there was a large number of kids. I do find it interesting who has fallen into what camp regarding how they dress. Michael has never gotten off the prairie, Erin and Tori are just frumpy modest, while the middle girls are letting it all hang out. The picture from Jackson's wedding shows the contrast very well.
  3. While those modest dresses are hideous, I always love it when people go around Jill to get stuff to the kids. Several times we have seen church people either giving the kids clothes or shoes because they have figured out that giving cash directly to Jill means the kids never see any of it. I also notice that most of the time the gifted clothes and shoes disappear, so I wonder if Jill sells them to get more stuff for herself. I was thinking about Kaylee insisting that Gideon is sentimental when he cries at her screeching or his aunt's terrible clarinet playing. It occurred to me that while her interpretation is silly, at least she is not interpreting his crying the way Jill does. Jill said years ago in a video that babies practice deceit when they cry when all their needs are met. With Jill's obsession with the Pearls that is pretty scary stuff. I hope Kaylee continues to think that Gideon is just sentimental instead of thinking he is sinning and that he needs to be beaten to make him stop. Especially when you consider that she probably has birthed all of them at home with maybe a poorly trained midwife in attendance. It amazes me that the Keller women can do constant homebirths without every having a negative outcome. When you count Esther, Anna, and Priscilla, that's close to 30 births.
  4. I'm still trying to get past Carlin needing that giant suitcase for a two night marriage retreat. Not to mention, how will the rest of attendees feel if Carlin has her phone out all the time recording stuff to post publicly? I've never been to a marriage retreat since I'm not married, but I imagine there are things discussed that people don't want spread all over the internet. So what excuse will Evan use to keep lazing around if Carlin can drive? I thought that was his excuse as to why he just couldn't go back to work. I have a coworker whose wife can't drive due to health issues and while he sometimes has to be out of the office to get her to an appointment somewhere, he is usually around and working hard. I also can't drive due to a disability, and I work full time and have for almost 40 years. These people.
  5. My state has a voucher program, but I don't think it covers homeschooling. It does cover anyone who wants to send their kids to a bigoted religious school. And every dollar handed over to these parents is one less for the public school system. And yes as a taxpayer it does bother me. Regarding Erin and Chad, I am curious if there is any oversight to this program. If the money is in an online account, can it be spent on anything? I could see John and Alyssa particularly spending money like that on things that are only tangentially related to their kids education.
  6. But did you display them all on your dining room wall? It's not having all those pics, it's that she feels she needs to display them particularly there.
  7. Seems like a large percentage of these male fundy headships are.
  8. I know, but when he was supposedly pastoring, he still spent the holidays away from his church. I wonder if he is going to be a pastor once he gets done with school or if Daddy Mac will give him a job somewhere in his organization.
  9. Where were they swimming that allowed them to swim in street clothes? My guess is they snuck into a hotel's pool and no one knew they were there. No gym that had a pool would allow that. Regarding the Plexus trip, I'm looking forward to her excuse for not going. Satan must be warming his green bean cans to keep her from going. I am amused at how she posted so many times to prove to all the haters that she totally did earn a place on the trip.
  10. Poor little guy. Ear infections are painful enough without adding flying into the mix. Proof positive once again that you don't need any intelligence to get knocked up.
  11. Wait, is she knocked up again? They have two already. Jed! needs to get off her.
  12. Sadly, it takes time to realize that an abuser can be on best behavior for a few months to try to get back on your good graces. I wonder if they have gone through this cycle before and if so how many times it will take before she realizes that he will never change.
  13. I still wonder how he gets holiday time off all the time. He supposedly was a pastor in Laredo, but every Christmas he was with his family in PA. Then once he glommed onto Jinger, he was off with the Duggars constantly. Not sure how often he was actually at his church. I've known several pastors and unless you have a large enough church where you and an associate can switch off, going out of town for Christmas doesn't happen.
  14. Amy seems to have forgotten that she is supposed to be the parent. Kid only wants Capri Sun, he can have it after he puts on clothes and does school work. Yes, he'll cry and whine, but no kid ever died from that. I agree, this kid is screaming out for structure and Amy is not paying attention. I pity any teacher who has to deal with him if she gets bored with homeschooling.
  15. I still think they should get in the weed business. Better than that pink crap she is shilling.
  16. I know at one time Paul Peterson with his organization A Minor Concern was trying to lobby for protections for kids on reality shows. Not sure how far he got because as has been said, this has to be done on a state by state basis.
  17. That stuff might be vegan, but it has an entire chemistry set in it. A regular schedule and healthy food would probably solve any sleep problems Layla has. Carlin and Evan are idiots.
  18. I agree there was really nothing to break off. Kelton approached Gil about courting Josie and instead of just saying no or not right now or something, he made Josie tell Kelton to go away and never contact her again. Not the smarted move on Gil's part. But Kelton seems to still be hanging on to his resentment over that which is silly as well.
  19. I suspect the contract was similar to what JB Duggar did with his family. There was an LLC that was paid by TLC then he doled out what he chose (which wasn't much) to the rest of the family. I suspect that some of the older Brown kids refused to continue to sign on as part of the Brown LLC, so they wouldn't be obligated to be on the show if they didn't want to. I know at least Logan and Leon avoided the cameras at Christine's wedding. I'm not sure how it is now since Kody and Robyn created their own LLC SADKRAB (I know it's DABSARK, but SADKRAB fits better) which doesn't include anyone but them and the tenders. It could be that Christine participates, but she doesn't have to be around Kody to do it.
  20. I'm a sap, so I loved this episode. It was so nice to see the two families blending and everyone just having a great time together. I loved the ladies all on the dance floor just having fun, especially Annie really getting into it. I also loved seeing David actually dancing with Christine rather than dancing around her and occasionally grabbing her and nearly pulling her arm out of it's socket like Kody does. I didn't even mind the lap dance because it was toward the end of the reception and everyone was a little tipsy by then. I would be mortified if it were me, but I think everyone just laughed it off. I'm sorry Gwen couldn't be there and I don't see an organic chemistry midterm as a lame excuse not to come. She would have lost at least three days of study time with traveling and wedding activities, not to mention the risk that she wouldn't get back in time for her exam. I loved Truley bringing up the rings. My minor complaint was that Corbin the officiant seemed to be rushing through the ceremony and just started talking instead of hanging back and letting Truley hug and give good wishes to her mom and David. Fortunately he quickly got a clue and waited. That was so touching to me and I also loved Truley sashaying off the stage when she was done. I can't wait to see what kind of snarky personality she has as she gets older. Loved that her hair matched her outfit. Janelle looked stunning in her dress. That color can really wash someone with pale skin out unless it is pretty saturated. The style and the color were perfect for her and her hair and makeup were nice too. I loved her bringing up all the hateful things Kody said throughout their marriage and the little dig about Christine sitting on the porch in her rocking chair watching her growing family was perfect. Go Janelle. Because I'm a sap I do hope after some years and softening of feelings that Meri can be included in the group as well. I want her to have happiness too. She endured a lot of pain from Kody just like Christine. Heck, he melted down the wedding ring she gave him behind her back then acted like it was no big deal. Then he divorced her to marry Robyn and went on yet another honeymoon. I want Meri to find someone who loves her the way David loves Christine. I know she has made mistakes, but none of them were perfect and she doesn't deserve a lifetime of punishment. Kidney and his sour faced bride can go live miserably ever after for all I care. Could have done without seeing them kissing. Maybe even Robyn realized that was the quickest way to get the camera operator to run away.
  21. I not only hope Allie gets away from this toxic brew as soon as she can, I hope she doesn't do what her mother is doing and repeat the cycle with her own kids (if she has them). I could see her becoming childfree if she can get away from the fundie prison. I wish Alyssa wasn't the pray it away type and would get herself some help with her issues. She is carrying around a lot of resentment over her upbringing and just taking it out on her kids. What a mess.
  22. My take on Kelton is that there is probably some unprocessed trauma from his mother's death that leads to some of his odd behavior. I guarantee you that since they are fundies, there was little or no grief counseling for Kelton's dad or any of the kids. They just had to pray it away. Witness how uptight Kelton is around Josie giving birth. He is convinced that the epidural was the issue which @Notabugmade very clear wasn't the case, yet even when the pain is bad enough that Josie passes out, he refuses to budge and educate himself. As far as his actions around courting Josie, he clearly is not reflective enough to let go of the grudge. Most people as they grew older would realize that Gil had a point that both he and Josie were too young. Now Gil handled it poorly. Making Josie break it off instead of talking to Kelton himself and insisting that they couldn't even communicate was a weasely move and really pretty dumb. That set up a Romeo and Juliet dynamic in both of them that was guaranteed to push them back together. All that being said, it was clear even from Kelton's writing on their story that he was still hanging on to a lot of resentment. As for interacting with the rest of the family, I couldn't see Kelton and Evan getting along regardless. Besides Evan being a lazy grifter, they have completely opposite approaches to life and Evan's kids are pretty much feral. And Kelton may also resent Travis because he didn't have to work his butt off building a business like Kelton did. I think Kelton needs to let go of all this resentment and count his blessings more. And since it can't be said enough, if Kelton is watching his kids while Josie does weddings it is NOT babysitting. It is parenting.
  23. All that clutter in the bathroom. Yuck. It has to be so dusty and smelly in there because there is no way to clean those fake flowers and the upholstered chair right next to the toilet. Of course, in recent pictures, Jill has no nostrils, so maybe she can't smell anything.
  24. She did a good job doing that herself. Much better than the mess Jessa makes out of her kids' hair. Glad they are OK doing some normal things couples their age do like dancing lessons. They are still far from liberal, though.
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