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Meow Mix

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Everything posted by Meow Mix

  1. One thing I noticed was Kody saying that he and Meri could b friends if she didn't become bitter over the divorce. I wanted to slap him for that. He treated her like garbage for years and humiliated her repeatedly on national TV and now he will deign to be her friend as long as she doesn't hold him to account. Fundies love to use the word bitter to shut down any disagreement or call to accountability. Kody used it on Ysabel as well when all he could talk about was how he hoped she wouldn't be bitter that he blew off supporting her when she had surgery. He had no concern for her, just that she wouldn't think badly of him. Regarding the catfish, I think Meri is holding onto the fact that when she initially went online, she wasn't on a manhunt. She probably was just genuinely looking for community. The problem is that she won't admit that had that been a real guy, she would have been gone. I wish she would acknowledge that because no one would blame her after the way Kody and Robyn treated her. And I still want to know how Robyn, Kendra, and the catfisher were connected. I suspect Robyn is deeper into that whole thing than we know.
  2. Meow Mix


    I agree. As much as she irritates me and does tend to stir up drama, I think on some level she wants to get along with both sides. Christine may be hurt occasionally like when she told Kody and Robyn first about the twins, but she would never write her off. Kody, however, demands complete loyalty and writes people off for the slightest offense. Then he blames everyone else because he is supposedly separated from his kids. He is going to be one lonely old man because he just doesn't want to take responsibility for anything. I'm sure her spending the holiday with Maddie got under his skin as well.
  3. On a more cheerful note, I spent part of my childhood in Cleveland and both my parents grew up there, so I am very familiar with polka music and the CPB. @Notabug, I never thought I'd come across anyone else who knew the song Who Stole the Kishka? My parents had that on a record and it used to crack my brother and me up to listen to it. Polka was a big part of any celebration in my father's Hungarian and Polish family. My mother had to explain what a kishka was to us because it sounded naughty.😀 Hm, the system ate the first part of my post. What I said was that I am so sorry that everyone is experiencing so much loss right now. I have a friend who lost both her parents this year and she has also expressed that she is an orphan. That is not something be laughed at of dismissed. It is a very real part of grief and I am sorry some of you have gone through that.
  4. This is something that is coming out particularly with the Bates offspring because they are all over SM. I don't think they realized how much production protected them by not showing some of their less pleasant behavior. Now without production to do friendly editing, they are letting it all hang out and it is not attractive at all. This is particularly true for Alyssa and John and their obvious favoritism of the boy. Erin is a bit more subtle about it, but Alyssa can come across as downright mean. My grandmother never got my mother shoes that fit properly. It was always cheap crappy shoes that were too big so she would grow into them. Even in high she would give my mother shoes that were at least a size too large. My mother still had a pair when she married and my father threw them out and took her out to get her decent shoes that fit properly. My grandmother was nasty and cheap with everyone but herself. It did make me sad that Alyssa had no idea that Allie wanted a bracelet maker. I got my niece a doll when she was around Allie's age, and even though she accepted it politely, I could tell she was over dolls. So, I got her other things from then on that she was interested in. Now, I didn't get to see my niece super often, so I had an excuse. Allie is Alyssa's daughter, so she should know what she is interested in.
  5. Meow Mix


    Did Tony straighten his hair? He looks different. I love Avalon's dress. There is speculation that the bloom is off the rose between Kody and Mykelti because she agreed with Christine in that one episode about the fact that Christine was in a loveless marriage with Kody. He claimed on camera that Mykelti just did it to gain favor with Christine, but I'll bet he was mad.
  6. Finally saw this episode. What was with Robyn messing with her hair? At one point while Kody was talking she was stroking it frantically. It was just strange. The lighting was terrible. Robyn particularly looked like she had been living in a cave for years, she was so pale. I got a good laugh just like Janelle over the viewer comment about being a waiter at Salsa Brava. People disintegrating their family in booth 15 while the waiter is just trying to refill their waters cracked me up. We need more of the snark and less of the kissing up to them. For example, I want Kody to answer the question of if he ever gave Savanah a Christmas gift for the year he blew her off and if he has given her one since. If Meri has to read questions and statements that basically call her a fool then he should have to answer for something other than his ridiculous hair and whether he still believes in polygamy. He was correct about one thing, he was a terrible plural husband. Of course he then followed it up with it being all the wives fault, but he was half right. I like the little signs that Meri gives that she is over it and him. Talking about how he was such a big baby whenever he got sick was exactly what I expected. How did Robyn watch Kody claiming on the episode that they were watching that he was in the fetal position crying, but then claimed he was some sort of superman taking care of the kids while she was supposedly on her death bed. I just want to slap those two for all their carrying on about Covid because I know people who lost loved ones from that disease. They are not fooling anyone. I got a kick out of Christine being sarcastic about Kody's freakout over her leaving. Saying that she never knew he loved her that much and that it was so sweet made me laugh. It was harder to pick out Meri's sarcasm about the jacket Robyn brought out to her, but rewatching the scene, she was being low key sarcastic. So I think people missed it. I still want episodes of us snarkers here watching the episodes and commenting. Those would be ratings gold.
  7. Hi did this in this episode when he said that somehow the mess with Christine and their kids was his responsibility because he married someone he wasn't in love with. It all comes back to being Christine's fault or fate's fault or something, but not that he was cruel and withholding with his wife and kids. He's just a hapless victim once again. Not. Someone upthread was asking about his bizarre statement about David taking him aside in the future to commiserate about how awful Christine is. I think part of the fantasy is that he will be somehow vindicated in his horrible treatment of her if the husband who appears to love her now turns on her in the future. He is so deep in his delusional world that he doesn't understand that most sane people don't work that way. Even if David and Christine have disagreements, I don't see him turning on her and running to her sorta ex husband to talk about it. I suspect his relationship with his own father is feeding this delusion.
  8. I'm not sure. Social media is full of twee pictures of families in matching Christmas PJs and I can see Maddie thinking that they look ridiculous. So I hope it wasn't shade on Meri who did what she could with the limited resources she had.
  9. So Kody vetted Robyn hard. Eeewww, did not need the mental image that conjured up. Christine got positively giddy when David came on the set. It is clear the two of them are in love. I hope things go well for them and that he is sincere and not just trying to get on TV. I did like some of his answers, though I wish he would have shut things down when Suki tried to ask him why he thought Christine and Kody's marriage failed. That's not something that's appropriate for him to answer. I did love it when he responded to Kody's speculation that he was going to come to Kody one day complaining about Christine. He just quietly said that wasn't going to happen. I can understand why Christine is so smitten. It has to be a revelation to her to have a guy who actually wants her. Kody missed no opportunity to tell her and the viewing audience how he wasn't attracted to her, never loved her, and found her disgusting. And the fact that he never kissed her must have been horrible. I'm glad she gets to have someone who is showing her that she is desirable. I hope all the OG3 get that from someone. I laughed at Robyn's fake crying yet again as she said that she just can't be happy unless the OG3 come to the precious moments emporium to release her from her bond or whatever she was on about. I especially found it interesting that she wanted it off camera. That tells me that if they actually did it, she would lie about what happened and no one could check previous episodes to see her lies. Talk about Machiavellian. My guess is she's setting the stage to leave him and putting the blame on the evil wives yet again. Either way, it would be amusing if the OG3 called her bluff and went together to set her free. They could even make up a huge banner to get it through to her. They are clearly done. Kody is really getting a little scary. When they showed the scene where Christine was talking with Aspyn and Mykelti you could feel the rage coming through the TV. That little square in the corner was about to burst into flames. I agree with everyone else, it's not trash talk when he has made no secret of his feelings for Christine all along. Mykelti wasn't agreeing to gain favor with Christine (please), she was agreeing because she knew it was true. She and most of the adult kids have watched the show and heard what Kody says about Christine. And also about some of them. Why would anyone want to talk to someone who called them an a**hole on national TV? I know most won't agree, but on some level I do feel bad for Meri. She made some terrible decisions which brought her to this point, but there does come a point where people just get in the habit of finding fault with you and it gets old. i appreciated her gracious take on Christine's wedding and it seemed she genuinely wishes her the best. I felt Christine came across as a bit of a mean girl talking about inviting Meri's child, but not her. She has the right to invite who she wants, but at least be a little sensitive knowing that Kody treated Meri just as poorly as he treated Christine. I have said before that in some ways (not the terrible choices) I identify with Meri because I have a low speaking voice and I am not pretty and bubbly like Christine. It does make a difference in how people treat you and respond to you. If Meri had said some of the things Christine said in these episodes, she would have been labeled evil, but Christine being attractive can get away with it. I hope Meri can get with a good therapist and get to the bottom of her issues and make better choices going forward. I do want her to find people who lover her as she is rather than complaining that she doesn't fit into some box they created. But she needs to quit lying to herself and quit filtering her pictures. People will not love you for who you are if you keep pretending to be someone else. ETA: One more question, in the preview for Christine's wedding episode toward the very end of the preview there was a shot of someone in pink sweats and a white top sitting on the floor of what looked like a hotel seemingly upset. I couldn't tell what they were saying or who it was. Did anyone catch that or did I imagine it? I did laugh at Kody and Robyn's "best wishes" for Christine. And the stupid visor made another appearance.
  10. Not only that, but beating up on Meri is another family pastime. Before Christine left, Kody blamed Meri for everything that went wrong from family strife to hiar loss. I agree that if Maddie was thowing shad at Meri, she needs to just enjoy her life and move on.
  11. I don't remember much about the situation with Gabe beyond the fact that Janelle wouldn't even consider some sort of alternative so he could finish out high school once she caved. I do remember Maddie saying that she and Caleb were not following Kody to Flagstaff because she was fed up with moving on his whims. She may have taken Ysabel and later Savanah in because they were settled in NC and had more money and more space to accommodate someone staying with them or it may be that Ysabel and Savanah have performed nanny duties in exchange for staying there.
  12. I like Maddie's idea. While my parents didn't frame it like that, that is how we did Christmas. As we got older, my mom also added in music to the books. So when we were teenagers, we would provide her a list of books and music and she would pick from that one book and one record (yes I'm old) so that she knew we would get what we wanted. Glad to hear the gift exchange is still going and I am sorry for Robyn's kids because I believe that the choice to no longer participate was really Robyn's. And I loved Maddie's snarky aside about it.
  13. Sorry to say, but Evan wouldn't have to try too hard to have a better voice than Lawson. I think if Evan put in the work he could make some money off music like Travis. There is definitely an audience for that type of music. But I just don't see Evan putting work into anything. He is such a dilletante.
  14. What is wrong with these two? Pranking him 14 times? I am baffled by not only her doing that, but him falling for it. I wonder if it was filmed just for clicks and he was in on it. Either way, this is not how married adults who want to be parents should be acting. Plus neither one of them are very nice to each other. He is constantly putting her down and restricting what she can spend money on (money that she is bringing in because he has no job and no talent) and she is pulling mean pranks on him. Why would two people chose to live like this?
  15. I suspect all of Jill's tradition stem from what she can grift. She probably had gift cards to the build a bear store and now someone gave her a gift card for a manicure. I'm sure there will be some other tradition when some sucker gives her money or a gift card for something else.
  16. I suspect the harp had the damages described in the ad when it was given to Jill. I can't see JB giving any of his kids something that he could potentially sell. But to then bill her for it was really tacky. Of course he billed her for eating at home, so there's that.
  17. I cheered when Sukanya asked Meri if she was concerned about Kody's emotional state and she said "Not anymore". I was annoyed that Sukanya seemed to take issue with that, but whatever else Meri may say, that statement made it very clear she is done. Good for her. Let the love of his life deal with his man feelings. And did I hear Kody say he wanted to punch is OG wives in the face? He needs some serious psychiatric help. I did give Sukanya a big point for FINALLY asking a follow up question to Robyn. When Robyn claimed that she had heard from someone that all the OG kids hated her and her kids, Sukanya asked who told her that. Robyn's body language told the whole story there as she fidgeted and refused to make eye contact, then finally muttered "a person". Either she made the whole thing up and claimed she heard it from somewhere else or she didn't want to throw whoever said it under the bus. So that means it was either Kody or pot-stirrer Mykelti. If someone like Garrison had said it, she would have been shouting that from the rooftops. Whatever happened, she is doing her kids no favors by encouraging them to always see themselves as victims. They are going to have a hard time forming relationships that way. And what was that nonsense that her kids were so traumatized that they would never have families of their own? What is she even talking about? The whole segment on the personality test was dumb on Robyn's part. I'm sure Christine made an off the cuff snarky remark when Robyn got her results and Robyn pouted. It's a stupid personality test that is very popular with the conservative set, why did it require years of grudge-holding on Robyn's part? Then the Schrodinger's personality test was really something. No she didn't take it, maybe she did take it, someone else took it for her, whatever. And the topper was her as dramatically as possible insisting that she is not dramatic. I'm glad I'm not the only one who laughed for a while at that. Janelle was right about the kids. All five parents failed the family in that situation. They were all so involved in their own agendas that they didn't think about the fact that blending any family is awkward, but one with multiple wives one of whom is bringing in new kids is going to be a mess. Add into that the sudden move to Vegas and those kids had backpacks full of resentment. I'm not surprised that all the backpacks got emptied on the text chat, I'm just surprised it took this long for things to collapse. I hope some of the kids can pull together and do a gift exchange among themselves if they want to. Also, at this point it is not up to Christine or any other parent to "fix it". Most of the offspring are adults and get to choose who they will have relationships with. Like others here, I wonder just how involved Robyn was with the catfish situation. Kody called it an affair a couple of seasons ago, but I don't see how that makes sense when he melted down the wedding ring she gave him and legally divorced her to marry someone else.
  18. This is something I wonder about. 10 years is a long time and it is likely her feelings toward him are going to start changing as she keeps going on alone. There are a lot of rumors about her relationship with her in-laws, but I'm not sure how many are true. I suspect JB is still supporting her and she and the kids may have moved into the two dorms. It is entirely possible that his absence is not making her heart grow fonder.
  19. Makes her want to stop posting? Suuure. She'll stop posting when pigs fly. And I'm a grown woman and if I comment on that poor kid's hair, I'm not attacking him, I'm attacking Amy for using her kid for the fame she so desperately craves. So if she so strong and she can take it, why is she constantly whining?
  20. So Ethan finally defended Olivia to Moriah and seemed to stick to it for the most part. Guess someone cooked him dinner so he didn't starve to death. :) I do wonder about Moriah at this point. When she claimed that Olivia never showed her anything about her online music account at first I wondered if she was having some sort of memory issue. Then looking at her body language and her repeated claim that it "never happened", it was clear that she was lying. That was such a bizarre thing to do because as Ethan said, he was standing right there when Olivia showed her everything and walked her through changing her password. I wish he had insisted on an apology to Olivia for essentially calling her a liar and a thief. I wonder if she ever played her crappy diss track for him. Some kind soul on Reddit transcribed the lyrics and wow, that is one awful song. What a nasty thing to do to someone who helped Moriah so much. And TLC we really didn't need to hear even a few seconds of that awful song again. I wondered about Isaac saying that he was finishing high school then was going to go to college. In the following episode he and Micah were running down public school, so I am assuming he will graduate from Kim's absentee homeschool. I suspect he was able to get his basic pilot's license because he was interested in studying what he needed to to get it, but I question whether he can handle even the most basic college courses. And I know nothing about the aviation industry, so I have no idea how realistic his idea is that he will walk out of college and start working for one of the airlines. Somehow I doubt it, but I'm sure Kim has blown smoke about it just as she did with Moriah and her music career. Barry and Kim need to stop having those conversations in front of the kids. Isaac looked so uncomfortable when they were arguing over that train set. My parents collected antique trains and went to train shows all the time and my mother still has some that are her favorites. Both my parents would have ignored that thing. It may have sentimental value, but I can't picture either Kim or Barry feeling sentimental about anything. And I loved Kim rewriting history about the house. She was the one who insisted she needed money so Barry had to sell after he wouldn't move out. I'm no Barry fan because I think he is just as manipulative as Kim, but he's at least self aware enough not to show it as obviously on camera. Ethan, what can I say? Another one lost to the manosphere. It's very sad, but definitely for the best. I had so much respect for Olivia for the way she handled that conversation. When he said the bit about how she should cook him dinner, I was very proud of her for not either laughing in his face or just walking away. What a dismissive thing to say. And sorry, Ethan, not having a penis does not determine what you can and can't do in life. I'm sure he will find some fundie girl to cook his meals and spit out bigoted babies for him. Meanwhile, Olivia can go live her best life free of this mess. I hope she continues with therapy because spending four years in a relationship like that is going to leave scars that she should deal with before diving into a new relationship. I was so happy she told Ethan that she would not put a child through what she went through with her own parents. This episode was almost Micah free, which suits me fine. He's full of himself and when the show is gone or his looks start to fade, he will have a rough time of it. Glad Lydia has a godly boyfriend. I guess Kim is too busy schmooping around with mushmouth to snoop on her phone.
  21. The black screen indicated that Meri found out that Christine had talked about the ring, so they gave her a chance to respond. I am guessing each tell all segment was filmed separately and Christine's was after Meri's. The producers probably thought that was too juicy to pass up so reached out to Meri for more comment. My feeling on the ring situation is that Christine should have kept quiet about that. She can trash Kody all day long as far as I'm concerned, but Meri was collateral damage on that particular story. I don't believe Christine did it out of malice, I think she was just caught up in the moment and enjoying the attention she was getting for spilling the tea. I think Christine speaks without thinking frequently because she is immature. I do hope once she thought about how she would feel if Kody destroyed a symbol of their marriage yet expected her to still be loyal to him that she regretted telling that tidbit. I agree that she told about it because the question came up about why Meri noticed Kody's dumb horse ring. As far as Meri goes, I am fully on her side on this. I don't care that the story was already out there from 2015, it was still Meri's story to respond to publicly. She chose not to for any number of reasons, but I don't care what those were either. She has a right to keep some things to herself for whatever reason if she chooses. I doubt Christine would have been happy if Meri had revealed something humiliating Kody did to Christine during their marriage that she didn't want to talk about publicly. I also don't care if she was holding the info private to reveal in a tell all book. Christine is certainly cashing in on the show right now, so why shouldn't Meri? I also can't imagine how much it must have hurt when Kody melted down the ring behind her back then just casually told her that was what he had done. I firmly believe Robyn was right in the middle of that whole thing and probably coached him on the fast talking he had to do to keep Meri around after she found out. She has a right to be angry over all this. I could feel her anger and humiliation through the screen.
  22. Well the ring story certainly puts the lie to Kody and Crybrows claims that the divorce and legal marriage were just pieces of paper and not really significant. Clearly even before the catfish, Kody had a load of resentment toward Meri and had no problem doing something that cruel. As for Christine, if she has truly found the love of her life, she needs to just go off and be happy with that. Telling stories that are not hers to tell just because she wants to get back at someone else is not cool. I get it that Meri could be mean at times, but as others here have said, I'll bet Christine and Janelle both were not the innocent victims they are trying to portray themselves as now. I have always felt for Meri because I have a low speaking voice like her and I'm not very attractive, so people view me differently than they would someone who speaks in a whispery baby voice like Christine and is move conventionally attractive. It's not a pleasant way to live at times. I have always felt that some of the evil Meri narrative is exaggerated because of those things that she has no control over like appearance and voice pitch.
  23. Same. And I think I've said it elsewhere, Christine never got much of an adolescence since she married so young, so she is living that now. She'll settle down eventually, but she will always have some of the dramatic in her because that is who she is.
  24. I've always felt that Janelle gravitated toward polygamy because she has a lower libido, but not no libido at all. And she is definitely not interested in the romantic side of things at all. So, she could share the duties of keeping Kody satisfied with other women and get as much as she needed when he was around. I just think Kody is mad because she isn't weeping over their relationship breaking down and doesn't like having the shoe on the other foot.
  25. Yep, poor and Kaylee had to get a Facebook page because Jill has already tapped out the local sucker supply. I hope Nathan continues to put his foot down on social media. He can wail to God about Jill being a pain in the butt nagging him constantly. I see shades of Kim Plath with all this trying to fill out her downline. I wonder if there is a credit card in some of her kids names she is charging stuff to. I wouldn't be surprised if Heidi shut down any credit card Jill may have been using in Tim's name if Jill was doing that. While Heidi is no Olivia Plath in terms of being progressive, she does seem to be better at holding her own than pathetic Jonathan.
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