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Everything posted by athousandclowns

  1. Second time someone suggested it and I looked at her forum there was nothing. What’s the source. Think joy is not money driven at this point I think she wants to travel. Whoopi is different story.
  2. My love for Ricky is endless . I binged watch last season all in one night. I am blown away by his acting the music is fantastic . I just want to be in a room with him and his comedian friends and watch them make each other laugh. I watch his YouTube station and he says he knows 100 dogs in his neighborhood by name and when he meets up with one he feels the the day will be ok. He cracks me up when he says he sits in an empty restaurant then grumbles when someone sits at next table and he has to listen to slurping or eating noisily. I’m miss comic concerts and art museums. Good interview with Sharon.
  3. It’s under Joy Behar who careeees? Gotta go down a bit. I’m am FFing to see Valerie and when they came back from break before the segment Joy was saying something to Sunny whose face looked sour. confirm what? I did not know her former husband died
  4. My grandson had to quarantine because a classmate tested positive ,then yesterday his brother messaged me and said he had to also. I said what about Mom? She’s a teacher at their school. Nope. For sure the first grandson is going back today because he had no symptoms . Not sure if brother has to wait another day. I was concerned when Joy wasn’t there thinking she had it and was keeping low profile. Hope she gets to go to Italy when we can travel. Jury's out on Sunny’s lipstick I thought she had a cold sore on here bottom lip.
  5. I’m west coast and it’s scheduled for 8 with pillow talk at 11.
  6. I looked everywhere to see if there was a correct place to post about the death of Jason Hitch ( 45) who eventually married Cassia and lived with his funny father.
  7. It does depend on seller not across the board of eBay. I sold some of my mothers and my art glass last year in effort to down size and a large vase was going eventually New Zealand. The buyer a art glass collector, said to use any recycled box and use large bubble wrap with bubbles towards glass wrapped 3 times around. In the beginning I was buying sturdy boxes at office supply stores or using USPS flat rate priority boxes which often is not cheaper depending where it’s going. I’ve received things from eBay sellers put in barely padded envelopes Most sellers don’t want to refund money ( or get bad reviews) so will pack valuables well. I now hate eBay because the amount of money they now take from the sale and shipping is ridiculous. You can only pay via pay pal now who are jerks about standing behind you when someone is being shifty. This Christmas with specific toys my grandsons wanted were unavailable on Amazon or local stores many would have it on eBay for $30-60 more than when available elsewhere. Some Disney crap figures made in China. Somehow I pulled it off without paying three times the value by by nagging my kids to make lists early.
  8. I’d not seen him before and I thought the keyboard( ?)player was being too loud. Since I hadn’t ever seen him perform I thought he picked up on that he couldn’t be heard and was hoping someone would help . I was wondering why someone didn’t tell him / signal or talk in his ear.to dial back. Again I hadn’t seen him so didn’t know if he was singing in a whisper ( I’m hard of hearing but hear tv fine) I’ll track him down and listen to a performance. What a delightful young man, and so talented.
  9. I agree that probably didn’t need so much rehash of pre- wedding, but if the touching moments shown between Chris and his best friend ,with Amy, and Amy’s father are all employees of TLC and actors then they deserve best acting awards in a scripted reality show. I don’t know why there’s a question about his confession that as he’s aged and in recent months he gets emotional. Matt said he weeped all the time but no concerns on his emotional status. I see love between Chris and Amy and predict that they will be much more of a team than what she had with the little Napoleon on his tractor. In that union the more he shut her out didn’t keep her in the loop on his big ideas or purchases just made her dig her heels in more and resent him. I think it’s time to bring a close to this families show . They’ve all moved on to their own “ big worlds” so there is nothing to keep me watching. I’m not interested in Matt’s ghost town or his pumpkins or his dream home. His cheating with the help was the best thing that could happen for Amy.
  10. Of course she had to have a rare birthing occurrence that she can’t wait to share it with us. My mother , a postpartum RN used to call them women’s war stories. Is there a reason the father needs to be bare chested during this birthing? ( hoping it’s just bare chest) I’m so tired of seeing pregnant belly’s I could scream. One she had her pants pulled down to her pubes, why is that ok? I’m with another poster missing the days of tops that gathered under your breasts and covered your belly. Smocked or Empire think it was called. Maternity clothes in my child bearing days were ugly and sparse so I made mine. there’s gotta be a happy medium. Color me shocked that they used Amy’s maiden name, oh wait assuring their name on grandpa’s will. For some reason my DVR didn’t automatically record so have to wait for re-run in the morning. I’m just taking wild guess that the grooms crying is stress and relief and happiness+ age .
  11. I’m just now watching on my DVR and thinking Sara’s dress looks like my knock off Jessica McClintock wedding dress.
  12. I’m so confused the show I was watching just had Ari and mom packing and a flash of Cory thanking Evaline for allowing him to prove himself to her again and then I get preview of Ari with the ugly crying and it goes right into The Family Chanel pillow talk. maybe I better see what the heck happened. Was there anything further of Jenny after the astrologer leaves?
  13. I know Bill Maher said it was a battle for couple of years to get approved. The company he was using was ready to do but he could not get them installed The comment from Abby said bad behavior was being rewarded could not refer to anyone but her former friend
  14. I have a frame that has 4 frames connected with individual family photos in it that sits on easel on my fireplace hearth and one of pictures is Steve, my son noticed it months ago and thought it was great.
  15. Am I the only one who thought Whoopi’s opening statements how it’s just so nice there with her co- panelist was a direct response to the crap written by the former panelist? That it is quite different than what you hear” out there “ (side eye to the audience out there.}
  16. Mercy she divorced him in 2016, it was so ugly and he humiliated her badly why would she keep his name .?more exotic than Mullins ? We’ve been watching her since then and she talked about going to nursing school years ago but started in Jan where some she claims to have good grades. ( she posted grades in different classes) She was taking care of single disabled/ handicapped patients during covid in their home. oh she’s hawking some pink drink that says gives her energy and curbs her appetite a bit.
  17. I lost a long ramble when I went to re- read the rules . But is she avoiding lawsuits by not having written word? Since her husband has a long history of plagiarism and taking money for putting a positive take on Malaysia. The other day I looked him up and am wondering how she could live with the guy who believes in chicken pox parties and not social distancing. How can he claim to be Christian while calling someone a bag of pus and calling a nominee gay when they are not ,and when told to correct it he wrote guess she’s still in the closet. She was always clutching her pearls when sex was brought up because of her in-laws and this is what they produced? I’m not Christian so am ok with saying they are both pieces of shit.
  18. If I’m not mistaken Star used to do some silly stuff. I remember either baseball or football stunt. Sherri would do anything. Is this the first time they didn’t give prices on the VYDeals ?
  19. we were typing at the same time ifionlyknew! Thanks The YouTube guy with Megan McCain Is The Worst channel is listening to her pity party “book” and reporting daily and he always sums her up well. Originally someone posted his link but I’m not savvy enough. He’s taking one for the team and breaks her/book down perfectly. I really thought when she was off the show she’d stop pissing me off but that isn’t the case.
  20. I was addicted to the scambaiters YouTube channels, so have thought the very same thing. Unfortunately my cable server uses Indian call centers and they use same tactics.( script- transferring you to different department, use fake American names). He sent her someone’s else’s picture and name and that was ok with her so I’m thinking it was a call center. Is he even working now or just keeping her company? How as a first born son will he be able to take care of his parents if he doesn’t get off his ass. Let me know if you want names of brilliant baiters.
  21. I have been sick nauseated since last Monday and finally eating something that passes as food ( peanut butter sandwich) and I’m in danger of returning to Hell. The blow by blow reliving their sex is too much to ask an audience to stomach. Great idea telling Liz you had a panic attack. What is wrong with her ? Ed is someone she wants to spend the rest of her life with?! She said he became her best friend then boyfriend? These people are nuts. I did notice the bottle of wine from a winery near where I used to live I will say it again , there is no way Danielle is going to be an RN. She’s “ not going to be no good at this” Mercy. I can see her running to a code now, starting an IV or doing CPR.
  22. Delusional. Anyone witness her apologies? So many times where she should apologized .
  23. So Caryn and Tori don’t have a business together as earlier indicated? The new house popped up on my news feed couple days ago. It looks nice and certainly more practical. I guess Jeremy still hasn’t completed his house which is very weird. They had to eat out the whole first pregnancy because of no kitchen as we were led to believe. I guess their books aren’t making enough money to hire some help in completing his 3 + year projects?
  24. I think it’s to hang your glasses. Just kidding. I really don’t need to listen to 3 hours of the civil discussion after hearing him suggest getting the virus then the vaccine. I also don’t understand giving the number of listeners as some kind of proof of his intelligence. So what? Years and years ago someone used to say to me FoxNews was the number one news show with highest rating or viewers. So all listeners are Einsteins ?
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