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Everything posted by athousandclowns

  1. Since I’m half ass watching/ listening what segment was it talked about.? Admittedly I fast forward through Comey for the most part. I will replay if you let me know where I might find it. Thanks
  2. Hmmm when she learned Karl Rove was following her years ago she said ,it can be creepy, we need to take back Twitter from the creepy people.
  3. To clarify , that is Joy’s natural hair, hate to think of the years I baked in a tanning bed because I felt tan looked better than my white skinny limbs. The above question about her support of LGBGT community will be answered by saying her ride or die best friend is gay.
  4. Back the damn truck up a second, Megan interrupts Joy and when Joy points that out she is the one who is rude one? I for one do not miss her continuously running over everyone be it her fellow workmates or guests. I don’t miss those “sparks “. because we’ve had it for four years and I’m looking forward to kindness and laughter respect and not the ugly animosity from MeeAgain. Ask the kind Dr Gupta how to manages your rage missy. I just remembered with the Hiary discussion how Megan’s husband tweeted something nasty about Anna faking her accent. I’m too lazy to look again at Megan’s statement about it from yesterday. Joy is my hero and she better not have to apologize for Megan’s rudeness. Megan’s eyes did look liked she’d been crying, too bad take a look in the mirror and consider devoting all your time to your little a liberty bell.
  5. The show was interrupted by the governor so went to look on YouTube and it’s always in bits and pieces. I managed to see that segment , it was so moving. I’ve seen Clay casually sing on FB and the guy is so talented.
  6. It was awful today , like it was first time using whatever process they do. I’d think they’d have some relatively professional set up by now Whoopi has never been to a drive in ? My kids did the sheet on garage or just used garage door for whole family to watch a movie. I have to say going to a movie and a museum is up on top of list of things I miss most .
  7. Why did I think at the end of their season both these couples were not together. He didn’t ever mention her on pillow talk did he? I’m confused. I am amazed that Rebecca and Zaid are still together ( maybe she didn’t want to get rid of all those pictures and coffee mugs with his face on them . At least she doesn’t have to sit in front of the halo thing that makes you look 20 years younger any longer. The other 27 year old demanding watches is a real charmer. . I am on board for all the shenanigans.
  8. This little old lady watched Notting Hill last night followed by Hugh on Graham Norton ( great that they are in the studio) and am fully in love with Hugh. The son is just so odd it better not be either one of the boys. I am sticking with Sylvia.
  9. The deals showed up on FB for me early those really look nice . my feet get freezing so I sleep in socks. Although I’m not overweight ( well maybe the COVID 19 )are they tight around ankles calf area?
  10. It popped up on some news feed that yesterday’s opening was not just technical screw ups. Supposedly there was trouble amongst them. bannana or someone link savvy? Can you track it down see if it’s a legitimate source? They mentioned they did not tape 2 shows like usual. I hope not after thinking they were getting along so well. No mention why Joy isn’t present today. What the HELL with Rudy’s hair. I use all types of temporary hair coloring and none come off like that. Then again I don’t sweat like a pig while lying. So good to see Meredith during commercial. I water up just watching the ad for the 20/20 program.
  11. Yes sorry I did mean him. I checked out the cast list and his picture is pretty darn young for bring grandpa but look at what they do to Mandy Moore age wise. Sometimes I have trouble with flashbacks so found it bewildering the infant crying then the boys are 14. I don’t know what theory is now now about picking up babies when they are crying but it was the start of the period of let them cry when I was birthing babies but I’m more the babies don’t cry for no reason mom. I second the dismay that we have to wait for January to this puzzle come together.
  12. I don’t recall ever seeing a kit like that but then I hadn’t been looking for anything in that department for a century. I’m so old when I wanted to get pregnant I went to a Catholic Supply Book store and bought a book on how to know when you were ovulating (calendar ) and tacking that on our bedroom wall. So when these kits existed perhaps pregnancy tests didn’t by themselves? somehow. I know plenty of girls women have done that but her character doesn’t seem to fit that for me. I couldn’t figure out why the director was fawning all over her acting and being a jerk to him, because he can? Yeah it turned out well but I felt that perhaps it was an audition because he was so pissy with him. i have a tendency to play a word puzzle or read here while watching on DVR so I do not understand grandpa at all. Or maybe I watched in bed previously and fell asleep when there was clearer the connection?
  13. It’s been discussed here that this Hugh at this age is not believable as a guy everyone will fall into bed with him.. I’m liking the Sylvia option. Anyway there isn’t a place to discuss it but Hugh was on a Stephen Colbert last week and it was his first ever zoom interview. He looked good and I realized I knew nothing about him in last few years. He’s very private but has had very strange relationship with baby mommas. Nicole was on a couple days later and it was 7:30 in the morning for her and looked nice also. She had signed on and was told or producer said Hugh was going to be asked and she said she was surprised he agreed because he always says no that he doesn’t like to work. Steven was teasing Hugh about the story line and I swear I thought Hugh was going to give it away because he wasn’t clear on how many had aired. Sorry if it’s way Off atopic I had to laugh when Jonathan explains he went to her studio to break it off with her and has sex with her then goes back again to break up with her.. Was he staying in a local hotel or had an apartment paid for with $500,000..
  14. I’m just now watching and just skipping to pillow talk. I had to laugh when Jenny asked if they will go directly from lawyer to get declaration of marriage and Summit looked like a deer in the headlights. Then he says we “ we need to figure out each and every point” which is a very common expression used by scammers in India call centers.
  15. We talked about cost of living awhile back and I looked it up again ( what an apartment costs) . Her SS will allow then to live pretty well. Plus property is expected to plunge in 2021. She’s probably making payments to the in-laws. Her man.
  16. Never mind I thought this was Matt’s forum .
  17. She said the left progressive folks are the ones doing it. Can you say Colin Kaepernick ? I am not familiar with the case of the power company employee showing white power symbol but hopefully the company would look deeply into his background. How does she feel about the NY policemen making the symbol for posed picture? In my city there is a case of at least 5 police officers belonging to a social media forum that continued to post both racist and anti Muslim remarks in reference to tickets they gave and stops they made. I say they should be fired without retirement pay. They were put on leave and all cases that they made racist remarks were dropped and looking at previous cases these officers were involved in. I love Chelsea Handler and admire her decision to stop what she was doing finding it unfulfilling and dedicated herself to learn about the world and politics. I’ve read her books ,saw her in concert and liked her Netflix documentary and her shows. Admitting therapy allowed her to come to terms with anger long ago buried and I’d say her self awareness and ability to be self deprecating is a plus. Her joking about her crush on Cuomo Is just locker room talk.. I also tuned in to and relied on his briefings along with Fauci. He was on it hard every day not like some spineless self serving Representatives . I didn’t hear what they said about Christy but I’m sure it’s not worse than anything he’s said or done.
  18. Thanks for your post I was sure since the program was old I’m here by myself. Funny I watched maybe 3 of these and then somehow found myself on hoarders for half a program. Yes the shorts ! She could scrounge up some elastic and figure out how to cinch them up ( being they were so attractive) . The dumpster meals thrown in a pot to serve “ her friend”. Poor woman said she’d get together with her again but in a restaurant. Good luck with that because you will be paying. Her personality or lack of would not attract anyone to engage with her. the yoga Matt’s on the floor and pillow flat as Hell so even great grandma disposed of it. Makes me itch looking at it. Which reminds me of the guy taking food from other diners plates. When I was in grade school I volunteered in the cafeteria and scraped plates and stacked trays. I had a plastic apron and gloves on and that was in 1908. I’d only eat off a loved ones plate but lucky for me and them I’m not inclined to want it.
  19. This was on when I got up and turned the tv on this morning and wound up watching several and I agree with aspect of mental illness and or OCD with the peeing in the container. The rags instead of paper, I can imagine the smell in that bathroom. Something is so fake with mom with the empty house no phone and bunch of kids. Daughter wants clothing and there is nothing in her closet, not a hanger except with an orphan Annie dress. I call BS. Then mom says “I feel sooo good when I save money and NOT buy my daughter a used Piece of clothing” so proud . Thats not a home, you aren’t making a home for your family on a card table. I have always found cheap people stingy emotionally. CPA in New York is nuts. Sorry nuts. She doesn’t have friends. The guy insulting the baker was the worst. There was a customer in a floral shop where I was a designer and this guy ordered big showy centerpiece arrangement and when he came to pick it up said he wanted to pay dollars less. My buddy said oh sure which flowers would you like me to take out? He paid what the original price he ordered. I’ve never bargained for anything In my life nor had my husband. On a trip to Mexico the drove of sellers who approach us on the beach pushing their goods , my husband then got into it and brought a bunch of blankets we didn’t need. I actually had to turn sound almost off when bike guy was yelling at the fish market ,how obnoxious and they are creeps. Whew I I feel better. Think any of these low brow folks could be influencers in this day and age ? Yeah I didn’t think so.
  20. That there is the funniest thing I’ve read in days. Throw in a last super oil and were good to go.
  21. Probably a week and half ago I went back to the beginning of this forum to refresh my memory and found it quite interesting. Tunes were very different for the majority of posters. I don’t think Amy is in love with Matt just resentful. They each thought there was not much choice out there. I remember the yearly little people conferences they would go to he’d push Zack into mingling with girls before he was ready. Amy had a husband that carried on a long affair with someone she looked at as a friend that broke up their marriage. He moved out for his privacy and proceeded to get her off the farm entirely. Caryn was in his ear non stop saying she wants her off. I notice now she’s making herself sound so concerned and reasonable because she got what she wanted, not to see Amy to remind herself what a crap, person she is. I wanted the divorce from my high school boyfriend but needless to say he became Disneyland Daddy dealing only with every other weekend , not a teacher conference or doctor appointment not a home cooked meal or baseball game or pay for braces etc. He showered his step son with anything he wanted and still does. So I totally get her resentment , Matt is Disneyland grandpa and busy rewriting history. He bought caryns parents house ,the double wide isn’t good enough and caryn won’t live in Amy’s house. He now needs a massive dream home for them and his kingdom. Pearls and socks don’t bug me but extravagance to make himself a big shot does. He’s pitiful. He’s a little man in every way.
  22. I’m just now starting to watch on my DVR and Ana looks beautiful. I follow her on FB and she is so lovely. I know she’s gone out to have her hair colored but I’m thinking Joys daughter is probably doing hers which looks good too. That’s it now for superficial observations.
  23. Cindy might not show because Megan’s grandmother passed. ?
  24. I don’t know who this woman is either but Stepford wife came to mind. First woman ever to sell books door to door give this woman a medal.
  25. I asked my 8 year old grandson about Halloween ( I usually stay at their place & hand out candy as they go around neighborhood ) Mom who is a 1st grade teacher came up with the idea of a treasure hunt or hiding candy like Easter eggs. Both kids are happy with that, they get a costume which makes them happy. .. The lead in to Joys birthday announcement said she was unwrapping a very special surprise with help from from a super star couple. . Years ago Joy supported a charity that cooked and served meals in New York. i had a feeling that Joy had her family in her bubble but I doubted at first since her son in law works at a hospital so not clear on how that works. My BD was 3 days ago and didn’t get to see my grandkids which bummed me out big time, as I sing nobody likes me everyone hates me..... Joys delay is the worst but Nancy’s segment her speaking was frozen and skipping which I believe is a plot so she can’t be heard.
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