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Everything posted by Browncoat

  1. Heh. I told someone once that I had a solar clothes dryer, and they started asking me all these technical questions about how to operate it, and how well it works. The look on their face, as realization set in when I said, "Well, it works pretty well, and I operate it by taking my wet clothes outside with these little wooden springy things..."
  2. I'm in a partial eclipse area for next Spring, but it looks like that one will be around 85% here (as opposed to about 40-50% yesterday). The clouds broke a little just past the peak, so I was able to get a glimpse before they moved over the sun again.
  3. Cloudy days when there's an eclipse. Even though it's only a partial eclipse where I am, it still would have been cool to see.
  4. I guess I appreciate the technology for football helmets for hard-of-hearing players, but "The Sound of Silence" really doesn't have anything to do with being deaf.
  5. I knew as soon as I saw the category that I was unlikely to have a correct response. I was right about that! No FJ for me today. Boo, hiss. I only got three TS: Children of a Lesser God, Four Seasons, and Pebble Beach. Here's hoping next week is better!
  6. I first thought "malaise" for FJ, but then counted the letters. Then I thought "nauseous", which of course has way way too many. I did manage to shorten it sufficiently in time to write it down. The only TS I got were Chinatown and private. I laughed out loud not only at the categories of Aaron Burr and Got Milk, but also at the way the one contestant pronounced "Aaron Burr" when he selected the category.
  7. My local news seems to think that people are using goats to get rid of "evasive" plants that are outgrowing the native plants.
  8. The pin is showing now, but wasn't when I last posted. Thank you, mods!
  9. J & V -- don't give up! Never give up! It's not over until Phil says the words!
  10. I'm surprised Jocelyn and Victor don't have experience with this, too.
  11. You know they're regretting using their express pass on the fruit delivery!
  12. Both of these tasks look challenging! The girls might regret using that Express Pass.
  13. All that and they forgot the clue??? I might have waited at least until the next task.
  14. I am having a terrible time keeping up with who's who and where they are!
  15. How did a 5:45 ticket get mixed in with the later ones?
  16. I still will get a paper ticket in case I can't get my phone charged.
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