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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. I wonder if Kiki getting murdered in part is to bring Jason and Sam together. The real love of Jason's life asks him to figure out who did this in memory of beloved Morgan and also for little Avery's sake. Then there is Sam, who will suddenly feel bad she never got to know her cousin Kiki and also she sees Michael is upset that his and Morgan's ex is dead. She vows to help Jason investigate, since she is such an awesomely skilled PI and all. Cue awkward close proximity and declarations that their great love is for-eva and this partnership was always meant to beee. Geez, I've realized that's three of Michael's exes dead by either freak accident or murder. It strikes me that Oscar, who says he wants to be emancipated, has absolutely zero clue about what it means to be an adult. He seems much younger than 16. I agree that he was giving the Josslyn actress nothing back in what was supposed to be a highly emotional, dramatic scene. This makes me appreciate young JJ as Lucky even more. After how rude, obnoxious and entitled Nina behaved toward that teacher (Willow?) about Charlotte, I hope Nina finds out that Willow, not Sasha, is her bio daughter. It would serve Nina right for Willow to be like "I've seen who you really are as a person. Not interested in getting to know you. Bye."
  2. I don't think it was instant regret. She has not been "all in" about getting back together with Eli, either in conversation with her mother or when Miles asked how the date went. She insisted to her friend and to Eli that she and Miles are "just friends." She got defensive when Rakesh said she compartmentalized her life-fancy dinners with Eli, the God account with Miles. She clearly felt awkward at the idea of Eli and Miles being around each other, which is why she didn't invite Eli to see the Reverend play sax at first. She didn't stop to think, "why is the idea uncomfortable?" It seemed like she changed her mind to prove to herself that Rakesh was wrong, that she was totally comfortable with Eli and Miles both spending time with her in a social environment, and that she was happy in her renewed relationship with Eli. Seeing a woman flirting with Miles made her come out of denial a bit as to *why* she's not glowing with happiness about her relationship. I would agree it was instant regret if Miles asked her out (which he didn't quite get to do), she turned him down to date Eli, and shortly after that got upset at seeing Miles with some woman while she was out with Eli.
  3. Yes, that was a great moment - but it also looked to me like she was really uncomfortable/nearly in tears as she was watching Miles and Nia. There was a moment when Eli looked at Cara, and she was looking at them. I thought for sure he was going to ask her to go outside, and then break up with her because he could see she has feelings for Miles (despite her assurance that they're "just friends") and he wants to be with someone who is "all in" with him. It seems like Miles has no idea that Cara is acting torn about Eli because a) she has feelings for him and b) is in denial about it.
  4. I don't think Jess's behavior was exciting and romantic. I think it was Lane who described it that way when Jess showed up at Yale to ask Rory to go away with him. I saw Dean as being unhealthy for Rory in a completely different way than Jess was unhealthy for her, when he was a teenager. I just find it ironic that Lorelai and Dean, who targeted Jess with contempt, showed less maturity than him as they aged. I also didn't like that Dean and Lorelai both said "Rory dumped/broke up with" Dean. Umm, nice revisionist history. Dean got angry and made a big public scene of dumping Rory during the marathon dance. (Yes, I know he did that because he could tell Rory and Jess had feelings for each other - but it was still him dumping Rory, not the other way around.) I also thought Lorelai's involvement in Rory and Dean's relationship, and her comment to Dean that they didn't have to "break up" just because he and Rory had, was all kinds of inappropriate.
  5. I think maybe he didn't have enough money to pay the workers for the amount of time the construction was going to take? Also, could someone explain how he was able to pay the church back for the embezzlement so quickly? I saw him face Miles's dad and take responsibility in front of the "board," but I don't understand how he fixed the $ problem.
  6. While I understand that actors LC and SB have a long history of playing mother and son, I still hate Monica falling all over herself to thank Jason for coming to visit her because he knows she's aware Oscar has cancer. Praising him for being there for her and doing research while Alan and AJ were "so scared"? Jason said she's had so many losses and he doesn't want her to lose anyone else. Really, Jason? You didn't apologize to her for her missing out on so many years with Michael and the trauma he endured as a result of growing up with in the mob world, you didn't come to her to offer your condolences upon finding out that your bestie murdered your brother, her son, at point blank range in cold blood. You didn't vow to change your life after telling her that the man who murdered your little sister, her daughter, did it to get revenge on you. Also...... KT back in the role of Britt had a couple of good line readings in the Floating Rib scenes, but mostly she is coming off as an angry, entitled teenager who's definitely the child of Faison and Obrecht/not in touch with reality. Demanding that her medical license be reinstated, and then mimicking/trash talking her memory of Robin and Patrick's young child, really?! Britt has been in prison as a result of her own actions. Her hostility toward Anna just makes her look like Obrecht light. Her line to Finn about picturing Faison and Anna conceiving Heinrich/Peter just made her look like an awful person because she knows quite well that Faison has done whatever he could to torture Anna over the years, including faking Robin's death. I hate being in the position to cheer for Lulu (to me that's like praising Carly), when she poured the pitcher over Britt's head. Finn had the best line reading, about getting another pitcher. The enthusiasm on youtube over the Halloween scene of Jason, Sam, Danny and Jake makes me laugh. Sam references Halloween back when she and Jason lived together before Danny was born, and the look on her face was like oh, huh, that's right there was a time when I wanted to be closer to Jason than several feet away. Rather than thinking, "Oh, what great family time for a holiday," my reaction was "Sam has to show up so that Jason doesn't look like an inept father, and how pathetic that Jason and Sam's great warmth is in smiles when they are at least 6 feet apart, recalling a nice memory that seems to be more than 11 years old (pre-Jason and Elizabeth conceiving Jake)."
  7. Same reason no one questioned Robin willingly staying away from her young daughter for so long, and having bare minimum contact with Patrick after she'd made it clear how much she loved them - poorly written plot.
  8. KT back in the role of Britt had a couple of good line readings in the Floating Rib scenes, but mostly she is coming off as an angry, entitled teenager who's definitely the child of Faison and Obrecht/not in touch with reality. Demanding that her medical license be reinstated, and then mimicking/trash talking her memory of Robin and Patrick's young child, really?! Britt has been in prison as a result of her own actions. Her hostility toward Anna just makes her look like Obrecht light. Her line to Finn about picturing Faison and Anna conceiving Heinrich/Peter just made her look like an awful person because she knows quite well that Faison has done whatever he could to torture Anna over the years, including faking Robin's death. I hate being in the position to cheer for Lulu (to me that's like praising Carly), when she poured the pitcher over Britt's head. Finn had the best line reading, about getting another pitcher. The enthusiasm on youtube over the Halloween scene of Jason, Sam, Danny and Jake makes me laugh. Sam references Halloween back when she and Jason lived together before Danny was born, and the look on her face was like oh, huh, that's right there was a time when I wanted to be closer to Jason than several feet away. Rather than thinking, "Oh, what great family time for a holiday," my reaction was "Sam has to show up so that Jason doesn't look like an inept father, and how pathetic that Jason and Sam's great warmth is in smiles when they are at least 6 feet apart, recalling a nice memory that seems to be more than 11 years old (pre-Jason and Elizabeth conceiving Jake)."
  9. Also, he was a better/in-tune dad to nephew-formerly-son Jake for Jake's birthday than his twin. Jake and Danny know Uncle Drew loves them.
  10. Lulu and Dante were not yet engaged when Carly had Brooke Lynn try to seduce Dante. Plus, since 'emotionally fragile' Laura wasn't angry/upset about Carly's bestie Jason (a bio Quartermaine) having an affair and a son with Elizabeth while her beloved son Lucky was married to Elizabeth, I doubt she would be upset now about an incident the show considers ancient history. Anyway, she should know Carly's history with Bobbie and Tony, the Qs etc. because she was married to Luke when it was all going on. I hope Laura was just projecting her own feelings about being catatonic in a mental hospital.
  11. The one way (since his sons are an afterthought) Jason could make himself useful is to tell Carly don't go causing a problem with Elizabeth where there isn't one, again. Her showing up uninvited at Elizabeth's house to warn Liz not to "undermine" Josslyn was as out of line as the time when Jake was a baby in his crib and Carly showed up to confirm for herself that Jason was the father, and then announced to Liz that she was going to share custody of Jake with Jason because she (Carly) was going to get Jason and a lawyer and "fix" the situation. It could have been worse, though. I thought at first that Carly was going to declare that she realizes Cam has a crush on Josslyn but that Cam will not be dating her daughter because a) it must have been Cam's idea to shoplift since Josslyn would never come up with such an idea and b) she doesn't want Josslyn dating a boy who lives "with a known killer." I almost LOLed at Carly telling Elizabeth it's important to be civil because of the people they have in common. Umm, Carly, Elizabeth didn't show up at your house and tell you what to/not to do, without provocation. Elizabeth has never even said something snarky about Josslyn to you - only that Josslyn was also in the security camera footage when Cam was caught shoplifting. It's not Elizabeth's fault you don't know what your daughter has been up to. Carly just wanted to think she runs the world, as usual. Now I kind of hope Josslyn will fall in love with Cam, just because Carly would hate it. I get the impression Cam can handle Josslyn, whereas Oscar clearly doesn't have the backbone to get and stay angry with her when her behavior deserves to be called out.
  12. I was being sarcastic; I have no use for the so-called Jasam love. Spinelli hadn't even met Ellie yet when Jason and Sam were on the rocks and Jason and Elizabeth were getting closer but "never officially together." I get your point, but I really don't want to see Maxie endlessly crying and mourning the fathers of both of her children.
  13. I don't think so. But I doubt she would even react to Spinelli spouting off about the great love of Jason and Sam. She knew Spinelli was a "Stone Cold" kiss ass before they got serious. But she should remind him to stay in his own lanes re: the love lives of adults. The *only* time he is entitled to comment is if little Georgie started having behavior problems in reaction to Maxie grieving Nathan and/or growing closer to Peter.
  14. The only valid reason I could ever see them working together is if Lulu, Girl Reporter, got herself into trouble involving some enemy of Sonny's while Dante is away indefinitely on assignment. I would prefer that the only time they share a scene is if Sonny is on his deathbed - Laura feels she should say goodbye because he is Lulu's FIL/Rocco is a mutual grandson, and due to his history of friendship with Luke. I draw the line, though, at Laura doing anything for Carly beyond expressing basic sympathy in that situation.
  15. A) Carly resolved the shoplifting by telling Josslyn "I bet it felt good to get away with it," and "I love you"; B) Nelle was the mother of the dead baby, so I assume Carly just wants him to get over it; C) Carly told Jason right as the storyline was starting that her concern was how Mike's Alzheimer's would affect Sonny (they are not caring for Mike all alone), yes, she is forever mourning Morgan; D) the hotel can't run without her partner Olivia being there. She totally has time to run to a mental institution and prove to more people that she's braveandstrongandloveswithherwholeheart. Can Ryan please stab her for being a nuisance who interferes with his plan.
  16. This. If she had actually blocked him as a father while Rory was growing up, she would not have been so determined that Chris keep his word/not disappoint Rory for the presentation of young ladies coming out to society event. She reminded him that Rory had never asked him for anything. She seemed genuinely really worried that Rory was going to get hurt by Chris deciding to bail on the event. I think he wanted to believe that he was a better man than he actually was, hence the insistence that he had been wanting to marry Lor for years. Someone who genuinely wants to marry this woman and be a father to his child does not date woman after woman (there are references to that in GG dialogue), show up to see his kid here and there and flirt with or try to sleep with the kid's mother, and be callous about holding a job. When he did get his life together, it sounded like Sherry gave him an ultimatum. Well, I don't think it was ever Lorelai's job to give ultimatums, make demands, help him get his life together (as Emily seemed to think Lorelai should have done), etc. Lorelai was Rory's mother, not Chris's. Chris was an adult, so it was his own responsibility to make choices that would enable him to really woo Lorelai properly if he wanted to do so, to have a steady job with decent income, and to both financially and emotionally support Rory. I still believe that the reason Richard and Emily blamed Lorelai for not marrying Christopher/forming a 'normal family' as high society dictates is because they never got over their anger,hurt, and embarrassment that Lorelai ran away. The scenes with R&E and L&C seemed to indicate that R&E were totally taken in by Chris's surface charm and liked that he came from a "respectable family." They did not care about the quality of person he was. The scene where Emily visited Chris briefly while his daughter Gigi was a toddler really spells it out. She says basically "You were always weak, but you came from a good family and I know you loved Lorelai. So here's your chance to get her back." I'm thinking, really?! So because he's charming, the father of your granddaughter, and you approve of his parents, you think your only daughter should settle for him?? You're doing this because you don't like that Luke runs a diner and doesn't come from high society - despite having at least some knowledge of what Luke means to Lorelai and Rory, and how he has been there for them over the years. Wow, that doesn't say much about your love for Lorelai.
  17. I saw a GG video about Rory and Jess recently, which reminded me of how OTT Lorelai can be in her love for Luke and Rory and desire to shred anyone who says an unkind word to/about them. She got in Jess's face, saying "Rory has moved on and she is VERY happy" in attempt to hurt him, when she was telling him off in public for hurting Luke's feelings (which resulted in Luke getting drunk, and cutting himself while doing a task at Lorelai's house). She had to know going off on Jess - a hurting and troubled young man - wasn't going to accomplish anything. She only did it to get revenge on Jess because she was furious in the moment. She had not matured as a person, despite the passage of time and Jess's absence from Stars Hollow.
  18. I was wondering the same thing, because the last time I can recall Lulu being in a scene with Aiden, she was played by JMB and he was a baby. I *think* Charlotte was maybe in the Jake/Emma back stage scenes at the Nurse's Ball, when Jake was showing off the chimera canister in the magic set that "Spencer" sent him for his birthday. Lulu had a very brief interaction with Jake then.
  19. I'm wondering if Jack developed a savior complex *because* his brother and mother - the two people he loved the most in the world - died at some point. He obviously felt protective of his little brother and his mom as a young man, but that is not the same as having a life-long prominent hero complex. If he felt he "failed" to stop their deaths, it would make sense that he overcompensated by trying even harder in the future to be a hero for those he came to love.
  20. I LOL'ed at "nitwits," so thank you. I keep in mind, though, that Jess and Rory were kids (minors) during Season 2, and in Rory's case I hold Lorelai's parenting/controlling behavior mostly responsible for the way Rory behaved. It just irritated me that Lorelai was so critical of Jess, a kid, when she was a self-absorbed, self-destructive person at an age to be quite literally old enough to be Jess's mother. I dislike hypocrisy.
  21. The reason I give him credit is because as a 17-year-old, he handled things better than Dean did as a legal adult at age 19/20 with Rory and Lindsey, and better than Lorelai did as a 30-something adult with Luke and Christopher - after both of them acted like Jess had no redeeming value. I don't disagree with you that Jess used Shane. I believe that Dean went on to marry Lindsey at least in part to get over Rory, then decided it was okay to pursue Rory because he wasn't happy in his marriage. He went to Lorelai's house when he knew Rory was alone there, to pick up where they left off when he almost kissed her at the Dragonfly (after being hostile toward Rory because she had the audacity to say yes, she would talk to Jess when he showed up at her college). Then clearly had no remorse when they were in Rory's bed. When he went back to his marital home that night, he gave Lindsey attitude and did not confess that he had just committed adultery. Lorelai walked away with Luke in anger and heartbreak, deciding their engagement was over, and hours later slept with Christopher (which was absolutely using him). I guess I just find it ironic that a teenager with no clear commitment to that girl Shane makes a clean break with her before he and Rory kiss for the first time as a new couple, whereas as a married adult male and an older adult woman who has been engaged, both have sex with another when in theory they should be showing far better judgement than Jess at 17.
  22. I think the ideal message for teenagers is "This is not how two people in a healthy relationship behave." If I remember correctly, before Jess had even arrived in Stars Hollow Dean got mad at Rory for wanting to do a Habitat-for-Humanity type service project to help her chances of getting into Harvard, instead of spending that time with him. Yes, I know he apologized later, but I thought his anger was ridiculous and disturbing. If he doesn't have anyone to hang out with/anything going on in his life aside from a girlfriend when he's not at school, working, participating in athletics or at home with his parents and sister, that's his problem. The only time I remember him hanging out with a guy was when Lane begged Rory to have Dean help play matchmaker between her and the guy. I believe Rory fell out of love with Dean and clearly had feelings for Jess, and she certainly didn't handle things well with Dean. However, I think the messages she was getting from Lorelai/Stars Hollow folk, and how Lorelai raised her, were factors in how Rory behaved. Lorelai raised Rory to agree with all of Lorelai's views on everything from what food is "good" to how the Gilmore house was not a place to go willingly, and to just roll with how she handled everything. When Rory didn't behave as Lorelai wanted/expected her to, Lorelai would get upset about the glimmer of independence. So Rory getting into a relationship with a controlling guy is not surprising. Then Lorelai constantly praises how wonderful Dean is, while trash talking Jess. Rory's response was to passively aggressively let her feelings for Jess be known, while trying not to upset these two people who want her all to themselves (yes, they were willing to share with Lane). After spending an afternoon with Jess, Rory actually had to defend her choice to her mother to hang out with this guy. Lorelai's response was well, I guess I can give him a chance. I could understand Lorelai being concerned at that point if Jess had any history of engaging in dangerous behaviors around Rory, getting arrested, etc. but he didn't. Rory had real trouble with doing the hard thing of asserting her independence to her mother and Dean. Dean seemed to want Rory to declare that he was her one and only love for the rest of her life when they were teenagers who had only been dating a few months, and Lorelai did nothing to discourage Dean from being so serious about her daughter. I really think the problem started there. What really got me was Dean's outrage after the second breakup when Luke said something to him like, "Rory grew up and her life isn't just about Stars Hollow anymore, accept it." My response was seriously, get over it and focus on getting yourself into a good place in your life. He was the one who started with the deception by innocently asking Lorelai where Rory was, then going to their house because he knew Rory was alone and that he wanted to rekindle a romance with her - when he was not in a position to do so. "I'm not happy in my marriage and so it's over" doesn't cut it. For all the contempt and judgement Dean and Lorelai showed Jess, at least he broke up with the blonde girl before he and Rory became a couple.
  23. That's what I was thinking of! She got insecure and jealous first when a Chilton mom asked if Luke was single, and then when she spotted them talking. She later asked him not to date anyone from the Chilton/Hartford area of her life, and he reacted in anger. She picked a fight with him, yelling about him giving bad directions, in reaction to his anger.
  24. Fixed that for you. Sonny and Carly have been far more horrible for far longer. They have custody of the little girl Avery Ava claims to love so much. Maybe instead of spending her time wallowing in hatred of Kiki and Griffith, she should spend that energy and time focusing on a solid plan to get Avery away from S&C forever.
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