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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. I think their surprise was learning that her mother gave her to Shiloh for sex when she was barely legal. As a mother, Alexis just can't imagine that and I'm sure Sonny can't imagine his baby mamas doing that.
  2. He wasn't getting morally indignant about what Shiloh did to Willow; he was furious that a) the drugging and sex would have happened to Kristina if Jason hadn't kidnapped her that night and b) that an older guy is actively trying to manipulate his daughter into having sex. Sonny doesn't give a damn about Willow as a woman who has suffered, because she's not anything to him. Although he seems to have a little respect for her because she's Michael's friend and made an effort to help them save Kristina from DoD/Shiloh.
  3. A) Agree. She was great. B) My reaction: So, Sonny, it was totes okay to give Karen Wexler drugs and have sex with her and then blow off her father's anger, but then there will be hell to pay if a man tries that with your daughter, huh? Asshole. P.S. I would NEVER condone what the character Shiloh did to Willow, intended to do to Kristina, or to anyone else because it's immoral, unethical, etc.
  4. I'll guess Julian tells Kim "I Love You" and wants to be her support system. The tone of their scenes Friday was Julian committing to Kim as she grieves the loss of Oscar.
  5. THIS. I thought "Wait, where is Lucky?? Also,it's weird to hear Sonny say 'Detective Spencer' when he's known Lucky since childhood."
  6. Cam clearly respects Drew and remembers that Drew almost became his stepdad, so AFAIC Drew should be his male role model. My ideal scenario remains that a loved one of one of Franco's victims can't live with the fact that Franco is walking around free, and kills him. Drew and Elizabeth lean on each other, and end up getting back together. BM has good chemistry with both the Cam and Jake actors (haven't seen him enough with the Aiden actor to comment.)
  7. Yeah, I thought he was starting to open an eye (glistening caught by scene lighting) when the Josslyn actress was having her goodbye scene with his corpse and I was like, "uh-oh!" Other than that he did a good job of staying very still.
  8. When Oscar and Joss were working on the song, I also thought Cam would end up performing it with Joss because the Cam actor can play guitar IRL. Now after the Ned and Joss scene about the song, I wonder if Ned will play guitar in Oscar's place and she will sing, but at the end she'll run off stage, then run away to see their lock on the bridge and Cam will go there to check up on her. I agree with @nilyank that Elizabeth should have had that conversation with Cam alone, and maybe taken him to the hospital chapel to grieve together. Knowing that Cam does not like or respect Franco and that Franco did not have a relationship with Oscar, both Liz and Franco should have the sensitivity to realize Franco did not belong in that conversation. That bothered me almost as much as Sam not even saying Drew's name today, not thinking about going to pick up her own kids at Monica's house so Monica can grieve and not be concerned about those kids, and appearing to barely care that her daughter's brother and ex-husband's son has died.
  9. It's interesting to me that I'm both moved and appalled in the same episode, which is 90% focused on the death of this teenage boy. BM and LC were VIPs today; Drew embracing his mom as the two cried, Monica looking up and asking Alan to take care of Oscar, and then Drew's good-bye scene with his deceased son made me tear up. Ned consoling Drew on the steps was also well done; it made me want to see a real relationship between the cousins. I can see that Eden (?) the Josslyn actress is giving it her all, but I still can't feel anything for this young couple. Cam was awesome standing up to Franco, and I rolled my eyes that Elizabeth was surprised that Cam walked away instead of breaking down about the Oscar news. Really? You know that your son doesn't like or trust Franco, but you expected that he would be emotional and vulnerable in front of him? The Cam actor did a great job in his scene alone. The APPALLING: Sam hugging Jason and telling him she's "so sorry" about Oscar's death, and then the "ILY." And wth about Danny and Scout and how she wants Jason to not tell their kids right now (who are also in the Q mansion) that Oscar passed away? Did Danny ever even meet Oscar? That whole scene was like a "screw you" to Drew & Sam fans. The only thing I liked about Jason showing up at the Q mansion was Drew's obvious anger that Oscar asked Jason to be the executor of his will/wishes. Jason hugging Kim to offer condolences was awkward/weird looking, and Jason consoling Carly re: Joss as they parked themselves on the Q sofa was tone-deaf/gross/OTT. Was it REALLY necessary to have 9 people watch Oscar's corpse be taken away??!! And why was Michael glaring at the corpse??
  10. Is he going to find out the non-secret that Sam had a (stillborn) kid with Kristina's father? I wonder if the non-secret that Sam slept with both of her sisters fathers would repel or attract him since this is a sex cult.
  11. I read @statsgirl's "IQ of a piece of paper" line and thought, "@HeatLifer would probably agree with that!" LMAO!! It seems like the last time Jason showed signs of life was in his scene(s) with Robin at Anna's house, and the last time Sam showed signs of life was when she slapped Jason during a fight they staged for Shiloh to see. Hey GH: In case you're wondering, that is really bad when you want the audience to believe this couple's "love" is comparable to your supercouples of the past.
  12. I agree with you about Sam's IQ. I clearly recall a scene where Drew (at the time revealed to be Jason) was with Sam in her home and she said to him "you're really not that different." She talked about him being stubborn, etc. I would believe she fell in love with Drew for Drew if she had ever shown a sign of attraction to him or appeared jealous of his feelings for Elizabeth, sought him out because she felt a need to talk to him about something important in her life, or felt some need for Danny to get to know him - BEFORE the big "Jake is Jason" scene that stopped Elizabeth and Jake Doe's wedding. Instead, her behavior came across as falling in love with 'Jason who has improved as a person as a result of everything he's been through since he was shot and rolled into the harbor." I never said Elizabeth and Jakeson/Drew's love was pure and awesome, but I do believe she was falling in love with Drew way before Nikolas said "Jake is Jason" and she has been more concerned about Drew, Oscar, Kim's and Monica's pain/grief all this time than Sam has. (I get that there is BTS stuff going on; I'm addressing the reality of what's being presented.) Aside from her history and friendship with Drew, Elizabeth is connected to Oscar as a nurse and as his friend's mom, to Kim for those reasons plus they are friendly colleagues, and to Monica for decades because she was Emily's best friend, she was and is Monica's employee at the hospital, and she is the mother of Jason's first born. Monica also knew Elizabeth's grandparents for however many years before she ever moved in with "Grams." Sam and Monica's relationship is about Danny and Scout being taken care of, and once in a while it is/has been about their mutual love of Jason or Drew. I will say that along with other posters, Sam showing next to zero interest (since reuniting with SBu's Jason) in her son with Jason, her daughter with Drew, Jason's son with Elizabeth, and Drew's son with Kim is not a good look after she told BM's Jason-now-Drew that she had "everything I ever wanted" when they were together and free to spend as much time as they wanted with Jake, Danny and baby Scout. Maybe the solution is for Sam fans to chalk her Drew and Oscar avoidance up to guilt for dumping Drew when various people were telling her she belonged with Jason? Otherwise she looks just as selfish/self-absorbed as the time she watched baby Jake get kidnapped and kept her mouth shut because she was so angry and hurt at Jason.
  13. A) There scenes have not all been of Drew showing up at her house to talk about Franco or her kids. Many of their scenes have been at the hospital. Drew also showed up at the courthouse to defend what Cam (stupidly) did for his son Oscar. I agree that Elizabeth's behavior was disturbing after Nikolas told her that "Jake" was Jason, but she very clearly had strong feelings for him for months before that. B) Of course I've noticed that Billy and Kelly have had little screentime. I think the last time Kelly was in a scene acting like a mom, sort of, was Halloween when SBu got to remind the audience he has two sons. The Sam character used to act like she cared about Jake, Danny and Scout. When Sam and Drew found out Oscar was his kid, she was encouraging and kinda sweet. In the last year or so, she barely acknowledges that those four kids exist. (I was shocked when she mentioned Jake to Shiloh. )She figures Grandma Monica and Drew and Leo's nanny can raise her kids.
  14. I should have said Elizabeth has been a friend to Drew and Kim. She and Oscar's doctor were old friends; I think Liz was the first person Kim confided in. Drew and Kim have had scenes leaning on and/or expressing gratitude toward Liz. I guess I just don't see Sam the way you all do re: importance in Drew and Oscar's life. Sam fell in love with Drew, and had a child with Drew, because she thought he was Jason. In the time since Drew and Oscar found out they're father and son, Sam had exactly one Christmas scene with Scout and Oscar that I am aware of. She has made one comment to Carly that it's sad Scout won't remember her big brother. There hasn't been a mention of Sam wanting Scout to spend time with her big brother, or Drew and Sam agreeing that Scout should spend time with Oscar. The last time I remember Oscar being a part of a conversation between Sam and Drew was when he broke the news that Oscar is terminal/ the experimental treatment didn't work. She had come to yap at him about Shiloh. Elizabeth was falling for Drew when he was "Jake Doe", i.e. did not have identification. Long after Drew left her, when she and Franco were living together and she found out Oscar was dying, she got on Cam's case to be nice to him, to walk away instead of fighting, etc. During this storyline she has shown empathy towards Drew and Kim in multiple scenes (as a nurse, fellow mom, friend), but I also credit Becky as an actress for conveying that it's a heartbreaking situation. I just don't feel that from Kelly. I suppose Becky has a bit of an advantage, though, because she *is* a mother of a teenager and can understand how the parent characters must be feeling.
  15. Elizabeth has been a part of Oscar's life because she's Cam's mother, Drew's friend, and she has also been on duty at the hospital when Oscar was treated at GH for the tumor. Ned is a cousin, and Oscar's had a couple scenes with him. Trina is a friend. It makes sense that he wants his final social occasion to include them. I guess Sonny and Carly are invited out of respect to Joss/to thank them for welcoming him into their home (gag)?? Has Sam even seen Oscar since she and Drew split up?
  16. Don't forget that Carly went crying to Sonny about how she was going to "lose Joss" to Jax, and his reaction was to have someone disable Jax's airplane. The plane crashed, and for some time nobody knew if Jax had survived. The one bit satisfying moment in all that was Alexis handing Carly divorce papers and telling her off when Carly then said "we need to keep the kids away from Sonny." I wish someone would tell Joss about that. She should want nothing to do with "Uncle Sonny" for multiple reasons. And Carly telling Laura that she doesn't regret "standing by Sonny" shows that she never respected Jax. Joss should know that, too.
  17. I totally agree with you. I'm just saying that stupid/naive thinking from a well-meaning teenage boy in this situation does not surprise me - especially after Cam (same words apply) tried to buy marijuana a few months ago for Oscar. I was a little surprised when Cam said to all of them "the Quartermaines are crazy." Does he realize that his brother Jake is a Q because he's Jason's son? I think it would be cool to see Cam snark at/shade Jason for never coming around to see Jake.
  18. A teenage boy is dying, and wants everyone in his family to value each other. It doesn't surprise me. It seems like his mindset is: "How can my life have more meaning? I can bring my dad and his only living sibling together! I'm pushing this for Dad's sake; he will need someone to lean on when I die." Oscar was already trying to look out for his parents and grandmother in their grief, by asking Ned and Olivia to handle the memorial/funeral using the instructions he handed them. As far as the "Uncle Jason" thing, that doesn't surprise me either. Jason is in fact Drew's bio brother and therefore is Oscar's uncle. He knows that Joss has "Uncle Lucas" and Cam has "Aunt Lulu." His girlfriend and friend have always had siblings, aunt or uncle, grandparents, etc. He did not, until recently in history. So having an uncle, a grandmother, etc. is a novelty.
  19. Oscar is a kid who has never been disrespectful to the Quartermaines; it's a completely different situation than Jason. He had a bonding moment with Ned about music when they met, gets along with Olivia, has a relationship with Grandma Monica, and values having Drew in his life. He chose to spend what time he has left living in the Q mansion. That shows he appreciates the Quartermaine Family, as opposed to Jason who every once in a while - maybe once a year? - will have a nice moment with Monica while either ignoring the existence of the other Q family members or treating them like they're crap on his shoe, i.e. not worth his time.
  20. How about talking about acting like brothers for Monica, in anticipation of Mother's Day? Drew should suggest that he and Jason and their four kids, plus Michael, get a family photo taken of the 7 of them NOW before Oscar is too ill to walk/speak, as a surprise gift for Monica for Mother's Day. I'm sure Oscar would agree with it; he may be dead by Mother's Day. Jason claims he loves his mother, so he should be able to stand for 15-30 minutes with Drew, Michael and the kiddos for photos.
  21. Joss asked where he was between the hospital and the Q mansion, so I don't think she arrived with Liz and Cam. Liz asked Drew how he's holding up and then Monica and Elizabeth hugged, so it seemed like they all wanted her to stay. She and Kim are friends/hospital colleagues as well as the mothers of the two teenage boys, Elizabeth is Drew's friend, former lover and mother of his nephew/Monica's grandson Jake. I think Monica was grateful to Liz for bringing Cam so Oscar could spend time with his friend before he dies, but she also still cares about/feels affection for Elizabeth as her late daughter's best friend and as Jake's mom. I personally enjoy any scene of Elizabeth with her children and/or friends and colleagues, where Franco is not present and there is no mention of him.
  22. That is actually Felicia's fault. She insisted that Ryan is coming back for Ava, if he is indeed alive. She specifically told Ava and Laura that Ryan showed up with a bomb to disrupt her wedding to Mac, and believes that Ava having a new man will lure Ryan out (due to narcissism and jealousy).
  23. Laura's line to Elizabeth about how invested Franco is in Aiden made me want Lucky to just appear out of thin air and snark, "You could say that, Mom. His investment in Aiden started when he kidnapped him from the hospital right after birth, and gave him to his mother to raise. You do remember that, don't you, Elizabeth? How you cried because a sick freak had taken your newborn son? " Was Elizabeth's line about "full disclosure from my husband" intended to make her look pathetic again? Many people who have dealt with him, and her own numerous experiences with him in the time since the tumor was removed, provide ample evidence that Franco doesn't do full disclosure voluntarily.
  24. There was also the time that Nik walked in on his brother Lucky and cousin Sam making out. I recall Sam claimed (to Elizabeth) that she was over Jason and falling in love with Lucky.
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