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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. Sonny and Jason make plans, have back-up, etc. They would not barge into a room unarmed having no idea what Dante was up to, if he had access to guns, etc. What Maxie did shows she's an idiot. She did indeed set his recovery back because now there will be a record of Dante being a a danger to people because Peter was shot.
  2. After Ava's last scene today with Sibley, and the Laura/Hayden/Ava scenes yesterday, if Lulu's next line is about missing having Nikolas to lean on since she doesn't have Dante in her life - I think it's a sure thing that Show is planning to recast Nikolas and Spencer. I'm really disappointed in Laura for sticking up for Maxie, and for Lulu getting over her anger at Maxie in under a day. This wasn't a minor incident, you twits. People, including Dante himself, could have died because of Maxie's recklessness. The best part of today was Drew snarking at Hayden and questioning Jax's judgement, then Jax spelling out in private why Hayden is useful. Also, Robert making Finn uncomfortable by bringing up Hayden.
  3. Hmm, Lulu really seems to want and need Dante to return immediately. Just to be really sure Dante is not fit to return because he'll shoot someone who surprises him, can we try that again first with Sonny, and then with Franco? After all, Sonny says he wants to help his son and daughter-in-law, and Franco should want to help his new stepsons' aunt and uncle.
  4. The armed official told Maxie and Peter to leave, then went into the room where Dante was. He may have grabbed that official's gun. A sudden movement, like Maxie barging in uninvited, could trigger Dante to react and grab a gun within his reach.
  5. Same for Elizabeth and Franco. They are both Steven Lars' siblings. Jeff Webber is father to both Steven and Elizabeth; Heather Webber is mother to both Steven and Franco (although the Steven, circa 2010, wanted nothing to do with Heather). I still remember the time Nikolas walked in on his brother, (GV) Lucky and his cousin, Sam, all over each other. Yes, I know in theory no big deal since the Cassadine family was all kinds of messed up, but I would still be grossed out seeing a cousin of mine making out with one of my siblings. Now his uncle Valentin and sister Lulu have a kid together.
  6. Hey Lulu, it's up to you to provide your own stability for yourself and your children. And if you don't feel like yourself without Dante, you need therapy because someone needs to be a whole person regardless of whether their spouse is present. LMAO!!! that Dante shot "Peter." Somewhere Nathan is looking down, thanking his partner for administering some sort of payback to the unknown half-brother who a) played a large role in ending his life and b) then got together with his wife and gets to see his son all the time. Hey Maxie, that's what you get for interfering in Dante and Lulu's business! Ugghhh at Laura and Hayden smiling that Spencer is "precocious" and bonding over the 'selfie of Spencer.' On a shallow note, not sure if I've just overlooked it, but Alexis, Kristina and Ava's hair all look really great. The highlights on Alexis caught my attention as she was chatting with Finn. Is anyone else SHOCKED that Carly acknowledged (to Sonny!!) AJ as Michael's father and that dumping alcohol on him to cover her lies was wrong?! Good to see Lulu yelling at Maxie in the preview for tomorrow.
  7. A) I mentioned the AJ shout out. Michael apparently did speak to Oscar about AJ positively, regarding the dark room. However, that was off-screen along with all the rest of the bonding time Oscar supposedly spent with his Q family. The purpose of that specific shout out was for Michael to receive the black and white photo of himself holding Wylie, which Oscar had taken and developed without Michael's knowledge, put in a frame and then left in that box. Because the writers want us all to have concussions from the anvil, and also to make extra sure we will never forget that Oscar was such a saint as he was dying. B) Alexis said her (never before mentioned, and never seen) assistant had reached out to everyone mentioned in the will, so she wasn't sure who/how many people to expect. It is nonsense that Alexis would be shocked to see Shiloh's name in the will as she was reading it aloud to Oscar's family and friends.
  8. Fixed it for you! 🙂 Seriously, your point is correct but the second half of the sentence just reinforces this basic truth.
  9. Eh, we don't know at the moment that anybody actually died. Can't say the same about Carly; I absolutely believe Pat Spencer chose to die instantly rather than meet Carly (during TG's retirement storyline). Hey, if I heard that voice and annoying laugh headed my way I would totally collapse and play dead (hoping for it to come true any second).
  10. Yeah, he very strongly reminds me of Sonny that way. He and Sonny could have a contest trying to out-smug each other; hopefully they would kill each other and we could all be done with both of them. I really thought today that Sonny would accidentally call the Dev kid "Stone." I also saw a nice lack of respect for Carly when he was all "Nahh, go to the Metrocourt. Carly will hire you" because of course, what hotel owner wouldn't want a kid with pickpocket skills getting to know all of the hotel guests. So Jason gets to be a hero to Laura now too for stopping Dev? Uggghhh. No matter all the excuses that will come forth, IMO that gunshot is forever Maxie's fault because she should have stayed outtttt of Dante and Lulu's business. I'm disappointed that Lucas and Michael didn't open the envelope and have a dramatic scene, or that Lucas didn't look down and freeze, eyes wide with shock, upon unintentionally seeing important info on a corner or fold while tearing. However, Show made up for it slightly with the way Jax spoke to Hayden, Valentin and nuNina.
  11. I LOVED seeing Lucas calm, self-assured and giving Shiloh a "WTF ever" vibe when he was gloating about the DNA test and saying that Lucas and Brad would be forced to turn Wiley over to him any moment now. Lucas was a nice contrast to the bullshit scenes of Jason-the-hitman/fugitive-now-attorney-at-law, and all the drama at the Q mansion. Although I really enjoyed Monica telling Shiloh he doesn't speak for her late grandson, and to get out of her house. Did I hear correctly, Hayden told Finn that Jax wants to marry her? Funny, he hasn't said one word about her on-screen to his daughter/#1 priority, Josslyn. And that was one lame-ass apology for dumping Finn in a letter and running away pregnant. I also don't buy the "I've missed you" garbage between Elizabeth and Hayden. Is the show trying to re-write history like these two had a Liz & Emily type closeness? Ugh.
  12. Nah, Hayden adored Spencer Cassadine, who was a total asshat to tween Cam. Hayden never saw Spencer as obnoxious, entitled or nasty; she thought he was just the greatest kid. As @statsgirl pointed out, she showed interest in being "Fun Aunt Hayden" for about a minute with Cam - just after she found out she was pregnant and wondered, "Hmm, maybe I could handle doing the mom thing?" Hayden and Elizabeth never formed a true sisterly relationship, and I'm not sure if she ever even laid eyes on Jake or Aiden. Elizabeth and her older sister Sarah had the same parents, grew up together until Sarah left Port Charles as a teen, came back (new actress) and worked at the hospital for a time when Elizabeth was a 20something, and (per Elizabeth's lines to Nikolas when Aiden was a baby) is a doctor and mother. I believe Elizabeth has mentioned Sarah a couple times since then, probably during the "Hayden is your half-sister" storyline.
  13. A) Hayden (as part of her duties) was told to save money for General Hospital during her first stint in Port Charles. She was talking about eliminating hospital jobs and said "it's business" when people had the audacity to get upset. B) Re-cast Sarah worked (interned?) at General Hospital back when Elizabeth was engaged to the first Lucky re-cast, so Monica certainly remembers her. Also, shortly after Elizabeth had given birth to Aiden and Lucky returned Aiden to Elizabeth after Franco had the newborn kidnapped, Elizabeth (for Becky's maternity leave), Cam and Jake went to visit with Sarah for a few months, off-screen. So he has definitely spent more time with Sarah than Hayden. There was exactly one scene where Hayden and the previous Cam acknowledged each other, which was when Hayden decided she wanted to take Cam and Spencer out for a fun afternoon (Spencer attached himself to Hayden the second he saw her, when she had just persuaded Elizabeth to let her take Cam so "I can get to know my nephew.")
  14. Correct. Today Drew said "without my consent" to Kim. I assume Show will not allow any character to say "attempted rape" because Drew is not a woman. I liked that at least Drew is genuinely angry with/appalled by Kim's actions instead of saying it's okay, don't worry about it, just get help. As usual, Cam is awesome. The best part of the episode for me was that Monica's face went from "oh cool" to "oh damn" when Cam clarified that his Aunt Hayden, not Aunt Sarah, has returned to Port Charles. Cam's tears when Alexis gave him the keys from Oscar, and then him comforting Josslyn, also pulled at my heart strings. I knew from the horrified look at the end, before she actually read it aloud, that Alexis was seeing Shiloh's name. I was SHOCKED to hear an AJ mention, but then Show lost credit for that as I was rolling my eyes that of course Oscar left Michael a photo he took of Michael holding Wylie. I want to know who the hell Sam thinks she is trying to tell Robert Scorpio what to do and giving him bitch face. The only good thing about Sam is the camera showed she has pretty, shiny hair. It's sad, but not a surprise, that the brain damaged hit man is more concerned for the safety of Sonny's children and stepdaughter than Sonny is ... because Sonny only cares about Sonny's business and how he can benefit from Dev's skills.
  15. Don't bet on it. If Cam were to get a huge storyline, it would definitely involve his longtime friend Josslyn falling in love with him (after months of "you've been such a good friend through Oscar's death and everything") and Carly getting inserted (especially in confrontational scenes with Elizabeth!) out of '"concern that Joss is getting swept up in all this, and teenage girls who lust after Cam hating on Joss." After all, Carly should *not* have been so heavily involved in the Oscar is dying storyline. She had more scenes about Joss and Oscar than Oscar's new Quartermaine family members had! I expect it would be the same in a Cam-focused storyline.
  16. I can't believe I'm saying this, but the two best/most realistic scenes of the day had Finn playing off someone. The exchange with Epiphany was hilarious (she looked like she'd been asked to dump a couple dozen bed pans when she said her line) and the exchange with Elizabeth was the most real Elizabeth has been in a while when not alone with one of her kids. I figured that Julian would interrupt Kim with Drew but he sucks for being all "poor poor sweetheart, you need help," removes her from the scene, and doesn't bother to show a moment of concern for Drew. You just take Kim's word that "he'll be fine," really?! Why is Hayden looking at Finn like he is the one who left her at the altar and disappeared? Since when does Nina have enough of a relationship with Dr. O to be freaking out and crying over her?! And why does Nina apparently hate Elizabeth, just because she had the audacity to be upset that Aiden was bullied? She deserved an evil eye or a smack for the "I'm even happy for Elizabeth, you two are perfect for each other" lines. Speaking of deserving an evil eye and smack, shut UP Maxie. I went "REALLY?!" when Maxie indicated it was "inappropriate" for Lulu to be talking and laughing with that guy. I feel sorry for how pathetic Maxie is looking. Lulu seemed to have more chemistry with, and enjoy being around, that guy in less than an hour than Maxie has had enjoyment in her entire friendship and "relationship" with "Peter." \
  17. THIS. I call bullshit on Laura getting emotional when Cam used the word "dad" about Franco and the three boys performed. She would never, ever be emotional in a good way about either Cam or Aiden - her son Lucky's sons - performing in honor of their mother marrying this man who strapped her daughter to a bomb and also kidnapped Aiden as a newborn. Laura would get emotional at watching her grandsons perform for their parents Lucky and Elizabeth if the two finally healed, got to a good place as a couple and as parents, and then re-married. Of Elizabeth's three sons, Jake is the only one who was grinning and excited.
  18. Show made a point of having Franco bang on the door that had the anchor decoration on it, when Elizabeth wasn't coming out. He entered and the flowers and such were strategically placed on the bed and on the furniture, so the set up of the room stood out. Ava and the psychic opened the door with the anchor decoration, and the bed and furniture all had the same set up and had been cleaned up.
  19. This is true. I just couldn't focus on that because she was the one to announce/ congratulate "my oldest friend" and husband to the room of people and all I could think is Teri is a stand-in for the friendships Elizabeth has had over the last 20 years on this show that are no longer present, i.e. Emily, Robin, Lanie, Nikolas. Teri is still new to Port Charles, we know almost nothing about her background, and she's had only a few scenes with Elizabeth. She has not been invested in any of Elizabeth's history, didn't know the boys' fathers, etc. It's not like Cam, Jake or Aiden think of her as "Aunt Teri."
  20. Show really wants us to believe that Elizabeth is so hot for Franco that she thinks it's totes okay for all their guests to wait while they get it on? And the place they decide to have sex is the bed where Franco's pseudo-daughter was found stabbed to death?! 🤮 Well, it was fitting that Elizabeth wore a black dress with some red under layer. The only good thing about that reception - especially after Kim asked Drew to have a kid with her AGAIN while she's there with Julian - was Cam playing guitar and singing while his brothers played other instruments. Aiden looks adorable! I call BULLSHIT on the words "our dad" - the way he said it shows he feels like a hostage thanks to his mom and Grandma Laura, being forced to accept Franco into their family. Does the psychic's "women" prediction to Finn mean that Hayden and Finn's baby (now toddler, I assume) is a girl? Kim, girllll, stop right now. Poor Drew. But I cheered when Dr. O got just a smidgeon of what she deserves!!
  21. Which is why I call bullshit if Jax doesn't have a confrontation with Carly and Sonny soon upon learning that Dev is living under the same roof as Joss. "He saved Sonny's life" is NOT an assurance that Dev is a decent person who poses no physical or mental threat to Joss's well-being, especially since Sonny has already acknowledged that Dev is hiding from dangerous people. As for a romance storyline, the only interesting one the show could do involving Dev is if Cam (who told his mother a while ago that he's been "into Joss forever," not to the mention the kiss) found himself attracted to Dev and some rated G -type flirting went on between the two. I think the Cam actor is talented enough to play confusion about being attracted to both Joss and Dev. He is the right age to be questioning, as a young-ish teenager who has not yet been in a relationship. I don't think Trina would be good for Cam; she said "I'll be your date" in a tone that suggests she would want to order him around in a relationship, and she has been perfectly comfortable with lying and having a fake ID which is Dev's style. The "could Aiden be gay" storyline has been full of stereotypes and handled poorly. IMO Kristina's love life since LA return has also been handled poorly. If the show wanted her to be bi, gay or generally unsure, we should have seen signs of that back when she was dating Kiefer and crushing on Ethan or before that, like maybe when she was trying to play matchmaker for Michael and her h.s. friend - a look suggesting jealousy when her friend actually tried to get close to Michael. Kristina was completely infatuated with Ethan when she left Port Charles for college ; no side eyeing any female. The Kristina re-cast was involved with Trey again; again never a hint of attraction to a woman. Then LA returns to the show as Kristina in her 20s and is obsessing over a much older, married lesbian, in a position of authority in her life? To me that doesn't come across as a young woman who finally realizes she is a lesbian or bi - it comes across as a woman with major psych issues who wanted to bribe someone regarding her grade and also wanted attention from an authority figure. Most recently, her desire for an authority figure's attention resulted in being in that attic waiting for Shiloh.
  22. The only thing I like about that promo other than Cam playing guitar is Liz with her kids being in a family photo with Laura. Why isn't Lulu in the photo? If Liz's children's grandmother and great aunt are there as family, their Aunt Lulu should be too. Also, Steven Lars needs to show up and say to Elizabeth's face "It is unacceptable that my sister is marrying my brother." Is it supposed to be funny/ironic that Laura dumped Scott for Luke, and now Scott's son is raising Luke and Laura's grandchildren because Luke's son dumped/abandoned his kids for a different life? As for the Bobbie/Julian scene and her asking "what good?" Hey genius, your grandson's cousin and your dear friend Monica's grandson, Danny, would be dead if not for Julian. You're mad that Lucas turned to Julian for help, well too bad. Your son is a grown man, not a child anymore. I'm going to laugh when they all realize the scheming, planning and coercing was for nothing because Wiley is not Shiloh's child.
  23. Willow has said that Shiloh wanted/preferred her more than her mother and her mother was jealous, implying Shiloh had been raping Willow from 2014 until she ran away in late 2017/early 2018 when she discovered she was pregnant (Willow and Harmony had a scene where Harmony mentioned a positive pregnancy test left behind at DoD). In several scenes she has spoken of Shiloh manipulating her/others into thinking it was an honor to be with him. She has yet to say "rape," I assume because a) she can't stand to think of herself as a 'rape victim' or b) in her mind rape is defined as a violent attack where screaming "No!" is ignored. I wonder if it's a combination of the two because she feels ashamed that he was able to manipulate her, and because she thinks it was probably not rape since she was conscious and didn't say no or try to stop him. (However, I believe a lawyer would compare her experience to a woman being drunk or drugged without her consent in what she thought was a safe environment, then being too out of it to consent to sex.)
  24. Alexis spoke of the real problem today - she had come to think of him as a friend (silently add: a friend she finds attractive). She had been talking about 'I can't imagine the hell these two people are going through since they just lost a child" and then was like "Sorry" because with her knowledge that he lost a daughter, she felt she was being insensitive. That's something you say to a friend or family member (or maybe a colleague you've become friends with) when you feel you've thoughtlessly hurt them by being self-absorbed. He is in fact, not her friend. He is her therapist. She needs to remember that.
  25. In Carly's case, potato chips should fall behind trusting Sonny and his gun(s) and her general life choices (i.e. thinking she knows what she's doing and then getting in over her head) for potential harm to herself and her unborn child. Speaking of mothers and children, I watched the GH rerun today (didn't see it the first time) and could Maxie be dumber than to yank out Sasha's hair (for a DNA test against Nina) as Sasha and Michael chatted, and then take it triumphantly - with a smirk toward LWB/FS - back to her seat as Valentin watched her. A sign on her chest spelling out her intentions would have been more subtle, geez.
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