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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. I agree; the writing/acting exemplifies that FrancoDrew still has Franco's personality, but with Drew's memories. His behavior with Elizabeth was obsessive/stalkerish in the beginning. Then when Elizabeth (briefly) broke up with him, he was all "I would do anything for you, I would die for you and your boys, I need you, you make me better" as he was physically holding onto her. So now he has turned that 'we must be together' attitude away from her and focused it on Kim. And the entitled behavior he has demonstrated regarding Jake (esp. toward Jakeson/Drew and then Jason) is now focused on the late Oscar.
  2. I've been meaning to ask you all about the set that has a wall with plants coming out of it, and brick walls on either side. Laura and Curtis and then Maxie and "Peter" sat at the table of that set today. It's been routinely used for one-on-one conversations recently - is it supposed to be the inside of Perks? I don't recall it being introduced as belonging to a particular business. I'm glad I watched the second half today - I liked Laura speaking of her past and also Alexis and Julian were great trying to fight back the emotion as they spoke of the present and family and history. Could have done without Lulu coming off as desperate for passion esp. since she just recently met this guy.
  3. Yes, younger Joss was off-screen for so long that I/a few of us (?) used to joke that Joss had moved in with her father in Australia permanently and Carly just didn't notice because she was so focused on claiming baby/toddler Avery as her own daughter as well as conspiring with Sonny to keep her away from Ava. I half expected Carly to angrily text Joss one day saying, "Where is Avery's (insert whatever)?!" and Joss to respond, "No clue Mom; I've been living with Dad in his home for the last nine months since the Court gave him full custody when you never responded about the custody situation." Carly should have lost custody back when she was too busy sexing up Johnny Z to notice that little Joss was gone from her house for hours/temporarily kidnapped and injected by Jerry Jax.
  4. What? Was the kid a re-cast? I think the last Leo sighting was at a family gathering - a wedding maybe? - and he was blondish/fair-skinned. Olivia and Julian often mention him but he is rarely seen.
  5. THIS and Sonny knows Rocco is dealing with abandonment issues because Dante went away for long-term treatment. The least he could do instead of just disappearing was warmly tell Rocco he's a terrific grandson, Happy Birthday, I've gotta get going because ..... When Rocco said his whole family is not here, I was thinking good point. Aside from Dante, where is great Aunt Bobbie, what about Rocco's Spencer/Webber cousins, any mention of Spencer Cassadine thinking of his cousin, what about Lulu's bff Maxie bringing a gift from herself and her two kids and encouraging Lulu to smile at Dustin etc. instead of that random kid guest -- esp. after Lulu told Dustin that it was supposed to be a private family-only party. If the Show really wanted to dwell on "Dante gone" and "FrancoDrew's memories", there could have been a brief scene of Lulu's son and Lucky's son bonding (I think they're in the same age group?). Rocco tells his cousin Aiden "I miss my Dad" and Aiden responds, "yeah I'm sad too because Franco's not living with us and doesn't remember us." (Since god forbid any of Elizabeth's three sons ever get say they miss or don't remember their dad Lucky). Soo...Bobbie was the adult in charge of Jake and Aiden at the moment, and she was dropping them off at their house without making an appearance at a family birthday party? Ok then.
  6. Sam remembering that Drew is Scout's father and being hostile-ish with Elizabeth and Hayden would mean more if she had appeared to give a damn about Drew in recent history or had not been able to go through with the Shiloh scam because of the traumatic memories of Franco. Then Jax summoned her and she was talking to him like he had abruptly woken her from a nap. Can't watch the FrancoDrew and Kim scenes anymore; just flat out creepy. Here's a thought, Lulu and Olivia: maybe a kid's birthday party should be held at a kid-oriented place with games and other activities so as to keep him busy when you know he's been missing his father. Julian/Grandma's bar is not an appropriate location. Also, why is his birthday party happening on the high school's first day of school and why is the only recognizable kid guest Rocco's half-sister? I was thinking hey Rocco's cousins Jake and Aiden should have showed up escorted by Laura or Cam.
  7. A) If you mean Sonny's bio grandkid, that would be Dante and Lulu's son Rocco. Avery is Sonny's daughter as a result of him and Ava screwing on AJ's grave. Since Sonny is legally Michael's father and is married to Michael's mother, the Show does unfortunately consider the baby to be both Sonny and Carly's grandson. But the Show gets stuff wrong often. Like the time Danny said "Aunt Olivia." Olivia is not Jason's sister and she is not married to Drew nor was she married to AJ. Olivia is Jason's cousin (Ned)'s wife. Or the time that Josslyn was screaming at Nelle 'you're not my sister, Kristina is my sister, Avery is my sister.' NOPE - her parents are Jax and Carly. Alexis and 'Uncle Sonny' are Kristina's parents, and Ava and 'Uncle Sonny' are Avery's parents. K&A are your stepsisters, girlie. Kristina and Josslyn have never even lived in the same household. B) I thought the implication was that Sonny told Jason to threaten/scare the foreman into leaving Port Charles immediately, forever. Did he actually tell Jason to kill him? A) If you mean Sonny's bio grandkid, that would be Dante and Lulu's son Rocco. Avery is Sonny's daughter as a result of him and Ava screwing on AJ's grave. Since Sonny is legally Michael's father and is married to Michael's mother, the Show does unfortunately consider the baby to be both Sonny and Carly's grandson. But the Show gets stuff wrong often. Like the time Danny said "Aunt Olivia." Olivia is not Jason's sister and she is not married to Drew nor was she married to AJ. Olivia is Jason's cousin (Ned)'s wife. Or the time that Josslyn was screaming at Nelle 'you're not my sister, Kristina is my sister, Avery is my sister.' NOPE - her parents are Jax and Carly. Alexis and 'Uncle Sonny' are Kristina's parents, and Ava and 'Uncle Sonny' are Avery's parents. K&A are your stepsisters, girlie. Kristina and Josslyn have never even lived in the same household. B) I thought the implication was that Sonny told Jason to threaten/scare the foreman into leaving Port Charles immediately, forever. Did he actually tell Jason to kill him?
  8. A) Thanks for the warning; I know now not to watch those days. So much ew. B) Kim's actions are worse because she's straight up using FrancoDrew due to his false memories making her feel good about her past, and she's disrespecting her son's father as well as the memory of her late son. Franco does not have a connection to her past, did not have a relationship with her son, and she has never had any interest in Franco as a person. Franco has been a hospital colleague and her friend Elizabeth's significant other - that's it. While Elizabeth lying to Jakeson/Drew when they had sex was wrong, she was invested in him as her patient and then as a love interest before Nikolas told her he was Jason. Then she believed they had all this history/that Jake's father had come back. Both Jakeson/Drew and Jason have willfully connected with Elizabeth at various times while BM and SBu have been on the Show. Franco was socially/professionally sort of friendly with Kim because she was a colleague, because she and Drew were co-parenting Oscar, because of Elizabeth's friendship with her and also because of stepson-to-be Cam's friendship with Oscar. But Franco and Kim did not personally seek each other out to connect, let alone become attracted to each other. This is as absurd as if the Show wanted to claim that Chase wound up with Lucky's youthful memories and therefore Elizabeth wants him because he remembers the best of her, or that Mac wound up with Alan's memories and therefore Monica wants him because it's a way of getting back what she lost.
  9. Too bad Julian didn't overhear Kim's sorrynotsorry 'apology' to Elizabeth when matter-of-factly told that Cameron saw Kim and FrancoDrew making out in the park. She should get dumped, pronto. Elizabeth deserves a better friend, and Julian deserves a girlfriend who really wants him. Kim's oopsie, my bad response would have been appropriate for an acknowledgement that she didn't bring a contribution to a fundraiser at the hospital or forgot to drop something off at Elizabeth's house. Shut up Jason, Franco, Brad, Sonny, and on and on. Ugh. I have a suggestion for a formal adoption: Monica adopts Scout. It will help Monica with missing the real Drew, not this time capsule in an asshole's body. It's not like Sam would notice.
  10. Nope, he put the pieces together today when Brad said Dr. O delivered Wiley. He did a good job with the shock and anger at realizing and then demanding that Brad respond. As opposed to Sam, who showed zero emotion about Drew's plane being missing and then the news of the wreckage. "This is terrible Jason" sounded like her expressing concern that her dry cleaning (if she ever wore nice clothes) had been misplaced. Monaco needs a vacation or medication or something. "What do you want?"= alllll Franco's personality. That's not the way Drew has ever talked to someone new to him. It's not like Monica banged on the door and charged into his room, demanding information or insisting he call himself Franco. I call bullshit on Elizabeth's reaction to the potential outcomes for Franco's mind. She's a nurse, for heaven's sake! She has witnessed patients suffering neuro conditions, being comatose, etc. Also, Elizabeth, Sam and Willow sure have pretty hair! In fact, her hair was the only good thing about the Sam scenes.
  11. No, Carly was right to use the Alexis/Kristina analogy because Alexis is much more comparable to Jax as a parent than Ava is in Sonny's eyes. Also, Josslyn and Kristina are both somewhat independent young women, capable of expressing themselves and making choices regarding their parents. Avery is a young child incapable of making life decisions and Sonny has nothing but contempt for Ava.
  12. Finally I get the Jax scenes I've been waiting to see! Love how he behaved with Sonny and how he gently called Carly out on not living up to full disclosure regarding the Dev situation. Rolled my eyes at Carly getting teary-eyed at the idea of Josslyn not living with her and Sonny full-time. Puh-lease. Sonny continues to be a first-class asshole and manbaby. I assume Nelle's plan is to manipulate Shiloh into trusting her, then either kill him or get Ryan to kill him, and get her hands on the ELQ shares that would be 'returning to him.' I laughed at Josslyn basically saying she's a good liar/faker thanks to being raised by Carly. I really thought the drag queen stuff was going to be Alexis telling Diane a fake story about her date with Neil.
  13. This is the problem - Kim is speaking to him as if he is Drew because he appeals to her ego by saying stuff she wished the real Drew would have said to her had he returned from deployment while she was pregnant or when Oscar was an infant. This is all about her and her regrets about a brief relationship; it has nothing to do with Oscar. Oscar loved his real father and had he survived, would be horrified to find out that his mother had been making out with Cameron's stepdad. I hope someone points that out to her, although seriously Kim shouldn't be so far gone mentally/emotionally to make that necessary. This sort of behavior could be excused in Josslyn, a teenager who doesn't want to let go of her first love, but in a grown ass woman who knows the situation, has some sort of relationship with both Franco and Drew, and is in a serious romantic relationship with Julian, it is inexcusable. She comes off as mentally ill, and withholding the truth from Julian shows she can't be trusted. I assume he'll find out about the kiss from Elizabeth or possibly Cam. Re: Elizabeth's concern that Cameron should protect his brothers from the rumors at school about FrancoDrew. Um, he's not currently involved in any criminal activities, Oscar is no longer alive to speak about his mother's inappropriate behaviors and Trina is Cam's friend, so who would be spreading rumors in school? Also, I'm wondering how many anger or vomit emojis will appear on this board over Sam giving Michael relationship advice. LOL.
  14. Cam and Trina heard FrancoDrew talking to Kim. It was clear that he has decided he is the better Drew and wants to think of himself as Oscar's father since he has the memory of the relationship with Kim. WL did a good job IMO of showing with Cam's eyes that he was speaking of Oscar in an attempt to manipulate Franco into backing off Kim, staying in Port Charles, and thinking of how Elizabeth and family will be hurt. However, since Franco has an inherent "I want what I want, I want it now and no I'm not concerned about other's feelings" personality, Cam's manipulation didn't work.
  15. Poor Cameron! He's acting like more of an adult than FrancoDrew. The selfish, arrogant talk today was all Franco's true personality. He and Kim should both be in a psych ward. FrancoDrew talking to the Oscar's Meadow plaque and saying "son" was even creepier than the way he speaks to Kim. Elizabeth's line to Jason that they wear colors other than black in her household - hilarious! You tell him, Robert. Between the poofy hair on that actor Wes and his scowling and glaring, his character comes off like a petulant teenager. WTH is Felicia thinking including Spinelli in their talk of family heroes?! Maxie remembers she has a daughter but doesn't think to include Robin and her two children in expressing the family's concern for Mac?! UGH. Also, Felicia, you don't get to tell Robert what to do or not do. HATE Mac propping Jason.
  16. I agree with what Mrs. Stanwyck said, but I think this situation is worse - it makes both FrancoDrew and Kim look awful. Drew genuinely didn't know his own identity, and neither did Elizabeth, when they were falling for each other (before Ric paid Hayden to go claim she was "Jake Doe's" wife). FrancoDrew knows by now he is not actually Drew, but doesn't want to be Franco based on online research and information obtained through conversations, so he's rejecting his true identity despite awareness he's letting down a teenage boy he's met and that boy's younger brothers. He also clearly thinks it's okay to disrespect another man's relationship. On the other hand, Kim is worse because she is well aware that this man is not the father of her deceased child and has a family - one family member was close to her son! This is not the man who made these memories with her. She is highly emotionally unwell/has serious arrested development as an adult on top of her bereavement re: Oscar if she is still that hung up on a three-month relationship from 16 years ago when she has been in a much longer relationship with Julian, a man who has been there for her and whom she claims to love. I could sort of sympathize with her if FrancoDrew had known Oscar and they had started building a relationship. She's just feeding his delusion (s).
  17. YES. I had the TV on mute for longer than intended, and the way he was behaving (especially the sad faces) made it look like he was a young man feeling bad that he was a poor or inexperienced lover for Maxie. Then I realized it was a dream because Maxie got all upset about what he had done to Jason and Drew. Nice try, Show. Maxie doesn't have a relationship with Jason or Drew, so I doubt she would care. For years now - despite her lifetime of love for cousin Robin - she has totally glazed over Dr. O's role in torturing Robin and keeping her a prisoner because Dr. O is "Nathan's mother/James' grandmother." At least being around Ava might make him a little bit interesting.
  18. For the love of all that is holy, please rescind this question because I fear the writers will take it as a dare. I absolutely agree with you. You did not miss any scenes. The only thing we know since their last awkward scenes at the pub and the scenes inside and outside of Kevin's office is that Diane overheard Neil with some woman agreeing that there would not be a second date. Hayden loved the attention she got from Spencer (at a time when she was not confident being around kids) while choosing not to see his entitled brat behavior. Jax tried to raise Spencer for a while as his own son when Spencer was a baby, so maybe he still feels some attachment to the kid or maybe it's just because Spencer is grand nephew to Alexis.
  19. Two, if you count his relationship with Kiki and don't take into account that it was the re-cast/second actress for the murder storyline. Molly looks gorgeous and I enjoyed her moments with Alexis. Hey Hayden, given that you dumped Finn in a letter and you're lying to his face about his daughter, you don't get to question him and others about his personal life in the time since you left town. Robert, dear, Anna isn't invested enough in Finn for him to ever truly hurt her. I'm feeling a little whiplash about Neil going from very recently telling Alexis it's okay to "wave hello" but their lives are not each other's business to now "ask me anything" and flirting with her. Jax FTW. Go away, Sonny.
  20. A rational person thinks this way, yes. But there are people who can show the world a facade of who they are and still be irrational/have some sort of psych pathology. There are people who are desperate for attention and have a need to feel important, so they create situations (e.g. arson, keep a family member ill, cause some accident and then report it) in order to be the hero. (Psych pros have a name for it.) She could be doing this to scare the shit out of the people she despises for dismissing/overriding her authority, and then turn around and 'save the day' in some way. Plus there's a lot of free, feel-bad-for-us victims type of publicity to be gained in a situation like this. This opportunity could be dragged out into creating a longer reboot with more money. The Ray Pruitt suggestion is interesting. I just feel like "Stop acting like I'm not even here" is directed toward all of them, implies the person has been there the whole time of the reboot trying to interact with the cast, has history with all the original cast members, and is pissed off that he/she is not getting deserved respect.
  21. I assume the stalker is going to turn out to be either Christine, or possibly the fired writer. Christine thought she was going to be in charge. She has been showing contempt for all of them for taking over and not letting her be the leader she feels she is as an executive. I have assumed her flirtation with Andrea, and sending her a message via the dating app, was at least in part manipulation. Having the reboot and cast be targeted would get sympathetic media attention for a network executive like herself, versus criticism if everything fails.
  22. It wasn't a formal speech; it was him verbally feeling sorry for himself. Bobbie was angry about his request and he explained that his desperation regarding Franco is because Serena keeps him at a "distance"(nothing specific about where she is/what she's doing with her life) and his other children are dead. He didn't promise to be a better son. He apologized for how they bad been hurt/how he'd been so self-involved, and she told him no and other gag-worthy stuff and then the half hug that Burton does with her.
  23. Cameron's desperation and drive to do what he can to "fix" the FrancoDrew mess for his mother and little brothers tugs at my heartstrings. Poor kid. Jason again looks like a shitty father for not even appearing to think about Jake when Cam was talking about his brothers. I totally believed his teenage anger/frustration/despair for his family over Franco leaving the wedding ring at their house. Speaking of desperation, Monica. Her lines today were poorly written - repeated exposition and also making it sound like she wants a relationship with FrancoDrew believing he is Drew. Shut up, Monica, and let Jason apologize to you as he should over the past instead of kissing his ass again. The unexpected awesomeness of today's show: The SCORPIO BROTHERS! Loved Mac's dig to Sonny's face when he, as usual, enters a space that doesn't belong to him acting all entitled. Dare I hope this means seeing more of Robert and Mac together at the PCPD? So let me get this straight. Sonny is "running a coffee import business," is in theory preparing with his wife to bring a special needs child into the world, has two minor children at home (one of whom is mourning a loss), and is now "mentoring" a teenager he's brought into the home ... yet has the time to go out of his way to attempt to force nuNina to talk about her history with Cassandra Pierce?!
  24. I thought for sure her outrage/the water in the face was going to be about something sex-related, esp. when Scott asked her "Anything??" I was thinking, oh God he's going to bring up her hooker past and ask her to try to seduce Franco (by saying to Elizabeth, the ends justify the means). I thought it was sad/pathetic, though, that Scott thinks he's helped make Franco a better man and he sees Franco as his chance to have a relationship with one of his children. I didn't understand the "Serena keeps me at a distance" and Bobbie claiming that Serena adores him. How would she know? Has she even seen Serena since she was a child?
  25. Franco is mostly playing Drew as cold, rude to certain people and entitled when he saw Kim. Drew was cold regarding Jason, but not in general. He was flirty with Elizabeth and generally friendly with Jason's loved ones he met while he was "Jake Doe." He was hurt that Robin no longer he believed he was Jason once the real Jason returned, but he didn't react to being told "you're not Jason" by snapping at strangers who knew him, hitting someone or throwing a shot glass in a bar that doesn't belong to him. That is alllll Franco-type 'wah wah wah I'm not getting my way' behavior. The only moments I've ever thought Dr. O was capable of basic decency/not being entirely self-centered was today when she paused at the door before leaving, and gave Franco a gentle reality check. And how Epiphany spoke to/handled Dr. O was so perfectly awesome.
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