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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. I mostly agree with you about lack of proper writing. Brad being involved increased the drama - Julian knew right away that the"Wiley" Brad was showing off was not the same baby Brad let him hold the night the adoption was official and so Julian got pulled into the mess (so he loses when Lucas + Corinthos family learn the truth), Dr. O got to blackmail Brad when she needed his 'help" and threats passed between them, Willow and Lucas will likely become closer friends bonding over their loss/being deceived and shut Brad out, Monica is Brad's boss so learning that all this time he let her think her great grandson was dead likely means ugly drama in the hospital, and possible law suits for Brad's actions while on duty in addition to getting arrested.
  2. She did figure it out because after they looked each other in the face and she could see Joy openly crying, she looked away - staring at her daughter and husband - and started crying as well when Joy said the last lines about being proud. I can't decide if the Show wants us to think Miles and Cara are too sweet and pure together to be thinking about sex ... or if Cara's comment about not wanting to put pressure on the relationship by staying with him is supposed to be a very subtle message to the audience that she does not feel ready to have sex with him yet. The grocery store scene where Joy watched the family argument right in front of her that was actually about what she was going to tell them was eye-roll worthy contrived. I also didn't like her talking about "my daughter's needs" and life "falling apart." The falling apart line was melodramatic; a kid acting out a little for a few weeks is not a 'life falling apart." She was not caught smoking/with drugs, getting in trouble for fighting at school, court date for something illegal, etc. She doesn't know anything about the girl's needs because the girl has her adoptive parents raising her. She was looking for a valid reason to go tell the girl "I'm your mother" because she lost her grandfather and wanted to connect with her only other "family member." Miles was right to call her out on that; the consequences to the family could have been ugly if all three got blindsided due to Joy's impulse. Joy needed to stop her from leaving on that bus, so giving her the great grandfather's picture with a quick explanation was the right way to do that in the moment. Telling her "I'm your mother" without first having a conversation with/getting permission from the parents would have been totally out of line. Full disclosure on topic sensitivity: two white friends adopted children of color and people have said stuff like, "Does his real mother miss him?" A private conversation with the parents after the scene at the bus terminal, maybe on the beach, would be appropriate in order to decide if and when she should known the whole truth. I would think that this 13-year-old should be wondering why a woman I've met just a few times briefly is standing next to mom, watching my surf lesson.
  3. For the drama/soapiness of Lucas unknowingly raising his sister's grandson/nephew Michael Corinthos's son. I can't recall RC as Lucas and LW as Carly ever being in the same scene prior to the baby Wiley/Jonah switch. The Show never highlighted them as so-called siblings with a mutual love of their mother until the adoption became a real storyline. It's a story about psycho Nelle and Lucas's lying/devious husband perpetrating a crime against poor Lucas and his entire family. Lucas had a line last week "they're your family too" that I think was intended by the writers to make Brad feel guilty. But Brad only feels guilty if the baby is in danger. Otherwise, he just acts scared of people finding out the truth, or angry at Obrecht and/or Julian when he's not getting his way. I wonder if when the truth comes out, anyone will draw the comparisons between Nelle and Carly and Brad and Jason (with Lucas inadvertently sort of being in the role Robin had). And just as Robin was always too good for Jason, Lucas was always too good for Brad IMO. I have really disliked the Brad character from the beginning, so I guess the actor deserves credit for that LOL!
  4. Carly absolutely sees herself as a VIP in Michael's relationships with women, otherwise there wouldn't be a chat with Sasha which Michael allowed. She told Sasha she's willing to forgive this time because she's not a hypocrite; I assume she didn't go into details about why exactly she was much worse than Sasha because she wants Sasha to look up to her respectfully as Michael's devoted mother instead of seeing her for what she really is. Jax chooses to be single and also underestimates how badly Nina wants to raise a daughter from childhood. Felicia's haircut looks lovely but comparing what she and Frisco had to Anna and Finn, especially in a conversation with Robert, is absurd. I guess she missed that Anna and Finn are utterly lacking in substance and compatibility. Of course Robert thinks it's fine if Anna and Finn don't make it - he wants Anna to be happy and fulfilled! Dare I hope that Lucas is now actively suspicious of Brad's behavior?
  5. I don't think it's so weird because Laura's son was spending time with Ava before and at the time of his death, and Laura's husband's mistake lead to Ryan being in a position to con Ava as well as murder Ava's daughter. Laura has her daughter, grandchildren, husband, an ex-sister-in-law and various friends to be close to in times of loss or other hardship. As long as Franco is hanging on to the delusion of himself as Drew, Ava only has Julian to lean on because Scott is totally consumed with "getting Franco back." So Laura sees Ava drinking alone and feels for her. Remember that Laura's son Lucky used drugs then alcohol to deal with pain and look where that got him.
  6. LOL at Carly's backhanded acknowledgement that she and Sonny are perpetually lying asshole criminals. Hmm, you're concerned that your son has a pattern of getting involved with lying, scheming women who see him as the white knight -wherever could he have learned such behavior? Perhaps the five men who have considered him to be their son or stepson as Carly went from man to man could weigh in, if two of them weren't dead. I'm rolling my eyes that Carly is apparently going to warn/threaten Sasha next week. On the other hand, I really liked Laura and Ava's scenes; these two actresses are great together. Julian and Ava are great together too although their chemistry (as has been noted previously) is not a sibling vibe. Hey Ava, would you pretty please give Maxie the name and phone number of your salon and stylist? Brad is insufferable and I'm really starting to question Lucas's intelligence. But I can say the same thing about the PCPD aside from Chase who rocked it with Ryan. Who lets someone in prison uniform awaiting a murder trial (with a lengthy rap sheet) have freedom to walk around in the interrogation room and have contact with her mother and known hitman boyfriend/ex-husband, unmonitored, for a non-specific amount of time? She could have been given a vial of poison, a knife, a gun or some other weapon to strap to her leg before her "ride" came to take her to Pentonville. Sam's tears of fear and quivering at the end should be angry tears of self-blame for her own stupidity during the entire Shiloh storyline. Little Charlotte Cassadine comes off as stronger and smarter than this so-called self-sufficient "PI." I'll give the show a tiny bit of credit though because I laughed at the prison employee saying the DoD's slogan as she locked Sam up and walked away.
  7. My two friends' chihuahuas take offense to that!!! I bet you can hear the four of them barking at the insult!
  8. Patricia has kept Eric a secret from Maggie until this moment. It is clear that Patricia feels that somehow communicating with/having a relationship with Eric keeps her connected to her late son. He is the closest thing Patricia has to a resurrected Chad. Maggie just told Eric that her mother and brother had a relationship/connection that she wasn't a part of; clearly she is still jealous of that. Gary (because he also doesn't know about Eric) tells Maggie why else would your mother come to Boston with the idea of living here unless she wants a real/close relationship with you. Maggie has a glimmer of hope that her's mom visit when she had surgery and her proposal to move to Boston means finally, she is her mother's priority. Now it turns out Patricia wanted to be near both Maggie and her sort of resurrected son. So from Maggie's perspective, her mother is making someone who's not even her actual son as important in her life as her real daughter. My impression is that Patricia is sort of downplaying to Maggie and Gary her association with Eric because deep down she knows her actions disrespect her family, including her late son. She may have started out reaching out to Eric because she was afraid Maggie would die, but now she's visiting him and touching his hair like they're close. She says her husband Eugene said Eric is not my son and will never be my son, which means she was most likely trying to push Eugene to accept Eric as family/resurrected Chad - all the while withholding really important information from her daughter about why she and the father are separated. That is unhealthy behavior. What Patricia needs is a support group for grieving parents, not to latch on to the recipient of her late's son heart like he's a lifeline. I think in a different situation, Maggie wouldn't be so upset. Like if Patricia knew an old college friend moved to the area and they wanted to catch up and she told Maggie that, it would be fine. Right now Patricia is coming off as self-absorbed as well as an idiot in how she's handling things with her daughter, husband and Eric.
  9. I thought he was eager for Delilah to date so that she wouldn't entertain thoughts of trying to disrupt the Eddie and Katherine reconciliation/have a real relationship with Eddie/ very slowly form a family with her kids and Eddie and their baby so that she - Delilah - could feel taken care of. Gary seems invested in protecting Danny from more heartache.
  10. I felt a need to edit. I just started watching the show this season, and can't stand Delilah. Yes, Katherine is a saint for tolerating Delilah but also Regina, not Delilah, is the one putting all of herself into the restaurant - so Delilah can shut her snarky mouth. I almost laughed at Delilah's comment that she can understand the pain in the situation with Maggie and her mother because she's a mom and moms want to protect their kids. Really?! Were you thinking about protecting your two children while screwing your daughter's teacher/husband's best friend? When her teenager daughter finds out about the affair and baby Charlie's paternity, Delilah better run for cover.
  11. I too think Julian should give Olivia the deposit back, but I don't believe for a second that Sonny went to see Julian because he's oh so concerned about his dear first baby mama Olivia getting her money back. As Jax very recently pointed out to Sonny, Sonny likes to play hero. It is well established that Sonny enjoys thinking of himself as a Mobster badass, using his words/voice, swagger, and personal hitman to scare people into doing what he wants. He already told Alexis that he hoped Olivia cleaned Julian out, re: the bar. Sonny hates Julian, so he was only too happy to have an opening to try and put pressure on bad super meanie Julian. Sonny's stated reason for being there was "Olivia is family." Yes, Sonny is the father of Olivia's grown, no-longer-on-the-show son and he and Olivia share a grandson - but Olivia is not raising and providing for Rocco. Sonny knows Julian is the father of Olivia's young son Leo; both Julian and Olivia are responsible for providing for Leo. Olivia and Julian need to work this out like adults. Sonny has a full-time "business," is a father and stepdad to 5 children in his life, and is "mentoring" a sixth kid, a runaway teenager. He's definitely not worried about Olivia being able to support herself, so the scenes today came across to me as "I'm Olivia's thug, I'm going to make sure you're doing the right thing by her or else." FYI Sonny, Olivia doesn't need your help since she made her feelings clear when she marched into the bar yelling at Julian when he decided not to leave town.
  12. JL as Kevin/Ryan and WL as Cameron are so great they make me willing to tolerate Bernard and Burton. Kevin speaks like an adult, asks legit questions from a psych perspective and FrancoDrew responds like a petulant teenager who knows Kevin is correct. I liked Kevin bringing up Cameron and Franco's last moment at the same time that Cameron was talking to Kim about Oscar and the real Drew Cain, and that she's not justified in taking Franco away from their family. Kim should feel like shit about being schooled by a 16-year-old, and also that her actions are a big part of the reason he's crying. Maybe her tears mean she feels bad for someone other than herself for once? Ryan is so creepy/chilling and I assume he uses that pen tomorrow to stab Sam's accuser to death. However I call bullshit that the idiot would be put in the same cell as a known sociopath serial killer. HATE Laura apologizing to her criminal friend that she can't help. Not a good look, Madame Mayor. Paraphrasing: Sonny: You should SO be intimidated and feel threatened by my tone and swagger. Julian: I SO am not. Your attempted shakedown is lame. Bye now.
  13. Were you watching four years ago? It was June 2015, and Molly was not happy that her dad had married Nina. Nina told Molly "you can call me mom" even though she was aware that Alexis is Molly's mom ... and an already hostile/awkward situation continued downhill from there.
  14. Nina wants to raise a daughter from childhood - does anyone remember when she wanted to be an insta-family with Ric and Molly when Molly was a young teen? I doubt she would have been eager to get in a relationship with Ric if he wasn't a divorced father of a minor daughter. Molly's horrified reaction to Nina wanting to bond with her as she was "becoming a woman" was hilarious. She loves feeling (in large part thanks to Valentin) that she is the most important woman in Charlotte's life; bullying Willow was a symptom of that. It's pretty clear that Nina won't have the day-to-day/unconditional access to Charlotte she wants unless she's in a relationship with Valentin because he just told Nina to her face that he was going to leave the the United States with Charlotte without talking to Lulu because he feels entitled to do so as Charlotte's father. When presented with the reality of losing Charlotte, she got back together with Valentin inaheartbeat. She may not truly believe Valentin is innocent, but losing Charlotte would be worse than living with pathetic denial.
  15. Absolutely! Who would have thought the one funny moment of the day would be between a sociopath and her attorney? "Why did I hire you?!" "You didn't." I liked his exasperation that she doesn't want to acknowledge the reality of the situation. I guess representing a sociopath is a thankless job!
  16. As IF Michael would have a 2-second burst of anger/confrontation with Brad and Nelle. Brad's nightmare shows he's really clueless about what he's in for when the truth finally comes out. I think that's the first time Lucas and Brad have been at home on-screen since they invited Sam over when "Wiley" was a newborn (a day or so after the baby switch)? I also think this is the first time that Lucas has called Julian "dad"? I'll admit I laughed a little at Chase's eyeroll and Nelle's smirk with teary eyes after her seriously extra performance. Hey Nina, if you felt "surrounded," then leave. Lulu and Maxie and Sasha and Michael were there first, and it's not like you can't afford to go somewhere other than Kelly's. Also, how did the police know to go to Kelly's to arrest Sasha? Good for Lulu for bringing up Maxie's surrogacy fraud; she was right to do so in this situation. I almost laughed at Maxie being all offended/righteously indignant. FYI: A day without S&C, Jasam, Franco, Kim, any mention of Oscar or Morgan is at least somewhat worthwhile to watch.
  17. There was a first Oscar, and a first SORASed Cameron as well. The first teen Cam looked like a young Zander and lasted approx. 2 episodes before that actor was replaced by William Lipton, the current Cam.
  18. Jax missed Joss's birth because Claudia kidnapped Carly, but he has been an active, involved dad starting a day or so after she was born. However, when Sonny's blond sister gave birth and died, he claimed the baby was his when he knew Nikolas was the bio father. Jax and Carly kept infant "John" from Nikolas until Robin found out the truth and told Nikolas. Jax and Carly taking care of "John" (later re-named Spencer when Nikolas got his son) is what started their relationship, which peaked when they were raising baby Joss.
  19. And Cam and Trina, who never even met Morgan (these actors hadn't been hired!), totally remember how cool he was and what a great brother he was to his siblings. The one thing the Show got right was Carly crediting Jax for giving Morgan a happy childhood as she showed a faint glimmer of self-awareness about being a shitty parent. I almost laughed at Sonny 'reminiscing' aloud to Carly about how much Morgan looked forward to Halloween. Ummm, Morgan lived with Carly and Jax when he was a child and then he was off-screen from middle school age 'til he was 19ish.
  20. I liked Jax telling Hayden she's hurting both herself and Finn. Hayden is showing no remorse about lying to Finn; she looks like a straight up self-centered bitch for it. It's good to see that Finn can still connect well with Alexis, show that he has working brain cells, and that Alexis can give advice that Finn takes to heart. I could swear I saw "Baby Jonah" headstone in the graveyard right behind Morgan's - can someone back me up on that? @yadayada, I laughed and agreed with your reaction, esp. because I am just in awe of how pathetic both Valentin and Nina are. I think my head hurts from rolling my eyes at Sam's tears and clinging to Jason and asking him to tell the kids she's not scared. Their reaction will probably be, "And who are you again?"
  21. So that Ava could point out to Julian he may still have a chance with Alexis/to tease a potential Julian/Alexis/Neil triangle (which would be magnified/complicated if Brad talks about FIL Julian or adoption attorney Alexis in their sessions). I assume we are meant to believe Alexis is not over Julian because she said she had no news when Neil asked her about her day. I think Julian breaking up with his girlfriend, deciding not to leave town and attempting to keep his bar counts as news. Yes, she told Kristina that she and Neil are dating. (Beginning of dating and a committed relationship are not the same thing IMO.)
  22. NO. Given Maxie's history of faking a pregnancy to keep her hooks in Lucas's cousin Lucky and then lying to Lucas's other cousin Lulu about her pregnancy/infant Georgie until she was backed into a corner and forced to tell the truth, she is not the right person for Lucas to talk to. She is also too self-absorbed and would ultimately empathize with Brad because she is like Brad. I still remember that she quickly empathized with how Patrick must be feeling after finding out that he had cheated on her beloved cousin Robin. The best person for Lucas to lean on in this situation would be Robin. She watched his family lose BJ. She later witnessed how Tony lost control from being invested in unborn/baby Michael and then having his invested heart become a casualty of Carly's drama with AJ and Jason. Robin can speak with authority about Tony's love for/pride in Lucas and how he is a strong young man for being a whole person after both his sister and dad's deaths.
  23. I laughed at a half dozen characters' faces today. Somehow I don't think that was the writers or actors' intentions. I felt for Charlotte when she was crying, though. Also Genie Francis is fun to watch when Laura is smug/getting digs in and the receiving end of the gloating deserves it.
  24. She initially said they were together briefly - 3 months - but it was "intense." My impression from Kim listening to the CD, and the way she spoke to Drew (when Oscar was dying) about the night they conceived Oscar, was that it was more serious to her. She told Drew that had fallen in love with him back then, but didn't say the words because he was deploying and they had acknowledged to each other that when he left, the fling was over. She also told Jason she was "hurt" that Drew was marrying Sam. So it appears she clung to the memory of her fling with Drew and built it up in her mind to having lost the great love of her life when he deployed, but didn't want to appear desperate/pathetic to Drew or the people close to him after the "Oscar is your son" reveal. What I got from FrancoDrew's reaction to seeing her for the first time was 'hey, there's the lady I had fun flirting with and dating - let's get outta this hospital, catch up, go somewhere!" When Kim didn't automatically get furious about the kiss and started indulging his delusion, he turned the "I am madly in love with you, we must be together" intensity that is Franco's personality (seen from the early days of his relationship with Elizabeth) onto Kim.
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