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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. I was moved by Vernee Watson-Johnson's acting in the scenes with both Mike and TJ - I feel she's MVP of the Monday episode. I also realized I only find Carly tolerable/likable in her scenes with Mike. Out of Stella, Carly and Sonny in the Mike scenes, I found Sonny the least compelling in showing quiet/restrained grief at Mike's decline. Monica's response to Elizabeth's question is such an insult to Drew's memory. UGH. I was more than a little shocked that FrancoDrew has awareness of Scout. Hey Monica, you do realize that his offer to let you have stuff from Drew's locker for "Drew's daughter" means he's not actually Drew, right? Hey Julian, FrancoDrew didn't make promises to Kim and she is the wrecking ball. You need to get over the thoughtless, selfish, nasty b. pronto dude. I'm seriously grossed out that Josslyn put her hair on that nasty classroom floor. Also, stop trying to make Dev happen, Show.
  2. And Carly, and Courtney before her, etc. He's had enough of incompetent nuNik especially after Nik used his credit card; seems like Nina pouring her heart out about Valentin just got to him some more.
  3. I love how Monica said the kids need stability so they should stay at her house while Sam is in prison, and Jason try not to get yourself thrown in jail or killed because you're an only parent. However, I did not like her referring to Drew being deceased like he was some neighbor she barely knew instead of a man she wanted to claim as her son. Also Jason, Scout will not be fine if she sees Danny is fine because her real father who was an active parent is presumed dead and she barely saw her mother before Mommy went on trial. For me the teary Danny-Jason scene fell flat because we've never seen Sam have any loving parental moments with this re-cast Danny (and no parental moments with Scout in probably a couple years now). I credit the young actor for doing his best to play restrained heartbreak though when Burton was attempting to emote. I liked seeing Carly not tolerating Sonny's petulance about Jax and pointing out that his record of infidelity and being a flirt is uglier than hers in the history of their relationship. Also liked Finn confirming what I thought he was trying to convey recently: Hayden can't be trusted and he isn't sure he can ever forgive her lying about/withholding Violet all this time. She totally deserved to see Anna and Finn kissing - a confirmation that her attempts have failed.
  4. Eric was telling someone over the phone that he couldn't tell Maggie right now, but because of the show's music I'm not sure if he called the person "Honey" or "Buddy." Can anyone clarify? The actor who plays Rome rocked the scenes with the PJ actor. I felt his fear of losing this young man to suicide after losing John to suicide and then also losing his mother so suddenly recently. I almost laughed at the winter preview of Delilah insisting to Sophie "I did NOT kill your father." Good to know she's furious with her mother too and not blaming everything on Eddie. Totally understand why she wanted to destroy the guitars though.
  5. While it was Carly's idea, Brook was an adult who willingly targeted, lied to, drugged, and attempted to rape the guy she claimed was her longtime/childhood friend. Carly offered her money to go after Dante, not a life-saving medicine for a terminal disease . Brook was not afraid her Q family was going to be murdered if she did not comply. What I don't like is Brook first shrugging off what she did with Dante - which is exactly what happened when her stepmom/Dante's mother brought up her going after another woman's man - and then threw a dig at Dante's now ex-wife. In other words, Brook is still acting like a low-life and she's only been back a day. Also the way she spoke to Julian at certain points plus the phone call he overheard, I totally get why he thought she was a prostitute. I don't think the Georgie/Lulu/Diego stuff is remotely comparable because they were teenagers. From what I recall and read, Georgie and Dillon were kids who got marriage because they thought he was terminally ill. That is not the same as an adult, committed relationship where a third party one of the two people trusted tried to commit a crime against the trusting person.
  6. Lulu never did anything to deserve walking in on Brook trying to rape her boyfriend (now ex-husband) Dante, and Lulu and Dante have been through a lot together as a couple since then before this painful decision to divorce. Brook knows nothing about their relationship or divorce. She reminds me of Carly making a dig about Sam or Elizabeth re: Jason, or of Kim trying to rape Drew then sleeping with FrancoDrew and shading Elizabeth. A former attempted rapist doesn't get a pass on her actions and then trash talking her almost victim's now ex-wife just because she's a Quartermaine.
  7. No, she's insinuating that Lulu accepting that Dante wants a divorce makes her not truly committed to/not good enough for Dante IMO. I know what Olivia said. I thought Ned should have tossed Brook out for commenting about Dante's marriage when she hasn't been around and doesn't know what the F has been going on, and for being insta-buddy buddy with Sonny again.
  8. Hayden said she wasn't concerned about the years Violet and Finn lost out on together because "Robin turned out alright." It was very obvious that Hayden is jealous of Anna and desperately wants Anna to feel insecure about Finn/doubtful about the engagement esp. now that Violet is in Finn's life. The line that she and Finn already have a relationship so there's nothing to rebuild made me roll my eyes. Anna can see through Hayden and is not threatened by her despite Hayden's efforts. Brook should have been tossed out the door along with Sonny after that line about hasn't Lulu heard of a paper shredder re: the divorce papers. She's as unapologetic about her history of trying to break up Dante and Lulu as Hayden is about lying to Finn and keeping Violet away from her all this time. Carly, you're mistaking Jason for Monica ... ugh about J&C propping each other regarding children.
  9. I saw a headline today (while standing in line at the grocery store) that Tristan Rogers is heading back to Young & Restless.
  10. I think the Show has *tried* to establish tense moments, like when they were having a friendly/borderline tense moment of looking into each other's eyes and Robert interrupted, wanting to talk to Finn (which also included a 'remember you're with Anna' type remark). There was another moment where Chase interrupted Finn and Hayden, then commented about Anna. However, ME's acting in those moments seemed to indicate more that he still cared about Hayden and remembered being in love with her and in time, if Anna wasn't in the picture (and no more ugliness happened between them) he could fall in love with Hayden again while Hayden was still in love with him. However, realizing that Hayden has lied about and withheld his child all this time because he moved on with Anna pretty much guarantees he won't fall for her again because he can't trust her especially when she's trying to shrug off the seriousness of that betrayal.
  11. He is not a hard-core evil person in the sense that he does not set out to commit genocide, torture children, etc. but he is still evil in the sense he wants his so-called BFF's mother dead to protect his secret, and that he still kept his mouth shut when the baby was in danger - kidnapped by Shiloh - because of his lies. He showed zero guilt, just some nervousness, when Willow wanted to pray with him for Wiley and then thanked him for allowing her to have a place in Wiley's life (because she doesn't know he handed over her deceased son to Nelle). You're right that Lucas would not have understood, because he knows babies are not interchangeable and Michael is his family. I don't see how being angry that his own husband betrayed him and other family is jumping on a "high horse"; he has never done anything like this which would make angry reactions to Brad hypocritical. I think Lucas would have been furious just as much if someone tried to pass off a deceased baby as theirs, like what happened to his sister Sam. Brad's behavior shows a lot of fear of someone figuring things out. I do not see guilt. Guilt would manifest with Michael in some scenes like asking him to take Wiley for a weekend while the two parents spend some time together, or some over the top thanking for something mundane. That has never been the case. If anything, Brad gets nervous/upset about Michael spending time with Wiley at all. He just doesn't put a stop to Michael being around Wiley because it would make Lucas, Michael and others suspicious.
  12. Yes. She was also found guilty of something with negligence, maybe negligent homicide? The judge said she was not guilty re: premeditation.
  13. How did Diane keep a straight face while trying to argue that Sam is "a productive member of society"? I just rolled my eyes at the continuing Jasam "angst." Brad has some balls yelling at Lucas that he's the one carrying the burden and making all the sacrifices to protect their family and then trying to demand that Julian let him in. Turning off the lights and walking away was a great move. The Finn and Anna scenes were very underwhelming. Show, between script and direction for the actors, you're doing a terrible job of convincing me these two really missed each other and love each other. Didn't like what I'm assuming was supposed to be great irony of Brook bursting in the door complaining about the front of the home, as Ned is telling Olivia and Sonny that eventually their son will come home. My reason is that the last time Brook was around she was getting paid to sabotage (her now stepbrother) Dante's life with Lulu by trying to seduce and later rape him. Elizabeth's emotional reaction today was the only touching thing to see.
  14. I guess you missed it when Sam showed signs of life in a scene a few months ago. She was pretending (unfortunately) to be done with Jason to pull a con on Shiloh, but then Shiloh witnessed a kiss so they staged a fight. Sam slapped Jason across the face for the 'unwanted' kiss and yelled at him. That was the most energized Monaco has been in a long time .... it was an entertaining moment to watch.
  15. When Hayden told Violet she could go play in Emma's room because of all the toys there, was it a script mistake that Violet didn't ask in response, "Who's Emma?" Unless I missed a scene, Violet did not know her newly discovered Daddy has a girlfriend/fiance who lives there and that a little girl sometimes visits that girlfriend/fiance.
  16. I think ME is doing a good job of playing Finn as in awe of being daddy to this beautiful little girl. Her reactions to him are adorable. I agree with seasons about their great chemistry. As much as I don't like Anna and Finn together, I kinda want them to at least begin their wedding ceremony because Hayden deserves to hurt for lying and withholding his daughter to punish him for moving on after she ran away from their engagement.
  17. IIRC, the last time Nikolas mentioned BL long after she had left the show, he acknowledged having blackmailed/bribed her to get her ELQ shares and implied that he had memories of her being a good time (like she was a hooker).
  18. So Carly and Jax would have a secret together, to manufacture drama that Carly would keep a big secret from Sonny after they've just had a baby/are 'closer than ever as a family,' to give Sonny a reason to be mad at Jax, and to cause friction when Josslyn ends up finding out Mom and Dad kept a secret from her. But the big reason at the moment is because nuNik is an idiot.
  19. My favorite part of today was Cassandra's horror/disgust at germs from being bitten, and Anna smirking/being gleeful at Cassandra's reaction. Second favorite part was Jax pointing out that they're lying to protect Dev and reminding Carly of lying with him to keep baby Spencer away from Nikolas. God forbid someone should ask you to do penance for your sins of the past, Carly. Her incredulity made me laugh. HATED Charlotte calling Valentin on Jason's cellphone and telling him: "Jason saved me." No kid, you saved yourself with a lot of help from Anna and later Jason. Valentin crying on Nina's chest like she's his mother was cringeworthy. Ok, fine - all of the faces he made were cringeworthy. And he could not have known for sure Charlotte wouldn't be with Cassandra when the boat exploded. "Don't you feel abandoned?" says the bitch who ran away from their wedding and lied about a miscarriage. I dislike Hayden more and more everyday. Is it too much to hope that he blasts her upon learning she actually came back to Port Charles due to the promise of a payout?
  20. I didn't see it as playing house; more like Finn trying to get to know his daughter and wants her to sleep over in his guest room; Hayden is hoping he will be caught up in "family feels." I expect that Anna will call Hayden out on that since she has so much experience dealing with liars/criminals/manipulators.
  21. It appears she gets to be the one to save Charlotte from evil Cassandra. I guess that means Valentin will possibly feel indebted to her/stop hating her for not wanting him back in the day. P.S. @GHScorpiosRule are you excited for the return of a Q family member? I'm curious how the re-cast will work out with other re-cast characters on the Show.
  22. THIS. Bobbie was never even mentioned (let alone allowed to be in a scene) when JJ's Lucky and Elizabeth were in the storyline of losing little Jake and organ donation to Josslyn when she should have been a key supporting since she experienced losing BJ and the organ donation to Maxie. I recall she one (not important) scene with the Ethan character, Luke's ret-conned son, and one scene with Alexis during the teen Kristina-being-abused-by-hs boyfriend storyline, then nada. She has had few scenes with Lucas since the character was recast as an adult - even after Lucas and Brad got "Wiley.' Yet she was used consistently in a supportive role in the Carly/S&C scenes to be suspicious of, then hate on, Nelle all the while rarely being in any scenes with Michael or Josslyn. It will never not annoy me that Bobbie is more attentive on-screen to the daughter she did not raise, who played a significant role in the destruction of the her family, than she is to the son she did raise, who suffered as a child in that destruction. I really hate that adult Lucas has never been allowed to have a scene with "loving big sis" Carly where he confronts her about how her actions impacted his childhood. It strains credibility that Lucas would ever want to be around her or say more than "Hi Carly, by Carly" to her, especially since we have just seen a reflection on how much he loved Tony.
  23. This isn't the first time he had murder in mind. He previously tried to have Hayden murdered (gunshot to the head) but the shooter messed up. I think Laura knows about that?? Hayden and Nikolas just mentioned that bit of history in the "Nikolas is revealed" flashback scenes so Jax is aware of it too.
  24. Didn't Cassandra meet Michael and Sasha on Sonny's island by chance? They didn't plan that trip weeks in advance, so how could Nik have orchestrated it for Cassandra to be out of WSB custody and on Sonny's island at that time? She didn't know who Michael and Sasha were until they introduced themselves. Stupid writers.
  25. BM and RC deserve all the praise. The Tony and Lucas scenes were beautifully acted!!! I teared up, which is rare. The Tony/Bobbie moment was a nice touch; JZ conveyed that Bobbie felt his presence. It helped me to ignore Brad being an ass, Maxie and Lulu being twits, and Jason and Sam trying to pull of angst. Charlotte's fear at the end was believable. Re: previews, hey Lulu that can happen when you're not watching your child because you're enjoying chatting with your bestie in a public place. Cassandra should fear Charlotte's grandma the mayor though.
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