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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. Oooh, may I play?? Jax: "I'm not sure given the list of killers she knows, which one would want to stop her meddling this time - Sonny or one of his associates, or Ryan, or Nelle. I know Joss, you're right. I need to ask Jason."
  2. I'm not disputing that Amelia's family is awful, but she immediately lied to her sister about him. I interpreted "who she really is" as him acknowledging to himself that Amelia has a difficult time with honesty in situations, not just in dealing with her family. The truth is, Amelia has a history of poor judgement, for example getting back with Owen and then having a *fling* with Linc right after her relationship with Owen was over again. I believe Amelia and Linc have become very infatuated with each other over X months, but they certainly haven't been a couple for long enough to be declaring that they're truly in love and committed to one another. Case in point, when Amelia and Linc told Meredith and DeLuca that she's pregnant and Meredith said, I didn't know you were that serious. Amelia said, Neither did we. I wouldn't believe it if a guy declared about his pregnant girlfriend that he doesn't care who the father of her baby is. Of course it matters. Yes, there are plenty of men in the world raising children who are not biologically theirs, by choice not ignorance or deception. An uncle of mine married my aunt when she was a young mother of two sons (the father/husband abandoned the family and then died). He came into their lives when the younger son was 3. He had a son of his own and chose to become their father as well. He even legally adopted the younger son (the elder wanted to keep his given last name).
  3. I also can't stand her lack of basic background knowledge about Michael's family. Hey Sasha, look up old news. You may find out that your CEO boyfriend got shot in the head for standing near Sonny in the warehouse, when he was a child. Clearly Michael isn't going to be honest with you because he's worried you'll use your brain and walk away from all of them.
  4. Joss broke the news to her that Laura had been shot. Carly had about a two-second sad sigh reaction that came off like "damn. That sucks" and then told Jax she's staying at the hospital because of Gladys lying/wanting info on Brando ... no thought to go ask Kevin how Laura is doing. Bitch. Elizabeth knows both Nikolas and Hayden have a history of sketchy behavior and that Nikolas was NOT Hayden's "friend" so some of her reaction didn't ring true. At least she is genuinely angry at Nik for this. His response about not realizing Hayden would be unreachable and not check in on Violet was really lame.
  5. It started off with cowardice; they ran into her sister in a public place, her sister assumed Link was Owen, and so Amelia went with it rather than immediately clarifying that she and Owen were no longer together. I'm not disputing that Amelia's family's behavior was awful later during the dinner scenes. My point was that Amelia could and should have said, "Actually, this is ---. Owen and I are no longer married." But she didn't want to tell the truth up front because it would make her life harder.
  6. The adoption was off-screen except for a couple scenes of meetings with Alexis or Diane. Alexis placed newborn Wiley in Brad's arms; Lucas and Brad did not meet Willow during the adoption process. It's not that Willow disliked Brad; she just focused on the fact that Lucas was a doctor, a stable person. Brad has been squirrely since he accepted Jonah from Nelle. He has not been flakey in terms of leaving the baby behind at Kelly's, forgetting to feed him or some other kind of neglect, but his behavior with everyone has not been super sketchy, he trusted Shiloh with important details about their lives when he barely knew the guy and then got nasty with Willow for maligning Shiloh, and kept his mouth shut about the truth when Shiloh kidnapped the baby. So in my mind, he has endangered "Wiley"/Jonah. He is just very lucky the baby was not hurt/killed or disappeared with Shiloh. I didn't know there would be a new show today!! I missed the part I really wanted to see, but I did enjoy Ava getting in Valentin's face and Nikolas and Ava appearing to be a united front against Valentin. Valentin's smug attitude that no one else can love Nina like he does made me roll my eyes. OF COURSE Carly wanted to stay behind at the hospital to try to figure out what she could about Gladys lying/what the deal is with Brando...instead of staying close out of concern for her cousin's mother/ Rocco's grandmother/Sonny's friend who got shot because she was near Michael!! So much for her recent claim to Nikolas that she and Laura have grown close! I call bullshit on that police officer not sensing/seeing Carly maybe a foot away from him, removing a photo from Brando's back of personal stuff!! I liked the last Elizabeth/Finn scene.
  7. A) Joss needs to shut up, but Willow did not give up Jonah to Lucas and Brad. Brad has known all these many months that Willow's son is deceased. He has been lying to her face that the baby she entrusted to him and Lucas died while in his care. Yes it was a tragic accident, but that's not going to matter by the time the truth comes out. He has allowed and then encouraged Willow to get attached to the baby she thinks she brought into this world. She gave up her child at birth to protect him and went to jail because she thought she was protecting that baby she gave up, so she is absolutely entitled to think he's a crappy father for letting Nelle in. If his husband Lucas had been there, Nelle would not have been allowed in. Brad is allowing Nelle to do what she wants because he is a coward; he's certainly not protecting "Wiley." Whatever you may say about Willow's flaws, being a coward who wouldn't protect her child isn't one of them. Brad is a low-life like his sister-in-law. B) I agree that he truly doesn't deserve to be CEO of ELQ because of his loyalty to his thug "father." C) Not sure if Nelle knows everything. She knows the basics about the custody battle for Michael, but probably not the details of Carly's extensive scheming. When Carly has compared her young self to Nelle, Jason and Jax have dismissed it with "you learned from your mistakes." D) I also want to see Elizabeth slap Nikolas. Anyone know where/when that's going to air?
  8. Eh, Delilah is busy complaining to infant Charlie that mommy needs sleep and ignoring Charlie while she cries, and joking with Maggie about the affair with Eddie. So it's now funny to Delilah that she had no self-control with Eddie while married to John. I kind of wish Katherine had heard their conversation and slapped Delilah across the face because she deserves it. UGGHH, Show. Sophie is in a place where she is going to say in return "and you lying and conceiving a child with my father's best friend will also not be tolerated." The best moments were Rome's words to Gary while they were in the back of the police car, and Katherine telling Gary off. Hey Gary, do you even remember there is a (now unseen) dog in your apartment that you have basically stolen from the old lady widow?
  9. I agree that she was used to be adored and taken care of by her father and Jack, and eventually Miguel. But as a parent it was up to her to have the maturity to understand that it wasn't her sons responsibility to take care of her - a not disabled 40 something adult. They were teenagers, becoming adults. At that age they were supposed to be moving away from childhood and starting independent lives. I saw Rebecca wanting to sing, but giving up because she would have to work hard to succeed as a professional outside of Pittsburgh. Basically, her attitude was people hear that I have a pretty voice, I should get a label immediately, why do I have to be ambitious? It makes me think of Kate being offended that she would have to have a college degree to teach music, that having some singing experience through a few gigs wasn't enough. Rebecca's total disinterest in Kevin's career just makes her look like a bad mom. It's good that Rebecca took responsibility in therapy, but her son was in his 30s at the time. The damage was already done. Her owning up to her mistakes is good for her son's life when she becomes a grandmother again when he becomes a father in the not too distant future, but it's too late for young, developing Kevin to feel valued by his mother.
  10. But Amelia also showed him who she was when they were out of town for a conference. They ran into her sister and she let her sisters think he was Owen, because she didn't want to explain about her on-again, off-again relationship drama with Owen. She only acknowledged that Linc was not Owen when her mom confronted her in front of her sisters. It's not ridiculous, because Amelia has a history of not having the guts to be honest up front. She didn't want her sisters judging her, so she introduced Linc to them as Owen rather than do the mature, adult thing. She has not been deliberately cruel to him, but in the time he has known her, she has lied about him until confronted by her mother, slept with him and then pulled away soon after breaking up with Owen, and now acted like the paternity of her baby didn't matter because she didn't want to be honest with both Linc and Owen. This. This.
  11. Totally agree. Yup. Have you seen the movie Rocketman, about Elton John's life? His father never bonded with him because he thought he was "weird" and chose to never see him perform. His mother had a line "do you know how disappointing it is to be your mother" and was only interested in his talent/career for how she benefited. His grandmother volunteered to drive him for lessons when he was a child because his mother didn't want to spend her time driving. It seems like Rebecca just never got invested in Kevin's life and dreams. It's more than just her getting rid of his mobile when he got his bed as a 3-year-old. She didn't notice when he almost drowned at the pool. There was the time when she took Kevin to get his baseball card signed at the local mall because Kevin was upset that Jack couldn't do it, but then she got hungry and tried to demand that Kevin get out of line with her and go to the food court. He refused because he was so close, so she left him there. After Kevin spoke to the VIP and Rebecca asked what Kevin said, she looked pleasantly surprised to hear that her son was such a nice kid. Fast forward to the teenage years, Rebecca resented that Kevin "abandoned" her to go live his life while Randall stayed around to take care of her/be close to her. She didn't ask about his experience being on set, doesn't seem to care that he was on a show. I think she has jealousy that he's had professional showbiz success where she never did, but it seems like she also needed to have unconditional adoration and devotion from her kids, or maybe just her sons, in order to be fully invested in their lives and successes. The only time I can recall her genuinely appreciating Kevin was in a conversation with Nicky when Kevin wanted to help him. Kevin was not present for that conversation. You are not the only one. I was cringing, waiting for her to make a pass at Kevin. Totally agree. Totally agree. Rebecca wanted her kids to be there for her but probably never acknowledged that to herself or to them. She didn't put the work in to become a famous singer. She married the great love of her life and then mostly devoted her life to him and raising their family. Then her great love, their provider, died suddenly. She's hurt and angry that her son Kevin commits to Sophie and leaves home some months after the heartbreak of Jack's death. She holds tight to her devoted son Randall, worries about Kate's possibly bad relationship, and goes to work as a clerk. That is not the life she had in mind as a 20something. I get the impression she wanted the singing equivalent of Kevin's life as an actor.
  12. Except it wasn't perfectly fine; Rebecca spoke angrily (in the family therapy session, I think?) of being "abandoned" by Kevin because he left home for college after Jack died. Had I been in that therapy session now, I would have pointed out that it's not the child's responsibility to give up college/life opportunities for a fully functional parent. I felt for Kevin in that moment because one of my parents tried to undermine my confidence about being successful in college out of the area, due to wanting to be taken care of/desire to not take responsibility as an adult for their own life. I think Rebecca always considered Randall to be the "good son" because he changed his plans to take care of her when she was so shattered by losing Jack. Rebecca was the adult, the mother. She was definitely more at fault.
  13. I realized from you all that a new episode of GH aired on MLK Day/Jan. 20 last week. Is that the last day of GH that the audience in the United States saw, due to the televised trial? I was on vacation so I'm not sure how many days the show was actually on.
  14. I don't recall. My point was that Luke was the one who introduced Lucky to Sonny and Jason when he was a kid. I remember that Sonny was Luke's "trusted friend" who went fishing with father and son. Lucky believed in/trusted Sonny and Jason as a result of his father trusting them when he should have known better. I think of it this way: a parent smokes in front of their child and acts like it's no big deal, all the while knowing what smoking does to the body and also that their child looks up to them as a role model. I well remember that Lucky didn't want to be around his parents because he decided that their relationship was sick. Doing illegal errands or not isn't the point. It's about guilt/danger by association. Child/young teen Lucky never should have thought of Sonny and Jason as decent, safe or trustworthy people in the first place.
  15. They are murderers, but in that case Luke deserved her rage. Luke, not Sonny, was Lucky's father. It was always Luke (and Laura's) responsibility as parents to protect Lucky. Luke always knew who/what those two were and that they weren't *really* safe company/associates for him or his young son, but he wanted to trust them so he did. Luke was no more a responsible father than Sonny has been; Sonny's irresponsibility is just much more noticeable because he is still so dominant on the show and keeps fathering children. Just as tween Michael got shot in the head for being near Sonny in the warehouse, child/tween Lucky got shot because he followed his father into a dangerous situation because he idolized Luke so much and wanted to be with him. Adult Lucky as played by JJ commented to Helena on her and Luke's sick obsession/games with each other. And that was before Helena and newly back-from-the-dead Stavros kidnapped Lulu (for JMB's exit and ER taking over the role).
  16. Laura and Sonny share a grandson, Lulu and Dante's son. so I guess that should mean she's still family to him? Of course, Laura's ex holds a tiny bit of responsibility for the many spawn - Sonny once told Luke that seeing him with Lucky (being a dad looked like fun) made him want to become a father.
  17. She didn't run to Michael. She was sitting at the bar, ranting to Chase. Michael could either see she was upset, or hear her voice sounding distressed from where he was sitting in the Metrocourt with Sasha. He went over to her and asked her what's wrong.
  18. A) Taggert was great with teenage Elizabeth, during her rape storyline and also when Lucky was declared deceased because of the fire at Sonny/Jason's property. His contempt for Sonny and Jason was a thing of beauty; his behavior showed that he thought Sonny was a low-life scum bag. Taggert's the type who would do his best to point out to Dante all the reasons Dante owed Sonny nothing. I totally understood why Willow got upset and was ranting to Chase. Michael has told her how dangerous Nelle is, and Brad's excuse for Nelle being around Wiley was "what was I supposed to do, she just showed up." You don't say that to a woman who gave up her child to protect him from someone dangerous, and then willingly went to jail because she thought she was protecting her child. She thought Brad valued Wiley's safety above all else, and clearly that is not the case. She was also right to think Nelle was threatening her with the "being Wiley's nanny is bad for your health" line. Brad's being an idiot; she was correct that Wiley is not safe with him. He could decide to take a shower and Nelle would take the opportunity to either disappear with Wiley or hide him with someone, while demanding Q money,
  19. I really enjoyed hearing Sonny get called "offensive" and "paranoid" as he visibly got his panties in a twist over being face-to-face with Taggert. Taggert being all "anger boy, well guess you're no longer a boy" to Jason was funny, as was Mike's disappointment that Taggert left. I figured Taggert had come back to Port Charles because of Jordan, but him being her former partner I did not see coming. I think one of you really called it that Nelle is going to get murdered soon. between threatening Willow to Brad and demanding to him that she be the one to "take care of my son." My speculation is either the secret will be outed accidentally or on purpose and she'll try to take off with Wiley and get killed, OR she'll try to kill Willow and someone will kill her as revenge and also to protect Wiley. I would be trying to get away from your mother too, Josslyn, I feel for ya. As for Carly saying "over my dead body" in the preview .... DON'T toy with me, Show.
  20. Yes, in the promo for Friday you can see him face-to-face with Sonny. Sonny is furious, demanding to know why "the hell" he is back.
  21. FYI, all the drama at the Q mansion involving Nelle did not air due to 45 min of impeachment trial coverage. You get to see/hear Jasam angst, hear Carly tell Jason he's a hero, and Brook refer to Sonny as the "sweetest" to a room of her own family. I don't care about Ned being proud about how she handled Nelle. "I hope I get my real brother back." Did that sting, Nikolas? "It's a little his fault." Love ya, Tracy. At least Michael acknowledges Tracy is right. Carly calling Gladys despicable to her face made me wish a lighting bolt would come through the ceiling and strike her dead for the hypocrisy. I think Perkie was right about Julian and Alexis. I almost laughed at the vision board Nelle made and brought with her to crash at Casa Brucas. I legit gasped that Taggart is back in Sonny's face (preview)!! Same actor we all remember!! Btw, the Show ran an announcement on screen that today's episode will run on abc.com after 8 pm.
  22. She seems impressed that Ava has given herself the opportunity to torture Nikolas for "haunting"/taunting her about the late Kiki, and is also gleeful at the idea that Nik would kill, or at least try to kill, Ava to end the marriage because she has wanted Ava out of their lives since finding out Ava's role in Morgan's presumed death. Carly is probably remembering how she schemed to get what she wanted regarding AJ. I imagine she is thinking, "Well Ava's scheme to get Nikolas exactly where she wants him is something I would do, so she has my grudging respect in this moment."
  23. Thanks, and yes it was. I told a guy friend about it and he was taken aback that a guy would behave so aggressively/presumptuously on a first date. He said something like, "Yikes, he would be proposing in a month." Yup, pretty much. I agree with everyone that the John Legend private concert was ridiculous (would never happen) as a first date, and probably a single guy of celebrity status would not go that far to impress a fan he finds attractive/with whom he feels some chemistry. However, my point is there are non-celebrity men in the world who have issues with depression or insecurities or are getting "older" and are fed up with dating. They go way over the top or may behave inappropriately upon meeting an attractive woman, in an attempt to achieve a goal/"settle" their personal lives. Here's another example: I had a friend who was taking some college courses when she was finishing high school, and a TA/assistant professor for one of the courses paid her a lot of attention. He felt they really "connected" and I thought umm you're close to 30 years old and coming off as desperate (not to mention obnoxious when I spoke with him). I was a college student at the time and told her, I've interacted with professors and TAs on a daily basis and none of them put on the airs of importance that he does. When she turned 18, he strongly pursued her and she told me "He's getting older and he's alone and he wants a wife." She wisely moved on with her life.
  24. I think it's more Kevin's insecurities are manifesting. He idolizes the memories of his parents "grand love story" as well as the memories of Jack as a father. Now the Big 3 are all 30 somethings and Randall and Kate are both in what he sees as loving marriages. They are both parents now as well. So he is concerned about 'catching up' to them and is also trying to live up to the memory of his father as a romantic. There are men IRL who go over the top way too early in a dating situation due to insecurities and/or what I've read is called dating fatigue (men older than 35). I experienced this myself when a guy older than the character Kevin is asked me out during a fairly brief, friendly conversation. I figured, why not. During that date, he called me honey, made a comment about us being a couple, kept trying to pressure me into kisses and was trying to make some moves. While I was doing my best to end the evening/get him back on public transit to go home, he spoke about "your side of the bed" in his bedroom at his house!! That guy wasn't looking to start dating someone, he was looking for what I think of as an 'insta-wife'. The scenes involving Sophia Bush came off to me as Kevin looking for an immediate serious relationship resulting in marriage (and possibly kids) in the near future.
  25. UGH Carly. The glee in thinking that the Nikolas-Ava situation "won't end well" is so gross. If she cares sooo much about Avery, why is she hyper at the idea of Ava breaking the news of her marriage to Avery? It's certainly going to shock the little girl and maybe upset her. "It speaks." LMAO that Nelle said re: Jason what I'm sure others have wondered. The "saved the public from Ryan" angle is a variation of Sonny getting out of prison because of the bomb grabbing/saving someone plot point except that Nelle and Ryan orchestrated their moment. I will guess that Dustin's words about keeping"wrecking ball" Brook in his past means a Brook/Dustin/Lulu triangle is in the works. Brook acts like a bratty, daddy-dependent teenager so I can't fathom any kind of vibe between her and Chase in the future. "I wish I could trust you," Good for Laura. Her eldest child should feel ashamed that she had to say that. Ava's behavior with him is too funny, Nelle talking about Shiloh today was reminding me of Ava re: Nik. Hey Michael, just a thought - you might want to turn to Tracy for help because she alone (if still written in character!) is better equipped to deal with Nelle scheming about Shiloh's ELQ shares than the other living Qs combined.
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