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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. I enjoyed Ava smirking as Nina was proposing that they team up to take down the Cassadine men. I almost laughed that since Valentin has not been able to get what he wants, he's now at Jax's door looking for help (after all his behavior re: Jax and even asking Sonny for help with their mutual Jax problem). He's so pathetic. I like the preview of Laura unknowingly keeping Peter from his latest moment of stupidity, but I'm rolling my eyes at Maxie telling the ex-priest who had an affair with her late husband's first wife that she's now "living in sin" with her late husband's brother (yes, I know she says "Peter").
  2. I agree. Seems like Cara needs a therapist. She had never even mentioned her stepfather until the episode that was all about her family. She reunited with her mother and met her half sister in recent history, and has been living with this family for x number of months. I think her anger at the God Account and Miles is all about re-living the trauma of her mother's abandonment as she sees her sister devastated that her father's in prison, and feeling resentful of having the family life she was just beginning to enjoy - that she didn't get to have as a kid - ripped away. What is happening now is that her stepfather and mother and sister are dealing with the consequences of his criminal behavior and lies. Miles isn't to blame for that, but I guess Cara is too emotionally immature to accept that reality. She wants to be associated with the God Account only if it makes her feel good about herself, life and the people around her.
  3. Ned said to the two of them that they're family.
  4. No; Lulu should no more be expected to get over Brook's attempted rape of Dante than Sam should be expected to get over what Franco did to her. I don't think Lulu should fight with Brook every time she sees her because that resolves nothing. She should just make it clear to the Q family that she will never consider Brook her family because attempted sexual assault is a heinous action, and will see them again when Brook is not around/has left.
  5. Actually I saw Brook start the argument with "Don't you have your own family..." the moment Lulu walked in the door for Thanksgiving because her ex MIL/her son's grandmother - who is Brook's stepmother - wanted her there. Olivia lives there; Brook doesn't. Ned and Olivia clearly didn't know that Brook was coming when she came in through that same side door a day or so before Thanksgiving.
  6. Bobbie's brief pep talk with Brad was surprisingly both well written and well-acted. I'm sure the audience appreciates the BJ mention. Again ... shut UP Carly, no need for you to speak/interject in the moment. I rolled my eyes at Chase giving Sam the news about Brad and Lucas in person - it was only meant for Nelle, to show that she really doesn't care about L&B and get pissed off that Michael is taking care of Wiley/Jonah. Chase apparently doesn't get that Sam barely cares about her brother. And why would he tell her about Lucas but not mention that the other driver tried to murder her mother but Alexis is recovering. I see Julian is picking up where Michael left off about speaking inappropriately to little "Wiley" about Lucas; he has zero control over Lucas waking up or recovering. I also rolled my eyes at Sonny's line about "daddy-daughter bonding" because he's feeding Donna her bottle.
  7. He's the reason Jax's airplane crashed and people were wondering if Jax died. (Remember the scene of Alexis going off on Carly and handing her the CarJax divorce papers when Carly was all 'we need to keep the kids away from Sonny'?) Joss really wouldn't have both of her parents in her life full-time if the airplane tampering had gotten him killed. It's absurd she doesn't know about that. She should loathe Sonny.
  8. Totally agree with you about the other points, but for this one Julian wasn't an idiot. Bobbie asked him to sit with Lucas and made it seem like she would be gone for 10 to 30 min. He closed the door before he started speaking out loud to Lucas, thinking it was a private "conversation." Then within approx. 2 min the door had been opened without a sound and Bobbie was in the doorway with Brad in the wheelchair. That made me roll my eyes.
  9. Daytime media posted an article recently and apparently Shen confirmed it on Facebook while thanking everyone at GH for the memories.
  10. Today's show was the best use of Bobbie I've seen in many years, as worried mother and knowledgeable nurse. By all means, Carly, unload your history of entitled anger toward Julian and Ava on innocent Willow when all she did was feel bad for an obviously distraught Julian for a moment. I was already disgusted that she wanted Jax to be "chivalrous" by offering to clean up after a Thanksgiving dinner he wasn't even invited to attend. One piece of pie does not equal obligation, you self absorbed [insert favorite Carly insult here]. Also gotta love how she wants Lucas to get better for her newborn daughter's first Christmas - instead of the logical point that his legal son Wiley needs him to recover. UGH. Best part: Wiley being all smiley and adorable with Michael, Sasha and Willow. Worst part: Nikolas being a POS to Ava after he got the nurse to assure Ava that the mystery pills would be good for her.
  11. I see the news that PS - the Brad actor - is leaving GH. I guess that must mean the baby switch storyline wraps up in December?
  12. During Emily's funeral, Tracy apologized to Monica for her behavior re: Emily because Emily didn't deserve it, and explained that she had resented how people compared "Emily to mother." Yes, Tracy was not nice to AJ but the specific incident regarding Elizabeth was when Tracy recorded a conversation/confrontation with AJ about how he slept with Carly when he had just started dating Elizabeth, and used it to blackmail AJ. I think she also encouraged Nikolas (post affair) to pursue Elizabeth again if he still had feelings for her, when AJ wanted to date Elizabeth. As for today: Jax rocks for irritating Sonny. Carly, blech and Sonny, blech. I wanted to wretch at Curtis asking Sonny of all people for relationship advice. Curtis, do you know how many times those two cheated on each other and divorced and re-married? Do. Not. Aspire. to that toxic mess. NLG did a really good job today, and I liked the Neil/Alexis/Kristina scene if I ignore Sonny, I will guess from the preview of Bobbie's teary eyed phone call outside a hospital room that Lucas is out of surgery and in that room in a coma/unconscious. Does being with an "attending" mean Brad is injured but not as seriously as Lucas?
  13. A) So true. When Brook was being a bitch to Lulu and talking about about how Dante was the "nicest guy in the world," I wanted Lulu to bring up the specific point that Brook went beyond "trying to seduce" Dante - she did in fact drug him and is guilty of attempted rape, which is a crime. Monica, Ned and Olivia should have overheard that. Especially Ned. The comparisons to Tracy don't work for me because JE always played her as a character with layers and feelings whereas Brook comes off as an entitled brat who would literally do anything for money, including commit a serious crime against her childhood friend/ "the nicest guy in the world." If Olivia or Lulu wanted to make a good point about Brook's values, how about the fact that she didn't bother to show up for "Daddy" and Olivia's wedding. (I don't think Brook was even mentioned before, during or after it.) B) Agree about the chemistry, but what I don't understand is why Robert has been harder on/more judgmental of Finn (who hasn't done anything wrong) in the last 6+ months of A&F's relationship than he was when SIL Patrick actually cheated on his beloved daughter Robin, or on Duke when Anna was in a relationship with him and he was engaging in genuine criminal behavior in association with Sonny.
  14. Not likely. Olivia has made it pretty clear she thinks Lulu should have shredded the divorce papers and should be praying every day for the next 20 years if that's what it takes, for Dante's restored mental health so that their marriage can get back on track. In her mind, any man (who's not a blood relative) filling the void in Rocco's life left by Dante, or Lulu even looking at another man instead of praying for Dante's return, is completely unacceptable. Olivia is fine with Lulu having fun with Rocco or other family or her "bff Maxie." Her freaking out is about anything romantic/sexual that is or may be going on with Lulu.
  15. A) Totally agree. Given the many, many, many references to Danny and Scout being "at the Quartermaines" I had hoped for a little sweet scene between Grandma Monica and Scout. So I rolled my eyes hard at the reference to Scout being "so excited" that Jason was taking the kids to see the Rockettes. I don't believe for a second Jason has ever even heard of the Rockettes. For him, doing something special would be their Aunt Molly hosts the holiday and she and TJ teach them all about the origins of Thanksgiving while he sits silently in the background, blinking. B) It would be most dramatic if Lucas remembers Brad's confession on Christmas Eve while they are participating in a grand Corinthos Family Christmas.
  16. Hated the Q Thanksgiving scenes. The only moment that worked and didn't come off as totally manufactured drama was Brook and Lulu screaming at each other "she's not my family!" Brook hating on Lulu like they were high school enemies just last week is such a bad look for the character. What writer decided that Sonny, Carly and Joss should be the ones to explain to Sasha why the Qs have pizza for Thanksgiving?! The only bright spot for me is knowing that Carly will feel like crap that Lucas and Brad were in an accident because she insisted they had to come to Thanksgiving dinner because Sonny is sad that Mike had to be returned to his residential facility. Of course Michael skips the Qs and everyone rallies together for poor poor Sonny. UGH. Robert, when both Anna and your daughter have to tell you to stand down re: Finn, you should realize you have issues to work out. The Finn and Violet scenes continue to be adorable and are the only good thing about this episode ... unless you count the dramatic "Wiley is Michael and Nelle's!" right before the crash. I assume they hit Kendra a split second before she was able to run over Alexis.
  17. That scene is from the perspective of FrancoDrew and Elizabeth, both of whom did not AJ and Jason when they were in boarding school and did not know Monica back then either. "Drew" only had the experience of his childhood 'mother' sending him away to an orphanage and had a certain perception of Monica based on what he'd read. So after having conversations with her, he now has an impression that she is a loving mother and would have been good to him. Elizabeth only knew Monica as a mother in the context of raising Emily when the boys were young adults. In her experience of seeing adult AJ with Monica and adult Jason at least around Monica from time to time, she believes Monica has been a good mother.
  18. I was moved by Vernee Watson-Johnson's acting in the scenes with both Mike and TJ - I feel she's MVP of the Monday episode. I also realized I only find Carly tolerable/likable in her scenes with Mike. Out of Stella, Carly and Sonny in the Mike scenes, I found Sonny the least compelling in showing quiet/restrained grief at Mike's decline. Monica's response to Elizabeth's question is such an insult to Drew's memory. UGH. I was more than a little shocked that FrancoDrew has awareness of Scout. Hey Monica, you do realize that his offer to let you have stuff from Drew's locker for "Drew's daughter" means he's not actually Drew, right? Hey Julian, FrancoDrew didn't make promises to Kim and she is the wrecking ball. You need to get over the thoughtless, selfish, nasty b. pronto dude. I'm seriously grossed out that Josslyn put her hair on that nasty classroom floor. Also, stop trying to make Dev happen, Show.
  19. And Carly, and Courtney before her, etc. He's had enough of incompetent nuNik especially after Nik used his credit card; seems like Nina pouring her heart out about Valentin just got to him some more.
  20. I love how Monica said the kids need stability so they should stay at her house while Sam is in prison, and Jason try not to get yourself thrown in jail or killed because you're an only parent. However, I did not like her referring to Drew being deceased like he was some neighbor she barely knew instead of a man she wanted to claim as her son. Also Jason, Scout will not be fine if she sees Danny is fine because her real father who was an active parent is presumed dead and she barely saw her mother before Mommy went on trial. For me the teary Danny-Jason scene fell flat because we've never seen Sam have any loving parental moments with this re-cast Danny (and no parental moments with Scout in probably a couple years now). I credit the young actor for doing his best to play restrained heartbreak though when Burton was attempting to emote. I liked seeing Carly not tolerating Sonny's petulance about Jax and pointing out that his record of infidelity and being a flirt is uglier than hers in the history of their relationship. Also liked Finn confirming what I thought he was trying to convey recently: Hayden can't be trusted and he isn't sure he can ever forgive her lying about/withholding Violet all this time. She totally deserved to see Anna and Finn kissing - a confirmation that her attempts have failed.
  21. Eric was telling someone over the phone that he couldn't tell Maggie right now, but because of the show's music I'm not sure if he called the person "Honey" or "Buddy." Can anyone clarify? The actor who plays Rome rocked the scenes with the PJ actor. I felt his fear of losing this young man to suicide after losing John to suicide and then also losing his mother so suddenly recently. I almost laughed at the winter preview of Delilah insisting to Sophie "I did NOT kill your father." Good to know she's furious with her mother too and not blaming everything on Eddie. Totally understand why she wanted to destroy the guitars though.
  22. While it was Carly's idea, Brook was an adult who willingly targeted, lied to, drugged, and attempted to rape the guy she claimed was her longtime/childhood friend. Carly offered her money to go after Dante, not a life-saving medicine for a terminal disease . Brook was not afraid her Q family was going to be murdered if she did not comply. What I don't like is Brook first shrugging off what she did with Dante - which is exactly what happened when her stepmom/Dante's mother brought up her going after another woman's man - and then threw a dig at Dante's now ex-wife. In other words, Brook is still acting like a low-life and she's only been back a day. Also the way she spoke to Julian at certain points plus the phone call he overheard, I totally get why he thought she was a prostitute. I don't think the Georgie/Lulu/Diego stuff is remotely comparable because they were teenagers. From what I recall and read, Georgie and Dillon were kids who got marriage because they thought he was terminally ill. That is not the same as an adult, committed relationship where a third party one of the two people trusted tried to commit a crime against the trusting person.
  23. Lulu never did anything to deserve walking in on Brook trying to rape her boyfriend (now ex-husband) Dante, and Lulu and Dante have been through a lot together as a couple since then before this painful decision to divorce. Brook knows nothing about their relationship or divorce. She reminds me of Carly making a dig about Sam or Elizabeth re: Jason, or of Kim trying to rape Drew then sleeping with FrancoDrew and shading Elizabeth. A former attempted rapist doesn't get a pass on her actions and then trash talking her almost victim's now ex-wife just because she's a Quartermaine.
  24. No, she's insinuating that Lulu accepting that Dante wants a divorce makes her not truly committed to/not good enough for Dante IMO. I know what Olivia said. I thought Ned should have tossed Brook out for commenting about Dante's marriage when she hasn't been around and doesn't know what the F has been going on, and for being insta-buddy buddy with Sonny again.
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