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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. I wanted her to really lay on the guilt for the pain he's caused Laura. Elizabeth and Laura are close, so Elizabeth witnessed how Laura suffered thinking her first born was dead and worried over/ took responsibility for Spencer. She could have spoken of empathizing with Laura's pain because she remembers how she grieved as a mother during the years Jake was believed to be deceased. Maybe Elizabeth is just so beat down emotionally from everything that has happened and is happy to have a friend again. In the last three years her friends have consisted of Kim, Drew, and sometimes when the show was desperate, Epiphany. I strongly believe that her isolation and feelings of loss are partly responsible for her getting together with Franco in the first place. Can someone get Robin to visit Port Charles and yell at Nikolas, please? While she's here, she can say hey mom, I really don't care if Peter is my brother or my cousin, hey dad stay out of Mom and Finn's relationship, and ask Uncle Mac to at least try to knock some sense into Maxie over her life choices since Felicia is useless for anything but praise of Maxie.
  2. @GHScorpiosRule, are those two GIFs about my disappointment, or your reaction to Elizabeth and nuNik's reunion scenes?
  3. I had hoped to see real outrage and hurt from Elizabeth upon finding out Nikolas chose to stay away and plot, and then hide at Jax's place. "You're supposed to be dead." Really, writers?? I suppose it can be said that Elizabeth is de-sensitized to people coming back from the dead after Lucky, Robin, and Jason have all returned to her life but I was expecting more emotion/drama. NuNik greets her like she's a long-time friend/old flame he lost touch with a year or two ago. I suppose this is hard on Herbst too that TC is having serious personal problems so she has to act with a re-cast. (I remember in an interview she once said, "Tyler will always be Nikolas to me.") When does Elizabeth get to find out that Hayden left town because Nikolas paid some guys to scare her away? I've had enough with the "godfather" anvils about Michael making sure Wiley is taken care of, out with the secret already. And I almost laughed when Jordan asked Jason if he and Sonny had made a/nother enemy. Well Jordan, you've seen Sonny and Jason's sparkly, kind and endearing personalities - who could possibly have a problem with either of them?
  4. Liz committed the unforgivable crime of being (at that time, if not now) a woman Jason's still attracted to, and being the first woman to actually have Jason's child. It seems like deep down Carly yearned to believe that if Jason and Sam were ever truly done, she and Jason would end up together. Carly couldn't handle it that when Jason was apart from Sam and chose to get sexually involved with another woman, it was Elizabeth - not her. Carly told Jason a long time ago that he should have been Michael's father. No matter how hard Carly tries to ignore facts, AJ will always be Michael's biological father. Carly screamed about Elizabeth throwing herself at Jason and getting pregnant, which Jason told her was not true. Carly was practically oozing rage and jealousy, even more so than Sam, that Jason willing slept with Elizabeth and she is the mother of his elder son. Yes she was mad that Jason kept the truth of Jake's paternity a secret, but her real problem was that she felt Elizabeth got everything she had ever wanted. You're not wrong though that Carly expects any woman in Jason's life to give her the "proper" respect of being superior and his first priority. Thankfully Elizabeth doesn't care about that "standard" because she has a life. Back when Burton returned to GH, I think Carly would have dumped Sonny to get with Jason in a heartbeat if he decided to try to move on from Sam had Sam decided to be with Drew permanently. But not now, since they have brought Dev into the home and they had baby Donna aka Morgan's replacement.
  5. A) I totally agree. Finn being correct and Anna taking him seriously (both sounding like real adults!) was good to see. B) It was amazing; I very highly doubt Carly truly meant it but she sees Sonny being in a moment of real fear of his father dying and simultaneously remembering how scared he was of losing Robin to HIV. Not a good moment to say something snarky. C) Yes. The implication seems to be (since Avery definitely knows who her mommy is) that Sonny doesn't want to see Avery crying/heartbroken over her mother dying. I think he sorta admires what Ava has done, as it's not too different from when Sonny married No. 1 Carly reincarnated, aka Sarah Brown as Claudia Z. to gain power.
  6. You'll also appreciate that Robert told them he doesn't do favors for the Mob. When he told them he'd take care of their problem if they get/give him proof of Peter's crimes,, Sam started smiling like she thinks they can totally handle that. Diane basically said to Jason "fat chance" re: getting proof when Sam left, and Jason was like "you're right, but it's something to keep her busy." Sonny was talking about Mike and remembering when Robin was diagnosed HIV+, he was terrified she was going to die. He said how well Robin is doing now, and Carly said yes her story is incredible but Mike's situation is not the same... she was trying to say as gently as possible you can't save Mike from this illness (he's pinning hopes on this experimental procedure from the paper Gladys gave him; UGH at him calling her an 'unreliable source').
  7. Diane talking to Robert like Sam is a poor, poor victim of a super meanie parole officer is vomit-inducing. "Sam's not innocent. Living outside the law has consequences." HA! Sam's bitchface to Robert was hilarious. I loved Robert's 'if he's not going to give up Sonny, why do I care?' reaction. Um, Jason, you can't "give up" Peter August when you weren't working with him and don't have proof. At least Robert said they have to give him proof if they want his help. I am stunned that Robin was mentioned in a conversation between Sonny and Carly and Carly actually admitted that Robin's story is "incredible." I am also stunned that I liked an Anna and Finn conversation; points to Finn for his accurate, well-deserved dig at Jason. Glad to see that Anna does actually have her head in reality re: Peter and maybe Alex. Angry Maxie is the very best Maxie; the conversation between her and Nina was well done. First once I didn't hate an Ava-Sonny conversation; he actually seemed to grudgingly admire her. Yay for Elizabeth confronting Nikolas tomorrow!
  8. This. It's in keeping with Carly's history, though. In 2019, she was talking to Lucas at Julian's bar and had the audacity to snap at Julian for hearing/commenting on their conversation. I also recall when Carly decided to leave Sonny because they thought his bomb order killed Morgan, Carly said something to Josslyn about leaving, in their living room in front of Sonny. Sonny asked her about it, and Carly's response was "I was talking to my daughter." Back in 2006, Carly was screaming "Come on, Robin!" because - while on duty in her own public hotel - she wanted Robin to physically fight her about their history with Jason. Yes Robin said something because she was worried about Jason, but Carly just had to escalate because she has always felt Jason belonged to her.
  9. I never for a moment thought she loves Nik. Ava was clearly trying to show she's in charge, She was having fun dropping the "we're married" bombshell on Alexis, but I also wonder if she wanted Nik to get the message "don't even try to get your attorney aunt to handle me so you can get out of our deal." I caught a hint of NLG being sad that she's acting with a Nikolas not played by TC; they truly seemed like strangers in that scene. I think it must be tougher on NLG than GF because NLG acted with TC during the years when GF was not part of the cast. No, Robert wants to hear what they have to say. Sam claims they have a "proposal" for him. Valentin is still at the PCPD, feeling confident his lawyer is going to get him released at any moment. Robert blew him off when he was demanding to know why Nikolas isn't in a jail cell. I thought he would roll his eyes about how smug Valentin is acting about trying to pressure Robert to let him go.
  10. MVP of today's episode is NLG/Alexis, for telling Ava to knock off the "star-crossed lovers crap" and then turning to Nikolas and demanding to know what's going on. I really enjoyed her yelling at Sam and Jason first. Naturally Sam barely seems to care that Nikolas is alive, but hey she remembered Drew existed, so I guess there's that? Of course Carly thinks Jason and Sam should figure out a way to get around rules or get leverage against Sam's parole officer. But Sam, just because Carly calls you doesn't mean you're required to show up on command. I totally believe Sam is worried about being separated from her kids again. I rolled my eyes that the leather twins went straight to Robert for help. I want someone to tell/remind Robert that Sam went to Patrick begging him to save Jason's life right after the lab explosion that left everyone thinking Robin was dead and Patrick was still in shock from it. Does ER think she's acting on a stage and has to project out to the back row?? Nina crying over Valentin and Charlotte to "Aunt Leisl" is not a good look. She practically said "poor, poor Valentin." Ugh. Valentin smirking over attempted murder of Ava as he said "of course not" to his lawyer and his lawyer being totally fine with it/saying he'll push to have those charges dropped reminds me of how Sonny and Diane talk to each other.
  11. I think he already knows that, but unfortunately Jax has white knight syndrome. This reminds me of him "saving" Brenda when she was devastated over Sonny. Nina is the latest damsel. Jax should never want to be with someone who has such low self-respect/standards that she has repeatedly gotten back together with a loser like Valentin ... but then I've said the same thing about Carly re: Sonny. Neither Carly nor Nina is anywhere close to being a "catch" no matter how hard the Show tries to enforce that b.s.
  12. He didn't; Anna quietly persuaded him to use his strengths and tell Charlotte to go to her mother (Charlotte did NOT want to.) The only thing I didn't like about GF's scene(s) was Laura's horrified line that she never thought she'd say Nikolas was acting like a Cassadine. I'm thinking Laura, dear, he already had an affair with your other son's fiance almost a decade ago and lied about it easily. He also tried to have Hayden killed a few years ago. You just weren't around then to see and have to acknowledge the ugliness of his behavior.
  13. Holy overacting, ER. Good use of FH though, given Anna's history with Valentin. Another day of GF being an all-star. Laura's words clearly upset Ava since MW plays Ava as having respect for Laura. I can't decide whether Peter or Maxie wins in a test of who is more stupid. Jordan is a close second behind them; she just got lucky today. Nina's tears at the end over Valentin are why I can't feel sorry for her. In addition to being a remorseless pathetic loser he's not actually a good father anymore than Sonny is a good father. Waking his daughter late at night when her life isn't in danger and trying to leave town with her because he's in trouble is bad parenting. The holding onto Charlotte like she's an insurance policy and demanding to know if Nikolas is in custody just made him look worse if that's possible. Nina reminded me of when Carly has cried over her kids and kept on "loving Sonny," while knowing exactly who and what he is. Nina doesn't need a bottle of booze, she needs a really good therapist. I HATE that Alexis finds out about Nikolas being alive from Carly. (Don't care about Sam.)
  14. You should definitely watch. GF showed the full range of Laura's shock, fury, and sadness/disappointment/despair over Nikolas. It's also nice that someone remembered Alexis was mourning too since Nikolas has not said her name once. I wondered if Laura would slap him again when he said, "I won."
  15. Genie Francis really rocked it in her first scene with nuNikolas, other than that half-hearted, lamest slap in the history of GH. I also liked Kevin stopping Lulu and saying let her speak. Other than the weepy face, Valentin very strongly reminded me of Sonny today with showing zero remorse to the room of people, accusing Nina of being manipulated by Jax, Nikolas, and Leisl and stalking out in anger/self-pity. I guess he genuinely thinks Nikolas is lying about the whole "You're not Stavros' kid, you're Helena's" thing. Looks like the assault of Peter in the preview is Valentin trying to kidnap Charlotte and take off. Of course. I liked the cliffhanger that Ava and Nik are supposed to get married! Points to GF for her reactionary expression. If Nina and Ava are supposed to be co-conspirators right now, why wasn't Nina furious that Nikolas tried to kill Ava that night? I guess I can fanwank that her tears are disappointment that Valentin is truly cold-blooded and can't stop lying, I cringed at the Dev-Joss kiss, my eyes my eyes. I am seriously wondering now if Dev is actually into Cam, or attracted to both of them. Gotta love that Jasam and Carson weren't on today!!
  16. Spencer is her nephew, who grew up in extravagance with his father, her brother Nikolas. Spencer is a brat; whether Lulu consciously acknowledges that could be debated. Valentin and Charlotte replaced Nikolas in Spencer in Wydemere after Valentine "killed" Nikolas. Valentin makes it clear to Charlotte that Wyndemere is her real home and he and Nina are her parents whereas she's just visiting the hosue when she's with her mother and brother Rocco. Lulu lives a middle-class life with her son while her daughter gets to have the life of a spoiled princess and Valentine doesn't even pretend to respect Lulu. This reminds me of when Nikolas asked Elizabeth to move in to Wydemere, with Cam and Jake when she was pregnant with Aiden because they thought Aiden was his. Nikolas made a point to Liz that"our child" will see the difference between his mother and two older brothers' lifestyle, versus lifestyle with father and Spencer. She got offended when he said he could take care of things financially for all 3 of her children. He also arranged a lavish breakfast for the two of them and the three boys, and Elizabeth expressed discomfort because her kids were used to cereal. Nikolas did care about and respect Elizabeth, but he handled things poorly (partly due to residual jealousy of Lucky IMO). Whereas Valentin doesn't care about or respect Lulu and her son. He just tolerates their presence in his life because Charlotte genuinely loves her mom, and I guess also Rocco.
  17. I was hopeful that they would burst in for a cliffhanger, and I'm glad I wasn't disappointed. I'm sad that Laura *still* didn't suspect Nikolas could be alive. That was a genuinely shocked look I saw, mixed with the tears. I kept thinking, Nina is looking around at the what, 10 guests?, as she walked slowly down the aisle and didn't notice/wasn't concerned not to see Ava?! After they've been plotting together and Nina knows Valentin sees Ava as a potential threat? Brook is such an immature brat. Shut up: Michael. You and Ned are not close and the Qs sure as shit are not worse about the lying than your Corinthos fam. You really are a SLS as @GHScorpiosRule has pointed out. Jason and Sam. He is, in fact, a felon as his attorney pointed out and the drama/Sam's tears about breaking up for the kids' sake so Sam doesn't go back to prison....GAG. Hey Sam, the man you claimed to love and married just a couple years ago was not a felon and you had a happy home. Just sayin.' But...you didn't want to wear a skirt. So there's that.
  18. Alexis has a psych/emotional pathology as a result of growing up with Mikkos as a father. She feared him and Helena and yet was dependent on them. She was attracted to someone/thing toxic as a result. In time, she has owned up to being a dumbass who makes bad choices about men. That was the origin of her recent therapy storyline. Whereas Carly had a stable upbringing and has been in an off-again, on-again relationship/marriage with Sonny over the years because she likes the authority of being associated with him and his money. She got back together with him even after her first-born got shot in the head because someone was trying to get revenge on Sonny. Then a Mob-world bombing/revenge mess, with Ava's stupidity mixed in, resulted in the presumed death of her second son. She and Sonny got back together yet again and have had another child together.
  19. I had the same thought - Julian is not legally family. Bobbie and the late Tony Jones adopted Lucas, so Bobbie should be the one filling out paperwork as legal mother of Lucas if not his husband Brad. LOL that Sonny is upset "Carly is doing something with Jax." Gasp, the horror. I seriously thought Sonny's spy was going to say "OMG, boss, Jax and Carly hugged, it's possible she's being unfaithful." I also laughed at Valentin eavesdropping on Ava and the dismayed, exasperated look on his face at realizing the codocil must still exist/be an issue. But Ava beaming with joy about Valentin's expected downfall at the wedding is pretty funny. I assume that Nelle somehow arranged the alert about Shiloh's memorial. Ugh at Sam's perpetual bitchface.
  20. I have thought the child actor playing Jake (Hudson something) is talented, so I don't know what happened with that scene. He acts what is written for him, so I guess the reunion moment with Franco was lazily/poorly written.
  21. You are NOT alone at your table. ITA with you, including the numbered points. Also, Franco reuniting with Jake was a failed moment to me because a) we never saw Jake's devastated reaction to Franco being gone - he's hasn't been on-screen since Aiden's b-day party in the spring and b) Jake acted like it was no big deal to have Franco back (no tears of joy, no giant I-missed-you hug). He behaved like Franco had just been out of their lives for a week on business. Of Elizabeth's children, Franco had the strongest relationship with *Jake.* And I call bullshit on Cam claiming it's a perfect Christmas except for his community service. How about, I just miss having Aiden here too. Good to see Tracy! I liked her dig at Michael, lol.
  22. Lucky left the family when Aiden was a baby, and has seen him only once in person briefly since then - during Geary's retirement storyline. I liked the mention because it shows that Lucky has thought about and wants to see Aiden, after a year or so of Aiden feeling bullied/rejected by classmates and their families. Elizabeth's comment about Cam telling Aiden he should go shows that he loves his brother and wants him to have memories of/ a relationship with (their dad) Lucky. The implication is that Lucky either knows about the mess with FrancoDrew and Franco's "restoration" or he will hear about it in detail while spending time with Aiden and how Cam wants to be by Elizabeth's side through all of this. No way would Cam feel comfortable going off to spend time with a Dad he just has vague memories of, when he feels responsible for what happened to Franco and wants to be there with his Mom to help manage Franco's transition back home - especially since Drew isn't around anymore. (Also, the Show has not been consistent since JJ left as to whether Cam is still considered to be Lucky's son, I guess since he never officially adopted him.) As for Jake, well he's Jason's son. There's no way the Show is going to have Jake get invited/want to see Lucky since he hasn't spent any significant time with him since age (almost) 4. Jake has been seen loving Franco, Drew and Jason as his fathers in the past four years or so.
  23. What?!? I skipped GH (I figured it would be a boring episode) to go see "The Rise of Skywalker" and I miss a mention of Lucky re: fatherhood?? Well, thanks for the heads up Ulkis!
  24. I thought Charlotte showed Laura Nik's picture on Lulu's phone. Why would Nina have a picture of Valentin's "dead" enemy on her phone? She and Valentin got together after Nikolas was presumed dead, and Charlotte didn't know/have a relationship with Nikolas for Nina to have his picture on her phone for Charlotte's sake.
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