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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. Zoey looked not pleased to see this woman and boy with Gunnar when she came home. I'll be surprised if she doesn't break up with him. Luke is an ass. His envy/jealousy of Deacon in music, and with Rayna and Maddie, is simmering just under the surface of that ever-present "I'm awesome" smile. Rayna and Teddy are both being idiots - yes, getting a nanny is totally the solution. Maddie needs counseling!! She just gets a pat on the head from Deacon? Grr. Also, poor Daphne. :( I do feel for both girls that their mom just sucks. Her big concern is not getting her due individual recognition apart from her connection to Luke? Ugh. Glad to see Juliette go and speak firmly with Avery, no more crying for forgiveness. Avery, dear, she meant she doesn't want you to be irresponsible in her life/a half-assed father to this child. She was not asking you to marry her. Hope he is really going to man up and quit the pity party.
  2. But this means he'll probably accidentally shoot Carly,Kiki, or Felix instead and I'm good with any of those options.
  3. Essentially cousins, because Tony was Maxie's (bio father) Frisco's brother, and he and Bobbie adopted Lucas. As far as I know, Maxie was not related to Cheryl or Julian Jerome in any way.
  4. Yeesh Michael is terrible. Glad that Len set him straight. Being a Nascar guy should not give Michael a free pass to come back every week, given his utter lack of ability and effort. Antonio's not so good, but at least he's trying. Tommy just looks old and confused. Lea's dance with Artem was gorgeous!! Janel and Val's was quite entertaining; she was obviously having a lot of fun in the role. Shocked that Val was fully dressed. Alfonso dances so beautifully - that "Ghost" was a fantastic number. This emphasis on Sadie as young, innocent girl from a Christian family is a real turn-off, but Mark is an awesome choreographer. Loved his costume, too. LOVE Lea in front for the Itsy Bitsy group dance. She's fabulous. Alfonso as a mime is so much fun to watch!! Yeah Pita, we're also shocked that people haven't eliminated your partner. But really, Michael should be the one to go.
  5. Unfortunately, Michael doesn't have the history/the actor doesn't have the stage presence to give the kind of smackdown Sonny deserves. Also, his view of right and wrong in the world is forever warped as a result of being raised by Sonny and Carly. Monica has the most right to a smackdown, but she's been worn out by loss, LC's cosmetic procedures have only done harm in her ability to be expressive, and Sonny just sees her as an old woman who can't actually do anything to him. My point was that Ned would do well in a tirade at Sonny for all the ways the Q Family, and some of his friends, have been wronged by Sonny in the last 20 years or so. He is definitely capable of getting loud and nasty, Ned and Sonny have overlapping history (and he's mentioned to Olivia he thinks Ned's a decent guy), sooo ... Sonny might actually appear ashamed for a second or two. Ned could end with how his cousin Michael, whom he truly cares for/respects, has been robbed of a father he loved and was building a relationship with because Sonny is selfish, violent, and narcissistic to the core. Sonny couldn't stand feeling like he was in competition with Michael's rightful father, so he killed him. It was never about "Connie" because Sonny never had proof AJ was the killer.
  6. Yeah, I def. think they want us to remember that tattoo (from David's almost-hit-and-run driver) because the camera lingered on it for a moment as the dude helped Charlotte "Clarke" into the car. I was all "she's too stupid to live" when tattoo dude told her he couldn't believe he was going home with Charlotte Grayson.
  7. I thought for sure when David was in the beach house having flashbacks to his young self and little Amanda, that he would flash to seeing the framed photo of little Amanda and little Jack when he broke into the mansion to stab Emily Thorne - and then we'd get an "OMG" flash of recognition in his eyes. He didn't even ask to hold little Carl, which I thought was very odd. I wonder if he was testing Nolan when he asked why Amanda was living above a bar - maybe he was looking for confirmation that the woman who died was an imposter? I saw the preview second of David and Nolan, but I assumed it was David being furious that this kid he trusted didn't immediately 'fess up that Amanda is alive and out there in the world. Charlotte wasn't trying to help David and doesn't actually care about him. She took David to see Jack and Carl so Jack would feel uncomfortable and possibly guilty. I think she just likes the idea of a daddy upgrade because she has realized Conrad was a monster. I suppose it's way too much to hope that both Daniel and Charlotte get killed thanks to their own stupidity (re: the opposite sex)?
  8. "her shade of bitch, "Clarke-blocking us" - I sooo love GM's delivery of Nolan's lines. Awesome. Plus Nolan is displaying way more common sense/intelligence than Emily. I swear Daniel is dumber than a box of rocks, while still being an entitled ass. I was really disappointed that car didn't take aim at Vic and Charlotte. And Charlotte acting like David is a father she knows and loves just makes me roll me eyes. Charlotte really is working hard to be just like her mommy. I felt bad for Jack, and David. David REALLY is not all there. I love how everyone around David conveniently did not speak about the fact that Emily Thorne, who "had Victoria locked up in an institution", was Amanda's close friend. Amused by Vic's tears that her control over David is not absolute.
  9. Ned's had scenes with some of Sonny's victims (Michael, Olivia, Monica- mother of his late cousins) recently so I have a tiny bit of hope that maybe he will issue a loud, at least semi-public smackdown of Sonny, that Michael will witness, once the truth about AJ getting murdered comes out. Ned was around way back when, so he's in a better position to do it. Sonny ruined Ned's dear friend Brenda in a lot of ways; Ned witnessed that. Sonny illegally adopted his cousin AJ's son, has gotten said son shot in the head and raped, murdered AJ in cold blood, and is in-directly responsible for both Jason and Emily's deaths. I'd love for Ned to point that out - Sonny took advantage of a young man with brain damage, and eventually Jason 'died' "on the job" when got shot at the pier. Diego murdered Emily as revenge on Jason for his work for Sonny. Sonny has also f'ed up Ned's friend Jax's life (like attempted murder), almost blew up his friend Alexis' daughter, and cheated on his friend Olivia. Then, Sonny and Carly realize Michael has heard all of this, immediately attempt damage control, and all Michael has to say is "You don't speak to me; you two are dead to me. The only place I ever want to see you again is in prison in Pentonville."
  10. Possibly, but in his place I'd find it very difficult considering Tracy walked in on FauxLuke holding a gun on Ned, but took FauxLuke's side because in not trusting her (re: ELQ) due to her commitment to FauxLuke, he hurt her pride. She also talks like Luke running down and killing little Jake was an oopsie fender bender, which makes her look horrible.
  11. I know she talked about the way Jason "died" after explaining that he was her friend who was also Jake's bio father. I assumed "we" was a reference to Jason's f&f not getting closure (no body). Her telling NuJason about Faison is fine with me; she should still despise the psycho after what he (and Helena) put her and the Spencers through with Lucky's "death" when she was just a teenager. I get that people think Sam should tell him, but she knows nothing about Faison aside from whatever info she got from McBain or Anna. The only (non-crazy) people in Port Charles right now who have previous experience with Faison's brand of evil are Anna, Mac, and Elizabeth. It's not Elizabeth's place to tell this amnesiac patient that Jason and his wife had been separated until shortly before he died, about the horror and drama re: baby Danny, etc. On a related note: I really hate how it's been swept aside that Jason was a terrible husband from the time of their honeymoon until he saved Danny from Heather, how he repeatedly treated Sam like she wasn't a priority above Sonny's fam/their 'biz' before that, how he threatened to kill her if she ever endangered Liz, Cam and Jake again. I HATE Sam crying to Patrick and saying "I'm sorry for crying to you about how great Jason was." Us too, because it's bull.
  12. That was when she was dealing with the agony of Lucky "death" in the fire and Jason was her friend. She painted wind after going for a ride on Jason's motorcycle to forget the pain. It was a really difficult time in the life of a young woman, so I resent the memory of that being used in the context of 'Franco's art studio" considering the pain that sociopath caused Liz, her family, and Jason and his friends and family. To me that says, who really gives a shit about any of these legacy characters, their history, their complexities - Franco is the one who matters. The writers have definitely crossed the line into overkill where Liz and NuJason are concerned, and associating Liz's love of, and history with, art with "Franco the artist" is just despicable.
  13. Very true, Heatlifer. Sonny having the audacity to re-enter the Q crypt and go straight to Jason's spot to ask him to talk some sense into Carly about NotTodd!Franco makes me wish that spot he's standing on would go up in flames since Jason is now back-from-the-dead. Even I had to roll my eyes at NuJason wanting Elizabeth to paint him something - enough with the milking of their history, show. Um, how about NOT in the 'art therapy' studio of the psycho who had Elizabeth's newborn son kidnapped, dude. I did like her explanation of why Dr. O likes "Franco." I'm also amused that NuJason's eyes didn't light up/smile when Carly walked in. His expression was like, "Yeah? What? Do you need something?" as LW was doing her best 'Carly feels emotional at seeing Jason again even though he has a stranger's face.'
  14. I'd say that's about accurate. The last time I recall seeing him was when Kevin and Mac were sitting on the floor of the Floating Rib, making amends after the bar fight. Speaking of Mac ...these writers have an organic way to tell the Jason-back-to-life story and use legacy characters in the process so of course they're not going to do it. I would think by now Mac knows from Anna that Robin was really at that clinic up 'til recently and why, that she's not coming back to Emma, etc.. I could see him having a beer and being very upset that his beloved niece is not returning to PC to be with her whole family, especially Emma. Kevin has a drink with him, and Mac unloads the Robin info. in confidence. Kevin is working with NuJason to recover his memory, and starts to put the pieces together. I'm not saying Kevin would be all "Guess what! This guy Jake is really Jason, Robin succeeded!" BUT I think he could figure out that it was likely (based on where NuJason was found and his partial memories) this Jake guy came from that clinic and possibly benefited from the work Robin was doing. It could be great because actor JL has talent, Kevin knows/knew the Qs from his years working at the hospital, he has a lot of personal history with Robin's uncle and aunt, and can't stand Franco.
  15. I'm annoyed that Kevin Collins has not been used in the NuJason storyline yet. Dr. O wants him to be stop being such an expensive patient, give up any medical insurance info pronto - the first thing she should have done is demand that Kevin work with NuJason to get his memory working.But NO, logic can't factor into this. GH would rather relegate Kevin to the status of that husband Lucy humiliated because she supposedly can't resist pinhead/Chia hair Scott.
  16. Yes, Liz has boundary issues, no doubt. And wow, the nicest thing I can say about that J/C/AJ scene is that C's hair looked quite healthy. There is absolutely nothing entertaining or appealing about the three characters there. I had to roll my eyes at her assumption that he wanted a sexual favor in return for giving up his eggs. You and your husband were NOT all that.
  17. Dr. O said she was encouraging him to get strong/well/healthy, and not become flabby -- so it was essentially just more of her being her awful self and her way of motivating him to stop being an expensive burden on the hospital. This isn't the first time she's made such a comment - she made a dig to Britt about her weight, and not making an effort to be thin, when Ben/Rocco was a newborn. She can go DIAF with Sonny and Carly. And take her stupid daughter with her.
  18. Dr. O wanted to see 'Jakeson' to assert her authority and get on his case about specifically how much money he had cost the hospital. If he doesn't know his own full name, how could he possibly know about his/his family's medical insurance? I found that offensive, although it may be the least awful thing Dr. O has said or done. I thought, Go Liz when she was detailing Dr. O's criminal history to this patient. As for Nik's feelings - this is a guy who didn't feel so awful about stomping all over his own brother's feelings/heart because he was hot for Liz, and blasted his long-time friend/ex-lover Liz in front of a roomful of his own family and friends because he felt like a fool stupidly trusting Britt when he'd been warned, repeatedly. Nik has no problem using women, and doesn't care about anyone's feelings, so why should his be so important.
  19. I would like someone (I guess Dr. O would be in the best position to, but I loathe her) who witnessed that moment to say, "The same woman who didn't figure out she was kissing a latex mask instead of her great love thinks Michael couldn't possibly have valid concerns after talking to the woman his father's alleged killer loves and trusts?" Since you're obviously not going after the emotionally distraught daughter who needs you ... have a seat, Anna.
  20. I assume it's because Danny was still a baby/too young to say Momma, Daddy, yes, no etc. when played by the previous twins. I don't remember the previous Danny ever saying a word. He just made baby babble sounds and grabbed for objects.
  21. True, about what it says about Nik - but it says plenty about Britt that she chose to gloat to Liz in the middle of the police station during the kidnapping investigation, and complained to Brad about Liz being a "Debby Downer" by calling Nik to tell him his sister's missing, and thus ruining her seduction. As for Nik - it's been long established that he has loved and adored Lulu since she was a baby. He had a lot of anger and jealousy issues re: Laura and Lucky, but he loved Lulu from the moment he saw her in the crib. I see his feelings about his little sister and her family/happiness as a completely separate issue from his crappy parenting skills.
  22. A) Liz doesn't do it while hanging out in Brad's lab while he's working or while Britt is conducting an OBGYN exam on a patient. Those two feel a need to start w/ Liz while she's w/a patient, handling paperwork at the nurse's station, etc. For example, Liz said something like "Here you go, Britt" as she handed Britt a file and she snapped, "It's Dr. Westbourne to you." Also after Nik dumped Britt, Liz was alone dealing with files at the nurse's station, and Britt starts getting nasty toward her and Liz's response was simply something like "Harassing me isn't going to fix things between you and Nikolas." So Britt pouted and walked away to whine to Brad. B) ITA about the Carly and NotTodd!Franco upcoming non-wedding!!
  23. Well yeah - Britt wasn't living in Dante and Lulu home while actively deceiving them about their own family. Rubbing it in Britt's face was certainly not a mature move, but I feel like Britt pretty much deserved it for 'marking her territory' in front of Liz in the foyer prior to that, when Liz was there because of Cameron. Liz says she's getting to the truth about this baby (that Britt damn well knew wasn't hers) and Britt's response (instead of weakly defending herself in some way) was to bring the abandonment by their father of Liz's children into it. Also Nik's family. I thought Britt couldn't get more pathetic - until she offered Nik no-strings sex right before the phone call about Lulu. Then she brags to Liz that Nikolas was about to do her. Also, Britt has made it clear that she thinks she's superior to Liz, Sabrina, Epiphany, etc because she's a doctor while they're nurses. My biggest issue with the Brad/Liz/NuJason scene is Brad being gross/immature/inappropriate in a patient's room to a patient's face, and then sulking and leaving when it was clear NuJason wasn't interested in his attention.
  24. Liz does the bitchface and snark well, for sure, but I think on her worst day Brad and Britt are still 1,000 percent more loathsome. Brad for obvious reasons (yes, going after rape victim Michael for sex is on that list). I still want someone to give Britt a mega smackdown for taunting Liz about her ex abandoning their sons while standing in her 'beloved' Nikolas' home. Um, the people you're talking about are his brother and nephews, bitch. I love how Britt thinks she's an expert on the Nik, Lucky, Liz past when she didn't come to Port Charles until well after Lucky left town. Actually, Britt and Carly could work well as besties, if Morgan isn't in any of their scenes.
  25. Kiki has the cojones to say Franco is "honorable" - in front of Michael's brother. That sound you hear is my brain exploding. I'm actually surprised that The Nina told Silas she enjoyed trashing his place the night of the Nik&Britt engagement party. Guess that was the intro to her revenge for A) Ava and B) Sam. It's interesting to see Silas acting quiet hate/disgust instead of indifference. Josslyn is SO the daughter Carly deserves. Hahahahaha. Unless you're Carly, you get that you've sunk below pathetic when a child labels your wedding a joke.
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