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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. I thought Kim Mc played it like Robin felt Jason is a prisoner like she was, and she was his only hope (all the while being in denial that he's dramatically different from the guy she once loved). Then she sees Danny in the park, and thinks of how she's been reunited with her daughter but Jason will never get a chance to know his son if she doesn't at least try to bring him back to life. She hated the idea of leaving her daughter, but I figure she rationalized that Emma is a Devane-Scorpio and could survive her absence like she did during the times Anna was away from her. Yes, Robin didn't visit after the accident - but Emma wasn't injured, just shaken up, and had not developed an attachment to Sabrina's baby. The concept was just starting to become real to her. Sabrina wasn't living with them while she was pregnant. We didn't see Emma running around, excited to pick out clothes or decorate a room for the new sibling. Patrick is acting like Emma was badly hurt and traumatized by the accident and Robin didn't care enough to see her. This seems to be all about his anger that Robin hasn't been present for his wants and needs - like taking care of Emma so he could focus entirely on willing a child to live he never wanted in the first place. It's true that Patrick wasn't cheating on Robin when Gabriel was conceived, but it would still be awkward and painful for both of them (even if that hasn't occurred to him) for her to comfort him like this was a child he had with another woman from before they met. I've truly had enough of Robin experiencing deeply painful situations.
  2. Britt wants to salvage "what's left of my relationship with Nikolas"? She's as deluded as her mother. Guess someone needs to explain to her that they don't have a "relationship." He's being nice at at time when he's upset because his son disappeared. She's not relieved to find out that Spencer was okay when he didn't show up to meet her; she's upset that their "plan" didn't work. Apparently all the "parental understanding" she had when she was raising "Ben" went out the window. Spencer could not be less funny/more of a brat. The only good part of this little stunt/storyline I liked was seeing Elizabeth drag Spencer out from under Carly's table by his legs. For those wondering, the writing for "Scrubs" today is indeed shitty. And the styling of Kim Mc's new haircut on GH is so not an attractive look. I get it, Robin is supposed to seem cold, clinical, and like her work, not her family is her focus. Gotta love that Ron is just having Patrick bitch her out, rather than the two having an actual real conversation. Blech - that's all I have to say about Carly, NotTodd!Franco, The Nina, and the Lucas 'love triangle.'
  3. If it makes you feel any better, a commercial (which I felt like I was seeing every 5 seconds) in my area asked/asks if you know what RFS stands for. My response - to the empty room - was yes, Robert Fucking! Scorpio. :)
  4. I thought Bay looked really beautiful in that blue top, and I loved her telling off Daphne. You go girl! Bay FTW!
  5. The Quinn parts of this episode showed - in my opinion - that all 3 in the family feel more relaxed and open to Callie and Jude being a part of their lives. I agree with a previous poster that Jill questioning Jude is a set up for the Quinns finding out about the B&C romance - but also she wanted to get a sense of Callie's feelings about her foster family, and her stability as a person. She now knows Callie previously had an "unfit" foster father and ended up in juvie, has been to 7 schools, and only recently found out about her biological father and sister. I think she appreciates that despite clearly having a rough life so far, she's at heart a good kid who is being kind and open to Sophia - even saying positive things about the school Sophia is bashing (which I assume Jill and Robert picked for their daughter). I got the impression that Jill clearly saw having Callie (and Jude, too) there as part of the family for the day made Robert and Sophia very happy, and Callie has no desire to influence Sophia away from the Quinn values, so she's becoming more open toward her. We're already seeing that Sophia would like her dad to fight for legal custody of Callie ... I wonder if Jill will also pressure Robert, thinking that they can give Callie the most stable home, best education, and that Jude could visit whenever he wants as sort of an honorary son/bonus child to the Quinns. I caught a vibe that Robert already feels a little attached to Jude, knowing the boy is his daughter's brother and his late love's son.
  6. It seems like Sophia has been expected to be this over achiever child from birth, and I wonder if her classmates have all been raised that way too. I think maybe everyone else in her life has expectations of her, and then here comes this older girl who's her flesh-in-blood sister who doesn't care how many riding competitions she's won or how she's scored on practice standardized testing. They're not competitors/classmates in the Land of Wealth. Callie just wants to know: who are you? what do you do for fun? Little sis didn't really have answers, because she hasn't had opportunities to just be. I got the impression she's not even allowed to have a crush on a boy - if there were any at her school - because her mother said "too young for romance." Sophia clearly doesn't like herself inside, so she figures a close bond with someone who is her family, but who's lived such a different kind of life so far, can save her from her unhappiness.
  7. With the exception of the Jesus storyline, I thought this was a pretty great episode. I get that Sophia is depressed and thinks that Callie joining the Quinn Family will somehow make it all better, but she's gotta be a little off/delusional to think Callie would voluntarily leave Jude and the Fosters. The Stef, Lena and Mike scenes were really well written, esp. with Mike switching from the stereotypical male perspective to having Dani arrested himself. Re: previews - is Hayley is an arsonist?
  8. I too would have reacted with more outward anger than Callie did, but she's a teenager. Wyatt wants re-assurance that Callie really is into him, and that Brandon and Callie are not secretly together or hung up on each other. If Callie hasn't made that clear to him (which she hasn't, because her heart's not in the relationship) then that's all the answer he needs. I re-watched some Season 1 Wyatt and Callie scenes; seems Wyatt was smarter back then. Callie called him her "only friend" and then got uncomfortable when Wyatt asked for a definition of their relationship. Waking up in his arms in a bed really seemed like no big deal to her, I didn't pick up on even a hint of attraction to him when they were alone together and she was horizontal next to him. He figured out Callie was unintentionally using him, and just wasn't falling for him. Now it's like he's forgotten all of that. I could almost read "I am desperate to be the love of Callie's life" written across Wyatt's forehead while he was questioning Brandon.
  9. Hilarious!! This post gets a bullet of love!
  10. Sonny's tantrum/ "Son of a bitch!!" scream on the roof of the hospital is HILARIOUS!! He's so confident he's got the upper hand and then Ava gets away w/Julian - I'm so very amused. Not feeling Silas' pain. I do, however, buy that Sam is heartbroken that she felt she had to break up w/Silas. Molly looks beautiful. She's got a stand-up boyfriend there, encouraging her to go back and live w/her mom. His smile at their reconciliation is just so sweet. Good Patrick & Anna talk - yes Patrick you should jump at the chance to take Anna up on her offer. Anna taking down Dr. O would be fun to watch. NotTodd!Franco, Carly, Nina - not worth it. And again, go DIAF Sonny!
  11. Julian wearing only shorts - well I know a few ladies here who will be happy. :) Rosalie and Morgan - it could work. They have chemistry, and he's definitely checking her out. I hated everything about the Alexis-Sonny conversation, except her smirk at remembering Ava's pregnant with either Sonny's baby, or Morgan's. Has she forgotten that Sonny almost blew up Kristina?!?! I did like Bobbie telling Scott to "put on your big boy pants." He's not worth fighting over, and he's a wuss.
  12. GildedLily - awesome analysis of the Callie/Brandon/Wyatt triangle and Callie's perspective, as played by MM. Bravo! I doubt the show will address Wyatt's living situation. Wyatt's only purpose in life/on the show seems to be his love for Callie. So the writers invented that one lame mention of him having a place to stay - not within the Adams-Foster residence - because it enables him to be a present/local boyfriend to Callie. But I think Callie and Wyatt breaking up is inevitable in the not-too-distant-future.
  13. Thanks for the heads up about CWS w/Tyler and his wife. Tyler's wife is so pretty and cool, and their son is adorable. Ron's wife's idea for Tyler to wear the chef's hat and the apron (while shirtless) on the beach was ridiculous -Tyler's WTF face, hilarious. But overall I think those two handled the situation w/grace. Ron, on the other hand, could not have been a bigger ass to Brie Christopher, both during her time in the Moss home and during the couples' meeting. I guess his attitude is in part due to his wife thinking he's the awesome awesome to ever awesome, and putting that in writing for Brie Christopher. I like that she flat-out told his wife and her husband that Ron had a temper tantrum (and compared him to her 4-year-old during the swap).
  14. What I got out of Spencer's letter: he is one melodramatic 40 or 50-something. Although actually I've never heard a guy say or write 'alas.' It's not cute or funny, Ron. It just makes the kid more unappealing. Bobbie's face is looking much better!! (She was almost unrecognizable a few years ago.) So now Lucy is all about Scott, and doesn't know how to behave like an adult. Thanks, Show. So much love for Mac! That's the way a father acts! Felicia, grow a spine!! Britt would be a shit parent (beyond the newborn/toddler years). Hope Nikolas finds out she's been in contact with Spencer the whole time, allowed him to worry, and tells her never to speak to him again. Jordan looks like she wants to do Julian. Silas makes it hard to feel bad for him. Does this mean Sam will dump him soon? It's nice to see her stand her ground and not go running after him like she always used to do with her obsession, Jason.
  15. Absolutely, a drink would be appreciated :) - life is stressful since my company got rid of a bunch of us in favor of outsourcing work overseas. Actually I think Elizabeth was both jealous (seeing Britt and Nik together at the kiddie camp) and worried (she rightly sees Britt as a lying snake who will only hurt Nik). Britt doesn't even like kids except for Spencer, it was allll about manipulating Nikolas. Elizabeth and Nikolas have been friends for a long time, had the affair, have feelings for each other but it's not a simple situation. Becky Herbst played Elizabeth back together with Ric like okay I'll settle for this because Ric is very assertive about wanting my love, seems to be good for Cameron, and I'm scared about what could happen if Nikolas and I 'go there' again. Liz is in love with Nikolas and struggles w/ 'I want him but I shouldn't want him and I don't want anyone to get hurt' ... so I'll just sit here and shoot Britt dirty looks. Britt's mindset is: Nikolas is handsome, he rescued me and cared about me and no one had ever been sweet and nice like that, he tolerated my mother, has a cool kid, is rich w/a huge home...so I'm still in looovvveee with him and just have to remind him that I'm awesome with Spencer. The three of us can have fun together!! The fact that she's continuing to be completely untrustworthy doesn't even register. There wasn't any depth to the 'relationship' she had w/Nikolas, but she's too emotionally immature to see that.
  16. Mike has said at least once since that terrible night that Dani saved him. He has convinced himself, or she has convinced him, that he owes her everything. Dani tells him (off-screen) that she wants a baby, he feels obligated to make her happy, and part of him thinks "another chance" because his shortcomings as a father are definitely relevant to the trouble Brandon's been in. I really hope she's not already pregnant and working to ensure Mike believes it's his when her crime is inevitably revealed. I can see her being determined to hold onto Mike by whatever means 'necessary' and wanting to make sure she has an 'insurance policy' against Mike, Stef and Lena's rage. I see the Brandon and Callie and Callie and Wyatt scenes as intended to show Callie is just not in love with Wyatt. There was an intimacy to that 'Braille' scene that I see lacking when she talks to Wyatt. The way Callie said "tried to have sex" came off like she doesn't truly want to sleep with Wyatt. MM played it like Callie told Wyatt she'd been raped not because she loves him and wants physical and emotional intimacy with him, but because she believes Wyatt is a great BF and felt guilty that he's so frustrated about her shutting him out, and desperate for her love, that he actually went to Brandon (the guy he's been jealous of) for relationship help.
  17. I feel sooo bad for Bay, mourning for Angelo and then this cousin is such a douche to her. What kind of person is so unkind to/tries to scam a teenager- who is a family member - mourning the loss of her father? He knew she was there to deliver the news of Angelo's death, and can't even be bothered to treat her with decency? Letting her keep the photo of her late aunt does not make up for that. Geez. It's great that bonding with her baby half-sister (instead of resenting the kid's existence, like Daphne) can help her cope with the pain. Not feeling a lot of sympathy for Daphne. With that attitude, Bay should have left her at the university for a few hours to sober up and get over herself. She's not the only one who's in pain. Tank moving in w/Toby can only mean drama and awkwardness for the Kennish Family. Hey idiots, don't make decisions until you're BOTH totally sober. Ugh.
  18. What I got out of today was Britt hit pathetic and kept sinking, and she should never be Spencer's stepmother. It seems like Britt just sees Nikolas and Spencer as a fun package prize, that she doesn't want Elizabeth to have. It's almost funny that she told her mother Liz was "all over" him when they were literally just having a conversation. Also that brat Spencer needs to be grounded for a LONG time.
  19. I HATE that Ron/the writers have Elizabeth looking at brain-dead Rafe and thinking of Jake. Jake was an adorable, innocent almost 4-year-old. The only thing he had in common with Rafe was being under age 18. On the positive side, she looks quite lovely in that summer top. If Nikolas doesn't figure out soon that Britt and Spencer are pretty blatantly manipulating him, I'm going to question his brain function (again). Spencer needs to be grounded for awhile. Hell, I say go girl re: Elizabeth hitting Britt on the back with that ball. KeMo and HP did a great job with Rafe's exit storyline today. I absolutely believed Sam and Molly's heartbreak, esp. because Molly thinks her dad died without her getting a chance to say good-bye. I actually liked Morgan today. I get it, Michael's jealous, but really so much whatever re: Michael and Kiki.
  20. I'm so glad I skipped this episode and read this post by boes instead ... so very entertaining. :) I shall think of her as Velociraptor from now on.
  21. The recent stuff w/ Brandon and Mike, and Callie and Jude and their bio fathers, makes me wonder about Jesus and Mariana's dad. I know I've missed moments in both seasons. Is he dead? Did he abandon them and Ana?
  22. Good point, thanks - yes the description I really wanted was vile, repulsive (thanks possibilities!) statutory rapist. I really hope Stef and Lena can help him deal with and move past all his pain and internal conflict in time. I don't think he will truly understand for some time that he wasn't responsible, and Dani is a predator. It will be interesting to see how Stef, Lena and Mike handle Dani. Is it possible that Callie had that panic attack both because her 'first time' was rape, and because deep down she wants it to be with Brandon? I totally believe she felt weighed down and like she couldn't breathe and it scared her, but I recall she was relaxed and happy when she and Brandon made out horizontal on the floor of Daphne's new place. She had told him about Liam and the rape by then, and I got the impression Liam was the last thing on her mind during that last horizontal shot. The Callie-Wyatt bedroom scene (credit MM's acting) has me thinking she said she wanted to have sex with him because she wanted to prove to herself that she has some control of her own life, and to prove to herself that she's over Brandon.
  23. I give those two young actresses a lot of credit - I rarely cry while watching TV or a movie but I totally believed their heartbreak, anger, shock, etc and they had me in tears for Bay and Daphne's loss. My heart went out to Bay and Emmett in the scene at Angelo's place, and to both girls when Daphne lip-read "brain dead," and to Bay calling her bio-grandmother for the first time ever ... to give her the sad news. Bay looked like she'd had her heart ripped out.
  24. Dani is one disgusting pedophile. Loved Brandon's response to her, and that he refuses to let her put all the responsibility for the ONS on him. And after her scene w/Stef, I really want Stef to find out about the ONS and rip that toxic b's head off. But first Lena can tear into her. I think we all knew Callie didn't truly want to have sex with Wyatt, even before she had that panic moment and started withdrawing from him. Loved Lena with Brandon! Reassuring him, calm, no judgement about the pot. Good to see Callie has a friend who gets her, to confide in a little. Then that sweet, silent emotional moment w/Jude, awww that tugs at my heart. I guess Stef's relieved to know Mike's not a killer. Am I the only one who thinks this Hayley girl is both insecure and a little cray-cray? Jesus is just a teen ass.
  25. I assume this is to push a Morgan/Kiki reboot along - he'll be so grateful that she volunteered to convince her dad to donate her brain dead cousin's heart to save his dying friend, The Dominator. I saw that Morgan looked down when Michael sat close to and comforted Kiki today, like we're supposed to see a hint of renewed jealousy.
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