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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. I like to think Jordan represents us (the audience) in that moment.
  2. Julian and Ned fighting over Alexis is WAY more believable than two brothers fighting over Kiki, any two men fighting over Carly, any two men fighting over Maxie, or any two men fighting over the late SWNBN. Also NLG is much better looking than KA, even if she's a lot older.
  3. I laughed a lot at Monica beating Larry Ashton with the pillow. "You look smashing!" "I'll smash YOU!!" LOL. You tell him, Monica. Tracy - "Booze bag" actually refers to more than one of your husbands. That lack of awareness is sad. BUT I do enjoy seeing Monica, Tracy and Ned mixing it up. Sonny's lip quivering, eyes tearing up at Michael's desire to shoot him = the first time Sonny's looked scared that he's not in control/it's all over. So utterly predictable that Dante and Morgan walk in as Michael is about to pull the trigger. I did like Michael calling Sonny a 'piece of garbage' though. Stupid Morgan - your dad is so not worth it. Yay Dante, and good use of the Michael and Dante relationship. Good work by DZ and CD. I'm sure you're all happy to see that last shot of Dante arresting a teary-eyed, broken-looking Sonny. Elizabeth mentions that Danny was "exploring the ICU" like that was sweet/cute. Not so much, nurse Liz (guess she just has a soft spot for Jason's kid, blech). Yeah, and grabbing 'Jake' by the leg isn't appropriate either. Great parenting there, Sam. I have to gag at Ron's 'Danny being drawn to his daddy' crap. KeMo must be rolling her eyes re: the 'drawn' line and the direction to get a little teary. Annndddd.. we get it, show. Liz and "Jake" are into each other. Julian, being an utter ass is not attractive. Also, Ned is looking good. The Nina is much more tolerable when she's quietly crazy and not repeating everything.
  4. Since Daniel is being sleazy while checking Emily out and Margo has now dumped him, would he actually pursue her again?!? The wife he shot?! That scene in the elevator was great, though. David is truly an idiot. Victoria getting electrocuted made me laugh - just a teensy bit or karma coming back to her.
  5. I wanted to smack Bobbie - could she care any less about Michael's suffering? She sees Duke arrested and Anna confirms that she's seen the video. Instead of leaving to try and find/check on her emotionally raw grandson, she stays at the Floating Rib for an idiotic exchange with Lucy about Duke, and then throw shade at Franco about the ambush/video. I had to roll my eyes that she said Carly made "a mistake." Carly must be proud that she has a perfectly brainwashed mother.
  6. Her voice was too faint as she was struggling to walk - he definitely didn't hear or see her. But even if he had heard or seen her, he most likely would have left her there to die anyway after more misogynistic ranting "you're a woman who lies like all of them -you told me Kiki was mine! You don't deserve another child" etc.
  7. Thinking that fans here are jumping for joy at Michael's words: "...you killed my father." (Not saying AJ first.) Sonny's bafflement and anger at losing control, just funny. Also like Michael telling Ava to shut the hell up and that he knows the two desecrated his father's grave. Michael's tears that AJ really was innocent of Connie's murder - awww. Wasn't expecting Sonny to acknowledge he shot AJ because he hated him, not in defense of Ava. It takes Michael holding a gun on Sonny to get any honesty out of him, really sad for Michael. "I'm not your son, you're not my father!" "I was a pawn!" "You cost me my whole life with my real father!" Some great, emotional acting by CD. Those tears at the end, while aiming a gun at Sonny's heart, wow. "You should kill him for what he did to your father." Good point that this is a mirror of the night of Sonny/AJ and Ava and that she is the same as Sonny, i.e killer and opportunist. STFU Lucy really hasn't been said enough. And Duke is an ass. He chose his friendship with Sonny over Anna, ultimately, and is unapologetic over it because he hates Julian Jerome. GMAB.
  8. Not urgent in his mind when it's a girl baby, and Ava's the mother. I half expected him to add in the voicemail, "If you can't find 'em, don't worry 'bout it.We have a lot goin' on right now." Remember, he barely cared when 'granddaughter Connie' was born and christened - and in theory he actually likes his son (when he's not being a cop) and daughter-in-law. Also, we all know his terrible history with girl child Kristina - does he even remember she exists?
  9. Yeah, Lucy talking about boxing to get a good bod made me want to smack her (again). She and Felicia agreed about the dimples - blech. To those of you who watched closely today: Did Michael fire a warning shot in Sonny's direction, or did he actually wound Sonny in the back? Sonny's lame/confused facial expressions today, and the slow turn of surprise to see Michael standing right there behind him with the gun, made me wonder.
  10. Sonny truly surpasses Morgan as an utter moron. Bobbie is joining their ranks, and her daughter's, by just wanting to have a drink and blaming Scott for the possibility that Carly would go to jail. Truly hope Michael disowns her, too. Vaguely amused by Duke's "Oh, shit!" face. Hope he goes down. Lucy should just not speak. Anna being awesome, Ava's snark about Shawn, Felicia looking beautiful and Michael stopping Sonny from shooting Ava are the highlights. Sonny's WTF??? face at seeing Michael with a gun is GLORIOUS.
  11. Monica absolutely should get to berate Bobbie for adding insult to many years of injuries courtesy of that child by trying to persuade Scott not to share with the police that Sonny and Carly truth-telling video - at the expense of justice for the cold-blooded murder of her son and their mutual grandson. I hope she finds out from Scott that Bobbie wanted that video withheld to protect her treacherous daughter. By her actions, Bobbie might as well have said who cares about AJ's death or Michael's suffering. And she can't use the excuse that Carly's kids need their mom. The boys clearly don't, and Joss would do much better being raised by Jax - the parent who actually cares about her.
  12. Yeah, it's gross that all Bobbie cares about is her daughter being implicated - no signs of concern at all for her heartbroken grandson, no signs of sadness/pain/guilt that her child has helped cover up the murder of her dear friend Monica's child, also Michael's grandma. Bobbie is utterly useless now - I had hoped (re: Michael) to see a return of the woman who was kind and compassionate to young Elizabeth Webber in the aftermath of rape. Also, if Bobbie didn't know before that Michael's a rape victim because of Franco and being 'raised' by Jason/Sonny, she does now - yet no reaction?! Ughhhhh
  13. THIS, and also using Michael as a tool to try to have some power within the Quartermaine Family as the mother of a Q grandson. When Michael was a baby, she lived in the mansion w/AJ for a time and married him. I think at the time she was trying to say Jason was dangerous and was going to take Michael away from her. She also 'tested the waters' with Jason around that time by wondering aloud if she should have sex with AJ. After that, Monica sometimes had to kiss Carly's ass to have any access at all to her own grandson. I remember her thanking Carly for bringing young Michael (and Morgan) to the Q mansion during a holiday after Alan had died.
  14. That laugh about it not being over is the first time NotTodd!Franco has somewhat resembled real (James) Franco. Bobbie is happy that her daughter is free of Franco?! And then the rest, Ugh!! She can disappear now, thanks. Can't guarantee he won't put himself out there for Sonny? .... "Are you sure you have to kill her?" Good Lord Morgan is a moron/loser. First locking up Shawn, now directing her crazy at Carly....hmm, two incidents of me liking Heather. Sooo weird. That Dante-Michael exchange was great; really good acting by CD. I assume this is groundwork for Dante being Michael's advocate in the near future. Good Julexis moment(s), but jjeeebbbuusss could Silas have been anymore subdued about Danny's good test results? Nice to see Sam smile. P.S. to MrsOldManBalls: Today's show demonstrates how right you are about Bobbie.
  15. If she can look at Lucy with anger/disgust in her eyes - which she's done recently during this breakup with Kevin/pursuit of Scott crap - she can do the eye acting in these scenes too. Also, a tear or two while watching her grandson's life fall apart wouldn't require her face to really move. I blame that on both JZ (who should know better in this case) and the director, for making it clear that NotTodd!Franco is supposed to be the victim and that is a thousand times more important than two main characters' own mother/grandmother reacting to her family's pain.
  16. Yup, and the lack of reaction/panning over to Bobbie bugged me too. She is a legacy character; the mother and grandmother who has been one of her daughter's victims in the past.I had hoped to see some tears from her in reaction to her grandson's heartbreak, some desire to comfort him, some trace of anger that Carly hasn't changed over the years. Instead Bobbie's reaction was more like hmm, this is awkward that Carly got caught shoplifting. If anything, she seemed about to say sorry Carly that you got caught. Instead, we get Franco's 'Carly's a big mean selfish cheater who lies, and I'm totally paying her and her lover back right now for hurting me ... nah nah nah I win!" Real Franco was dark/sinister, crazy and dangerous; NotTodd!Franco is a vindictive, snarky teenager.
  17. I liked that Michael didn't use the trademark gender-based insults he's grown up hearing from Sonny,or curse at Carly - he hit the truth perfectly without going 'dirty'. He called his mother out on being self-serving, a liar, inhumane, lacking in decency, etc. I guess he learned something from Jax, despite all those years of Sonny and Jason worship?
  18. Kiki was lying to his face by showing up at the wedding and not telling him, but has Morgan seen Michael since Ava told the two of them? I feel like that was a few hours ago, and now what started out as Morgan confronting Sonny about AJ's death ended abruptly with Max going to the hospital with a gunshot wound. So it kinda seems like the show has an 'out' about Morgan withholding that truth from him, because he just found out and wasn't actively lying to Michael's face (except about the Sonny and Carly affair). Unless Kiki says, "Morgan said we couldn't tell you what my mom told us because you would be destroyed." Am I wrong on the timing?
  19. Shawn (re: Franco and Heather): No, you're just a moron. Carly begging Michael to leave with her and talk, and then CD's "you are dead to me" look when he heard her after Sonny in that secret video - after she tried to say it was all a Franco trick. Good acting there. Michael repeatedly saying "Sonny," "He faced down you and Sonny for me!!" and Carly trying to insist Sonny is Michael's father - really well done. Was not expecting him to agree with Franco though about not caring about him, just being self-serving of themselves and each other. I want to smack Bobbie for saying even a word in Carly's defense - this bitch slept with your husband to get back at you for the 'crime' of giving her up for adoption when you were a teen prostitute. Also, Morgan should be baby daddy because Sonny doesn't give a damn about the girlchild he has. Also, it would probably make for some awkwardness assuming Morgan and Kiki tried to get back together. Kiki's incredulous 'how could you be so mean??' look to her buddy NotTodd!Franco and telling him to stop just made me roll my eyes. "My only parent is dead." and then telling Carly she is dead to him. Wow, that was some brilliant acting by CD. Bravo. Go Michael!
  20. Ulkis - Yeah, but Dante was acting like it took some real painful soul-searching to acknowledge Anna's theory - when he himself has been shot by a remorseless Sonny while unarmed. Back before some terrible writing/re-creating of the Dante character, he knew Sonny was a POS regardless of their shared DNA.
  21. I wanted to see Morgan react to Sonny, but had to tune out the second Sonny said "The list of Ava's crimes goes on and ON".. Lucy, Felix and Brad deserve to feel super awkward. Poor, stupid Morgan. Didn't think even he would be dumb enough to believe/sympathize with "Connie was my world." Odd of Sonny to bring up to Morgan Olivia getting shot and Ava being the shooter seeing as how he cheated on Olivia with Ava. I think he's completely forgotten such insignificant *details* (that he was with Olivia at the time). The UCG moment of the day, though, was Bobbie's expression - like she'd just sat on something sharp during her part of the wedding march. I also liked Josslyn's stomping/throwing down of the flowers. Now, little girl, run and call your daddy (so Carly can lose custody/you can go live with him). Still disappointed in Anna and Dante. Dante, dear, do you remember there's a bullet hole scar on your chest? Also like Josslyn's beaming smile at the "Hell no."
  22. Okay, now I see what some of you mean about Kiki wearing a dress from the Madonna vintage collection. Michael saying "I ain't" fits a character who was raised as Sonny's child, was in a coma for part of high school, and hasn't really gone to college. Yet it bugs me!!! Shawn aiming the gun at NotTodd!Franco, then yapping at him instead of shooting made me tune out. Vaguely amused that RH is playing it like yeah, so much whatever. Pathetic that your son tells you to "man up." BC's delivery is great. But that response is some of the strangest delivery I've ever seen from MB: "OH. KAY. DAM. IT!!! I killed AJ Quartermaine!!!" *Rage face* (Now stop harassing me, son! So not fair! And look, I'm almost crying so you won't tell Michael.) I also like Morgan's snarl face when it's directed at Sonny. He really should have just knocked Sonny out for his dismissive attitude. Now I kind of want Morgan to look confused and ask, "Who's Connie?" Brad is a dumbass, and pathetic that he's excited to be Lucas' date to Carly and Franco's wedding. Poor Sam. Spencer and Carly having an exchange about telling the truth is just ... too much. Puh-lease, AS IF Heather could overpower and tie up Jordan. I guess this is the major insult-our-intelligence part of the show? Although Heather tricking and locking Shawn up may be the one time I like her. Nina's plan was already done to Amy B.'s character when she was toward the end of her pregnancy on Private Practice. It was gross, but V. and the baby both lived.
  23. Zoey looked not pleased to see this woman and boy with Gunnar when she came home. I'll be surprised if she doesn't break up with him. Luke is an ass. His envy/jealousy of Deacon in music, and with Rayna and Maddie, is simmering just under the surface of that ever-present "I'm awesome" smile. Rayna and Teddy are both being idiots - yes, getting a nanny is totally the solution. Maddie needs counseling!! She just gets a pat on the head from Deacon? Grr. Also, poor Daphne. :( I do feel for both girls that their mom just sucks. Her big concern is not getting her due individual recognition apart from her connection to Luke? Ugh. Glad to see Juliette go and speak firmly with Avery, no more crying for forgiveness. Avery, dear, she meant she doesn't want you to be irresponsible in her life/a half-assed father to this child. She was not asking you to marry her. Hope he is really going to man up and quit the pity party.
  24. But this means he'll probably accidentally shoot Carly,Kiki, or Felix instead and I'm good with any of those options.
  25. Essentially cousins, because Tony was Maxie's (bio father) Frisco's brother, and he and Bobbie adopted Lucas. As far as I know, Maxie was not related to Cheryl or Julian Jerome in any way.
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